Watefords Academy for the Magically Gifted {RP}


One Thousand Club
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Ame had heard news of her brother coming here, she didn't necessarily believe it. She never heard about any powers he'd had, so maybe he was coming as a visitor. Ame knew that her parents were probably giving him a rough time at the house now. She shrugged and signed in at the office, carrying her suitcase to her dorm. "For the next 3 years, I won't be seeing my family..." she said as she heard thumps from above. She flicked her blue hair off of her forehead, rolled her shoulders back and opened the door. She was at her new home, learning to control her water powered powers. She cracked her knuckles.

Namida slammed the door to her foster fathers car. "Hope you have a great time without me!!!" she growled as the car revved off. "I love my so-called family.." she muttered sarcastically, snatching the pen off the employee, signing in and huffing down to her dorm room. "This will be fun." she glared in the distance, opening her dorm door. She saw two beds. "I have to share a room too?! This day just gets better and better!!" her eyes blazing, she literally threw her bags onto her bed and huffed out of the room, sitting on the bench outside.

(@Wingal, @IndubidablyAli, @Lily, WELCOME!!)
Nash was staring up at where he would most likely be living for the rest of his life. "So this is the school huh?" he asked himself taking in every bit of it as quickly as he could. "My sister is here thought, that's the best part" he thought happily to himself which was an emotion he could say was familiar to him. After standing outside he grabbed his bags and began walking inside. He had already gotten His sisters room number beforehand and was searching for that before anything. "Ame" He called down her hallway still looking.
Ame heard her name being called and peeked through her window. "Nash?" she recognised the voice and opened her dorm door. "So you really are here?" she called back. She grinned widely and ran over to him. "Oh Nash!! I've missed you so much!!" she hugged him tight. "But why are you here? Do you have a gift too or are you just a visitor? Oh my god, am I imagining this?" she rambled frantically, she didn't know how to respond. "Hey, you dyed your hair!!" she said, reaching up slightly to ruffle it, she'd always been 2 or so inches shorter than Nash.
wAshton steped out of the car and kissed his mama good bye, dispite his apearence wich was dark clothing a badass attitude Ash was a real mammas boy "love you" she said and he repeted the sentance, he was back. He saw his crush Ame and smiled genuily he had never spomen to het though she probably hated him but even seeing her mad him feel happier

Alaura steped out of her room she had arived teo hours prior an was unpacked she decided to wander around the gardens and look for somthing to do or someone to talk to. She was antisocial nd she smiled softly at the green and brown plants
Nash smiled warmly hugging his sister back and of course listening to her ramblings like she always did when she was so excited. He also smiled at her second question "You see the bag Im not a visitor Im gonna actually be a student teacher here" he informed her ruffling Ame's hair. :And yeah stuff kinda got rough after you left so I decided to dye it for a change" he finished.
"Cool!!" she jumped up and down. "I'm gonna see you here... wait a second. What-what's your power then?" she asked, seeing Washton out of the corner of her eye. She didn't necessarily like him, but he was handsome in her mind. She smiled and hugged Nash again. "I've missed you so much." she repeated, every now and again glancing at Washton.

Namida smirked. "What is this? A freaking episode of Family Ties? We get it you miss whoever this dude is. At least display your affection elsewhere." she shooed then with her hand. Personally, she never understood the fundamental of love. Her foster parents never wanted her and her gift made it even worse. Her foster family was highly Catholic and thought she'd start sending messages from the devil through her illusions. She was called a monster. Namida slicked her midnight hair behind her ear, "You heard me." she growled, turning back from them and making a movie like projection on a brick wall, and then flickering it off and imagined a waterfall.
Nate and Tahl climbed out of the old beat up volkswagon, studying the school with interest. This was their home now, at least until the holidays. then it would be back to the monastary. But they still had three blissful months of freedom first. Nate elbowed his brother lightly. 'Come on bro. Lets get this over and done with.' He said in a soft tone, studying the place with determined eyes. They walked into the administration building, were assigned their dorm rooms and went to find them. They weren't allowed to room together, so they were stuck in rooms near each other instead. Nate walked into his room, noticing the second bed, and frowned. So he was rooming with someone else? Yeah he could handle that. He dumped his stuff on one of the beds, and then went with Tahl to his room, leaving the door open.

([MENTION=2590]Wingal[/MENTION] could Nate room with you??)


Nikita shoved her hands in the pocket of the leather jacket she wore over the light green dress and jeans, flashing the admin a smile as she passed by and got her dorm room number. She saw a guy and a girl standing in the doorway of the room she was meant to be staying in. She could only just see the number behind ther girl. She flicked her tri-coloured hair out of her eyes, wheeling her suitcase behind her while she rested a duffel bag on the floor. 'Uh.. do you think I could get past for a second?' She asked the guy, (Nash) noticing his full appearance as she tried to squeeze past. 'I'm Nikita, your new roommate.' She said to the girl, studying her appearance. She was quite pretty. Knowing her luck she was probably dating the taller guy, Kita thought with a soft exhalation.
Ashton noticed her glancing at him and shook it of as his own overactive imagination but he couldn't help but glancing at her, just in case, thier eyes met as she glanced at him anf him her just at the right second and he couldn't help but stare into her eyes, they were so beautiful, he just couldn't look away from them "Beautiful" he muttered and blushed slightly

Alaura sighed as she was kicked out of the beautiful gardens and went to the admin area to find out her scedual for the year. She looked at the ground on the way, not looking up and she bumped into two boys and fell to the ground "I'm so sorry" she said in a quiet tone, not looking up.
Nash smiled down at his sister when she kept trying to figure out what his power could possibly be. "I'll tell you later Ame let me put my stuff away first" he said purposely keeping her in suspense. As he said that he got out the way so the girl who claimed to be His sisters roommate was squeezing through them. "Well you two get acquainted I'll try to find my roommate" he called already on the other side of the hallway searching for his own room. After finally finding it, he was surprised to see the door was already open and peered in to see a few bags already there.
Ame looked up. "Hello, I'm Ame, this is Nash. Nice to meet you." she smiled, not letting go of Nash. "I'll be happy to room with you!!" she grinned at Nikita. "Can I call you Kita or Niki?" she asked, not really looking at either of them, but noticed Ashton and her eyes locking. She quickly blushed and looked away. "Anyway... what's your gift?" she asked.

Namida groaned and walked off. "I hate this school already..." she growled. She went to the garden and climbed a tree. "Perfect..." she smirked, her eyes watching the others below. "Two guys and a girl... this will end well." she said, almost losing her balance, but catching it before she fell out. "You thought you could trick me gravity." she stated to herself.
Nikita was mesmerised by Nash's smile, but immediately forced herself out of it. She flashed them a half smile of her own. 'Anything really. Just be warned if you start calling me things like Kitty, I will light you on fire.' She said, only half joking. She Picked up her bag again, moving to the unclaimed side and dumping her stuff. 'Oh, I hope you don't mind snakes.. I have a python.' She said, fiddling with the thick leather bracelet she wore, for the first time worried about this place. She wanted to keep Lucian. He was the only true connection to a secure life that she had. 'He's relatively harmless though.' She added hastily.


Tahl looked down as a girl bumped into them, falling over. Hastily he lowered his bag and helped her to her feet. 'Are you okay? He asked, his tone soft. Tahl had always been a quieter kid, not one for fights. He was more sensitive than his brother. Nate watched with a slight smile as his brother gently lifted the girl to her feet, helping to brush off any dirt from her clothing. 'I'm Tahl.' he said, introducing himself shyly. Nate's smirk widened and he put his hands in his pockets, turning around and beginning to walk the opposite way. 'I'll see you at lunch Bro!' He called out, but tahl didn't pay attention.

Wandering back to his room Nate saw a tall guy with almost white hair standing around. 'Uh, hey man. Are you my roommate?' He asked, frowning slightly. He sure hoped so, or else this guy would end up getting a beat down, particularly if he was trying to steal his stuff.
Nash jumped while he was putting some of his clothes away when he heard himself being acknowledged and jumped mostly so he could turn around to see who it was. "Oh yeah I'm your new roommate, my Name is Nash" he said laughing awkwardly and holding his hand out. "He looks like he tough kind of guy and I think he has a brother" he thought to himself as he waited for the boys reaction.
Namida watched and leaped out of the tree. A bell tolled, meaning five minutes to get to class. "C**p," she said, bolting for the nearest classroom. She slammed open the door and took the nearest seat. "Yo teach." she said casually. "Miss Tsuka I presume?" the teacher sighed. "What's my name don't wear it out!" she smirked. Namida knew that the rest of the people would take their sweet time in getting to class but she loved being the first one in... and the first one out. She always got the best seat.


Ame heard the bell. "Well, I won't call you Kitty then. And quickly, chuck your bags on the bed and we'd better get to class." she said smiling, although hearing the thumping noises again. "Strange..." she muttered, waiting for Nikita. Ame made a friend, and was happy to have made a friend, because she was probably the only one she would. "My gift is that I can manipulate water into any shape." she shrugged. "It's not all that."
Alaura blushed a deep red, she looked like a tomato, she kept looking at th ground and said "No its my fault I am sorry, I am Alaura" she said in her quiet tone. This boy confused her, why wasnt he yelling at her? thats what all the men and boys her dad kept company with did. Men didnt lile to be wrong or at fault l,her father had said, so it was always a lady's fault. Alaura was raised this way so she didnt think ther was any onther way of being treated
Nate eyed the hand carefully, as if sizing the guy up. He may have been about his height, but he didn't look as accustomed to fighting as Nate was, so he figured he'd win any future fights. Slowly he took his hand, shaking it. 'Nate. Benedict.' He said after a moment, just as a bell rang. 'Damn bells go early here don't they? hardly get time to catch your breath and then you gotta go.' He said, giving a slight laugh as he let go of Nash's hand. 'Well i guess we ought to go.'


Tahl shook his head, gently touching her shoulder. 'No way, we should have seen you coming. It's okay, seriously.' The bell rang and he frowned. 'Well, i have to go to class and all, so i'll see you later. Don't go running into any more people on the way, okay?' He asked, flashing her a light smile as he fumbled to unlock his door, gently setting his belongings into the room and closing it again.


Kitah sighed and made sure her stuff was exactly where it should be before walking out of the door. 'I have fire. i always liked it anyway. My carers said it matched my temperamental attitude. In all honesty, would they be perfectly calm and mellow if their parents abandoned them when they were barely four?' She said, shrugging her shoulders and checking her schedule.
Now this boy was confusing her more, she nidded and headrd to her class, sitting at the back and out of everyones way. The teacher looked at her apraisingly and she was confised oncevmore, what had sh done right? she got her books out andbcoppied the notedls
Namida put her feet up and waited for the other kids. "I guess some people aren't as committed to learning as I." she let her midnight hair flow down to the floor. The teacher glared at her and she calmly put her feet down. She always put up an attitude, but she always loved the feeling of getting a good mark for all her subjects and for her behaviour. She looked shyly at the ground. "I'm sorry miss, it won't happen again miss." she muttered, thinking how lucky she was that no one was in here yet.


Ame smiled. "Opposites!" she sang. "You know, water and fire?" she twisted a lock of her sapphire hair around her finger. She opened the door and found one student in the class and the teacher. Ame recognised her from before when she was near-retching at the affection. She shot her a withering glare and sat at the back of the class. In the middle of a spare seat and where she patted for Kitah to sit.
Nate ran into Tahl on the way to class and so walked him to his english lesson before heading into his own class.Hhe wondered what had happened to Nash. The guy had just kinda ninja'd he supposed. By the time he reached the classroom the other students had already arrived and the only spot was one next to a girl with dark hair a slightly smug expression on her face. He sat next to her, his feet on the chair opposite him. Although the teacher shot him the same look that she'd shot Namida, he ignored her.

Nikitah sat where Ame gestured for her to sit, not quite sure why she was even spending time with this girl. She supposed it was because she was her roommate. As the class started she leant forward in her chair, flashing a slightly sly smile in Ame's direction. 'So.. that Nash guy, what is he to you? Like how do you know him?' She asked, just out of curiosity.
oAlaura spent the lesson doing her work silently, she got the impression this teacher must hate her because he pivked on every little mistake she made. when the bell sounded he asked her to stay back and she agreed sitting on one of the desks "Now, Alaura," he said sliding closer to her and she looked at his nervously "Sir what did i do wrong?"she asked andbthe man put a hand on Alauras sholder and tlstarted rubbing them gently, she was verry scaredvof what the man was creeping her out "Nothing darling,i was just looking for an exuse to talk and ask you if you wanted some private fun" he winked getteing even closer. Alaura was very tense, even her father wouldnt aprove of a man forcing himself on a woman "No, thankyou" she said politly, and the man raised his eyebrows "I prommis it wont hurt much" he said pushing her down on the table, she let a shill and loud scream and hevrushed to the door and locked it, She tried to get away but he pushed her down again. Ashton was dumfounded that she had blushed yet he was soo happy, could like her?
"Oh, Nash? We met a while back." she smiled. "He loves me and I love him, if I didn't have Nash, well I don't know what would have happened." she sighed heavily. "He's family." Ame rolled her shoulders back and heard the scream, when the teacher wasn't looking, she bolted. She went to the source and tried to open the door. It was locked, "Come on bobby pin!!" she said quietly. She heard a click and opened the door, seeing the teacher. "You sick BASTARD!" she growled, pulling him off of the girl. "I will be reporting you to the police AND to the principal you sicko." she snarled, helping the girl up and started walking her to the door. Ame looked back in disgust.


Namida saw the girl run and quickly made an illusion of her in the seat. She didn't necessarily like the affection that she displayed, but she seemed like a nice enough person to save from the teachers seemingly bad wrath. She smiled genuinely, not smugly and relaxed in her seat, but focused on the girl a couple seats back. She made it look as 3D as possible, but there were a few pixel like glitches, but only Namida should notice them. She tilted her neck from side to side, hearing little cracks every now and then.
Alaura was in tears when the man was pulled of her by the girl and she went into shock as soon as the man pulled both the girls back, blocking the door with his desk using his mind she let out a very loud scream once more and she could hear people running but the man didnt care he pinnned them down and walked towards them, peolple got to tge door and Alaura was crying hysterically and he stoked her hair, pulling her onto his lap "Dont cry angel" this just made it worse.
"You stupid pedo!! Get off her!" Ame exclaimed, trying to unpin herself, struggling. "Help us!! Help us! NASH! NASH!!!" she squealed, flailing her legs. "Anyone!! Help us please!" she said, before the man covered her mouth. Her eyes widened and she wriggled around, trying to free herself from his trap. She was a glass of water and she Alaura crying. Water, Ame thought deviously. She closed her eyes and used her water manipulation to splash the guy with water, when using Alaura's tears to wet him more. She increased the temperature to 40○C. "I suggest you let up go." she snarled.
Alaur saw how her tears were being used and started to cry more, to help, she was thrown of his lap as he writhed in pain and th door burst into flames and behind it stood ashton. Ashtom heard the yells and follwed them and as the door wouldnt open he used his lighter to burn the door to a crisp mwking sure it didnt burn anything but, he then knoked out and teacher who landed on Ame, he rushed to her and lifed her up bridal style "Are you ok?" he asked as a teacher rushed to Alaura
Ame blinked and looked up at Ashton. "Uh, yeah..." she said dumbstruck. She blushed, not sure if it was from Ashton picking her up or from the steam and heat around her. She stared into his eyes. "Thanks." she muttered, making it seem obvious she was at least a little nervous at this predicament. She closed her eyes as her world went black. She was unconscious from her powers being used so much, her exhaustion had gotten the best out of her. Her body was limp in Ashton's arms and she couldn't hear, see or smell a thing.

([MENTION=2590]Wingal[/MENTION], great time for Nash to appear, isn't it? ;P)

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