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a ROOMBA incognito.


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Nakayama, a decent sized town somewhere in the suburbs of japan, was peaceful, by most standards. Some could call it ‘boring’.

The street lights flickered as the wind picked up a bit, like some sort of bad omen. Hotaru dug her nails into the leather strap of her schoolbag, walking in long, painful strides down the sidewalk. The hunger begun, way below in her stomach, and made its way to her throat, slowly, creeping. The student panted, her breaths coming out short and quick as she tried to control herself. staggering, the student pulled into the alleyway of a convenience store and trailing her hand across the cold concrete wall for support.

A small bell rung, signaling someone had left the store. It garnered Hotaru’s attention, her head promptly turned to the source of the sound- the source of the sweet, appetizing smell. A figure came into sight of the small alley clearing, and as if she had lost all rationality, she dropped her bag, and immediately sprinting forward, pouncing at an inhuman speed. Both her and the stranger skid across the street violently, slowly sliding to a halt.

Food.. food.. food..” She muttered frantically, looking over the boy. Her skin was a sickly white color, ghastly fangs protruded from her mouth, her eyes were wild in nature, and a ghost like, limpid tail wagged uncontrollably behind her. Her eyes darted to the plastic grocery bag in his hand. Hotaru tore it from his hands posthaste, eating whatever could be found in the bag ravenously.
Nate had began his trip to the convenient store, like any other day. Heading over to pick up any small things he wanted to snack on, before heading back to his home.

It was a cold night, as Nate hugged himself, feeling the slight wind through the air. As he arrived to the store, he entered, as the door rang and he walked over to the back. Grabbing a drink first, he then picked up some some small snacks, and a few pounds of meat. Deciding he was going to cook later tonight, or later this weekend. Going to the counter, he paid the store clerk and walked out the door, of the store.

The wind picked up, and brushed against his face. He shivered and let out a warm puff of air. He began to walk forward, he got alarmed a bit. As he heard footstep behind himself, turning around, to see what the noise was. He was struck to the floor, sliding across the rugged cement of the store. When he had halted, he looked up. Spotting a girl, with white skin, and fangs. His expression turned pale, as he heard her mutters, saying food.

The oddity ate one item after the other, gluttonously devouring raw meat and snacks whole.

Paying no mind to the student beneath her, Hotaru tore open a package with her teeth, biting into a steamed bun, the filling was something spicy, cinnamon. She swallowed, and her face flushed a bright red. “
...H-Hot!” Hotaru threw the package away from her. Her tongue lolled out as she panicked, fanning herself. The intimidating, monster-like presence she was emitting before disappeared as she now held her mouth, tears welling up in her eyes. She let out a dog-like whine, trying to cool down the burning sensation in her mouth.
Nate just sat there, staring at the oddity. He looked at it, still nervous about what she could do or what she might do to her.

He stared at her, as her ravenous nature, turned to her crying over the heat of one of his snacks. He began to laugh slightly, seeing her try to desperately cool her taste buds off. Watching her, he stood up from his fall. He walked up to her, and smiled. He reached into his bag, pulling out some water. He placed the cold bottle next to where she sat, adn observed what she did.
Hotaru let out a low growl as the boy approached, the ghastly tail behind her was raised and stiff. A moment had passed, and slowly the oddity relaxed, seeing as how he had no intention of coming any closer. With caution, she approached the bottle he had left for her, occasionally glancing up at the student to ensure he hadn't moved from his place. Quickly she stanched it from the ground, jumping a few inches back. She bit the top off, before immediately bringing the bottle to her lips and gulping down the cool liquid.

The burning sensation in her mouth eased, and she gave a relieved huff. Hotaru stole a glance from the boy in front of her. Letting the bottle drop to the floor, she drew in closer to him with languid steps. She sniffed, smelling him as she neared. Finally she stopped. Hotaru reached out and placed his hand on her head, much like an animal seeking attention. The tail began to wag excitedly once more as she stared up at him with a curious look.

...Friend?" She asked, her words came out slowly, adagio.
Nate watched her, he was so fascinated by her. He couldn't take his eyes off of her as she approached the bottle. He made eye contact with her, every time she looked at him. Nate's eyes widen as he saw the ravenous girl, tear off the top of the bottle and gulp down the liquid in a matter of seconds,

Once she started to draw closer to him, he began to feel nervous. He was thinking of running, as his breath quickened and he stepped back a few times. When she had stopped, So did Nate. He was sweating a bit, as the girl reached out and grabbed his hand, and lifted it on top of her head. He felt her sift hair, and slowly rubbed the top of her head. Hearing her voice, he replied."Yes...friends."
Upon hearing that, her face brightened, seemingly melting underneath his pets. A sudden wave of tiredness washed over her.

She squinted, swaying left, and then right, until finally she couldn't
hold herself up anymore. Hotaru fell forward, collapsing onto the stranger in front of her. With her loss of consciousness, the tail dissolved, breaking apart into small clusters of light, before fading away. Her fangs seemed to shrink, and color began to return to her face, her cheeks flushed and rosy from the cold weather. Now, she seemed to take the appearance of an ill, less frightening, ordinary school girl, donning the same school uniform as the male.
He pet cautiously as the girl was still a stranger, and he didn't know what she was doing or even why she was. He saw the girl squinted and tilted his head a bit curious, as swayed her head he smiled a nervous smile. Until the girl fell into his arms. He didn't know what to do, watching her and seeing that she is normal now. He couldn't just leave her there. So, he stood up and carried the girl in his arm, as the cold wind blew. Nate grabbed his bag and began to walk home with the stranger in his arms.
Mary sat, impatiently waiting in the doorway of their home, ready to give her brother a verbal lashing for staying out so late (she had been waiting on him to bring dinner, after all). She tapped her foot, occasionally glancing at the clock on the wall behind her. In the distance, she saw a figure approaching, she squinted to see clearer. No, no, she corrected herself. Two figures. She immediately jumped to her feet. As Nate approached the doorway, Mary's expression was something close to anger, or confusion. "Nate." her voice cracked. "Who is.. what.. is going on?"the younger girl sputtered out.
he went through the door way, with the strange girl in arms. Entering his home he ignored his sister for the moment and walked to the couch. He set down the girl and placed his grocery bag on the floor. He checked the girls body, it didn't seem to have anything form earlier. She was normal now and was sleeping peacefully. He looked towardss his sister.
Mary grew a scowl at the act of being ignored. She gave a loud huff, slamming the door shut behind her. She followed her brother closely behind, hopping, and peering over his shoulder as he carried Hotaru in. "B-brother." she called out for his attention, "What's going on? Why are you bringing a strange, unconscious girl into our home?" Her face grew red hot as he looked over the girl's body. Finally, he turned to her, and she searched her brothers desperately face for answers. "Nate.. Could this be.." She placed a hand over her mouth, surprise spreading throughout her face. "A kidnapping?! Have you committed a crime?! Answer me, brother!"
"No I haven't kidnapped her, and I am not sure how to explain it. Though for now until she wakes up, she is going to stay here. I was worried she hurt or something so I brought her back to make sure nothing was wrong." He smiled and looked at his sister, and rubbed the top of her head."I haven't done anything wrong, I can explain later . because I don't really know what happened myself. So, I am trying to piece it together."
Mary grew even more confused upon hearing her brothers explanation, however she seemed to calm down some. "Oh, well.." She released a breath, deciding not to question him any further. The younger girl held her stomach, her gaze falling to the battered and torn grocery bag on the ground. "Did you at least pick up something for dinner while you were out?" Mary asked, removing his hand from her head with a disapproving frown.
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"Sorry, I don't really know what to do. She fainted and I am not sure why. I did get some groceries, I mostly got snacks and she ate some." He sighed and took out the remaining contents of the bag, it wasn't much. It had a lot more snacks then a little. "Can we make dinner with whatever is in the bag?" He said as he went to go sit down laying back and closing his eyes.
"Maybe we should drop her off at the hospital in the morning.." As she spoke, Mary went through the assorted food, most of the unopened boxes and packages were in pretty bad shape, as if the bad had been through some kind of trauma. Finally she found a package, of what seemed to be a raw pork cut. It seemed to have had been half eaten and mutilated beyond repair. She held it up, her face twisting into a disgusted frown. Did the girl eat this too? "What exactly happened.." she murmured

-She was interrupted. A loud growl emitted from her stomach. Mary snached a few packages of instant noodles from the table. "
This'll do.." she balanced the items in her arms, shuffling her way to the kitchen. "Hey, do you think she'll need to eat when she wakes up?" Mary shouted over the sound of tap water running.
"I don't think she needs a hospital, so far she seems to only be sleeping. Nothing else seems to be wrong with her." Nate stretches his neck, as he opens his eyes again. Hearing his sisters voice, he looked back at her."Oh...the meat...she did eat it, and I don't know if she is alright from eating the raw meat." He goes over and looks at the torn packet of meat."Can we still eat?" He smiles as he was trying to be somewhat funny. Then hearing the loud rumble from his sister."Yeah, I think she'll need to eat."
Hotaru flinched, slowly opening one eye, before the other, regaining consciousness. The girl lied still, closing her eyes a moment more as if to gather her bearings. This wasn't the first time she had woken up in a unfamiliar place, it'd be the eleventh time, she counted. She began to raise herself, but a pounding pain in her head forced her to stay down.

Suddenly, the sounds of crashing, pots and pans and a young girl shouting obscenities. Hotaru jerked back in surprised.

"I'm alright!" Mary screamed.

She didn't sound alright.

Hotaru moved her head around leisurely, she spotted a young man not too far from her, the boy she could briefly remember assaulting before her blackout. He smelt nice, she noted. He wore the same uniform as her, -on closer inspection, he was from the same
class as her. Hotaru let out a loud, involuntary bark, promptly bringing a hand to her mouth to silence herself.
"Are you sure? I can help you cook a bit?"

Nate goes over to his sister, to assist her and pick up the man pots and pans that just fell onto the floor. Picking them up, he looked over at the girl on his couch, as he spotted her get up from the loud crash. He looked back at her for a sec, then helped his sister onto her feet.

After hearing the girl bark at him, he looked up at her covering her mouth.
"Did...you just bark at me?"

He smiled and did a light laugh as he walked over to he. He stood beside her and looked down at her."Are you okay? you didn't get hurt or anything?"
"..." Slowly, Hotaru removed her hand, her expression like that of a child who just got caught. "..no." She answered, her voice was soft, lazy, barely audible. His laughter furthered her embarrassment, though she hid it well behind a stoic expression. Mary peeked through the kitchen.

"No, I'm fine.." She sat herself up, wincing, "Are you.. Are you okay?" She asked hesitantly. The student avoided eye contact as she spoke, if the school found out about this, she'd be suspended- not to mention the kind of rejection she'd face from her family.

"I'm pretty sure you barked." He smiled and did another small laugh at her, he covered his mouth a bit to hide it. He looked at her with a happy expression."i'm glad you're okay, after your fall and with you eating some of my food."He walked out of the kitchen to her,"i see we got to the same school. I don't think we met properly."
"You must be hearing things..." the girl insisted, throwing a sideways glance. There was a trace of red on her face.

Matsumoto, Hotaru" She introduced herself, pronouncing each word slowly and clearly. Hotaru picked up her gaze from the ground, forcing a lazy grin. "I sit a few seats behind you." The student admitted hesitantly.
"i'm pretty sure I heard something." He shrugs and lets it go, as he already knows something is up with her. He can see her cheeks turn into a bit of a bright red, as she looked away.

He looked at her,
"Nate Velrick, nice to meet you." he spoke clearly and looked at his sister."Hey sis, can I talk to her alone? I need to tell her something." i looked back at Matsumoto, and looked a bit nervous as i got a bot closer to her.
Mary give her brother a questioning look, and began to protest, only to be stopped by the noise of her pot boiling over. "Oh!" She panicked, turning on her heels and rushing back into the kitchen.

-I'm sorry about your groceries." As soon as the younger girl had left, Hotaru spoke. She fiddled with the end of her skirt, with thin nervous fingers. "I can pay you back in full" Hotaru assured him. "-just don't.. tell anyone about.." she trailed off. It almost sounded like a bribe.
"I don't care about the groceries. I am wondering what happened back there? I was going home, then suddenly I was pounced on by a girl." He tried to whisper and got a little loud near the end, he was a bit upset. he wanted answers. He looked at Matsumoto as she was nervous enough already, he was making worse."Look forget about the money, I just want to figure out what happened. You even wanted me as a friend, so I guess I should help right?"

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