Walking with the Angels

Sage has been walking for some time and he needed to rest he walks into a small town and checks into a small hotel. he spends the night. in the morning he continues searching for angels to kill
Amethyst slept soundly until she heard a human stirring from his sleep in a room next to theirs so she woke Selene quietly and hushed her.
Lillian frowned when Amethyst woke her "Bu-" she was cut off by Amethyst's hand covering her mouth. She listened closly and frowned deeper.
Lillian's eyes widened. The sun was just barely going down. She scrawled in her messy handwriting 'A half hour. Then we'll go through the window.'
Sage was starting to become more and more suspicious that the girls in the next room were angels. he pulled out a large bag. he placed the bag on the bed. he made sure to make as much noise as possible. he wanted them to know he was there. he pulled out three katanas
Lillian gulped as she heard the clattering of swords, one of the few things that killed angels. She held her breath as she crept to the door and locked it.
Amethyst shook her head and smiled whispering. "Don't worry." She grabbed a short little dagger in a black case with chains on it and when she pulled it out it was dripping with a yellow liquid and her eyes twinkled. "I got this sucker if they come it, i never miss a shot."
he counted back from ten then he ran into the next room with two blades out and the longer one sheathed. he knew they were angels.
Amethyst just threw the dagger just short of the boys heart and he fell to the ground and sat on his stomach and looked into his wide eyes. "Get my bag Lil." Her eyes twinkled micheviously. So this boy thought he could kill angels huh? Well she was going to make him a fallen angel and leave him on his own.
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Name: Kira

Age: Unknown, but appears to be around 12

Gender: Male

History: Unknown. Ask him if you really want to know.

Race: Angel

Skills: He is quite intelligent, and a brilliant strategist. He is also quite observant, usually figuring things out when things strike as illogical to him. He's reserved and doesn't talk much, but he has the power to create illusions and levitate. He also has the power of invisibility. He is good at keeping quiet.
Kira happened to be walking around the hotel when he saw a boy break into a room, and he heard a girls scream. He shrugged. Probably playing a game, he thought. However, he was curious. He marched up to the room and took a small peek inside.
Amethyst reached in after dragging the dagger in a short line then yanking it out and she grabbed a vial of fallen angel's blood and poured some of it in the circular cut and the semi deep slice then the grabbed a needle and thread and sewed up the cuts so the blood wouldn't spill and she covered the stitches with gauze and tape then tied up the kids arm and feet then got off his stomach.
Sage screamed as the blade cut his skin. "Get off me you angel scum I swear to god I'll kill you!!!" He saw another person looking through the door. but he didn't care he just turned in to the very thing he hated most in the world.
"Oh, hmm did you hear that Lil? Angel's are scum. Well i guess that makes him a bottom feeder." She smirked and whirled to the door and shot out her foot karate kicking the door down and saw a boy outside the door and her eyes turned red. "What do you want?!?!"

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