Washington High School: Student Chronicles

She's very robot-y. She doesn't necessarily show any emotion. That's why she was so weird and lovable. xD

Nanami looked at her and shrugged. "Either that or it simply that you are an incorrigible person who sees fit to not looking outside of the box."

Nanami glanced up at Melodey before looking at the others. "Certainly. But remember- I don't choose the person. The window chooses who it wishes to teach. If it calls to you, listen."

Nami glanced back at Matyo. "Glaring off like that will do you no good. You should smile instead. Smile and someone will always smile with you."

Nanami glanced at Clara. "Idle hands to terrible things. Find something to occupy your time before you do something you regret. Don't put us in harm's way."

Nami glanced over at Melodey, taking note of her tone.

She then turned to look back at Clara.

"I was doing what you have already observed. I'm looking out the window."

Nami glanced back at her. "You do not see because the window has not chosen you. But it will. One day... Until then I will inform you of every important thing." She replied.

Nami glanced back at her before turning back around.

"The window shows a lot of things to me," She said, peering out. It seemed to calm down outside with the bustling crowds. Everyone seemed a bit calmer- less rushed."I must never miss a second of the knowledge it bestows upon me."

Thanks @Kai Ghoul ! This hell week shit was way too crazy for me to acopella Demi's character bahaha. New York sounds like it's gonna be fun tho! Demi just might make a surprise appearance.
So in the 2nd part/new rp, there will be..?

- a girl obsessed with windows. because they tell her the secrets of the earth

- seeeerial killers

- cult leaders who want everyone to be happy. constantly. forever. or else. ''Being happy is your duty! Being happy is your duty! BEING HAPPY IS YOUR DUTY! Are you HAPPY? It's your duty, you know! ''

- kasha's brother

- probably loads of new characters lol

- Demi. if she hasn't met her DEMIse //shot
Looooool; DEMIse!!! Of course! Why the fuck not! I say we make the next RP AMC material :3
Guys, I have this character who's actually from New York so do you think I should use her for the new RP thing?

But then I also have this other charrie who I didn't get to use yet and I also like her...

I honestly can't choose which sooo I could use your opinions, maybe?
You can use both, if you want ^0^ There's no rule against using multiple characters.

(Okay, so we were originally limited to just two characters, but the GM left, so..heh)

Sorry about the really infrequent posts tonight. I literally worried myself sick and am now curled up in a huge sweater and multiple blankets while it's like 79 outside and 82 in my house. I feel terrible. xD
I really want to get better soon. By next week hopefully. I have prom and I refuse to go sick. >.<
I didn't know you could worry yourself sick, though o_o The more you know, I suppose

I fell into a river* the other day, it probably should have given me a cold, but I somehow avoided it xD

*Okay, so the place where I was standing meant it wasn't that deep. it was still a river though
I didn't know either. Like in those anime and Korean dramas where they all worry/stress themselves out to the max that they actually fall sick.

I always thought that was just some kind of show thing to add to drama but no- I'm living proof of it. xD

Also, a river? Goodness Spooks. xD
I kinda deserved it, tho. My cousin was over, and he's one of those people who are like, ''LET'S BUILD SECRET FORTS'' so we went into the forest-y place near my house and there's a river that goes through it, aaaand while I was trying to navigate my way through, I fell in 'cause I wasn't paying attention
No problem carnage :)

Anyone have dibs on the new RP? I'm not the greatest at making them, but I guess I do alright... I'm sure you guys are probably better though.
I kinda don't want to do it, 'since I've never made one before. If no one else wants to do it tho, I suppose I will.

also do you have any idea how long i sat there trying to think of puns for rin and arics pun battle

(Also, I'm at my dads for today and tommorow, so I won't be able to stay up too late. Heads up)

But yeah, I'll do it if no one else wants to, but I'm rubbish at writing up summaries, making up titles, ect. so I might need some help xD
I'll help if you need it Spooks. I'll also post later on when I actually get the chance to.
If you wanted a written up Re-Cap summery, I'd gladly help. I could also do a location pinpoint of where everyone would be at for locational reference. I'm just hella busy with work and other RP's to actually make the whole thing myself >.< Carnage can help you with a badass BBC code for the character sheets too, she PMed me with a pretty cool one not too long ago.
That would help, yeah (Since I was trying to write up a summary just now and I've deleted it about ten times e_e im not good at it. The location pinpoint thing would be cool, too)

[Tab=Basic Information]
[imagefloat=left]Insert character image here.[/imagefloat]
Attending School:
Any Occupations?:

Positive Qualities:
Negative Qualities:
Over-All Personality:

General Skills:

[Tab=Physical Information]
Body Appearance description:
Distinguishing Features:
Hair Color:

Style of Dress: (Pictures or description accepted)
Uniform Modifications?: (Provide description if applicable)

[tab=History and Background]
Personal History:


[tab=Insert topic here]

[Tab=Miscellaneous Information]
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Here you go sweetie! Just copy and paste without using the code option to make it have tabs and stuff. Copy and paste on the code option so everyone else can do the same!

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