Wanderlust - Out Of Character

Still here! I've kind of been waiting for a few others to post so I could react to them when I posted. This week is incredibly crazy for me as I prepare for school to start again next Monday (ughh!), help send my brother off to college (yay!) and pick up a few more shifts at work in a somewhat desperate attempt to make some extra cash to get me through the first term of school xD

I'll try to get a post up by Friday but I can't make any guarantees.
Hey guys!

Just want to let you all know that I'm still alive. The new place I'm living at has no wifi so I haven't been able to get online and write something. I'm looking to get an Ethernet cable so I can reply soon!
Hey guys, just letting everyone know I'm still alive and I will get a post in by today. :) Finally free for a little while.
Finally posted! Lol, I had to get a feel for Cage again but it was fun. xD Can't wait to hit the other places they got on the schedule.
Cierra ain't dropping out yet, she hasn't even gotten sloppy drunk yet and done some stupid dare that nearly kills her! xD So pumped for this to gain some more momentum and see what's in store for da crew! Any word from Trig at all? :/
Nope nothing on Trig, but well drag their character along for their big return!


I got internet!!!

Mina you i have to be glúteos to the wall since wifi is not a posibilita atm, but Nessie is under the influence of the web again.

Ill be catching up with a lot of roleplays but in the mean time (since I'm in school waiting for class to start) can someone tag the people who haven't replied just to know if they're still alive?
For some reason I feel if Trig was here it be William, but trig isn't here so...Cierra gets arrested while Jaxson tries to steal the key for the handcuffs, Felice flashes a leg to distract them and Cage eats their donughts.
I'm here. Theyre just not at a part where Ralfie can really do anything. But this can't die. I'm looking forward to their stripclub scenes xD
What the others said ^.^ I think there's a bit of a slow down in activity due to back to school and all that jazz *looooooong exhausted sigh* I'm sure this will kick back up and get running with plenty of strip club scenes within a week or two xD
Okay time to bring this back from the dead!

I'm finally giving myself enough time to actually be on here for more than just meaningless comments via phone =)

Rpnation will return to my frequently visited pages and kick out all those sucky school websites!

Even if it means I get C's in my classes instead of A...jk hopefully...

So who's still here?


Alright so as far as I know we were waiting on several people, but if you all agree with skipping dinner then I'm happy to do that =)

I'll write something before the end of the week hopefully!

Also can I have your permission to form interactions between my character and the rest during dinner?

Sort of how @ShatteredSoul did with her RV post?

I'll run the actions by you guys before I post first =)

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