Washington High School: Student Chronicles

sugar doesn't make me suddenly feel awake, but it always stops me from having a ''i had no sleep last night and now my brain is muddled and im talking about nonsense'' moment like i usually would

oh screw it

im pulling an allnighter

i'm looking at all of these ''how to pull off an allnighter'' guides and most of them are just laughing at me for making poor life choices but eh
I've done one or two, I mainly avoid them because it always results in my brain just being.. odd. Like, one time I stayed up all night listening to shitty pokemon creepypastas, so when my mum started talking to my gran about her decoration plans for the house I swear to god my brain went, ''Ohh, she must be talking about her POKEMON house!'' i don't even kNOW WHAT THAT MEANS
Lmfao, that's a bad trip. I always just beat myself up for doing said all nighter, until I get home and end up not being sleepy at all -.-
Lmao, I'd call a sick day :P I used to do that all the time. It's too easy to do make up work the next day to be honest. You're never out of options! My phone is acting up at the moment though; hope it gets better >.< didn't want to buy an iPhone 6
I can't, i already stayed off last week (i'm like really weak, whenever i get the flu and stuff it always makes me reaaaally sick) so mum wont let me

oh well

i have double geography with some people who are pretty funny so its not all terrible
As you can see, I cant last for shit xD . I'm like the only person I know who cant make it past 2 in the morning. I didnt even make it to 1 last night... Or midnight I think... College is going to be a trip.
Okay guys. To say I'm a little confused is an understatement. I've READ THROUGH THE ENTIRE OUT OF CHARACTER TRYING TO UNDERSTAND WHAT HAS HAPPENED SO FAR and all I've gathered is Solana is a pregnant bookworm hooker, Butch is on crack, Someone really, really likes eating crayons and lighter fluid, and there have been several bicurious orgy type things in cupboards...

Can someone explain a very summarized version of the plot so far?
lol lets see



(generic gameshow music begins playing)

okay so once upon a time there was this school

i'll go over the main things you need to know so you understand

- Solana (Who isn't a hooker but as of right now is both pregnant and a bookworm) and Alex were dating (I think) aaaaand Solana got pregnant with his child, but right now we think Cyber (the person rp'ing as Alex) has left the rp, so the assumption is going to be that as soon as Alex found out she was pregnant he left her and ran off somewhere.

- Syo (The crayons and lighter fluid girl) finds Butch's sunglasses to be extremely hilarious and/or unfashionable, and pretty much their first interaction was her laughing at them, so now she just refers to him as Sunglasses. Because of the sunglasses. yeh.

- Zori and Regan are like.. kind of dating? It's like, they definitely act like they are, but I can't remember if any of them were like, ''Hey, want to date?'', so eh

- Kiel is apparently really, really gay. Like, gayer than me. That is a goddamn achievement.

- Syo apparently can't show up to school without a bizarre tshirt, messed up hair, odd socks, or all of the above.

- Butch has just very recently got out of prison for shooting some people. Hopefully that explains the prison jumpsuit, lol

- there were no cupboard orgies, however yes Syo and Elyana did kiss in there at some point, so

- is there anything else i need to cover that i missed

oh, yes

also there's Kasha

its weird cause she's not overly friendly but at the same time she's not overly unfriendly either

she's also one of those weirdos who really likes watching human behavior
And shits about to go down in Washington real soon! A chain of events is boiling down to some serious shit. Just keep your head on a swivel.
and judging by the last time shit went down in Washington, i'll be sitting here behind my computer like ''I am SO out of my depth here. what is going on. what am i doing. lOOK AT ALL THIS DRAMA''
Beautiful summary there Spooky xD .

SOLANA IS NOT A HOOKER. She is a bookworm who got way too drunk at a party and is now pregnant.

Drama! Drama helps us thrive! Go drama!
Oh and Reggie and Zor haven't popped the question yet. They act like a couple but they don't "officially" go out.
solana is like the least hookerish character

thats not implying the other characters are, but out of all of them she's pretty innocent ww

and yeah

i actually thought this RP was going to just be

character one: ohmigod

character two: wat

character one: chad didn't ask me to the DANCE!!!1

character two: OHMIGOD GURL

like, i didnt think it'd last very long, and i was new to rping, so i joined it

but it turned out to be more drama..y

and very fun
I picture solana as being the one who doesnt really do things. She's like those highly religious families you see in movies.

But yeah, this is a fun RP. xD
then on the other side of the spectrum there's Syo's family

syos dad: so whenever you go to a party, you need to drink responsibly. you know what i mean by responsibly right?

syo: don't drink too much?

syos dad: no, i mean use coasters. you don't want to ruin anyones furniture

also, if I keep using ''ww'' just ignore it

i've been spending a lot of time on niconico douga (Japanese youtube, essentially) so lately i've been using Japanese internet slang even in English conversations online on accident because i'm a weeaboo
Yeah... People only get notifications for the first message after their last one; then it just flies past. I've been having to constantly check everyday to make sure shit didn't hit the fan when I wasn't paying attention.

And sorry I Godmodded your character @SpookySneeze, everyone wanted to time skip right before you passed out, and I wanted to kind of make it make sense. >.<

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