Wanderlust - Out Of Character

Thanks for letting me ness

Has everyone else updated their relationships?

Am I the last?
Yup, I just got to the library so I'll work on it now. :)

;D I'm done! I like the diversity in Cage's relationships so far. Can't wait to start soon. (=u=)
ShatteredSoul said:
@Trignome Any ideas for William and Cierra?
Honestly speaking...no. Usually, something can be worked out through highly probable nature of 'rp coincidences', but this seems to be a rare case where a strong backstory will feel forced. Shall we play the "met at a party" card? There's plenty of time during the trip for the two to get on each other's nerves.
I just wanted to make sure I have all the relationships right with everyone before I put mine in my CS. If it's wrong then just let me know!

Jerylin & Raphael

Raphael is Jerlyin’s child. xD


Jaxson & Raphael

Raphael is Jaxson’s assistant when it comes to tricking people. As long as he gets his forty percent from it.

@The Servant

Carlos & Raphael

Very good friends that have deep conversations.


Cierra & Raphael

Raphael is one of Cierra’s many fangirls and randomly blurts out different facts about the things she’s doing.


Minx & Raphael

Good friends due to their different personalities though she intimidates him.


Zhou & Raphael

They simply know of each other though have seen each other a few times around the library and bookstore.


Cage & Raphael

They were roommates in freshmen year but Raphael became to roommate from hell to Cage so the two aren’t all that thrilled with one another.

Finally finished mine. Only had it crash and mess up my coding but it's done xD . Oh and @The Servant I added more about Felice and Matthew's relationship. If you don't like it, let me know and I'll take it out
Ill be done in the afternoon or at night, since ive pulled an all nighter and am now drinking coffee in preparation for a run.

When i come back, stretch and finally shower i will most likely be out cold.

Jaxson- Karaoke buddies! Along with Cage!! The three musketeers of the night life.

Cage- Jaxson and Cage met Charlie at a bar when he tried to pick up a chick but was totally blown off and they went up to him and cheered him up that night. Afterwards, they hit the karaoke bar and realized their mutual love for singing. Ever since then, the trio became karaoke buddies.

Cierra- Past involves her smacking and calling Charlie desperate after he brought her to the crib and tried pulling some moves. Charlies not sure how they are now since high school was so long ago.

Matthew- Complete opposites, so we could say that Matthew was always amazed by Carlos's natural way of talking to girls. At one point, before Cierra became his "coach", Matthew approached Carlos and ask him for some advice on how to speak to women. He also invites him out with Cage and Jaxson whenever possible so he could practice picking up.

Raphael- They are most certainly something of opposites too but they somehow end up being good friends. Charlie has a soft side and does need someone he could have deep conversation with. He's even close Rapha's family, who go as far as to thank him for his friendship.

Minx- Charlie dropped one of Minx's best friends, and then the next day tried to hit on Minx and she got really mad and cussed him out.... he still feels that smack.

William - Their past stretches farther than the rest of the pack, having met even before high school. Charlie was big into video games and needed a partner to win prize money at a local gaming competition. Needless to say.... Charlie wasnt that good at video games....

Jerylin- Charlie met Jerylin at a party during college, charmed his way onto a date or two with her before Jerylin and Felice came to realize they were dating the same guy. Although Felice was bitter about the situation, the relationship between her and Jerylin didn't falter. Jerylin, being the clingy one, wasn't about to stay mad at Charlie and ended up forgiving him almost instantly.

Felice- Felice met Charlie during her senior year of high school at a modeling mutual photo shoot. They dated throughout the summer and into her freshmen year of college. She didn't speak much about him because her parents didn't approve and she was never one to flaunt her personal life. Jerylin came to her one night to tell her about this apparently charming guy she met at a party that she had gone on a date or two with; come to find out it was her Charlie. Needless to say things ended rather quickly. However Jerylin wanted to stay just friends with Charlie and ran it by Felice. Felice didn't mind since Jerylin wasn't the one who cheated on her and shouldn't have to suffer because of that. She mostly tolerates Charlie when he's around, for Jerylin's sake.

Did I miss anything? Does anyone else want to add more history? Just lemme know
Hey guys!

If all goes as planned, we should be having our starting post today!

If you all want to go ahead and get started on your post that way it's mostly done by the time the RP starts feel free to do so!

The group will be meeting up at Felice's and Jerylin's place and loading the RV.

So you can start there.

Please don't post until Mittens or I give you the go.

I believe that is all for now!

Have a good afternoon!

The rp had started. Please wait for Nessies post and then you guys can get your intros in. Also there is no posting order but please wait until everyones intro post is up before you make your second post.
I most likely wont be able to post until tomorrow or the day after due to some special occasions happening at the moment. I hope that it alright.
Just a quick question for scene-reference:

The RV is parked in the driveway of the house Jerylin and Felice share. The house is a one story building...in a suburban area?
That's exactly what I was thinking. Like using your arm to hang extra bags, stacking boxes and loaves of bread like legos in your hands, maybe even holding something under your chin and between your teeth...all to avoid another trip. But then when you're trying to press the garage button with an elbow and the plastic handles of the bags on your arms start stretching because the groceries are too heavy and something falls and rolls under the car.

All the grocery struggles. orz
Lol my lab makes herself useful in those situations. Just tell her to fetch it up, saves you the trouble. Unless of course she decides to eat it because she knows you can't take it away while your arms are full then not so trouble free

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