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Fandom Video Game Mashup Adventure


Five Thousand Club
So, this one is simple, yet complex.

Each player chooses a character from any video game universe. We throw them all together into an adventure leading through different video game worlds to stop the coalition of all the big bads from achieving their goals of total domination

Some rules:

- You should know your character enough to be able to play them effectively, both in combat and in personality.

- I prefer one character from each universe, unless they are suitably different. Only one of each specific character. No evils, please. If you have questions or concerns, post here or PM me.

- Please provide a link to the wiki of the game universe, if one exists. Also, even though I can look up the character, a basic character sheet will be needed:

-In the case of MMOs or Games with a class system (Mass Effect), please give a class for your OC.

-In the case of open-ended character games like TES (Skyrim, Oblivion) Please give a simple archetype [Mage, Warrior, Stealth, Etc.]









As well as any other info you feel is necessary, or want to put in.

For combat, I will be using a mechanic similar to what is used in my fantasy RP, Mercenaries of Deretor


During all direct combat scenarios and actions against the enemy will have overall structure from me but the details will be up to the players (i.e. I'll write something like "you can kill three guys, or two and strike at the mini boss" or the such, and allow the player to improvise how he kills them). If players would like to take some sort of direct action not offered, simply run it through me in PM or on this thread and I'll give you the possible results of that action. Wounds will work with light, medium and heavy.

In addition, [Elites ; Minibosses ; Bosses ; Superbosses ] Are all enemies that you must post strikes for, rather than outright killing them.

Light wounds are superficial, they won't affect a character's ability, but the player must acknowledge that they occur during the post. Players may also have the liberty of doing this on their own, though during some situations I will require this to happen to characters. Medium wounds will affect the combat capability of a character, either through a disability that prevents using certain equipment or just a decrease in effectiveness. Heavy wounds completely incapacitates the character; he becomes vulnerable to an execution move by an enemy if not aided by a comrade.


Although the exact style of wounds and deaths and such will depend on your character, I feel this is a decent enough mechanic for this RP as well.

Any questions or comments, Ask below.

If you are interested, and want to reserve a character, post the CS below! I realize this will be first-come first-serve, so please don't get upset if your character is ninja'd away from you. LET'S DO THIS! ^_^
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UNIVERSE - Kingdom Hearts

BASIC PERSONALITY - Sora is a optimistic, simple-minded youngster. He always sees the good in everything, and has a strong sense of justice. Friends are important for him, and he will do anything for them. He will risk his life to protect others, friends and strangers. He forgives easily, friends and enemies alike. He is confident of his abilities, almost arrogant. He is very gullible and oblivious, often missing the obvious. He can be really impulsive, not thinking things through. Due to his young age he can sometimes be childish, and he can become angry when confused.

BATTLE STYLE- Sora wields the Keyblade, a magical sword shaped like a key only a chosen few can wield. Sora relies on brute strength, using his Keyblade in both hands to beat his opponent into submission. He uses wide attacks and sweeping strikes. Everything is self taught, this causes his friends and enemies to underestimate him at first. He can use some basic magic, though he rarely uses it, focusing on his Keyblade.

SAMPLE ATTACKS/WEAPONS- Sora wields the Keyblade and knows some basic spells. He knows Fire/Firaga, Blizzard/Blizzaga, Thunder/Thundaga and Cure/Curaga. He can also summon some friends to help him in battle. He also has something called a Drive Form, in which his clothes changes, increasing his speed and strength. He has multiple Drive Forms, each one focused on a different ability; Valor, specializing in physical attacks. Wisdom, specializing in magical attacks. Limit, going back to the old Sora. Master, using both physical and magical attacks. Final Form, representing Sora's completion. And Anti, representing the darkness still lingering in Sora's heart.



Sora fights agains the Heartless, monsters that steal people's hearts. He also fights Nobodies, empty shells left behind when a person loses his/heart. Heartless and Nobodies have multiple forms, all with different strengths and weaknesses.

SAMPLE BOSSES- In KH1, Sora fought against the main villains from Disney movies. He has fought Captain Hook, Ursula, Hades, Jafar, Clayton (from Tarzan), Oogie Boogie and Maleficent. In KH2 and Chain of Memories he fought against Organization XIII; a group of Nobodies. KH2 also featured some Disney villains. He has fought Marluxia, Larxene, Lexaeus, Vexen, Zexion, Axel, Xigbar, Xaldin, Saïx, Demyx, Luxord, Shan-Yu, Captain Barbossa (from Pirates of the Caribbean), Scar, MCP (from Tron) and Sark (also from Tron). Some old villains also returned, like Maleficent and Hades.



The ultimate bad guy in Kingdom Hearts is Ansem/Xemnas/Xehanort. He goes by multiple names, and has fought with Sora in multiple forms.

Here is the link to the wiki: Sora - Kingdom Hearts Wiki, the Kingdom Hearts encyclopedia
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NAME - Ein

UNIVERSE - Dept. Heaven (Riviera The Promised Land specifically)

BASIC PERSONALITY - Ein is a new Grim Angel and is fairly new to the world leaving him with a fair amount of innocence. After his adventures he grew into a kind man who will do anything to protect his friends and the world they live in. He believes the best of everyone he meets and is not beyond allowing his enemies to survive should they be genuinely misguided, however those directly threatening things he cares about meet almost certain death. At times he is also, not the brightest, blundering into many MANY traps during his adventures. At the start he was fairly quiet but as he traveled with his friends he became more and more talkative. He also has an odd fondness for rocks.

BATTLE STYLE- Ein is a physical fighter, capable of using a wide variety of weapons, from Bows, to Spears, to staves. He is most proficient in swordplay however as his preferred weapon is the holy sword Einherjar. As a Grim Angel Ein is exceptionally durable along with strength and endurance well beyond things humans are capable of.

SAMPLE ATTACKS/WEAPONS- The Einherjar is an unbreakable blade forged of Orichalon which is part of Ein's very being. It is capable of firing a massive amount of holy energy should it be charged long enough and is also capable of cutting through most anything with ease. He wields spears in wide arcs hitting as many targets as he can with them. He is also capable when it comes to Rapiers, Bows, Staves, and Scythes.

SAMPLE ENEMIES- Ein has done battle against many varieties of Demons. Dragons, Naga, Harpies, Wyrms, Skeletons, sorcerers the like.

SAMPLE BOSSES- The bosses of Ein's adventure were the Demon overlords known as the Accursed. There were five such creatures, Aghart the holy phoenix, Isher the demon knight, Lindwurm, the great dragon, Arcangel, and Death. In addition he also fought against his fellow Grim Angels at certain points.

BIG BAD- Hector one of the Seven Magi, the big bad of the entire Dept Heaven series. He sought to destroy Riviera to fuel his summoning of a creature he could absorb to become a god, not to mention being responsible (probably) for the mass corruption of Asgard.

His wiki isn't too big since this series isn't terribly popular but here you go. Ein

Well, I know how to mess with him, maybe. PUZZLES! ^_^


You know something? I love that you went with a less well-known character. I also find it awesome that you somehow chose one that I know (if only a little bit). ^_^
Wait there are other people that exist that have heard of Riviera? I thought I was the only survivor! But yeh, I've been replaying Riviera lately and I figured it'd be fun to try and play Ein.
After a bit of consideration, I have decided to allow OCs, with some restrictions.

-In the case of MMOs or Games with a class system (Mass Effect), please give a class for your OC.

-In the case of open-ended character games like TES (Skyrim, Oblivion) Please give a simple archetype [Mage, Warrior, Stealth, Etc.]

Again, if you have any questions, please let me know.


{- NAME -}

"Clarke....Issac Clarke"


"What? You are asking that? well Nomater seems we are safe here....From dead space"


He is a selfless and determined individual as shown throughout the series. Some examples are him activating a gunship so Ellie can be rescued despite her protests, not wanting her to end up like Nicole, and him trying to save a fellow engineer (Santos) from a cable car under attack by a large Necromorph when doing so was dangerous to his own life -- when Carver cut out the cable from the car and send both the engineer and the monster to their deaths, Isaac was angry and distraught.

As a CEC Engineer, Isaac is extremely resourceful. He displays his best abilities in hacking, repairing and dismantling technological machines. An example of this came about during the Sprawl outbreak, where he dismantled a Kinesis Therapy machine box in the hospital and removed its Kinesis Module for his own uses, along with a Stasis Module some time later. Also, he was able to improvise the creation of a Plasma Cutter using a flashlight and a surgical module when he tried to help a survivor. Due to his experience on the USG
Ishimura and the betrayal of Kendra, Isaac was understandably slow to trust the people around him. However, he would still go out of his way to help others if the situation allowed for it.

Not all But issac shows to be a Very brave man,Has faught Countless times,has Killd Thousands of Necromorphs,Traveld through inside of a accient Ruins in the moon were a Masive Necro Lived and has traveld to the darkest abyss with no hesitation,he was even brave enough to reasive a Needle Dirrectly in his eye fully awake and no painkillers as a "Surgery".Issac has even stomp monsters with his feet with no fear....Has been Grab and Thrown to space,Impaled,Biten and slashed at....He is one of the defenitions of Brave


Issac through time has shown to have a patient batle style and a range one,never facing Oponents Up close but from far,Not just that but always has shown to have a suprice acurracy towards target Weak points like making his targets unmobile by shooting there legs off or similer to then Give the finishing Blow,in short Issac is always aming at any weak spot he can see and make his opponent Unmobile to then finish them from safe distance.....he has learn alot that ven if it looks dead...still break it to pices,Nomater how dead the target looks he wont stop till its SURELY dead as he has face targets who DONT DIE!

Aswell he has one thing that helps you and him......



{The Kinesis and stasis Module}

Issacs most trusted tools is the Kinesis and stasis module,theas 2 wrist Built in devises have a Porpuse to help engineers in there heavy work,but aswell serves as a deadly wepon,the Kinesis module allows issac to grab,Pull,lunch,Float Objects of any weight being heavy or light to be wilded like telekinesis,used for carring heavy Objects without the use of exosuits and aswell hard labor this device is deadly on its own do dose NOT work on Living things.

The stassis Module is the Opposite used to slow down anything being a Person,alien,large fans of a saw coming towards him the stassis module will slow it down GREATLY leting issac escape or pass through with GREAT eas

the Most trusted wepon of this brave man in he Plasma Cutter,used to slice metal and wires this tool is used by issac to make his targets unmobile,not just that but serves as a deadly wepon in medium to close range,Abble to rotate 180 Degrees from Horizontal to Verticall to give issac access to shoot in many angles.


The Slasher

The Most Common enemy of he Necros the Slasher is a deadly Foe,might not seem much but this Turnd Human has no seans But to KILL ANYTHING! every human,every anima. anything in its way,they are VERY AGRESIVE and VERY HOSTILE and will not take words only kill,theas creatures are abble to survive many odds,abble to continue in a Fight EVEN if they loose there head,arms,legs you name it! The ONLY way to make sure to kill one is by removing EVERY limb they have even the head only leaving the torso s evidence they are dead,shoting or slicing any other part of there Body would be Mostly Inefective



The Tormenter

a gigantic Necromorph with a long, slender body and highly elongated limbs. At the end of a flexible neck is the Necromorph's head, which is formed from the head of a single human victim; the upper jaw has expanded into a fanged maw and a pair of mandibles protrude from either side of the face. The Tormenter's forelimbs are extremely long, and are composed of glowing yellow tissue near the shoulder joint; this tissue is a weak point, and if enough damage is sustained in this region it will explode, severing the limb. The rest of the body is a serpentine, misshapen mass of bone fragments and necrotic tissue

This Monster is Powerfull and only mission is to seek Humans,powerfull enought to DEFLECT Tank shells this Juggernaut of a beast can only be killd Via weakpoint as its shell of Tissue and harden bone makes this beast a forze to be fears in EVERY way.


{- BIG BAD -}

You whant big bad? I got ya some Big bad Mix right here

Tau Volantis Moon

No....no joke....This " Moon " Is actually one GIGANTIC necromorph who was sopos o be the source of the one controling every single Other Necro that exist being the "Black Marker" now lets go with some History alright?

At an unspecified point in the past, the alien civilization native to Tau Volantis discovered a Black Marker. Influenced by the Marker's signal, the aliens studied the Marker and created numerous copies, perhaps out of religious reverence or in order to harness the near-limitless energy offered by the devices. The Markers eventually spawned a Necromorph outbreak, and as the infestation overran the planet, the Black Marker initiated a Convergence Event.

Millions of Necromorphs and corpses were flung into orbit by the Marker, where they assembled into an aggregate mass resembling a planetoid: a newborn Brethren Moon. The surviving aliens, presumably having spent their final months and years preparing for such an event, activated a massive terraforming machine and flash-froze both the Moon and the planet. The machine was designed to then pull the Moon into the planet and crush it, but for unknown reasons the machine malfunctioned. The half-formed Moon remained in orbit, unable to move but still able to project its telepathic signal to any Markers in range.

two million years later, after Jacob Danik deactivated the alien machine on Tau Volantis, the Moon was able to re-initiate the Convergence Event it began long ago. When Isaac Clarke and John Carver reactivated and completed the machine, the Moon was pulled straight down onto the surface of Tau Volantis and killed. Before leaving the planet for Earth, Ellie Langford confirmed that the Moon's Marker signal had ceased.

However, this was not the end of the Necromorph threat: before it died, the Moon was able to reach out to its dormant brethren throughout the galaxy, awakening them from hibernation. The other Moons then began broadcasting the signal anew, allowing the Necromorph infestations on Tau Volantis and elsewhere to resume.

This moon might be dead and might have been the papa of the Necros....but there are More Moons out there.....and are resuming there task to Infest the universe.....



Lex Valentia ; THE DRAGONBORN!!!

UNIVERSE - The Elder Scrolls - Skyrim <3

BASIC PERSONALITY - (Lex is a Imperial) Lex loves a challenge and will not back down from any battle. She is open-minded as well and will hear out a conversation / argument before making a decision. (Sorry if I don't type much here, they're really no 'set' definition of the DragonBorn)

BATTLE STYLE- Warrior, dragonknight, swordwoman

SAMPLE ATTACKS/WEAPONS- One handed sword and shield

SAMPLE ENEMIES- Stormcloaks, wolves, bears, sabercats, falmer, and other things :D

SAMPLE BOSSES- Dragons, Red Eagle, and others.


NAME - Master Chief John 117<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Master_Chief_in_Halo_5.png.ff7c06d2af4769d840cc078c46c99dcf.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71399" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Master_Chief_in_Halo_5.png.ff7c06d2af4769d840cc078c46c99dcf.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


BASIC PERSONALITY - Master Chief lets actions speak louder then words as he faces many foes of every kind. He isn't well known for working with a team but can certainly do so. He is tactical in all his decisions and can be very robotic at times. The only time he shows much emotion is when working with other Spartans or interacting with Cortana. His robotic like style can make him seem cold sometimes or maybe even uncaring but he has a sworn duty to protect humanity and that has been a main drive for him through his many years of service.

BATTLE STYLE- Chief has not been known for stealth like ever... the battles he fights are full scale war. He uses heavy armaments and whatever skills neccasary to end things quickly and decisively. He will be seen at the center of any fight getting up close and personal usually with Machine guns or other automatic weapons. Though his fighting style does vary widely as he will also use Sniper rifles and DMR's to keep things at a distance as needed.

SAMPLE ATTACKS/WEAPONS- Chief has so many weapons though! The main ones I will focus on will be the Assault rifle The Battle Rifle Sniper Rifle Shotgun SMG's Energy Sword and Sparatn Laser. Also some hand to and combat will come up from time to time. And Frag and Plasma grenades. Mostly ranged comabat.

SAMPLE ENEMIES-<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Covenant_Group.jpg.805817d7f64932caeb6ecbdaf6094099.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71396" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Covenant_Group.jpg.805817d7f64932caeb6ecbdaf6094099.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Grunts the fodder of the Covenant. Jackals the shielded infantry. Brutes the backbone of the Covenant.

Hunters The heavy fighting pairs that utilize large plasma cannons. Flood attack forms

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/halo-ce_floodforms_2.jpg.168ccb9d7ab0a667ef347f9579c2f8ad.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71401" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/halo-ce_floodforms_2.jpg.168ccb9d7ab0a667ef347f9579c2f8ad.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

SAMPLE BOSSES- Tartarus The leader of the brutes with the Fist of Rukt

BIG BAD- <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Gravemind.jpg.71e4f4e04e41c0a55ad1db1d79d7ca86.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71400" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Gravemind.jpg.71e4f4e04e41c0a55ad1db1d79d7ca86.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> The Gravemind. The central mind of the Flood.

Master Chief (Halo) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Tartarus.jpg.c931417be24dc3427f71c1eb8ffd9160.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71397" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Tartarus.jpg.c931417be24dc3427f71c1eb8ffd9160.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Sounds like a very interesting roleplay idea! I'm interested. Question: Since there's a job/class system in the game, should the character start at base, skip to their final job, or stay somewhere in between?


    Click Me!

    NAME -

    Ara Haan (???)


    Elrios (Elsword)


    Ara is a very delicate, innocent, well-mannered and kindhearted individual. She tends to keep a positive demeanor all the time, however, she wails easily from the littlest of things, such as a scolding from an ally. Ara has also shown to be quite clumsy at times, seeming to trip over thin air, adding comical opportunities to the story. The female often apologizes repeatedly for her mistakes, as forgiveness and being on good terms with others/having stable relationships are of a great value to her. There is a running gag in the fandom where people often depict Ara having a brotherly complex.

@Ibuki ( @GoldenWolf )

Good question! Since MMOs and RPGs have a different progression than "straight" games like shooters, I was thinking that characters begin at mid-game. So, in an MMO example, when you have a good class identity and the Instances Really start to get going. Shooters tend to have little difference in Beginning, mid, and end games, character -wise. Does that make sense?

In your example, probably early-mid in the second job

Also, oh god, tripping and bro-con. Wonder if I can use these. ^_^


Find your Big Bad interesting, but I am inclined to agree. Perhaps also Prophet of truth... And I am SO gad you didn't go with anything 4.

Calibutcher said:
He isn't well known for working with a team
Well, he is not known because he is the only SPARTAN left, unless you read expanded universe. However, he can work with a team awesomely, just as any spartan. It's just hard when your marines are so squishy and you may or may not kill them on pur- accident (Actually, fanon has it that in 2p Halo and Halo 2, the second Master Chief is actually Linda, one of his dead teammates.)

Calibutcher said:
Chief has not been known for stealth like ever
Again, when he was in a SPARTAN team, amazing stealth. There just wasn't a need for it in the games because, well, they wanted you to feel like a one man army. Halo's a shooter, not a stealth game, basically.

Could go on, probably shouldn't. Just one last question... did you ever read the Halo novel "The Fall of Reach"? It adds so much depth to the MC in general, and the novel of the first game "The Flood" Adds much story and depth to the first game.


NAME - Cole MacGrath

UNIVERSE - inFamous

BASIC PERSONALITY - Cole is a hero because it seems the right thing to be when Empire City faces its darkest hour. He has no further future plans and takes things as they come. He is rather moody and doesn’t talk needlessly. He doesn’t particularly like being idolized. Cole is pretty big on revenge and would have hunted down Kessler (the Big Bad) to the end of the world. He really hates to be lied to or being manipulated and then is quite unforgiving. He was adequately happy with his life as a bike messenger before it all began, but now his powers will be a burden to him until the day he dies. He has to be the city’s only hope. Having learned that in the original reality he left the city to its own destiny while trying to save his family, he feels lost as to his best course of action and the actions of Kessler, his future self. It seems like whatever choice he would have and will take would lead to Trish’s death, and to him being forced into becoming an involuntary superhero. It doesn’t help that his future s elf was responsible for the near-destruction of Empire City (the place where he lives) either, although he is now intent on changing that future so it doesn’t come to pass. Still, he might become the villain Kessler one day in the future.


Cole has an amazing array of electricity-based abilities. He can use these for offensive and defensive purposes as well as for transportation. His common offensive abilities are hurling lightning bolts, lightning grenades and summon lightning storms and electric melee.

He has very fast reflexes, excellent coordination and astounding climbing and mobility skills. Furthermore, he cannot take damage from a fall, and often uses this to land into enemy groups like an electric bomb. Another useful ability is to create an electric force shield radiating out from his arm, which is strong enough to block most incoming attacks.

By extending his electrical field he can take control of incoming missiles and similar and redirect their course. By projecting focused bolts from his hands, he can glide through the air, while his greatest transportational ability is to electrically ride the rails of a railway or powerlines at great speeds.

Cole’s more finely tuned control over his lightning field also grants him several other useful abilities. He is a living dynamo with excellent resilience and durability and seems immune to any and all electrical effects, instead employing them for his own purposes. Cole basically lives electricity as he can use it to augment his own healing at will. He can also use his more fine-tuned abilities to heal other people. Since he constantly absorbs electricity from his surroundings it seems Cole cannot exhaust himself physically and it seems he burns out any drugs he is affected by pretty fast as well. Should he need more energy or health quickly he can even absorb the life energy of anyone he touches, though Cole despises this ability and only uses it when it is absolutely necessary. With some focus he can also create electrical bonds and shackles capable of binding arrested foes until the police can pick them up.

He constantly senses all electric field around himself, and can differentiate and find electrical machinery and people. A more impressive use of his abilities is to see traces of electric residues of people, which allows him to track down specific targets as well as see past occurrences in electrical terms.

His main problem is that, due to being vivified electricity, Cole is unable to use vehicles about the city, take up weapons, or swim. Still, with all his abilities he doesn’t need to use any of that anyway.

SAMPLE ATTACKS/WEAPONS- Electric Bolts, Electric Grenades, ect.

Though a previously stated, Cole can wield one weapon he calls the 'Amp'. It is a two pronged conductor that he uses to strike down enemies.

SAMPLE ENEMIES- A gang known as The Reapers. Simple drug addicts, they use conventional weapons such as shotguns, assault rifles, ect.

The Dustmen, a group of homeless people. Though they don't sound threatening, these roofless (no pun intended) people will use anything to get what they want. They have also been known to use conventional weaponry.


The Corrupted, a group of people who were terribly mutated.


SAMPLE BOSSES- Golems: Also known as Armored Golems, are Conduits who encase themselves in a huge scrap armor. They can fire a machine gun-like arm, shooting rocks instead of bullets, scrap bombs and they can do a thunder drop-like attack(splash shockwave) if Cole is too close of the Golem. One needs to shoot out the leg or the arm, causing the Golem to fall and expose the Conduit. They also change colors depending how damaged it is, from yellow (normal), to orange (partly damaged) and red (critically damaged).

Behemoth: Leader and creator of the Corrupted, walking on several crab-like legs, his back acting like a shell, two arms and several purple eyes with mandibles with teeth. When about to attack however, weak pressure points glowing purple will appear. He can summon a hand full of Swamp Monsters for assistance.

Titan: The last stage of their mutation, Titans are formed entirely from ice. Relying entirely on their Cyrokinesis abilities in battle, Titans possess Ionic Freeze, Ice Throw and Ice Beam powers. However, Titans are slow and use melee attacks. Titans also have the ability to replace their arms if ripped off in battle. At this stage in their development, it is generally believed they have lost what was left of their sanity.

BIG BAD- Kessler:

Kessler was an alias used by Cole when he returned to his past to save his former self from a desolate future.

Possessing nearly double the power of his past self, Kessler was a very powerful Conduit, capable of manipulating electricty, as well as having several other abilities.

Oops! Forgot the link to the wikia website:
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NAME - Vincent Valentine

UNIVERSE - Final fantasy

BASIC PERSONALITY -Dark and brooding over his past experiences, Vincent conceals many secrets. He speaks in a cryptic manner, when he talks about his past, calling his traumas 'sins'. Despite his cold-hearted personality, he is not uncaring, just very blunt.

BATTLE STYLE- Vincent is a ranged fighter, using his triple barrel revolver 'Cerberus' to pick off his opponents from a distance, though, he isn't untrained in close quarters combat either, using a gauntlet on his arm to pummel his adversaries if the battle calls for it, along with this, Vincent moves fast, ducking in and out of blind spots with his speed, masking his body with his red cape, that covers most of his body.

SAMPLE ATTACKS/WEAPONS- Vincent uses Cerberus, his trusty revolver like weapon to pick off enemies from a distance, along with some minor magic such as Blink, Fira and Gravity.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/ahriman10.jpg.8743f576686874c39cb590ea33cf50dd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71422" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/ahriman10.jpg.8743f576686874c39cb590ea33cf50dd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Death eye

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/FFT-Bomb.jpg.81b789b5c8c592c359fad0319f8f1f37.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71423" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/FFT-Bomb.jpg.81b789b5c8c592c359fad0319f8f1f37.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Fire elemental


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Zeromus.jpg.e39fe130e886b3e26efb33b078e84786.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71424" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Zeromus.jpg.e39fe130e886b3e26efb33b078e84786.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Zeromus: Hatred given life

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/PAD_Cloud_of_Darkness_artwork.png.8d382b7429c925edbf4b11e2e5def8b3.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71425" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/PAD_Cloud_of_Darkness_artwork.png.8d382b7429c925edbf4b11e2e5def8b3.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Cloud of darkness: Harbinger of nothingness


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/DissidiaChaos.png.6e30ea45cfd737eadd722539c4f682c7.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71426" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/DissidiaChaos.png.6e30ea45cfd737eadd722539c4f682c7.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Chaos's physical attack is powerful and has an added paralysis effect. He wields an array of elemental and non-elemental magic.



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