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Fandom Video Game Mashup Adventure

The Mythic Dragon] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/21038-morithawen/ said:
@Morithawen[/URL] @Zerodeath98 @Yonsisac @GoldenWolf @Ibuki @Calibutcher @Kirito Kei
Hey all, I am going to start soon, as I have 7 players. I simply wanted to make sure you are all okay with a "Wreck-it-Ralph" Kinda deal, where the characters are aware they are in a game, and there is some type of central gathering point.
I'm pumped to get it all started!

Name: Revan

Universe: Star Wars: The Old Republic.

Basic Personality: Revan was a Human male with fair skin and brown eyes, and he wore his dark brown hair at shoulder-length for much of his life. In Revan's own opinion, his features were unremarkable and average. Revan grew a beard during the search for the Star Forge, though when he shaved it off shortly after the Battle of Rakata Prime, he was able to pass unrecognized through the throngs of people on Coruscant.[1] Even as a young apprentice, Revan was known for his remarkable intelligence and exceptional charisma, as well as an insatiable desire for knowledge. A military genius, Revan was renowned for his tactical thinking and decisive leadership even as a Jedi Knight.[12] In his youth, Revan was outraged by the Jedi Council's indecision and refusal to act against the Mandalorians, and his desire to defend the Republic led him to argue vociferously for his cause. His determination and charisma gained him a following of like-minded Jedi, though his strength and leadership led the others to accept him as their leader without question.

Battle Style: While theres no Confirmed Style for Revan I believe he uses Form VI:Niman

Niman, the dual-blade style developed by the Royale Macheteros of the Kashi Mer, was named for the dual triumvirate of the Kashi deities. The style was adopted by the Legions of Lettow, a group of Dark Siders responsible for the First Great Schism of the Jedi Order. After the defeat of the Legion at the hands of the Jedi, Niman was adopted by the Jedi order, eventually being refined into the sixth form of lightsaber combat, referred to by the same name.[32]

Form VI attempted to balance all elements of lightsaber combat, combining the techniques from Forms that came before into a less intensely demanding combat style. In practice, Form VI was a combination of older forms (Forms I, III, IV, and V), and all of them in moderation. In the blending, much of the individuality was lost, but the strengths were spread evenly, and there was little weakness in it. Due to its "jack-of-all-trades" nature, the success of this form was largely dependent on the practitioner's intuition, improvisation, and creativity in combat rather than the rote responses derived from other forms. This broad generalization made Form VI well suited for diplomats, as they could spend their time training in the areas of politics and negotiation instead of combat training

SAMPLE ATTACKS/WEAPONS- Combat skills: Revan was a highly skilled combatant, particularly with a lightsaber. He was skilled at deflecting and redirecting enemy fire with his lightsaber,[1] and his abilities were bolstered by his gift of precognition.[2] He often made use of acrobatic maneuvers in combat, bolstering his body's natural abilities with the Force in order to increase his effectiveness.[12] Among Revan's greatest victories was his defeat of Mandalore the Ultimate, the leader of the Mandalorian warrior culture and a feared warrior in his own right, in single combat.[1] On Korriban, Revan single-handedly defeated a pair of massive terentateks, and defeated dozens of Dark Jedi and Sith during the Jedi Civil War, not to mention his own former student Darth Malak. While he normally wielded a lightsaber, Revan was also proficient in the use of firearms, as he made use of blaster weaponry during his time as a Republic soldier and while fighting in the Taris dueling ring.[12] He also retained these skills later in his life, making use of a blaster while posing as "Avner" on Rekkiad. (Just copying this stuff from his Wiki.)

Force Power:

Revan was extraordinarily powerful in the Force,
[1] even as a young Jedi Knight. After becoming a Sith Lord, Revan's power grew as he studied the dark side of the Force, and after his forced redemption, the man quickly retrained himself in the ways of the light side at a rate beyond that of a normal Padawan.[12] At the height of his powers after he had recovered his lost memories, Revan was able to channel both the light and dark sides simultaneously, and as a result Revan could unleash the Force in its purest form by opening himself to both sides of the Force in battle. By drawing on the Force, Revan could bolster his natural physical abilities, increasing his speed and strength and allowing him to perform acrobatic feats impossible for normal Humans.[1]

Revan was a master at telekinesis, utilizing the Force to manipulate the environment and his opponents by pushing or gripping objects of beings with the Force. His skill with telekinesis was such that he could hurl a heavy stone object at a moment's notice, and on Dromund Kaas the Jedi Master destroyed a large stone archway from a great distance with just the power of the Force.
[1] As a Sith Lord, Revan also utilized the Force to choke opponents, as well as the ability to violently crush their internal organs or bodies with the dark side.[8] In battle, Revan often threw his lightsaber and guided its path with telekinesis.[1] During the fighting on Yavin 4, the dark Revan proved capable of wielding two additional lightsabers telekinetically, sending them spinning around the battlefield.[7] Revan's strong will[1] allowed him to mentally influence the minds of others with the Force, force his will upon them,[12] and even steal their knowledge. Despite the immense strength of the Sith Emperor's will, Revan and Malak's own mental strength enabled them to partially free themselves from his mental control, and Revan spent several centuries influencing the Emperor and pacifying his desire to attack the Republic.[1]

One of Revan's greatest strengths was his skill with
Force sense—the ability to sense other beings, their feelings, impending danger, or even the future. By 3954 BBY, Revan believed that he should have been able to sense the presence of Meetra Surik, one of his most trusted generals, from even across the galaxy, though Surik's severed connection to the Force prevented this. Farsight and Force visions were a common occurrence for Revan, and even in a heavily drugged state, the Jedi was able to glimpse the future and see that Surik was coming to rescue him from imprisonment. Revan was proficient at using the Force to directly heal his wounds without seeking medical attention.[1]He also possessed the ability to use the Force to resist the effects of poisons and drugs,[60] though he was not always able to overcome their effects completely.[1] Some of Revan's additional talents included the ability to use the Force to slow the minds and bodies of his targets, and replenish his energies by feeding on them.[8]

After becoming a Sith Lord, Revan became a practitioner of Force lightning,
[8] and he continued to be proficient in its use throughout the rest of his life, using it against his opponents in his final battle aboard the Foundry.[4] His skill with the destructive applications of the dark side was such that he could summon Force storms,[8] and Revan also became proficient in the use of defensive techniques in order to counter both physical attacks and the Force powers of his opponents. Revan was capable of absorbing and redirecting energy, as he did when he absorbed Darth Nyriss's storm of Force lightning with his bare hands and channeled it through his own body before redirecting it against her and burning her to ash.[1] Revan's mastery of both sides of the Force aided in the mental fracture that he experienced in the Foundry; one half became one with the Force, but the other embraced the dark side and was fueled solely by hatred. His strength of will was so powerful that he held himself back from death, and the dark Revan retained control over a body that was centuries old. Once the two halves merged and Revan fully became one with the Force, his physical form vanished, leaving behind his mask, lightsaber, and robes. The dark Revan was also capable of telekinetically incapacitating almost a dozen separate combatants with the light and dark sides of the Force, and could hold his own against a large number of skilled opponents simultaneously

SAMPLE ENEMIES- Imperial Troopers, Dark Jedi, Sith Apprentices

SAMPLE BOSSES- Sith Lords, Sith Warriors, Mandalore the Ultimate, Darth Malak


BIG BAD-Emperor Vitiate:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c43aab47a_download(20).jpg.fe42e3d1011f9a999aa799e3fffe64ff.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71432" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c43aab47a_download(20).jpg.fe42e3d1011f9a999aa799e3fffe64ff.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Hope Revan works.)



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That he is. I decided to use him just at the end of The Shadow of Revan expansion, since going off how the Rp seems to work he could be alive for it.
GoldenWolf said:
So, how / where are we gonna start at?
I was going to have your first posts be in the middle of a game/level/whatever. In your post, you will be doing what your character does in the game, and then you will be interrupted by a certain message, and then somehow make your way to the central gathering point.

The central gathering point is a supercomputer named ARCADE.
@The Mythic Dragon

I have read all the Novels actually it's been quite some time you are of course totally right about the stealth. my bad.
Calibutcher said:
@The Mythic Dragon
I have read all the Novels actually it's been quite some time you are of course totally right about the stealth. my bad.
I didn't mean to make you feel bad. Just wanted to spark a bit of conversation, was all. ^_^
[QUOTE="The Mythic Dragon]I didn't mean to make you feel bad. Just wanted to spark a bit of conversation, was all. ^_^

Nah your good just gotta brush up on my stuff for sure! Im pretty freaking stocked for this mash up though.
Well, first post is inbound! Won't be too long, as the majority of the setting of your first post will be yours, and yours alone.
(( Sorry, but when were we starting? I'm not trying to rush I just wanna know so I can be here when we start. ))
GoldenWolf said:
(( Sorry, but when were we starting? I'm not trying to rush I just wanna know so I can be here when we start. ))
As soon as the first post is up, which I am writing now.

Sure! Just get your character up, and grab some quarters! The first post won't change, so you will be able to post no problem.

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