Walking with the Angels

Amethyst hopped up snatching her little bag of things and nodded. "Ready as ever!" She smiled blissfully. "It's so good to be around you again!"
Lillian nodded and went downstairs and threw the key on the desk before running outside and spreading her wings. She flew higher up into the air her grey wings hardly visible.
Amethyst followed running only a few feet behind her spreading her wings and leaped into the air her white wings with purple fringe very noticable in the dark sky so she flew a little higher than Lillian.
When they landing for a short little rest break to relax their wings Amethyst sat and picked at the grass and questioned. "Lil where exactly are we headed? I trust you fully but, it's just you never told me where we were going so, i'm curious." She stared intently at Lillian waiting for an answer.
Lillian nodded and pointed to a seemingly nice one at the end of the road. She tucked her wings in tightly through the slits in her shirt.

Her Shirt-

Lillian walked in and handed the clerk a wad of cash for a room and breakfast and lunch the next day. She took the key and led the way to the room.
Amethyst followed willingly and the clerk looked at her oddly like she was almost afraid FOR her not OF her, that was a change. She set her stuff on a bed and plopped down when they got to the room, flying was tasking for your energy.



Appearance:Long black hair with fire red tips. Crimson red eyes. wears black jeans and black t-shirts.

History:Family was killed by the very thing he hates angels. He promised himself that he wouldn't rest until they were all destroyed.

Race(human, angel, angel killer):Angel Killer

Skills:Well trained with a sword. He also Angel slayer magic mostly based on fire related attacks. He can also move very quickly.

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