Headphone Actor
Made by: CaptivatingMc14 and NeoGenesis
Made by: CaptivatingMc14 and NeoGenesis
Prismoria is a simple place, your average high school, your everyday life for as long as the school year reigns. Nothing can go wrong, can it? Everything is just as it should be. Students living their normal lives, moving from class to class between bells. Teachers scolding students for sleeping in class. Everyone chattering away during their lunch period, just as it should be every day. Emphasis on the should be. Something is odd about this school year. Something... that's causing massive strange occurrences, not just in school, but beyond that. Abnormal damages of property, students disappearing, mass suicides...what's happening!? Where did it all go wrong? Where did these people gain powers... much similar to us?
1. No smut. There can be romance such as kissing, hugging, things of normal romantic means. However, you may not perform any action that is sexual or sexually suggestive.
2. You may swear, but don't go crazy. Swearing isn't necessary really. The meaning will be understood without the swear word perfectly fine, but if you really want to, fine. Just don't go dropping the f bomb every two seconds.
3. Don't kill others OCs unless agreed to by the owner of said OC or it is your own OC.
4. Don't be too overpowered/God-modded. You can have a character with a lot of powers, but if you do, then put on a reasonable restriction that makes it so they can't use them all the time or causes some sort of dangerous backlash upon extensive usage.
5. You are limited to two OCs per person, you may be able to prepare backups in case one of yours dies at some point, we will discuss when your new character will be able to come in.
6. Everyone has a weakness, a fear, something they avoid at all costs. So don't go making fearless characters or anything. Even if it's as simple as a spider, that's at least something.
7. Rp in the third person, no first person.
8. Try not to have too many one-liners. You can have them, but try not to.
9. Proper grammar is appreciated, we know that not all grammar is perfected, but please make sure that your actions are understandable.
10. Please, do not be whiny. We will try our best to make any compromises as best as we can as long as you talk with us without hostility or anger.
11. You may use text messenger slang only in text-message conversations in the RP. Use emojis as you would like, but please don't go overboard.
12. Please be mindful and respectful to other players, OOC conflicts or prolonged OOC arguments will not be tolerated.
Appearance (Can use Image):
Powers (Optional):
Powers Description:
Backstory (Optional, but backstories are fun):
Other (Optional):
Note: Players who choose to have powers will have no-one but their close friends and other PCs know that you have said power, other characters will not know if you have said power unless you reveal it to them or if used in public/seen using it. Some characters, however, may know that you have said power without your demonstration. It is recommended that you are careful to whom you reveal your powers to. 24 acceptances will be available.