
Yes, you will receive a M14 as soon as you get to Fort Polk for scoring 40 out of 40 on the shooting range at basic training. And FUCK the Kevlar! Well... It's not even a Kevlar in Vietnam, more like a tin can... Boonies hats it is.
Could I get that M14 with fiberglass stock with telescopic, multiple range zoom enhancement? (Because requesting equipment as a private straight out of boot will go over so well xD )
I'm going through an extreme amount of brain fart right now. Haha. It's kind of hard to find out if that was even available in 65. If it was, I wouldn't mind letting your char use it.
[QUOTE="Kai Ghoul]I'm going through an extreme amount of brain fart right now. Haha. It's kind of hard to find out if that was even available in 65. If it was, I wouldn't mind letting your char use it.

Well, there was a fiberglass option for the M14 that was developed, but that was in response to the M14's stock wood warping due to heavy moisture warping it in Vietnam, so not at the offset of the war, as I assume we will be doing. As for the scopes, there were scopes out there that used multiple zoom, but it was usually between short and far with variable magnification. So a stock one will be fine and adjustments can come later. :)
SwiftThunder said:
WOOT! Boonie hats all the way, all day every day... though having a helmet would be nice too. Also, noticed we got a crazy machine gunner type now. I was kind of expecting to morph into that down the line. Oh well, I 'll just be sure to become the Designated Marksman for the platoon. :)
Edit: Also, weird thing I just picked up on, I count as least 3 different people born and/or raised in the great state of Texas or south in general in the character list. Southern accents and "y'alls" all round!
That's actually an acting trend in history too! Texas had the most awarded veterans for the most part.
Guess it sucks to suck! It's cool, you'll definitely get a scope though. Rico gets what he wants, and makes sure the troops get what they can. A model but slightly corrupt platoon sergeant :D

Oh shit! Almost forgot you asked me a question carnage. Everyone will start their first post getting off the bus together. Oddly enough; none of them were in the same basic training platoon, but graduated the same time. They all had a weekend of leave before heading to fort Polk from fort benning Georgia. All the NCO's will be waiting for the new soldiers, and will 'greet' them as they get off > :D
So we feeling like kicking it off tonight, or shall we wait for tomorrow to get into it?
I'm gonna give it till tomorrow, technically we still have a couple spots open and such. I'll just make NPC's to fill the rest of the joe's. @Daimao said he would most likely join, so I'm gonna do him a favor and keep it open for at least until tomorrow afternoon or something. I'm going to make a post on the 'In character RP' to give out a little more information on how they would start their first post, and to also bump the RP so we could potentially get maybe one or two more late comers. I'm also tired as shit today from work :(
Sorry to hear about you being tired. but either way, its going to be fantastic start to an awesome RP. See you then :D
@Daimao[/URL] said he would most likely join, so I'm gonna do him a favor and keep it open for at least until tomorrow afternoon or something. I'm going to make a post on the 'In character RP' to give out a little more information on how they would start their first post, and to also bump the RP so we could potentially get maybe one or two more late comers. I'm also tired as shit today from work :(
Tomorrow afternoon your time, or my time? Russian timezones are different from American ones by....a lot

Hi :3

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

Oh hai dere. I know you.

It's funny that everytime I randomly join a RP, I always end up with people I've RPed with before. You guys must be stalking me...unless I'm actually stalking you... O.o
Daimao said:
It's funny that everytime I randomly join a RP, I always end up with people I've RPed with before. You guys must be stalking me...unless I'm actually stalking you... O.o
Well....I joined this roleplay before you did... So...


"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

@Kai Ghoul

How many characters are we allowed?

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

PlaguedWithInsanity said:
Well....I joined this roleplay before you did... So...

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

Dammit! I did it again! I need to stop subconsciously stalking people. It's gonna get me in trouble one day.

Unless there's no living witnesses......
Daimao said:
Dammit! I did it again! I need to stop subconsciously stalking people. It's gonna get me in trouble one day.
Unless there's no living witnesses......
*evil laughter*

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

Hey, did I miss anything? Sorry, been busy. I'll try to finish up my profile this weekend. Got a long day tomorrow.

How is everyone?
You didn't miss much, just the assigning of certain high positions of some of the soldiers already finished.

But I'm doing well. You?


"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

I'm tired, hungry and not looking forward to grocery shopping in the AM.


I have to be up in 5 hours to do errands and grocery shopping. I'll try to work on my characters profile tomorrow night. I have the basics done. Just need to add in some minor details and add onto his bio/history/overall personality. And find a picture.
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PlaguedWithInsanity said:
@Kai Ghoul
How many characters are we allowed?

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

You are allowed 3 characters, and unlimited NPC's

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