Watefords Academy for the Magically Gifted {RP}

*runs pulls up his sleeve showing writing in ancient symbold but prudence knows what they say'the king of hell, the mad king is sealed in this one'rune looks at her fearfully* rune' he is trapped inside me, being alive is a risk for me...because if he gets out he will kill EVERYONE....and he will also make my desth as horrible as he can...because of how long ove kept him in me....he took over a few times and wiped entire citys out in seconds....thats my curse...and my protection.


Prudence stifled a gasp as she read the symbols. She looked at Rune sadly.

"He won't get out..." she said, trying to be confident. She knew why Rune showed her this... She knew that Rune had showed her the dangers of being around him. But Prude didn't care. Everyone died in the end.... Yet, she didn't know what to say. Again, all her emotions were shown in her expression. She shook her head sadly. She wasn't usually this quiet... But what should she say, anyway?

*rune gasps and grabs his head, his skin flashing red for a second*kinf:finall-*his skin turns normal again and he breathed in out of breath*rune:he tried calling me to him...that i hate...tjankfully i could resist but if je keeps it up imay have to liisten to his prophecys again, always aboyt death and winning or loosing, if only hed speak plainly imay let him speak more often...*rune laughs lightly*

Prude's eyes widened as his skin became red, and quivered with fear as he spoke. She began to move away, until he transformed back to normal. She sighed with relief and came back. She laughed with Rune with a small, squeaky laugh. She was too frightened to laugh any louder. She still didn't know what to say.... She had got over the shock, and still wanted to stay near Rune... But she was frightened, slightly.... She wanted to speak, to reassure Rune... But no sound came out...

*the sky darkens as a storm moves in*rune nervously: umm..i think we should get out of the open...zeus will probably hit my with lightning if i stay out here..or he wont...its off and on with him*on que a lightning bolt comes down and hits him in the foot setting his show on fire, rune stops wildly to put it out*rune: ow ow ow! Now that was mean!
He chuckled and zipped up his jacket. "I lack a shirt because I've ripped too many to bother. This leather for some reason or another decides to reform on me when I turn back human." He blushed slightly at her gesture on the table. He then leaned forward and looked and noticed looked around her arms, seeing a shadowed blush. He smiled and leaned back again, putting his hands in his pockets. "It's no worries, you're not the first, not going to be the last. Most people stare at my scar so I'm a bit used to it." He looked around and then at the clock. "What class do you have next?"

Prude nodded, but jumped out of her skins when a bolt of lightning flew down and hit Rune on the toe. Prude didn't believe in the Gods, but now she certainly did....

"My gawd... That's awful! Quick.... Inside! Before he can do any more damage...." she said, annoyed. She went inside, and heard the bell ring... "Good timing. I have.... Yes! English. What about you?"

English was a good subject of Prude's. She was naturally a good speller, and was glad that she had it next. It was better than maths, at least...!

(Grr it deleted my last post cos i accidentally hit quote on ur post humdinger lol)

Rune:zeus is more a nusance than a pain....one time it hurt tho but that was cos he hit me with 7 , ive only got four classes wich ive already finished for today...well i skipped one but that doesnt matter, ive always hated geom anyways, i-*rune stops talking and looks at a figure ona roof outside, his eyes grow wide with fear and shock*rune in a scared tone: m-madara.....he tracked me here? Hes come to finish the job....*the figure breaks apart in the wind dissapearing but a bullet grazes runes cheek cutting hum*rune: dont worry prudence, just a flesh wound...*the power of the king heals it at an incredible rate and the cut dissapears*rune:i need to go....theres something i need to take care of, ill see u after your classes r done though*he rushes off school campus and into the forest to make preparations for the battle that he is sure will soon come against him and the slayer of his race*
"English I think." she said through her arms, not recovering from the shame she felt from just... staring. She looked to the side slightly to see his jacket zipped up and she sighed with relief. She got up and looked at him. She smiled slightly and blushed again. "Either way it kind of felt weird just to notice now you were shirtless." she bit her lip nervously and blinked. "Thank you for zipping up your jacket, though." Namida rubbed her neck ruefully and decided to avoid eye contact for a while.
I listened intently to what he said until he finished speaking. "Actually, I haven't gotten my schedual yet. I haven't even signed in. And yes, I did speak to her. I can...speak to animals," I said, still speaking in Japanese. I wondered if Yoko could distinguish the scent of wolf I had on me. (I don't really have a theme, but I do have an estranged past. ^w^)
He nodded with a smile before standing. "English, huh? Same here." He grabbed the two disposable plates and tossed them in the trash. When he came back, he looked around and then at the clock. Class was soon to start. "Come on, let's go to class," he said kindly with a wave of his hand as he put his hood back up. He liked her. She was stubborn but seemed to be rather shy. Maybe she pushes people away out of fear? he thought to himself. I don't know, but she doesn't seem so bad.
"Well, that's unique. And If I heard right, you just thought something about my cat smelling wolf on you? Sorry, my random mind readings can get into into trouble. But, I'll walk you to the signup." I said, and smiled, as I would lead the way. Speaking to a cat? That's new. Then again. I have wings. I've seen different cases of stuff like that. People with tails, fur, bat wings. Fangs, for instance, but, that's not my worries. I have my own things to worry about, like, say, why the Hades there is a thing in my dreams that wheezes and tries to kill me, for instance. Stuff like that. And there I went again, having conversations with myself, in my head.

( Well, James has 2 theme songs, Short Change Hero-The Heavy, and I'm here to take the Sky- Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows [MENTION=3387]Moonlight[/MENTION] )
Namida slowly got up, still not looking at him. She walked ahead with her head hung low. She sauntered ahead of him to the hall way and waited again. Namida sighed and ran her fingers through her fringe. She blinked tiredly and yawned, she hadn;t had a good night's sleep. Her family were practically rushing her out the door, but they threw her plastic suit cases out first. She shook her head roughly and played with her hair, a nervous habit from before she'd figured out her gift. Whenever she was around new people she did it. She gripped her midnight locks and ran her fingers through it, pretending to separate tangles. She didn't have any but she was just... scared. She was scared of what would happen from now on. She didn't know what this school was like. She had to control her gift in order to be accepted.
When he saw her waiting for him, he paused, involuntarily staring at her. He was stopped by Warclaw...

She's nervous... said the deep rumbling voice.

She looks more tired than nervous. Brett replied in his thoughts.

She's nervous, tired, stressed... Most of all, she is like us. Alone. Sometimes it's better to be alone than with others if you realize those others will hurt you in the end. Why do you think bears don't travel in packs?

If you're asking me to bail, then come forward with that question. Plus, I never travel alone, nor do you. We have each other, remember?

Brett smiled to himself but it looked more like he was smiling dumbly to Namida. When Warclaw withdrew, he snapped back into reality, his smile quickly vanishing and he straightened up. He sighed and shook his head before approaching Namida. He laid a gentle, friendly hand on her shoulder. "Do you need to swing by your dorm to get books? I know I need to," he said with a small smile and blush. He wanted to ask if she was okay but he didn't know if he should. He didn't want to trouble her.
Namida nodded tiredly. "I do." she said, looking at the floor. Her cheeks were still pink but she didn't think it was because of embarrassment anymore. Little by little she was getting light-headed. She walked forward a bit before leaning against a wall. "I actually think I'd like to sit down for a bit more though. Hehe." Namida sucked at lying. She slid to the bottom of the wall and rested her head against the dry-walled surface. Most of all she didn't want to admit that she thought she was going to collapse. It happened often when she'd used her power but the side-effects are always delayed. Whenever she was hurting inside this happened too. Namida didn't know which one it was this time.

She'd been sobbing before when she had made the illusion of her ex. It took a lot of power to stop that illusion before it kept going. Namida didn't want to relive what happened next. She crouched up into a ball and rested her head on her knees. Her dizziness was retracting, but to be safe she stayed there, feeling tears welling up in her eyes but she pushed them back roughly.

Her head screamed get up before you look like a madwoman! she knew she already did. Her heart didn't tell her to do anything, it just beat in her chest, slowly breaking into a million pieces as she bit her lip. She got up and closed her eyes before a tear streamed down her cheek. One tear. No more would ever come out of her from now on. She'd just shut everything off until she blew up at someone. She put on the mask she did most of the time. "Let's go." she smiled awkwardly before walking slowly down the hall.
"Well, I'm part wolf. But I am not to be confused with a werewolf. Thank you for showing me where to sign in," I said. I caught a feel of his emotions that I suspected were caused by his thoughts.
Brett looked at her questioningly. What's happening? Why does she seem so... sad...? He saw the illusion she brought up or her ex, but Brett didn't know who it was. He looked back down at Namida and squatted in front of her. He put a gentle hand on her shoulder and shook gently. Before he could speak, he emitted an involuntary growl that sounded much more real from a bear than an improvisation. The growl wasn't hostile though, more comforting. He looked around really quick before putting his other hand on her other shoulder. "Namida?" he asked with a concerned tone. "Namida, are you okay?"

When she got up, rather abruptly, he rose quickly too. When they were standing, he noticed the line of a tear on her cheek. He stopped her as she started walking. "Hey, what's wrong? And don't try dodging my question because the both of us think the same thing," he said, pointing to his head, implying Warclaw. He had only known her for a short while but he didn't like seeing people, especially potential friends, in pain. He wanted to help, in anyway possible but he didn't want to help by standing on the sidelines.
"It's, it's nothing let's just go get our books, I don't really want to be looked at like I've murdered 3 people simply because I'm late to class." she shook him off. Namida simply didn't really know him well enough to just blurt out what was making her, correction had had made her cry that tear. "It's fine. Really. I won't cry again, it's okay." she coughed and started walking again. "I really don't think you're thinking the same thing as me right at this very moment." she made it fade too in case she'd accidentally made the illusion.
( Actually, James is staying )

I bid Moon farewell, and walked to my class. History right off the bat, how nice. I walked to the classroom, not late, but not on time. How that makes sense? I don't know. Before the class started, I let my thoughts wonder, and that was a bad idea. They wondered where I had tried to keep them from, from that day, when SHE had died, in my arms. The girl that could do anything, and look good while doing it. The original leader of the group I was in, the group I was in when we flew over from Japan, the Short Change Gang. The original leader, although a slight two years older than me, was my perfect match, a match made in Heaven. She had taken a bullet for me, and died in my arms. Those eyes, those diamond blue eyes. . .

I snapped out of my flashback, and looked at the teacher.
He knew something was wrong. He thought back on what Warclaw had told him. Sometimes it's better to be alone. It can spare one much grief. Brett looked up at Namida, his golden eyes glaring in frustration. Bears don't travel in packs, Brett. Leave her be, or I will leave her for you. Brett was stunned by that comment of Warclaw's. He looked at Namida. His look softened. "Sorry." Brett said. He was still frustrated and it was in his tone as he walked past her quickly, his hand hitting the wall to what he thought was softly except it formed a crack in the drywall. He looked at it startled before shaking his head and continuing on. He arrived at his dorm, got his books and went to class. When he arrived, only two spots were left towards the back, one in front of the other. He took the rear of the two seats and waited for class to start in another minute or so.
Namida nodded as she grabbed her books from her dorm. She walked towards English and sighed, sitting in front of Brett. She started tapping her fingers on the table. She looked back at Brett and bit her lip. She rummaged through her desk and grabbed out a pen and some paper. She wrote this: 'When I was crying earlier, I just couldn't talk about it. It was too personal and I just don't exactly really know you well enough yet to tell you about it. Sorry. By the way, that was an interesting crack you made in the wall.' she passed it back to him and raised an eyebrow. She smiled ever-so-slightly and turned back around, waiting for his reply.

(Oooh, passing notes in class [MENTION=3375]Emerald Vanguard[/MENTION])
He watched as Namida sat in front of him and felt Warclaw stir in his mind. He picked up the note and read it. He smirked to himself and wrote below: 'It's fine. I just prefer helping than getting rejected. As for the wall, an example of my power. Warclaw's spirit gives me more strength than the average guy. Same with speed and awareness.' He folded the note up and passed it back in front of him, making sure the teacher wasn't watching as class began.

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