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Fandom Warrior Cat Rp

Stonestar rested his tail on the apprentice's shoulder. "Get the others and get a search party ready. I'll start looking for her. Dont worry, she will be back." Stonestar instructed. Although he was calm on the outside, inside he was panicked. "Watch for danger!" He reminded Blackpaw as he began to track Amberpaw's scent.

"I wonder what is taking so long?" Frostedpaw said impatiently. She looked at Snakepaw and sighed.
Black’Paw nodded and got up,walking back to the others as he dragged his tail behind him.

Snake’Paw nodded. ‘I wonder wbats taking Black’Paw so long. he doesn’t take this long usually.’
Frostedpaw perked up at the sounds of someone approaching. The grey and white apprentice was a little disappointed that it wasn't her sister. "Where is Amberpaw? What's going on Blackpaw?" She asked after a few seconds of looking around.
Black’Paw looked at her,his face dried up from tears. ‘She’s gone.. she left..’
"What do you mean she left?!" Frostedpaw howled, her fur sticking up all over her body with fear. "I'm going to find her. Are you two coming to help me?"
Snake’Paw sat up and nodded. ‘I will,i think Black’Paw should stay.. his paws look like there about to give up on him.’
"Okay. Let's go." Frostedpaw said. "Oh no. You three are going back to camp." Goldencreek's voice said. The tawny she cat pushed through a bush to join the apprentices. "Stonestar told me what happened and is handling it." She added.
Black’Paw looked up at Golden’Creek and nodded,he just wanted to go back to camp and stay there. he begin to walk back to camp,his tail still dragging behind him.
Frostedpaw knew better than to argue with a Warrior, so she kept quiet and walked back to camp. "Dont worry. Stonestar knows how to handle this kind of thing." Goldencreek tried to comfort them.
Black’Paw nodded,once he got to camp. he walk over to the apprentice’s den and snuck in,not saying anything to his mentor or anyone.
Frostedpaw, once in camp, began to pace.

Stonestar had tracked Amberpaw half way to Twoleg place. He wondered when his back up would come, but kept moving. He caught up with the young apprentice,scaring her. She had no choice but to return to camp once she was found. "If this is what you choose, you can go tomorrow when we leave the gathering." Stonestar said,leading her back to camp. It was getting dark by the time they made it back. "You and the others get something to eat and then straight to bed." He said
Amberpaw was quiet as they entered camp. She went and got a lizard before laying infront of the apprentices den
Clove’Seeker yawned as she stretched. she would sit outside of camp,she knew she didn’t have to watch guard but just did in case something attacked.

Black’Paw covered his face with his tail,his ear soaked from wiping his paw over it with his tears.
Amberpaw finished her meal and went into the Apprentice den. She padded slowly over to Blackpaw and looked at him. After a moment, she touched her nose to his ear gently. "I'm sorry. I should have waited and thought it out more." She told him, sitting in the nest next to his.
Frostedpaw was asleep already in her normal spot by the front of the den.
Goldencreek was grooming herself, with Hareleap stretched out at her side.
Rabbitstripe was padding back to the medicine cat den.
Black’Paw flicked his ear and moved his tail,his eye slightly open. ‘Its fine.. just don’t leave like that again please..’
Mumbled’Foot walked to the elders den,resting on front of it as his twisted paw layed in front of him.
Owl’Whisker groomed her fur,it was messy from the training today. she grumbled as she saw a few pieces of leaves got into her pelt. she began to pluck them out.
"I just... dont want to be a burden. Or..." Amberpaw sighed and curled up next to him. "I wont leave like that again."
Goldencreek happily watched her clan. Voletooth entered the camp, the last of the hunting patrol.
Owl’Whisker swayed her tail over her pws and stomach,her ears slightly flattening. “Would he be happy?..” She thought to herself.
Black’Paw used his tail and covered her mouth. ‘Amber’Paw,ur not a burden. u never will be.’
Clove’Seeker sighed then walked into camp,walking to the warriors den for a peaceful sleep.
"I have dawn patrol in the morning." Goldencreek said happily. "Good." Hareleap said, licking his daughter's ear. "You should rest."
"Okay. If your sure." Amberpaw muttered, exhausted. 'He is so kind to me.' She thought, brushing her tail against his side.
Voletooth went to the warrior's den without eating.
Owl’Whisker sighed then got up,walking over to Hare’Leap and sat beside him. ‘Hare’Leap?.. i got something to say..’
Black’Paw smiled and slightly moved to make room in his nest. ‘Come sleep beside me. it’s supposed to get cold tonight..’
Gorse’Cloud talked to Clove’Seeker about patrols the next morning then looked over at Golden’Creek and smiled.
"What's wrong?" Hareleap asked, sitting up. Goldencreek smiled back at Gorsecloud and then looked concerned at Owlwhisker. "I'll let you two talk." She said and padded over to Gorsecloud. "Ready for morning patrol?" She asked.
Amberpaw got up and carefully got into the nest next to Blackpaw. "Thank you." She said, touching her nose to his ear.
Owl’Whisker sighed then lowered her ears slightly,soon moving her tail. ‘I’m having another litter..’
Gorse’Cloud nodded and got up,nodding to Clove’Seeker. ‘Yep i am.’
Black’Paw smiled and lied his head down,hiding his face into her fur and fell asleep.
"Oh! Wonderful!" Hareleap sat up and licked Owlwhisker's cheeks. "I'm so excited."
Amberpaw fell asleep quickly with Blackpaw at her.
Goldencreek looked at her paws shyly. She was unsure as to what to say to her deputy, but she admired him.
Owl’Whisker smiled and laughed,Licking his cheek back. ‘I am too..’
Gorse’Cloud sighed then began to walk out of camp,keeping his head high and ears perked for any sounds. ‘Keep a close eye out,Clove’Seeker said she smelled a few Pineclan cats around the border.’
"Great. I dont want trouble today." Goldencreek said, flicking her tail. "So, ummm... nevermind." She began to ask him something but changed her mind. The tawny shecat padded along in silence.
Hareleap nuzzled her. "Let's go tell Stonestar about this." He mewed.
Gorse’Cloud lover over at her. ‘Hey what’s wrong? you can tell me if somethings wrong.’ He slightly lower his head to her size.
Owl’Whisker nodded and got up,walking over to Stone’Star’s den and peeked her head a bit in. ‘Stone’Star?.. can me and Hare’Leap come in?. we got something to say.’
"Gorsecloud, Hareleap thinks it's weird I havent chosen a mate." Goldencreek said. "There is only one tom that I think is respectable and honorable enough for me."
Stonestar was in the back of his den, preparing for the ceremony and gatherring. "Yes? Come in Hareleap and Owlwhisker." He called.

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