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Fandom Warrior Cats ~ Dark Dawn


Junior Member
Dark Dawn

After the dark forest was defeated, something unexplainable happened, all the clans where whipped out, no one knows how or why. Many moons later some cats stumbled upon an abandoned camp and soon they will find a terrible secret, a secret that might best be left alone. Will you be one of those young adventures cats and try to rebuild a long gone clan? or will you be a distrustful rogue trying to keep the new arrivals of uncovering the dark mystery ? Its your decisions, your journey, your destiny.

Sub-Zero prowled around the lake, watching the water closely for some fish. Smoke sat beside him, watching intently as well for any fish moving by. He flicked his ear in which Sub-Zero sat up and sighed. "We should try another part of this place, and we'd better hurry" He said, Smoke nodding and bouncing after the big cat.

Sheeva was slinking among the dark trees and quietly over the pine needles, tail low and ears low as she stalked a mouse that had wondered into this dank land. She hated this place, she preferred the brighter parts. But she was starving! She leaped forward and jumped on the mouse, killing it quickly and purred.
" sh!" Shadow hissed at Willow, brushing her tail against her sisters flank. " there's a cat up ahead. Willow nodded, carefully stepping over the pine needles and sitting down behin a thick tree stump. Shadow took a deep breath,before padding out behind the trees to see a russet furred she-cat picking up a dead mouse with a purr. " ah, hi, I.. Don't know who you are but you won't kill me right? Because I really don't need that right now and besides I have someone to take care of and If I where killed she would be really lonely, did I say she? I meant he, or maybe see , anyways, how are you? Who are you? Are you friendly? Are you mean? Mean people are usually rude, which I don't get have you ever met a polite mean person? I haven't.. BLABBLABLABACATBLABLABLANAMEBLABLBAL A" shadow babbled on, a smile on her face, acting as innocent and kind as possible .
Sheeva jumped out of her fur when someone talked, then turned and dropped the mouse and stood over it. She smelled the air, ears angling all over to pick up any kind of sound. She looked around, then back at Shadow. Her eyes went slits, watching her talk before saying any response. "If this is a distraction you are losing your ears, and tongue." She warned. She had always been aware that two rouges had been in this forest, the two that always jumped others. She was ready to fight or run, but she was not giving up her food.
"W-What-? Miss, I'm sorry but don't be daft. My sister would most defiantly not be able to sneak up on you. Are you crazy!? She's as loud as two-leg kits! And besides this would be the worst Idea ever! I mean who would distract someone by talking to them? That's so stupid! Would you distract them with a noise or something and then attack them? ( the logic there ^^") anyways you wouldn't actually hurt me? I mean I haven't done anything and you look hungry... oh! You can keep your mouse ^^ I'm not interested in that, me and my good old sis just ate a moment ago.I almost forgot! Whats your name? Mine is shadow and my sister is called willow, I'll get her if you want me to!" ( this character is way to cheerful ^^")

She named someone else with her. Sheeva flicked her tail, "I won't hurt you, not unless you ask for it" She said, the fur on her spine flattening. "Of course, I'm Sheeva. You seem younger than I. Tell me, how many other cats have you seen around here? What did they look like if you did see them, I want to warn you about the two Scarecrow and Reaper. If you see a dark brown tom and black female with green eyes walking together, in perfect sync, stay away from them. Otherwise, never mind"
Sheeva snarled, baring her teeth and flattening her ears. "What do you mean by that?" She growled, now more alert. Looking around though the two in name sat on a branch up in a tree, eyes glistening. "Oh look brother, I think something has angered the she-cat" Reaper said, making Sheeva look up. "Yes, oh yes she is. Do you think she will show her claws?" Scarecrow asked. "Maybe. If we can kill her I want the mouse." Reaper said. "It is yours" They sounded scary calm.
" ... Wait... reaper? s-scarecrow?" shadows face went from nervous to blank, a face of stone. " what. Are.you.doing.here?" she hissed, her ton empty with a hint of sadness and anger. " Shadow? Are you o-" Willow broke off her eyes widening. She ran up to stand beside her sister, her ear flattened , her teeth bared in a snarl. " you pieces of dung, I'll rip out your guts, I'll-" shadow lashed her tail, growling at her sister " shut up,idiot. We don't really don't need to start a fight, again. Remember what happened last time?" willow glared at Shadow " I know exactly what happened, that's why I want to-" shadow flicked willows ear " no." The dark she cat then turned to the other cats. " reaper,scarecrow, I'll ask again, what are you doing here? You don't want to steal a mouse from a defenseless she cat do you know? That would be very,very rude and you know how I hate rude people."
Scarecrow and Reaper looked at each other. "Brother, why are we here?" She asked. Scarecrow laughed. "Why, I think I know the answer" He said and Reaper nodded with a chuckle, both looking down at the three cats. "We're here because we simply want to be" They said in unison, almost blinking in sync. "As far as the mouse goes," Scarecrow started and Reaper finished. "We call our own food" She purred. "No cat is defenseless," "Just reluctant" Again, Scarecrow started and Reaper finished.
Shadow sighed " that's not true." she looked up, her eyes flashing " kits are defenseless aren't they? That's why-.." shadow growled " anyways. I guess I asked the wrong question..." willow nudged her sister , whispering softly" be careful of what you say, sister." shadows nodded, staring at the rogues with a calm fascination " would the right question be... What are your intentions? What do you plan to do with her," shadow nodded to Sheeva " or us." She finished, sweeping her tail across the ground.
(Scarecrow , Reaper)

"Yes, watch your tongue" Scarecrow nodded. "The right question always has the wrong direct, doesn't it brother?" Reaper looked at Scarecrow who nodded. "The wrong question always has the right ring to it, agree sister?" He looked at Reaper who nodded. Then the two looked at the three cats.

"What is out intention you ask?"

"What were we planning to do with her, or you?"

"Why, the answer is obvious"

"Yes, most obvious"

"What does one go out into the forest to find?"

"And what does one find in the forest?"

"Simple really, just plain simple!"

"They find other beings!"

"Yes! Cat or mouse,"

"Mouse or cat"

"The answer to your question directly,"

"Well remember sister there is no direct answer to anything"

"Most fond of your words, brother"

"But fondness isnt the answer"

"Oh no, not at all!"

"If we were to tell you our secrets,"

They answered in unison. "Then they wouldnt be secrets, but knowledge!"

Shadow sighed " god you are even more annoying than I am.... if you want to kill us, just kill us already! " willow stared at her sister horrefied"hey! Don't tell them to kill us!" shadow flicked her tail to silence her sibling."It's not like we' re stupid." willow coughed " *cough*you are*cough*" shadow whirled around " Hey! That is so not fair! Whose the one who kept us alive while you sat on your sorry butt until we where grown up?!" willow glared at her, then looked down. " Scarecrow,Reaper, we aren't looking for trouble, I honestly was hoping we wouldn't have to meet again..." shadows ear twitched, her claws itched to get moving. She need to be back in the shadows,in a place where she could use the trees to her advantage. In a clearing like this, she couldn't use her usual fighting techniques.
(Nevermind, too much word. S is Scarecrow and R is Reaper)

They watched with interest. "They fight, its most unpleasant" Scarecrow said, flicking his tail. "Yes, its most unpleasant when they fight" Reaper said.

"Siblings shouldnt treat each other like so" S

"They should treat each other with respect" R

"And love" S

"Most definitely love" R

The two then put their tails on each other's shoulders. "Siblings shouldnt bicker of what happened in the past" Said Scarecrow. "But they should support each other for what will come in the present!" Reaper said. "Didnt they say they werent looking for trouble?" Scarecrow asked Reaper in which the she-cat nodded. "Yes, yes they did. But whose trouble?" She asked. "Perhaps the cat that hides" S

"Perhaps the cat who lurks" R

"Perhaps the cat who runs" S

"Perhaps the cat that kills" R

"Maybe the cat who fights" S

"Or the cat who loves" R

"Possibly the cat who plays along" S

"And probably the cat who denies" R

"There are many troubles to find, but which one were you wishing to avoid? The cat who stalks?" S

"The cat who plots?" R

"The cat who betrays?" S

"The cat who leads?" R

"The cat who follows?" S

The Reaper looked at Scarecrow. "Brother, they might be referencing to two cats!" She said. "Of course! The cats who listen perhaps?" Scarecrow asked. "Perhaps so, the cats who listen is such trouble indeed" Reaper nodded.
" I don't know what kind of trouble we are trying to avoid, how are we supposed to know? But you shouldn't judge a cats character and ways by how they act. You don't know me or my sister, so don't act as if you do. If you are done with you long speech, we'll be leaving now." shadow nodded to her sister. Willow sighed looking up at the two cats again " I will never forgive you, scarecrow,reaper." " willow, come..." shadow whispered, gently resting her tail on her sisters flank. Willow sighed and walked away, her sister following closely, casting a wary glance behind her.
Scarecrow and Reaper sat with sly smirks. "Insolent cats, they dont know what to look for. Ha!" Reaper exclaimed. "What cat survives without knowing what to avoid and what to welcome?" Scarecrow asked. "We do not know them" Reaper reminded. "Yes, but our claws do" Scarecrow pointed out. "Well said, brother!" Reaper nodded. "Forgiveness? Did you hear that word, sister?" Scarecrow asked, looking at Reaper who nodded. "Oh yes brother, very clearly. I believe she said 'never forgive'" Reaper said. "In fact she did, and I do wonder something" S

"What would that be, dear brother?" R

"If they dont forgive then why should Starclan forgive them?"S

"Why should Starclan forgive them if they cant forgive?" R

"Exactly" S

"They cant, I suspect" R

"Your suspicions are confirmed" S

"We have forgiven our enemies" R

"And our enemies forgive us" S

The two laughed. "Of course they have to have a brain to forgive" Reaper concluded. "Right on the nose!" S

"Lacking a brain, I presume" R

"Maybe, sister. Maybe" S
Shadow sighed " It's really great that you guys are discussing wether we have a brain or not. Really. But we're going now so, bye." shadow smiled, vanishing into the dark pine forest. Willow gave the cats one more clance, before diving into the forest after her sister.
Sheeva was gone, and Reaper nodded to Scarecrow and they leaped into a different tree and jumped tot he ground and padded off in sync. All the while they were discussing something. (What now?)

(Well since I got nothin, perhaps I can just start up with somethin)

Near Willow and Shadow, two shimmering figures showed up. "Two young cats, we sense something it you that will be great" The she-cat said. "Are you sure, Sunshade? They look much too young" The tom said, now the two standing in front of Willow and Shadow. "You must remember, Falconsong, that young cats start legends" Sunshade said, dipping her head to the two younger she-cats. "Greeting, I am Sunshade and this is Falconsong. Tell me little ones, have you heard the legends of the four clans?"
Willows eyes widened, her mouth dropping open. Shadow stopped in her tracks, her ear twitching nervously. " ah... Well, our mother told us stories about them. Cats who uh, lived together in groups, with purpose. Strong fighters and swift hunters, fair and brave. They lived her for many moons until... Something happens, my mother wouldn't say what, but they all where whipped out or something. " willow looked at her sister " and... There where stories about cats in the sky, the dead ancestors of the clans, who watched over the cats......" willow trailed of, eyeing the cats suspicously . " waaait... Are you really from ... Star..clan?"
"Indeed. We had watched over the clans for quite some time before the disaster struck. Many moons have passed of us watching and waiting for one one to come that has the strength to unit the cats in need of rebuilding the four clans" Sunshade nodded, looking happy. Falconsong still looked doubtful but idnt say anything against it. "Perhaps you two are the ones we need"
Shadow chuckled nervously " heh, well, you know, you might be wrong, we're not special, we're just like any other cat around here, trying to survive a little longer." willow gasped " shadow! How can you tell them they're wrong?! They're star clan." shadow gave her sister a disbelieving look " come on, you can't seriously think that they're star clan!"
"Who do you think we are and where we're from?" Flaconsong growled, slamming his big tail on the ground. "Perhaps we are wrong, if you do not believe we are from Starclan then-" He was cut off my Sunshade. "Your loners, yes, but can you explain our names? I was from Thunderclan and Falconsong from Windclan. Everyone you'v met has simple names, I can already see you two as strong warriors and even leaders"
Shadow opened her mout, closed it again and then opened it again " uh...." willow's ear twitched slightly annoyed. " Falconsong,Sunshade, it is an honor to met you, we have never met any starclan cats before, we tought it was just mostly stories, but you have proven us wrong. I apologize for my sister, she isn't usually this mouse brained." shadow snorted " yeah right, usually you're too scared to face strangers!" shadow turned to the star clan cats " I am sorry for doubting you, but it is just... Never mind. It is an honor." the she-cat bowed her head in respect.

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