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Fandom Walt Disney University

My Belle needs a Prince "Adam" (though i've heard that isn't his real name.) If anyone would be up to the task:D Plan with me!!
My Belle needs a Prince "Adam" (though i've heard that isn't his real name.) If anyone would be up to the task:D Plan with me!!
you don't particularly need to follow the movie plot, your belle could easily end up with ariel if you want!
you don't particularly need to follow the movie plot, your belle could easily end up with ariel if you want!

Really! Awesome! Okay! Belle is open to any relationship then! yay:P makes it not boring !
Doubt Doubt is it okay if i reserve Megara?? Im almost done with her cs but coding is giving me troubles :p
drummerboi drummerboi - I think I'm going to go with the cartoon version, but I think I'm going to make her backstory a little more understandable as to why she is so mean. XD I think I'm also going to have her be absolutely petrified of doggies:p
that's totally fine, if you need help with coding let me know! it's part of my job as a helper lol.
I managed to do something ^_^ I finished her now and posted her! Although is there any way where the lightning bolts on each side of her name :'( and also the font of her title to be more than 7 d:
I managed to do something ^_^ I finished her now and posted her! Although is there any way where the lightning bolts on each side of her name :'( and also the font of her title to be more than 7 d:
the site only allows the font to go up to seven sadly
I was sad cause I didn't see my character name in the Reserved characters... realized it was in the accepted characters XD
@h o n e s t p r i n c e hello ! just wanna tell you i finsihed anna's (blaire's )history and ask if there's something you'd like to discuss/add/remove from it. :) I didn't go through much detail on how their parents died since we haven't discussed it yet.
tsuneni tsuneni hello! i'd like to reserve prince adam from beauty and the beast, if no one has taken him yet

oh and my character based on princess anna is finished :3

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