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Fantasy Voligma


Headphone Actor
Made by: CaptivatingMc14 and NeoGenesis



Prismoria is a simple place, your average high school, your everyday life for as long as the school year reigns. Nothing can go wrong, can it? Everything is just as it should be. Students living their normal lives, moving from class to class between bells. Teachers scolding students for sleeping in class. Everyone chattering away during their lunch period, just as it should be every day. Emphasis on the should be. Something is odd about this school year. Something... that's causing massive strange occurrences, not just in school, but beyond that. Abnormal damages of property, students disappearing, mass suicides...what's happening!? Where did it all go wrong? Where did these people gain powers... much similar to us?


1. No smut. There can be romance such as kissing, hugging, things of normal romantic means. However, you may not perform any action that is sexual or sexually suggestive.

2. You may swear, but don't go crazy. Swearing isn't necessary really. The meaning will be understood without the swear word perfectly fine, but if you really want to, fine. Just don't go dropping the f bomb every two seconds.

3. Don't kill others OCs unless agreed to by the owner of said OC or it is your own OC.

4. Don't be too overpowered/God-modded. You can have a character with a lot of powers, but if you do, then put on a reasonable restriction that makes it so they can't use them all the time or causes some sort of dangerous backlash upon extensive usage.

5. You are limited to two OCs per person, you may be able to prepare backups in case one of yours dies at some point, we will discuss when your new character will be able to come in.

6. Everyone has a weakness, a fear, something they avoid at all costs. So don't go making fearless characters or anything. Even if it's as simple as a spider, that's at least something.

7. Rp in the third person, no first person.

8. Try not to have too many one-liners. You can have them, but try not to.

9. Proper grammar is appreciated, we know that not all grammar is perfected, but please make sure that your actions are understandable.

10. Please, do not be whiny. We will try our best to make any compromises as best as we can as long as you talk with us without hostility or anger.

11. You may use text messenger slang only in text-message conversations in the RP. Use emojis as you would like, but please don't go overboard.

12. Please be mindful and respectful to other players, OOC conflicts or prolonged OOC arguments will not be tolerated.

Appearance (Can use Image):
Powers (Optional):
Powers Description:
Backstory (Optional, but backstories are fun):
Other (Optional):
Note: Players who choose to have powers will have no-one but their close friends and other PCs know that you have said power, other characters will not know if you have said power unless you reveal it to them or if used in public/seen using it. Some characters, however, may know that you have said power without your demonstration. It is recommended that you are careful to whom you reveal your powers to. 24 acceptances will be available.

Leela Welhart
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Likes: Reading books, Table Top Games, video games, gymnastics
Spicy food, Drawing, mystery, sleep, loves cats

Dislikes: Toast, Extra home work, water, worms
Personality: lazy, random, happy, upbeat

Powers (Optional):
Powers Description: Leela has the abilitie to transform into a small black cat with orange eyes and an abnormally long tail. She has all the attributes of a normal house cat. She can also see things that normal humans can not see.

Backstory (Optional, but backstories are fun):
Leela is a normal girl who lives a normal life. Video games, role playing games and drawing are all her guilty joys of life, but gymnastics are what she lives for. Leela has moved from school to school over the course of her life and finally she has come to Prismoria. Sense coming here, Leela has began to experience strange things. Sudden drowsiness, odd urges to chase things that move fast, and starting to purr when happy or hiss at random things that scare her. Unknown to her is that she is one of a few in her family to have a dormant geen of a long dormant curse in her family, that one day she will take the form of a feline, those that can see what others can not.
"Sense coming here" Since*
"have a dormant geen" Gene*

Accepted. You will get the pm soon, I still need to add the finishing touches. :)

Name: Lukas Grim
Gender:Transgender Male
Likes: Taking walks, reading biographies, being alone.
Dislikes: Being in locked places, the dark, loud/rude people
Personality: Lucas is a introverted person by habit, he is quite and doesn't have then energy to shout over people so his thoughts often go unheard. He has a strong sense of what is right and wrong and will act if someone infringes on beliefs. He is calm and can think clearly under duress. Often seen as snobby.
Powers (Optional): Electricity
Powers Description: Can control the flow of electricity and use it as a weapon (only if there is a nearby source), but it leaves him exhausted and because of his natural charge he is unable to use many electronic appliances including a cell phone or even a toaster.
Backstory (Optional, but backstories are fun): Second son born into old money but his parents/older brother are never around so he is under the care of his Aunt Kendra who had some psychotic breaks when Lucas was younger. Which may be the cause of his fear of dark/locked places. His Aunt Kendra enrolled him into public school this after years of privet tutors hoping that he would become more extroverted and to ease her guilt.
Yes, there are 22 spots left. :) Not saying we're going until every spot is taken, but that's just our limit minus the already accepted.
To those who are interested in the RP, those who are accepted will be added to a private conversation. The RP will begin once three people have been added. Progress so far, (2/3) people are in the private conversation to begin the RP. Need one more to begin the RP.
I'm interested, but no promises yet. If I could ask a few questions, though:

1. Are the powers connected? Did they all develop while the students were at the school?
2. What are the expectations about how often we post and how much we post?
3. How long, approximately, would this roleplay last if it managed to get through the entire plot you have planned thus far?
I'm interested, but no promises yet. If I could ask a few questions, though:

1. Are the powers connected? Did they all develop while the students were at the school?
2. What are the expectations about how often we post and how much we post?
3. How long, approximately, would this roleplay last if it managed to get through the entire plot you have planned thus far?

No, the powers are not connected to the school, but gained by whatever means you choose. Expectations on how often you post, we would assume would be quickly, like within an hour or two time span perhaps, but not things like waiting days for a response. We do expect the pacing to slow down significantly throughout the nighttime. If you cannot post too often, please let us know separately in advance and we will work something out. With what we planned thus far, I can estimate that this RP could take up to a week or slightly longer. That is however, dependent on the amount of time spent talking with other characters, and solving certain things. If you would like to partake in the RP please fill out the form at the top of this page here. If you are accepted you will be added to a private conversation with other accepted players. We need one more to begin. Thank you for asking questions! :)
No, the powers are not connected to the school, but gained by whatever means you choose. Expectations on how often you post, we would assume would be quickly, like within an hour or two time span perhaps, but not things like waiting days for a response. We do expect the pacing to slow down significantly throughout the nighttime. If you cannot post too often, please let us know separately in advance and we will work something out. With what we planned thus far, I can estimate that this RP could take up to a week or slightly longer. That is however, dependent on the amount of time spent talking with other characters, and solving certain things. If you would like to partake in the RP please fill out the form at the top of this page here. If you are accepted you will be added to a private conversation with other accepted players. We need one more to begin. Thank you for asking questions! :)

Thank you for your answers; this sounds like something I would enjoy.

Name: Thomas Sitwell
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Appearance: Cleanly cropped, well-groomed, dark-brown hair adorns a head of soft features, tempered with the well-trained hint of a smile. Slightly below average height for his age, but making up for it with presence and posture, Thomas is often mistaken in photographs for being younger than he is. He subscribes to the motto 'dress to impress', and has a closet of dress shirts. Usually, he'll wear a white dress shirt, but during the summer months he has a more colourful variety of short-sleeved dress shirts as well. Excepting formal occasions, he leaves his collar unbuttoned; under heat, he'll open his cuffs and undo the button at the top of his chest. He wears tan dress pants on a day-to-day basis, with perhaps one pair of jeans. His shoes are, again excepting formal occasions, brown, leather dress shoes. However, enough attention has been given to how he dresses; let's return to how he looks. His mouth is rather small, his eyes dark and brown. He has an approachable demeanour, but some might find his formality of dress and presentation intimidating. His body is in the epitome of average, neither excessively lanky nor hefty, by muscle or fat. His looks might be deemed 'cute' by nature, but 'handsome' in the way they are presented by his careful grooming.
Likes: Reputation and civility, by nature. Inclined to enjoy the attention of the opposite sex, or the camaraderie of his own. Has an affinity, though not an explicit skill, for football (soccer) and tennis, with some skill at ping-pong, darts, and table shuffleboard. Enjoys novels, preferably the classics, and movies, so long as they're somewhat good - know that he'll be quick to tear apart any fiction which fails to meet standards. Never one to pass up on a good game of cards. He has no real preference about his food, so long as it's edible, and has an equal distaste for extreme cold and extreme heat.
Dislikes: Those who lack respect, either for themselves or others; he will be quick to give his two cents to anyone who falls under these categories. Also has a disdain for ignorance, and is easily annoyed by stupidity. He dislikes products which are extremely cheap and worthless, as well as products which are unreasonably expensive given their quality. Obtrusive noises are irritable, sometimes to the extreme, as are any other interruptions to normality.
Personality: While Thomas will introduce himself with all the formality he can muster, he will just as easily engage in an enjoyable time with friends, laughing and commenting without too much regard for propriety. However, life is often a series of smaller conversations, so it is far more useful to consider his formality his proper behaviour. That is not to say that his formality is cold; in most cases, he comes across as friendly and respectful. He is laid back enough that he speaks casually when not making introductions or discussing the most serious of matters. However, around all this formality are some troubling attitudes. While he values respect, he has no problem deciding who deserves respect, and holds everyone to very high standards. If behaviour falls below these standards too often or too soon, then prejudice presides and the chance of a friendship forming is very minimal. Additionally, Thomas' views, which could at times be seen as elitist, could also be interpreted as hypocritical in some scenarios. While he has managed to become friendly enough under most circumstances, he cannot be immune to the worst parts of the foundation of who he is.
Powers: Weapon Manifestation
Powers Description: Thomas' powers are linked to an entity which has attached itself to him interdimensionally; why it chose him is unknown. The entity is invisible, and only interacts with Thomas through his mind, where they can both communicate. The entity seems to be dormant, except when called upon. When called upon, it will bring specified weapons out of a pocket dimension at any location within Thomas' range of sight, and then collect these weapons after they have been discarded. The weapons always return in pristine condition, no matter the state they are in when brought back to the pocket dimension. These weapons are:
  • A dagger with a curved blade. Its hilt is bronze, finely carved and slightly aged, with a steel blade.
  • A steel rapier. Apparently of modern design.
  • A spear with a stone head. More useful as a staff, since the head is dulled but the pole is very sturdy.
  • A revolver, with a stock of six bullets, reloaded each time it is manifested. The handle is wooden and well worn, with the initials A.S. inscribed on the bottom of the handle.
  • A shotgun, with two rounds.
  • A sniper rifle, which Thomas has not done any more than examine. He has had no opportunity to fire it, and would require a great deal of training to use it effectively.
  • A bullwhip. Two and a half meters long.
  • A flashbang stun grenade.
  • A stapler. The common variety.
  • A pen. Blue, ballpoint, beautiful. Also, uncannily sharp.
Backstory: Thomas was destined to attend a boarding school from the moment he was born; it was simply par for the course when considering his family. They were a family which believed very strongly in maintaining a reputation and a certain distinction which allowed them to have, as a family, a general sense of respect. Thomas was raised in such a way as to ensure that he was ever happy to oblige this familial desire; as such, it is no surprise that Thomas embraced the teachings of formality and propriety, and as a result, his parents are more than comfortable allowing him out of their reach at a boarding school, where they know that he will hold himself to the highest standards even without their supervision.
The more important aspect of Thomas' history would likely be that which pertains to the events which gave him his superpower. Therefore, understand that his superpower is not one which directly affects him; this power could have been given to anyone. For reasons unknown, it was he who made contact with this entity in his dreams only a few weeks after beginning to attend Prismoria. While perturbed at first, he soon decided that these powers, and the entity, would have to remain secret. Anything else would attract unwelcome attention, and would not fit with what he had been taught by every work of fiction in the superhero genre. Thankfully, concealing his powers was easy; they left no obvious marks or signs, and if he chose not to use them, he could totally ignore them. In secret, though, he continued to sate a growing desire to understand his powers, and to develop new applications for them.
Name: Lanette Iselle

Age: 16

Gender: Female


Likes: Nature, drawing, outdoor sceneries, her little drawings

Dislikes: Withered plants, not enough paper, missing pencils, people who crush her drawings

Personality: Lanette could be considered a very eccentric person to many who have known her. At first she is reserved but when formally introduced to others she is a sociable person to be near to. Sometimes she'll show a uplifting side while other times, she'll show a macabre side, often pointing out gross or morbid facts about nature or art but she usually apologizes afterwards, saying she was thinking aloud. She appears to also keep a calm and straight poker face when it comes to certain things.

Powers: To Life

Powers Description: Lanette has the ability to draw things to life using only her left hand. But for the most part, she's right-handed, so she is limited to small scribbles of creatures that can become sentinel in any shape/form she draws them in (becoming 2D to 3D or vice versa) but she has no control over them once it lifts itself off the paper until someone catches or shoots it out of the air. It will then turn back into a non-living doodle or splat into droplets of ink, depending on how you got rid of it.

Lanette was left in the care of her cousin Serah, since her parents were constantly having to move for their job and because of that, Lanette has not seen her parents in a long time. To fill in the gap while she waited to be applied to a school called Prismoria, she found himself drawing sceneries and such outside her home, appreciating the little things about nature. When she wanted to draw with her left hand to see how well she would do, it was just a scribble of lines to form nothing really but it started to come off the paper and come alive. She was startled yet amazed by her newfound ability and continued to draw with her left hand until she was surrounded by the little creatures that had come to life. But when her cousin found out about her power, she told Lanette to keep it a secret from anyone, even from her own parents, saying that someone could use her power for malicious reasons. A bit frightened of what she was told, Serah wrapped her arm in a bandage and told her to never use it outside of home. Since then, Lanette has tried not to draw with her left hand out in public... sometimes.

Other: Her left arm from the forearm up to her hand is wrapped in bandages.
Name:Mina umida
Age: 14
Appearance :

Likes: Reading, relaxing, mobile games, cats.
Dislikes: Cockroaches, unreasonable people, being bothered.
Personality: Mina lived a privileged lifestyle, her parents often praised and supported her hobbies and education. She would usually be seen alone or with one or two others, as she had always been introverted but is friendly enough to start a chat with.
Powers :Time control
Powers Description: Mina has the ability to slow down time in locations where she pleases. Depending on the slow down intensity, she will lose little to alot of her energy just casting the ability. This ability can be used to help her think or react faster in situations, but using it intensively would eventually cause her to pass out from exhaustion.
Backstory: As a child, she lived a normal life: studying hard to get good grades and Excel in her activities. When she discovered her power however, most things suddenly became much more easier for her since she could use it for anything she wanted. Because of this, she would often use her powers to get out of awkward situations or thoroughly think through things and therefore heavily relies on it.
Other : Owns a cat named Mochi!

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