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Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

"Well, I don't go to the gym so I can't really relate with that" Regan said, laughing. "But I know what you mean. That's why I really like those genres." Regan refilled her cup then looked at Zori as if telling him this was her last.
"Oh I'm sure you'll be fine. I'll help keep you in rhythm." Elyana grinned as she led Syo to where everyone else was dancing. She started shimming to the beat and urged Syo to mimick her actions.


"Giiiirrllll, I'm in need of a gym buddy if you ever want to go!" Kiel said enthusiastically.

"And sometimes I listen to my guilty pleasure song, Alejandro by Lady Gaga, but Gaga is queen sooo..." He added with a laugh.
Zori smirked. He'd truly enjoy teasing Syo now. That was for sure. He watched the two for a bit before watching Regan get another cup. He grunted at her look but said nothing in response, drinking the rest of his.
Syo followed, slightly reluctantly. Hopefully this time she wouldn't mess up? ''Disclaimer: Iiiiiiiii have no idea what I'm doing..'' Syo admitted with a nervous grin as she (very awkwardly) attempted to mimic Elyana's actions. She looked like she had way more of an idea of what she was doing than Syo did.
"I'm not a big fan of the gym, though I may need to go to one" Regan said honestly with a laugh. "But I do know someone who enjoys working out. Zori here works out almost every morning" she said nodding her head toward the boy. Regan downed her second shot quickly then got a water bottle. "See, I'm a responsible drinker" she told Zori. "I know when to stop."
Zori huffed at her, pushing her gently. "Shut it Reggie."

He stood up, stretching a bit. "Alright, I'm gonna leave you to it with this guy. He seems good enough." He said, turning around and walking off to find a bathroom. "Adios!"
Elyana smirked as Syo tried to mimic her actions. She found it really cute as Syo awkwardly mimicked her. "How about something a little easier?" Elyana suggested, swaying her hips side to side in tune with the music.


"Well seems like I might have a new gym buddy after all!" Kiel smiled, then he giggled at Regan's response to Zori.

"Go up the stairs and there's a bathroom first door on the right!"

"So what year at Washington are you?" Kiel asked.
''Uh- Uhh- ..'' Syo mumbled to herself as she continued to copy her actions, face flushing slightly in embarrassment. ''..S-sorry. I'm not so good at this..'' She said with a sheepish grin.
Regan waved happily at Zori as he started to walk away. "Don't take too long" Regan called after him. She then turned back towards Kiel. "I'm in the 11th grade" she said. She watched Syo for a bit then smiled. "What about you?"
"It's alright, you're doing fine for someone who claims not to be so graceful." Elyana replied with a grin. "Maybe we can hang out some more and I can give you dance lessons." Elyana added, making sure to be obvious that she was flirting with Syo.


"I remember 11th grade, that's when I was first cast as a lead in a school production and when I had my first boyfriend." Kiel replied, "I'm in 12th grade." Kiel finished, looking over at his best friend and her dancing partner.

"They look super cute together." Kiel added with a big grin.
Syo's face flushed a even darker colour. ''R-really? I mean, sure..Sure, that'd be cool.'' She ran a hand through her hair, trying her best to look, y'know, normal. As normal as Syo could look, at least. ''Oh, hold up a minute. You told me your name, but I didn't tell you mine, right? I'm Syo. Syo Biel.''
"They do" Regan agreed with a laugh. She looked around to make sure Zori wasn't there so she could take another shot. She swallowed it, now feeling herself get a little giddy. "Don't tell Zori, okay? Our secret."
Zori had listened to the host of the party, making his way to the bathroom. He'd done what was needed before sitting back down on the toilet. He wasn't really sure how long he sat there as he listened to the booming music and the voices drifting his way.
"Well nice to officially meet you, Syo. That's a really pretty name." Elyana smiled, taking another sip from her forgotten drink. It now tasted warm and gross so she gulped it down quickly.

"I must seem like a total alcoholic." Elyana joked, poking fun at herself.


"I'm way ahead of you girl." Kiel giggled as he poured himself a shot and followed suit with swallowing it down.

"So, how long have you and Zori been friends? He seems like an over protective brother." He replied, biting his lip.
''Y'think? I don't even know if it's a real name, to be honest..'' She admits with a laugh, ''And don't worry. I have definitely seen worse.'' As she said that, she thought back to her brother.. Yeah. She hadn't met anyone who'd managed to be more of an alcoholic than him, to be honest. She fiddled with her plait for a minute, before asking, ''So, you said you've been in a lot of the school musicals n' stuff..I take it you're into music, then?''
"Oh we've been friends for a bit. Just been spending a lot of time together I guess" Regan shrugged. She hadn't really thought of Zori acting like an over protective brother until Kiel mentioned it. "I think he only acts like that during parties though. He's pretty cool."
"Well if that's the case, then you have a unique name. I don't think I'll ever meet another Syo in my lifetime." Elyana replied, her face lit up at Syo's next question.

"Yes! I love singing and dancing so much, though I suck at learning how to play instruments." She shrugged with a slight frown.


"For a jock he definitely seems nice. Most jocks see a gay kid and they run for the hills, ya know?" Kiel said seriously.
Zori was only brought out of his reverie by the banging of the door. He stood quickly, stumbling just a bit in surprise and opening it up to glare at the banger. They smiled sheepishly and Zori made his way out, going back down the steps but not without stopping to talk to the people he did know at the party. He grabbed himself another beer, gulping it down in seconds. His eyes flickered over to the girls, making sure they were okay. Seeing as they were, he relaxed just slightly. They certainly seemed to be having a good time. Zori was glad about that.
"No, Zori's not like that at all. He's really sweet." Regan ended up blushing from the thought of Zori kissing her forehead earlier. She then looked around, realizing Zori's been gone for a while. "I wonder where he is."
''Heh, opposite for me. I can play a few instruments okay, although guitar is my main.. but when it comes to singing and dancing, well..'' She pulled a face. ''..Not one of my talents. But, hey, it's cool that you're into performance-y stuff! A lot of the people at my school who are are kinda hard to befriend.. They're really hipster-y and arts-y, and, I dunno, I always felt kinda out of my depth talking to 'em.'' She paused, then added, ''If you're teaching me to dance, I might as well teach you how to play some instruments.'' Syo was half joking, half serious.
"Gah I can't stand hipsters, great fashion sense, but really snobby people." Elyana shook her head thinking of all of the hipster kids at school.

"I'm learning how to play instruments and getting to teach a pretty girl how to dance? Wow today's my lucky day." Elyana chuckled, thankful for Syo's offer even if it wasn't totally serious.


"I think I see him over there." Kiel replied, waving down Zori, hoping to get his attention.
Zori had been talking to a few kids and laughed when one told a joke. His eyes flickered back over to Regan and he saw Kiel waving at him. He gave a confused look and waved back, not sure as to what the guy was doing.
''Yeah. I get that not all of them are like this, but the ones I've ran into have a habit of being really condescending..'' She sighed, shaking her head slightly. ''I don't get why people would. It's way easier to just be friendly to people. If they start acting like a dick, sure, go ahead, but don't just act that way to everyone you meet..Seems like way more effort.'' She giggled slightly at Elyana's last comment. ''Like I said, I can not assure you I'm gonna be good at this dancing thing. I managed to head butt my friend last time I tried seriously.. To the Cha Cha Slide. The feckin' Cha Cha Slide!''
Regan turned around to look at the direction Kiel was waving at and spotted Zori talking to his friends. She started walking towards him and stumbled a bit, almost tripping over... nothing. "Woah" she mumbled to herself with a small laugh. She finally got to Zori. "Hey, where were you? I thought you went to use the bathroom?"
Elyana tried not to laugh at Syo's story of the failed Cha Cha Slide. Her efforts failed, mostly due to the fact that she finally felt the alcohol and was feeling slightly more than tipsy, and she started giggling hysterically. "Okay okay, I guess we have a lot to work on then." Elyana started, "but if it makes you feel any better, I fell into the chocolate fountain when I was the bridesmaid at my aunt's wedding." Elyana added with a mischievous smirk and a shrug of the shoulders.

"That sure is a story, but I won't bore you with it." Elyana giggled.


Kiel waited for Regan to walk off to her friend before going into the fridge and taking out a strawberry peach wine cooler. He saw one of boys from the set building crew and hurried over to talk to him.

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