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Fandom Walt Disney University ( Reboot ) [ CLOSED ]

Winter Ball Theme Choice

  • Dreams do come true in New Orleans

  • Arabian Nights

  • Under the Sea

  • Winter Wonderland

Results are only viewable after voting.
Ok since we all want to keep contact with each other, and I kinda like talking to you people. I thought maybe we could make a discord chat...


you don't have to join if you don't want to. But I thought it would be cool to have
Hello there, r e i r e i , was told you were the GM of this roleplay. Was wondering if there is possibly room for one more?

Yea, one of our people had to drop out, so there is room for one more.

What were the Disney Character you thinking of making?
That's unfortunate. But thank you!
Hmm I was thinking John Smith but I am open to suggestions... still debating it.

We need more male characters but you can make up to four characters if you wish so you do not have chose between one and the other

revalia revalia Aero Aero TheWaffleLord TheWaffleLord <- these are my kinda co-gm's or smurfs and mini-smurfs so you can ask them for suggestions
Alright, I can only handle 2 max characters, I'm afraid.
If you give me suggestions I wouldn't argue as for the other two.

However, revalia revalia is being a pain in the ass.

She is your twin sister, and plus she is a bit of a pain......Lol I love you darling!
who you calling a pain?

I already gave you suggestions you did not like so stuff it :D

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