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Fandom Wayne Orphanage ( DC Universe )

Blarg222 said:
Oh sorry about that, so do you approve of it?
I have not decided yet which JLA members know about the program. So let's say Nightwing had The martian manhunter with him in Gotham, and through J'onn, he got in. Once you make that change, your CS is approved.
Announcement for

@Geek with Me






Hey everyone, thanks for all the enthusiasm so far for the RP. It looks great. I posted recently with my character ending the assembly, so that your characters can have time for interaction. Some time tomorrow ( monday ) I will timeskip everyone to about 4-6 days from the current date in the RP where the group shall undertake their first mission. Please let me know who will not be participating in the mission due to character plot or other reasons.

The mission hierarchy will be as follows.

Mission Coordinator: Reinos

Undercover Mission Leader: Lucia Xavier

Masked Team Leader: Gwen

So between Lucia and Gwen I would like to have a somewhat even number between them.
theunderwolf said:
So what are the different teams? Like undercover is a plain clothes squad and masked is full superhero?
Exactly. But the masked will be more subtle, they will not use their actual costume, something a little more mysterious. We do not want to reveal characters as heroes just yet. They are all still green after all.

Mission Coordinator: Reinos

Undercover Mission Leader: Lucia Xavier

Masked Team Leader: Gwen

Chloe Silverton


Connor Davidson

So between Lucia and Gwen I would like to have a somewhat even number between them.
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Not sure about my character.

She's physically unstable due to the lack of training. She may have been on the streets and stole stuff but I wouldn't know where to put her.
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LaDyGrEy said:
Not sure about my character.
She's physically unstable due to the lack of training. She may have been on the streets and stole stuff but I wouldn't know where to put her.
Then she would be good for Lucia's undercover team, she may know the layout of the streets of gothams underworld than most.

Would that be okay?
Thx @LaDyGrEy will go with that. So the teams stand at its current status.

Mission Coordinator: Reinos

Undercover Mission Leader: Lucia Xavier

Avalin Obrantine

Masked Team Leader: Gwen

Chloe Silverton


Connor Davidson

So between Lucia and Gwen I would like to have a somewhat even number between them.
@TheMoonRose Hi there! Thanks for showing interest in the RP.

I need your CS posted here in OOC for approval before you can put it into the CS thread thank you.

The one problem I have with your CS is how she gets to know about the Orphanage. If you take the time to notice the others, you'll see that they did not come to know about it just by themselves, The Program at Wayne Orphanage is a Top secret affair known only to a few people on earth. Your character had to have been chosen/saved or encounter The Martian Manhunter, who approves all who enter the Program.

Also since we just started the introduction phase and are timeskipping tomorrow, we'll have to meet your character during our first mission. Which should be a cool event.
Shin Positron Laser] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/5407-themoonrose/ said:
@TheMoonRose[/URL] Hi there! Thanks for showing interest in the RP.
I need your CS posted here in OOC for approval before you can put it into the CS thread thank you.

The one problem I have with your CS is how she gets to know about the Orphanage. If you take the time to notice the others, you'll see that they did not come to know about it just by themselves, The Program at Wayne Orphanage is a Top secret affair known only to a few people on earth. Your character had to have been chosen/saved or encounter The Martian Manhunter, who approves all who enter the Program.

Also since we just started the introduction phase and are timeskipping tomorrow, we'll have to meet your character during our first mission. Which should be a cool event.
Alright! I can just say she finds them during the mission!

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