Volanda Academy for Fairies

Sayuri was halfway to the school.Taking her time while letting her innocent thoughts flow.She wondered what a fairy school was like,what classes there were,what kind of room mate she'd get.A bubble of joy popped inside her from her excitement of being somewhere new.She glanced at the time and noticed class should be starting soon.Holding onto her messenger bag for no immediate reason,she dashed the rest of the way to school.
((Maria's open for a roommate ;) Also, she would recommend some form of music club. I'm not sure if band/orchestra/choir is a class option))

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Their whispers haunted her dreams. Not that she minded. She liked to help the dead. She liked to help anybody...

However, most normal people, fairies or otherwise, did not do well with dreams of the dead pleaing for who knew what.

After waking up from another of these dreams, the fairy with long purple hair dressed in the school uniform. Sure, most people went home for the summer. This fairy was a bit of a special case, as she had no home to go back to. Not that she minded. Her foster father wouldn't really give her much time with her mother. She hadn't seen either in two years.

She began to undo her long purple braid, all for the purpose of making it a ponytail. When finished, she lifted her messenger back and placed it on one shoulder, making her way into the hall, not bothering to find her roommate. She was certain her roommate would find her. She walked through the halls with an air of gentle grace, and looked at her schedule one last time before veering off in the direction of her first class.

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She was the school nurse now. That was hard to remember as she walked through the halls, smiling at the students she passed. Her green hair was back in a messy bun, and she carried a book about some type or another or medicine. Not that she would need it, but she liked to be prepared. She stood outside the door of her office for a momentm reminded of all the times she visited the old nurse here just to say hello. Returning as the nurse was just going to be a lot of reminiscing.

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The part he disliked the most, other than having to get angry at the kids sometimes, was the uniform.

Sure, the kids didn't have the greatest uniform either, but teachers wore a uniform too. The teacher of weapons and metal element fairies was not one for stuffy, uptight uniforms. He leaned back in his chair, flipping through the logs that said who would be in his class later, absently playing with a ninja star with his left hand.

((Ugh, his icon's too big >.< Imma have to fix that when I get home from school...))
(Do we decorate the dorm rooms however we want or do they have a specific design?)

Rosa room 18 cautiously, Bo was right next door and he had stressed this fact over and over again...not that it had mattered. They were separated and they couldn't do anything about it. Looking around she could tell her roommate had already arrived, Rosa was very careful not to touch anything hoping to avoid conflict with her neighbor. First things first she laid down Pippa's dog bed letting the large German shepherd wolf cross take a break.

Dog bed: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_fqOWK8-gADc/TIQwUnPCtPI/AAAAAAAABIo/tJGEh-J1Eec/s1600/p_100818469.jpg
((You can decorate it how you want and ok ill update the roommate and club list. just let me know what clubs you want to be in! oh and ill post once i update the rp))
((Music, drama, equestrian {horse back riding}, and cooking.

I have chosen to make Maria a very active little fairy.))
((okay, finally updated! Oh and classes are not going to be a huge part of the rp (sorry rhi'a) but things like clubs and any special events like dances will be)) ------------------------------------------- Victoria laughed at the 'pretty girl' comment. "Have you looked at your class schudule? There should be something in the upper right hand couner saying your room number. This is room 7." Victoria told the girl. -------------------------------------------------- Sam laid on his bed for awhile, thinking about nothing in practicular. He looked at his watch and realized classes were starting soon. He grabbed his uniform, a maroon vest, white tshirt, dress shoes, and kaki pants to the bathroom to change. He quickly changed out of his street clothes and into the uniform. Grabbing his backpact, he hurried out the door to his first class.
(So can Lillia be in Music, Drama, and fighting club? and Mako in Photography and Book club?)

Lillia looked at the sheet and giggled to herself. "Oh! Then this is my room." She smiled at her and stuck out a hand to shake. "I am Lillia Flinn. Who are you? And I really hope that we can be friends."
Sayuri was having trouble finding her class so close to the bell!On top of that,she couldnt even see past mout people!She wanted to pout because of her size but she needed to find her class.She tugged someone's jacket in a child-like manner to ask for directions.
((sure thing! ill add them to the first page)) ------------------------------------------------ "I'm Victoria Adams." She smiled at Lillia, "It's nice to meet you." She glanced at her alarm clock, which she had set up when she got into the room. "Classes start soon. You should get your uniform on and get to class soon." She picked up her bag, "I'll see you later." Victoria hurried out of the room to her first class.
Tessa walked into her class and sat down on the desk with an irritated look on her face.

"Hey Tessa." A few boys in the back called to her, waving stupidly. She blinked her blue eyes and than gave them a tiny wave before crossing her legs and bringing out her bejeweled Ipod. She plugged in neon pink ear-buds and than listened to the song Sweet Dreams by Eurythmics

(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zanZFMqG75o&feature=BFa&list=LLc_T61zwffjXupBPKIK6qag&lf=mh_lolz )

She looked around the classroom at everyone's faces, than she sighed and leaned back in her chair with a relaxed expression. The music seemed to calm her down.
[Cayde's club choices: Art, Craft & Design (personal specialization: drawing & sculpture), and (unless Fighting already includes weapons in which case i'll do that instead) Weapon Training (personal weapons of choice: Sword/projectiles)]

His space within the room was bare, and aside from the recently discarded items of cothing it held no hint of a personality or even of the life that occupied and currently navigated it. He had learned early, during his first and second years at school not to leave anything on display. That humans and their curious fascination with the fae culture that was usually so secretive often lead to their touching and moving what wasn't theirs regardless of whether they were an occupant of the room and regardless of warning.

Now that he had noticed him, Caydehl kept catching sight of the other individual in his peripherals and as he removed and replaced items from his drawers and cupboards into the messenger bag at his side, he heard the other stir, followed by the sound of the door opening and closing. Caydehl's eyes flicked to the clock automatic, then taking a moment to finish gathering his things followed him out into the first day traffic.

The main rush had already passed by the time Cayde finally arrived at the main building, only stragglers remaining, and it was easy enough to navigate the corridors to his classroom. Nodding his thanks at the unnatural supportive brush of air against his palm he entered the classroom taking up a seat by the window.
Tessa looked up slightly and watched Cayde go and sit down. Her blue eyes twinkled a little, but she looked away and down at her Ipod.

~I wonder who that is?~ She thought silently to herself as she sighed and relaxed her shoulders.

She peeked at Cayde again, getting a good look at his face, than she flicked her gaze to the front of the classroom in curiosity.
Iliana swooped the last few lengths of hallway, only barely resisting the urge to put her arms out. She skidded to a stop in front of her room, and walked in, seeing a girl on the other bed. "Oh, hi! You must be my roommate!" she said, smiling widely at her. "I'm Iliana! What's you're name?" As she spoke, she went over to her bed and opened her bag, to take out her uniform. She slipped her skirt over her pants, and began to fumble around, trying to remove her pants without messing up her skirt too badly.
Mako slid into a seat near the front of the classroom. He was use to people's comment about those who sit in the front row. The front was always the best place for him in the classroom. He started to drift off a bit as the class waited for the teacher to arrive. He ignored some of the others, for now at least. Mako could socialize later. Like during lunch or a break. Mako also wondered who his roommate was. They missed each other. Mako assumed he would know later tonight. His only hope is that the person wasn't wild or anything.


Lillia went wide-eyed and threw off her clothes, scrambling to find her uniform. She was not going to be late on her first day. That would be really bad. She dressed as quickly as she could without messing it up too badly and flew out the door to her class. She arrived huffing, but she managed to make it. She took the first seat available
Sayuri crossed her arms and huffed.'This is hopeless'she complained to herself.She was suddenly bumped by someone from behind."Oh,excuse me.Can you tell me where to find my class?"she asked as she turned around.
"Oh umm, I'm Rosalind LotusShadow...you can call me Rosa though," the quiet girl said picking her words carefully. She hated how awkward she felt around other fairies, Bo had been trying to get her to open up ever since he met her but it had never worked. In fact when he had offered to take her down to buy school supplies and furniture she had told him just two of all of his school supplies and she would make her own furniture. Now she had a roommate who seemed friendly and she was tongue tied on the bed.
(('s ok Sage. I'll find other uses for my little teacher, like maybe having him head a club or two.))
((ok rhi'a and to everyone else, just a heads up i will be skipping to after school, since like i said the rp is revolved around the classes. oh and it's going to be a wednesday. figure having the first week of school be short would be good. and if you want your people in any clubs please just tell me here!))

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