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Realistic or Modern Victorian London

"I am very sensitive at the matter, not because of obvious reasons. What you think of me for doing such improper things with something far from a beautiful woman is up to you, I know how the world looks upon such matters. Though beyond that, the man was a great friend of mine and I fear his absence, causes me to be easily aggravated when he is the topic of conversation."

Victor shook his head, quickly and peered at her, giving her a weak and gentle smile. "Don't you worry your little heart." He stroke the back of his hand against her cheek. "All is forgiven."
"It does not bother me as much as it should," she told him honestly. "I really am too exhausted to make myself be worked up about the matter. I understand, and am aware that my comment was inconsiderate."

"Here," she said, trapping the hand against her cheek and beginning to gently massage it. "I wish they wouldn't tremble so. "

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He peered at her, as she held his hand in hers. "So do I, though I fear that what I need to make them stop wouldn't be found on a train." Victor couldn't help himself and smirked, slightly over his own stupid comment. He knew very well that he could just stop using substances which wasn't good for one's health, though he felt them to be very helpful, in certain matters.

"You are awfully collected, for someone who's about to lie to a queen."
She held his in her open palm, watching it with curious fascination. "Why did you start up with those? And how long do you think it will take me to succumb and show you my 'pretty pale skin'?"

"Wait, she is a /queen?!/"

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"I started with them when I studied at University, around the age of seventeen." Victor pondered, it was irrelevant really. Shrugging, he smirked down at her. "I was merely pulling your leg, as it were; I meant no harm."

Laughing, he nodded. "Of course she is, Queen of Scandinavia, my father's mother. Who did you think she would be? If she was related to me on my father's side. Surely it can't come as such a big shock."
"So how old are you now?" A wicked smirk spread over her lips. "Well, now that I'm over the shock of you /reaching beneath my collar/..."

Margaret let out a slow breath. "I just assumed it was your mother's mother. Victor, I don't have the faintest idea of how to act in front of a queen!"

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"I don't have a family on my mother's side... Well, except my sisters." Victor shrugged again, as if it mattered little. He didn't much care for families or anything of the sort. "Just do as I told you, only speak when spoken to, smile, don't turn your back on her, so on and so on." He waved a hand dismissively, apparently that did not matter much either.

"I am twenty eight." He continued, narrowing his eyes at her. "Why do you ask?"
"What's 'so on and so on'?" She asked, slightly agitated. "In case you forgot, I spend all of my time in a BAR. So I simply pretend to be a meek woman who dotes on you because you are a god?"

"I am just trying to get to know you." She shrugged coolly. "You are my husband, after all."

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"Ah yes, your fake husband, how riveting." Victor waved his hands in the air, with a empty expression on his face. Clearly not too excited about the idea. "There is not much to know about me, love, nothing to speak of in civilized conversation, anyhow." The noble licked his lips in thought and leaned once more against the window.

"Just smile and do not talk unless spoken to, try and face her at all time and look her in the eyes. That is it, it is not very complicated. She will despise you and everything you do no matter how pretty you look - and you do look gorgeous - so do not stress yourself over it."
"Then we will have to have an uncivilized conversation following our delightful visit today," she responded plainly, not leaving much room for negotiation.

Margaret frowned, and just then remembered to remove her hat inside the train, placing it neatly on her lap. "That is so reassuring. Thank you, dear heart. How I do crave to be hated by a monarch; it's every little girl's dream."

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Nodding, the Noble tilted his head. "So what improper scenarios' are you hoping for?"

Victor smiled gently at her. "If it makes you feel any better, she hates everyone? Or at least everyone who isn't the way she wishes them to be. Do not worry, she cannot hurt you, she won't ask for your name - if she does she simply won't remember."
Margaret's smirk grew. "What are you hoping for, good sir?"

"So she won't even ask for my name." Margaret frowned. "I was cooking up quite a character! How would she wish a wife of yours to be? Am I supposed to enjoy housework like cooking or cleaning, or be disgusted by it and dump it on servants? Am I supposed to be all for wet nurses?" She knew that her questions would never be brought up with the woman, but you could never be too cautious.

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"You should answer my question, before I answer yours, my dear." He gave her another weak smile, tilted his head and then couldn't help but chuckle.

"I don't know! I really have no idea what the old witch wishes of you, I don't even know what she wishes of me. So please, end your questioning for I have no answers."
Margaret shrugged, feigning indifference. "I want to hear more about you, oh man of great mystery. It is not as if you enjoy telling me the bare minimum of stories and facts only to withdraw as soon as I am intrigued."

She wasn't satisfied with this, of course, but knew that all of the prodding in the world would not get more information for her.

"Why were you willing to teach me? Why did you even give me that poem in the first place?"

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"True, I suppose I am a bit aloof when it comes to talking about my life, it starts well; then my mind realizing what I am doing, and I stop. It makes little sense t you, but perfect sense to myself." Victor shrugged once more, it seemed as if he did that a lot lately.

"Because I thought you were a kind and pretty little girl, the idea of you being robbed of the beauty that is music and text seems sad to me. "
"Or you just like to infuriate me." She began to restyle her hair, something more appropriate for meeting a queen versus serving drunk men.

That caused her shoulders to deflate. "So now I am a little girl. How fantastic."

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"I was trying to sound sincere, fine. A beautiful woman, happy? Never the less, I did not have anything else in mind. I simply thought I could aid you, though you seem more inclined in questioning my motives and twisting my words than actually learning how to read though."

Victor stroke a hand through his hair, he wasn't certain what to say, or how to say it.
"I just never have intelligent conversation, is all," she responded with a slight shrug, her arms still raised behind her and repinning her hair.

"And that was better, thank you."

Finally satisfied, she returned her hands primly to her lap, over her bonnet. "I am really not a little girl. If I were in your," she said this like it was a bad thing, "class, I would be married off and in the family way by now. Perhaps even my second child."

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"Yes, I know. Though I never meant 'little girl' as calling you a child, If I said 'beautiful woman' it would have sounded as if I had underlying ideas, which I do not, so I said little girl, it sounds more innocent, from my perspective more so than yours." Victor pondered.

"Besides, technically we're both young adults, almost children to some. It is all relevant, again, to time."
She arched an eyebrow, glancing at him from the corner of her eye. "So you just see me as an innocent little girl, someone who needs...educating." She shook her head a little, her eyes dancing as they returned to face forward. "I find that quite fascinating."

"You are nearly thirty," she reminded him, the smug little smile still on her face. "You are not so young anymore, good Sir. A desired bachelorhood will start to turn into you looking like an undesirable man."
Victor blinked in confusion at the young woman. "You do realize that you are labelled young until the age of fifty-five, correct?" Sometimes he wondered if the young girl had simply been behind the bar counter for too long and missed out on some certain social quos, or if she simply didn't care and just wanted to insult him, in return.

It was then the train come to a halt for the last time and Victor quickly stood up. "We are here. Where in the world has Lucille gone to?"
Margaret scowled at that. "Yes, I'm not a numbskull. But that is for /men/, my sweet. As soon as women get the first creases by her eyes, the first lock of hair turned gray, or--GOD FORBID--she can't have children any more, she might as well order her own casket."

She swiftly rose, placing her headpiece back over her red curls. At least she was naturally pale and didn't have a job that requires her to ever leave indoors; it had finally paid off in some way. It would have been a lost cause to convince anyone she was wealthy if her skin was darkened by the sun, which indicated labor. Even if she did nothing but work. "I do so enjoy you you only answer questions or statements that you are comfortable with."

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"But then, if you knew all this, how come you called me 'not young'?" He couldn't help himself, he simply had to question it, looking down at her as he popped the hat back on his own head and stepped outside the train. As he looked around, he managed to spot his sister, getting out the train from what appeared to be 'First class'. He couldn't help but to grin. "Of course I only answer what I feel comfortable to answer, how else would I be a comfortable man?" He looked at Margaret and gently helped her off the train.

"Wipe that smirk of your face before I'll do it for you." Lucille said, angrily as she walked up to them, hands around what could only be a umbrella. "Expecting rain?" Victor asked, kindly. "No, not tonight, though you should always be prepared. I see that you didn't manage to scare of your wife, how are you feeling darling?"
"Because I want to frustrate you,"'she responded simply. "And you /are/ getting too old to be indulging boyish fantasies unless you wish to sustain said boyish fantasies for the rest of your life." She once again placed her arm through his. "And since you avoided the answer, I will just assume that you are sexually attracted to me because you have given me no other choice."

Margaret laughed dryly at his sister's question. "The view was magnificent. I am not so sure about your brother's pretentious behavior, on the other hand."

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"Pretentio--" Victor begun but got interrupted by his sister who nodded on. "Good. You manage to get everyone to dislike you, is that not right, Victor?"

"Can we -please- just get this over and done with?" Victor asked, as kindly as he could before he started to walk towards the end of the platform. The mansion wasn't far away from the train station, but they would have to take a cap, which he called upon instantly.

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