War in Regar (IC)

( xD Yay!)

Flower was sitting in a tree looking onword to rising smoke far away. Her panting and fast beating heart had been caused by running. She leaned against the tree just happy to have gotten away. She pushed her long white hair out of her face by pushing her fingers through her hair. When she pulled her hand back a strand of hair fell in her face. She looked on again frowning.

A huge white lion below was cirling the tree in his nervousness. Flower looked down on him and then looked back up at the sky. The lion dropped to his side and then closed his eyes yawning loudly. Flower looked at him, this was no time. She looked back out and then looked around.
Nadia was on Agile's (Agile being the tiger) back. her blonde hair flying in the wind behind them skreaching from Shadows dragon up in the sky warned them to turn left as orcs ran close behind."Hurry Agile there catching up."Shadow was on his dragon flying above when he spots the white lion.his dragon lets out another screach warning the lion there comeing. (sorry im never good at first posts)
Flower stood up and so did BC her lion. She jumped down on her huge lion and he roared running on. Flower held onto his large mane as he ran fast. He roared agai. The call spreading wide with power. It almost shook the ground. His power call had broken some branches and cracked the weeks of trees. (one of he lion's power) he kept running Flower leaning down almost laying on him. She put a hand on her sword as she loomed up at the dragon inthe air. One hand still cluching on the lions mane. He jumped over a fallen tree.
Shadow had his dragon Knight fly close enough so he could speak to her " turn right up there and jump over the leafs." he winked at her before flying off to find his sister.Nadia was not to far from flower and they slowed down to see where the Orcs went.strangely not even one was in sight and they never saw flower Shadow made sure of that.it remaned silent for a while until Nadia lets out and deafing scream. saying "TROLL"
Flower followed the dark elf's instructions and then slowly got off her white lion's back the poor thing tired. She patted his head and then looked up when she heard someone scream troll. "Come on Dc." he groaned and then stood up Flower getting on his back. This time he walked circling from behind. Flower pulled out her sword quietly. She was being as quiet as possible and then looked around. She kicked BC lightly on the side and he jumpped out roaring as she landed by the girl.
Nadia had been shooting arrows ar his face so by now he looks like pinhead.Shadow jumps off his dragon and sabs the things head breaking his sword in two "God how hard is your head?" he mutters and falls off. Nadia turns to her "your gonna have to kill it when i make it mad ok" not leting her answer she jumps off her tiger and taunts the troll geting its full focuse on her. "Now kill it!"
Flower blinks and then gets off of BC. She ran over and then cut the Trolls feet and legs. As the thing falls BC jumps and then bites it's neck. Flower jumped spinning and then stabbed the thing in the chest finishing it off. She pulled her sword out and then wiped the blood on the ground. BC let go and started coughing. "Ugh that think tastes horrible!" flower giggles at BC. She looms at the two and then smiles. "Hmm hello I'm Flower." she said and then looked around u sure of it was safe yet. She looked at BC who was still trying to get the taste out of his mouth.
Nadia and Shadow look at each other before bursting in laughter. "im sorry i tryed so hard to keep a straight face" Nadia giggles and kneels at the lions feet pouring water in its mouth to help.Shadow walks over to flower and brushes some hair around her ear."hmm a human in the part?" Nadia hops to her feet after makeing sure the lion was ok. " you must be going to The river of Angels!" shadow smirked before speaking"well if thats true you can come with us we know the way" it was odd seeing a dark elf and high elf so close most the time they would fight till one died.it was rather easy to tell he was with the bad team yet he still helped the good.
Flower looked at Shadow and then raised an eyebrow at him. "Yes, I am heading there. I guess I wouldn't mind going with you." She said looking at DC who nodded. "It would be good to be in a group. Already it seems we make a good team." He looks at Nadia. "Thank you..." He nodded and then walked to Flower rubbing his head on her leg like a cat. Flower looked at DC and then smiled. "Alright then." She looked at the two and then looked at DC who was laying down again. He was a lazy cat like most Big cats.
Shadow smiled and looked down at her lion"he seems worn out you can always ride with me " he says like hes some cocky jerk."come on stop teaseing the poor girl" Nadia snaps huging flower. Shadow gets rather close to flower. "i want in on the party to." he playful pouts. being amused by the fact she dosent trust him
Flower looks at the two someone feeling crowded. She looked at BC and then at Shadow. "Uhuh..." She backed up some more from Shadow and pulled away from Nadia. "Please BC tell me you're up to running?" BC looks at Flower and yawns. "Hey you had me running for a long time...Lions are know for SHORT bursts of speed and that's it." Flower frowns a bit. "Oh great...I ask you to bail me out and what do you do?" BC looks at Shadow and then sighed. "Oh...sorry Flower."
Nadia gets a little hurt and mounts Agile silently.Shadow sences both of there feelings and dosent find it the right time to play jokes so he also mounts his guid just as silent.Nadia speaks up slightly. " we should go before it gets dark." Shadow nods and takes flight showing them the way just as before
Flower sighs and then gets on BC. "Sorry, I just don't like feeling crowded like that....I mean he was getting pretty close and then you were hugging me." She sighed and then BC follows shadow. Flower pets her poor panting Lion. She goes silent and then looks around.
Sorry on my phone its vey tricky typing this all up

--- Merged Double Post ---

Sorry missnobelrose Im goin to bed but i will rejoin after a while
Nadia stops and Shadow lands.Nadia starts to cry as shadow hugs her.This was the first time flower had seen his real side before.Shadows voice was calm and soft as he held Nadia close.he kept whispering to her wich seemed to work because she stoped crying.Shadow walked over to flower and said "you take care of her she is my life.shes the only thing i have left"Nadia was crying on her tiger when Shadow left.
Flower blinks not quite sure what to do. She walks over to the girl and then gently set a hand on her shoulder. "You alright?" She asked unsure of what was wrong. She looked at BC who was already asleep. She giggled a bit and then looked at Nadia.
((sleep well))

Nadia stands and looks at her with a smile."thank you for trying even though you must be so confused.il tell you every thing when we get to my home." Agile lays next to BC and falls alseep as well" we can walk from here they can find us later." Nadia leads the way waveing at birds that fly by and stops at a rusty gate to a vine and flower covered home.Nadia opends the gate and lays on the grass. "home sweet home" the cottage was a ways away from town and not far from where her brother had to leave.
Flower looks around and then looks at her and slightly smiles. 'Yeah..." She sighed her home was gone and distroyed. She looked around, the place was really nice. She looked at her and then sighed. "You were going to tell me what was going on?"
"that guy that kept picking on you...His name is Shadow Draklight. Im Nadia Darklight his sister.As you know he is a dark elf witch means he is "EVIL" as some say but hes not.so hes kinda on the fence about sides he wants to be good but he dose work for the orcs so he may live there.i have to stay away from him most of the time because some one wanted me to be his races enemy the high elf.catch my drift" Nadia sits up and offers Flower some tea.
Flower looks at the tea. "Thank you." She sighed and nodded. "Yes I was wondering about that....yet it was none of my busness, so I didn't say anything." She said taking some tea. "hmmm....brother and sister huh. It must be nice...I don't remember much about my older sister."
The thought sadens Nadia "Oh im sorry" She got up dusted grass off of her dress and walked to the front door opening it slightly "We should go inside it gets unsafe in the night i'll show you to your room."With that she walks in.the house the was as flower filled as the outside.Nadia went and opened a door to a pretty good sized room with a dark blue bed.and a writeing desk "do what ever you want with it" she says and lights the fireplace in the center of the room.
Flower looks around the room and then smiles. "Oh Thanks." She looked at her smiling. "It's really nice.....I was expecting to sleep on the floor or something." She said and then rubbed her head. She looked around again and then unbuckled her sword from her waist and set it by the bed.
Nadia blinked and said " what is rong with you?!?! sleep on a harsh cold floor are you crazy you better never ever do that you hear me!!!"Nadia snaped though it was with the best thought
Flower was a bit taken back and she stepped back. "Um....no no...it's just I'm use to it is all. I mean....we just met and you're treating me like a trusted friend." She rubbed her head. "You and your brother...I'm use to people like you treating me this way." She said sitting down on the bed and looking around again.

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