~Vixen's School for Those Struggling With Magic Abilities~ [Inactive]

"So..." Bram began awkwardly. The hall was otherwise quiet, aside from the clicking of his shoes on the floor and the clacking of the kirin's hooves. He didn't know what to say really. An introduction would do. "I'm Bram Foley by the way. And considering I'm not one of those 'Mr. foley' types, just call me Bram."
Ho looks up at the man, the at Sorrene. Mustering up the small amount of courage he could, he stated "I... I am R... Raziel... and this is Sorrene. Are... are you a teacher?"
"I'm the Guidance Counselor actually. Well, a Guidance Counselor if there are any more. Nice to meet you two," Bram said brightly, hoping that by being open and talkative the boy wouldn't be too timid of him. "I was correct in assuming you're students, right?"

The kirin prances off, looking for vegetation to graze on. Hannibal stood next to bram, towering over all three of them.

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He nods shyly. He had never actually been enrolled in a school in his life before now, "um.. what is a guidance councillor?"
"It is those who help us students with problems we have." Hamnibal said as a spark of red energy flew off of his blue, shiny fur.

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Raziel screams, but quickly covers his mouth. He had been surprised by the sudden appearance of the scary looking male.
"I'm sure it's just first day nerves. You say you're zin-hu? It's been awhile since I've seen anyone even part zin-hu," Bram said, mostly to himself. He shook his head and gave the rather tall student a grin. "I'm Mr. Foley, but just call me Bram."
"And you can call me Hannibal, since it is my name." He said with a smile. "And i am the only one of my kind left." He adds.

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He calms himself, removing his hands from his mouth. "N.. no... I've never seen a... Zin Hue before... I dont even know what a Zin hue is... actually I've never met anything other than humans before coming to this school..."
"And I'm the only one of mine," Bram replied with a slight chuckle, scratching the back of his head. He listened to Raziel speak, then Hannibal, before nodding slowly. "I see. I never realized zin-hu meant something, I just assumed it was a fancy title."

"I see you are confused, its when a zinogre falls for a human female, then 2 years later, a halfling like me is born." He said.

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Sorrene's cheeks flushed a light pink when Raziel took her hand, but she quickly understood when she saw how nervous he was. She smiled and waved at Bram, then turned to face Hannibal.

"That's pretty interesting, Hannibal. I never knew that some species needed such a precise time frame to exist."
He nods. "But.... I am not the only one. I have a sister, who is the only stygian of our kind." He said as he showed them the scars she gave him on his left eye, chest, left arm, and back. " she is evil, and i plan to get revenge on her."

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Raziel panics, hiding behind Sorrene further. Memories flashed in front of his eyes. Memories of cuts, knives, bruises and fists. He curls up in a ball on the floor, tears streaming. He is shaking, petrified.
"I…um…I have no idea. I only met him a few minutes ago." Sorrene replied, unsure of what exactly was going on. He seemed a bit nervous before, but she thought it was just first-day jitters. Now that he was having a full-on panic attack, she thought differently.

"Oh my goodness, this can't get any worse. Bram, please tell me there's a nurse or something- somebody who actually knows how to fix this, because I don't know what to do!"
"Maybe a Shakalaka knows." Hannibal said jokingly. " i bet he could dance up a cure." he snickered, trying to hold back a laugh. (a Shakalaka is a mini green man that wears a mask on its head. whatever mask it wear, it acts based on the mask it wears.)
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"That wasn't very funny." said Sorrene, glaring at Hannibal. "It's rather rude of you to be making jokes about medical issues."
"Speak of the devil, i sense one nearby." He said. A shakalaka screams as he fled from the restrooms.

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