Walking with the Angels

Um yea basically a bunch of angels have fallen and are killing and seducing humans will you seduce, be seduced, or kill the angels?






Race(human, angel, angel killer):


Name: Amethyst Tigride

Age: 28

Gender: Female

Appearance: Black flowing stomach length wavy hair, pale skin, dark eyes, thin figure, 5'4, very pretty

History: She once was kind but now is fallen and seductive

Race: Angel

Skills: seducing killing sex. is good with hand combat and with a bow and arrows
Name: Miley Lilian Crims

Age: 17

Gender: Female


History: Umm...I'd rather not talk about it....

Race: Angel

Skills: She's good with a knife and can kill without thinking about it.
Name: Jacob Winthrow


Gender: Male

Appearance:Brown hair and pure blue eyes. He is some what tall but not very. He wears mostly red and black cloting.

History: Left alone as a child by the death of his parents by a rougue angel log ago. He was picked up by a stranger who taught him how to kill angels and Jacob trained night and day for most of his life until the age of 21. Four years he lived a normal life until the fall of angels.

Race(human, angel, angel killer): Angel killer

Skills: Quite good with words he would rather settle disputes through talking rather than violence but because of his trainning he is very good with a blade as well as some spells to see through the fallen angels' deciet.
Name: Lily Marino

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Appearance: Cute, petite, and blonde. A little southern bell, see her in a skirt and a basic top. Has a naturally radiating innocence about her.

History: Grew up in the south, moved away when she started high school. A very easy life, thinks about adventure a lot.

Race(human, angel, angel killer): Human

Skills: Highly intelligent, and resourceful.
Name: Sammie Perkins

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Appearance: Dark brown wavy hair that reaches her mid back. Brown eyes that are said to make people fall instantly in love with her. About 5'1 and c cup breasts.

History: Her parents were both seduced, and murdered by angels 6 months ago. Ever sense she has been on her own and has taken up to killing the angels.

Race(human, angel, angel killer): Angel killer

Skills: Can distract people with her eyes and natural beauty. Perfect with a bow and arrow as well as knives.
This seems cool mind if I join as well?

Name:Micah Davis


Gender: Male

Appearance: He has smooth carmel colored skin, bright hazel eyes and messy deep brown hair swept back in a messy ponytail.

History: Micah's Father was killed by the Fallen angels so you think he woud be angry at them? Well a little but he is more interested in researching them, stuying them seeing why they have fallen.

Race(human, angel, angel killer): Human

Skills: He is good at coming up with quick reactions . He is trained well with a gun, spear and hand to hand combat. He is also intune with the human body and wanting to learn more about what the Angel skelton is made up of. He has a calm asspect about him, even in utter chaos.

Name: Asha Evergreen

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Appearence : She has long white hair half of it is done up and half down. Her eyes are a deep blue, with long lashes her skin is as pale as snow.

History: Asha was a happy angel having love for all humans, but now after being tricked into doing the horrible deed she was cast down to earth. There she wonders her eyes full of deep saddness for the humans and hatered for her fellow Angels.

Race(human, angel, angel killer): Angel

Skills: She is excellent with far range combat like throwing knifes, arrow, granades and darts. She is fast and has a power with her voice but it drains her as well.
Name: Trimillia Anders

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Appearance: Trimillia has knee length slightly wavy light brown and golden hair. She is a beautiful natural tan. She is very thin and 5'6.

History: She would rather not let any one know.

Race: Angel

Skills: She is very good with any weapons and she loves sex.
Mind if I make a second charrie? :D

Name: Ace Marino

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Appearance: Reddish brown hair and a muscular yet somewhat wiry build.

History: Sister to Lily, although he doesn't radiate innocence like she does. He's a social hit and is easy to like. He dropped out of college to take care of Lily but enrolled again when she graduated high school.

Race(human, angel, angel killer): Human

Skills: An excellant shot. His aim, no matter what he is shooting or aiming at. He rarely misses. Like Lily, he is resourceful. Knows a little about hand to hand combat but isn't an expert.
Name: SJ

Age: 19

Body: very tan skin athletic build with broad shoulders

Height: 5'10”

Hair: kind of long and curly pretty messy sticks out randomly.

Eyes: deep brown

History: Parents killed by angles when I was young I've Hunted them ever since.

Angel Killer

Skills: handguns and hand to hand combat
Amethyst walked quickly and silently into the hotel ducking her head in case any of these humans happened to have a past with her OR were hunting her she just wanted to sleep in a bed for a night then she would flee before dawn rose and wouldn't come to this little town for quite some time in the very far off future. When she spoke all heads turned at her musical seducing voice and she sighed "Room for Ms. Tigride, Amethyst Tigride. She dug through her purse and pulled out her i.d that clearly stated she was 22 even though she looked 18. "Now ma'm i have no right to accuse you but this ain't you." The man behind the desk had a very noticeable southern accent and i smiled remembering my once upon a time lover years upon years ago with that same accent. "Well that certainly is correct you don't have a right to accuse me and on the next account you are wrong, that is in fact me.
Lillian walked down into the lobby of the shabby motel she was staying in. She gasped as she saw Amethyst. She raced over to her "Amethyst?" she asked trying to believe that this was truly the Amethyst that had raised her since she was 6. Tears began to fill her eyes as she realized that it was her. She threw her arms the girl and let the tears fall. She pulled back with confusion in her eyes "Why'd you leave me? In the woods?" she asked as anger coursed through her small 4"4' frame.
Shocked when she heard her name whispered and then she was squeezed in a tight hug she didn't know why but she felt at ease not worried like she should have. "Lillian is it really you? I'm sorry i left you in the woods i couldn't stand to make a tighter bond and then leave to make my fallen angel army on a later date." Amethyst was giddy with joy and she clung to short little Lillian
Lillian smiled but her eyes still showed the pain. "It's ok. Come on, I have a room already." she said and glanced at the clerk "She's with me." She led Amethyst up the stairs and into the room. "I'm leaving in an hour. It's best for me to travel at night since my wings are a darker color than normal." she said as she put all her belongings into a large plastic bag.
Amethyst nodded. "Well i'll take a quick 30 minute nap and be on my way with you i guess." She shrugged and set her little purse of belonggings on the floor next to the bed pulling out a charger and her iphone setting an alarm for half an hour. Then she thought nodding to Lillians wings "What happened?"
Lillian bit her lip and scratched the back of her neck, a sure sign she was nervous. "Uh, I kinda fell in a vat of hair dye...it came out of my hair but not my wings." she said as she stuffed the last of her clothes in the bag. She tied it shut and sat in a fold up chair.
"Lil, are you sure? Your scratching your neck like you do when your nervous, and i can read your face like a book." Amethyst spoke softly trying not to come off as rude.
Lillian laughed and closed her eyes before soon falling asleep. Thirty minutes later she awoke and grabbed her bag "You ready?" she asked Amethyst.

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