Journal Vent Space: if you relate, lets cry together

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vent #92 feelin shit
  • i feel bad
    im not paying attention in class
    cause im scrolling through BPD tumblr
    and a little of SHblr is leaking in through it
    it gives me the ick
    how people talk there

    i just feel like shit
    i ran on high emotions yesterday
    and now im feeling the crash
    i think
    i just wanna curl up and sleep
    redlines arent apealing right now
    i will admit
    (pro)SHblr does ick me enough
    to scare me away from the redlines
    for a few hours at least
    vent #93 duality
  • i wanna fucking sob.
    they're so happy
    why cant i be happy too
    im over here curled up
    with my knees against my chest as i type
    and i feel like shit

    im talking to friends but i feel so bad
    i cant call them to stop myself from the redlines
    and i dont want to admit here that i just did some
    im sorry
    im sorry
    im so fucking sorry
    my mood is in the fucking dirt
    and i dont wanna bring you two's down with me.
    rant/vent #94 the Science Sightings of SH
  • I see you
    I see the scars
    I dont know whether to talk about it
    Or what to say
    If i should even say anything about them at all

    I wanna walk up to her
    And smile a sad smile
    A smile that says
    “Hello kindred spirit”

    She’s younger than me
    So much younger
    Nearly like my lil sister
    But she had to have done them at my lil sisters age
    What do you say about that?
    How can you say anything
    When you KNOW what its like
    Or at least what it could have been like

    Ive noticed the scars for a while now
    Slip of the long sleeve off her hands at first
    But now she’s casually wearing t-shirts
    Idk how recent they are
    But i did notice fresh scratches one day
    I didnt say anything
    Having my own fresh scratches
    (constant fresh scratches
    Always constantly fresh
    Never allowing them to fade away)
    But another volunteer did

    And i could FEEL the panic
    I could see right through the excuse
    But i didnt say anything to her

    Anyway that was back in like
    October or november

    Does she see through me too?
    I mean
    I admitted to heavily suspecting i had bdp
    In the “spouses” group chat
    And she goes more out of her way to give me a
    “Hello!” hug
    And a “goodbye!” hug
    If we show up on the same day now

    I want so bad to cry out I GET IT
    And bury this not even fifteen yet child
    Into the best hug i can give

    I also know
    That us SHers
    We tend to enable each other
    And can be walking triggers too

    I dont want to ruin any clean streak she has
    Just by saying i get it.
    And reminding her of it.

    I hate how she’s a walking stereotype of it though
    “Uwu blood, GOTH, pretty skulls, oop there goes my arm hehe”
    Sums up her personality

    You put the two of us next to eachother
    (dressed how we do in public)
    And you’d never suspect i tear into myself nearly twice a day
    And for hour long periods with dozens of lines over each other
    You’d point to her
    And her “manic pixie uwu” vibes

    I don’t hold any hate towards her
    Just a wish to nod towards the scars and say “I Understand”
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    vent #95 SH, touch starvation and Characters (from Paper)
  • [31ist]
    [8 or 9 o'clock ish]
    I think im touch starved.
    Considering I Nigh obsessively
    Drew two of my oc’s cuddling
    Then felt like shit most of the day
    And now that im trying to sleep
    I find myself crying
    as i hug the body pillow i’ve had for years
    And tangle my legs up in it and my blanket
    Trying to make it feel like a person
    And bitterly wish i had someone real
    To hug and squeeze
    And know they’re physically here with me
    Im pretty sure im touch starved

    Its weirdly funny
    How Spice and Autumn/Fall
    Are two sides of me

    Autumn is my clingy depressed ass
    And Spice is my fiercely loyal aro ass
    They balance eachother out
    Spice is always there to be a body and listening ear whenever Autumn/Fall needs it
    And Autumn/Fall doesn’t judge him for not experiencing romantic love and being horrendous at emotional empathy
    Autumn/Fall depends on Spice
    And Spice craves being a person who matters to someone

    I just wish i had a Spice for my Fall
    My inner Spice is already somewhat satisfied
    But my Fall is flailing about
    Why cant i just satisfy myself?
    I wish bestie could BE HERE
    I dont blame them
    Nor am i upset with them
    And i’m sure they know that
    They’ve heard my wailing about my mother
    And my lack of freedom
    But im furious at my mother
    For causing me to be like this
    And then preventing me from healing myself


    I hate mother
    I hate toxic
    I hate every “friend” who dropped me
    And disappeared when i couldn't contact them digitally
    Even though i saw them once a week
    I hate my brain
    For making me this huge emotional weight
    That drags the mood down constantly
    I just wanna not be a roller-coaster
    With space breaking highs
    and earth shattering lows

    What is it like?
    To not crave these redlines done deep in the dark?
    To not smile and laugh
    While knowing the minute you get to privacy
    That your shoulder will sing with countless songs of pain?
    And your trash can will be throwing up bloated red paper towels?
    How do people live without it?
    Whats it like to never enjoy the taste of red iron and salt
    From licking the accidental smear of redlines
    Off your fingers?

    Ive covered so much this time
    Even went further
    around the side of my canvas than usual
    Hugging my biggest bee plush and snapping a rubber band
    Didnt work.

    Its been nearly 1 & ½ hours
    Since i started
    Gotta wait for paint to dry
    before you add another layer yk?
    Cant risk rust.

    Most of the people reading this probably won’t get that

    I dont care for depth
    Epidermis strokes
    (maybe shallow dermis)
    Are perfectly fine
    I just wish i could go down my whole arm
    Spread them out

    I wish i was a normal teen
    Not this isolated mental case
    That’s probably developed a blood/pain kink or some shit.
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    vent #96 Mother, and Writing
  • Every time i open my REVO doc
    And jump to the bottom
    To go recycle some cut bits
    These two sentences
    “He was free and he survived.
    Each mark on his body,
    he took pride in their presence.“
    Greets me.

    And previously
    Ive paid them no mind
    But right now
    Taken out of their original context
    They hurt to read.
    Because i wish that was me
    I HOPE
    It will be me
    Thinking those two lines
    Pronouns and all

    I want to be free from this fucking prison
    To be able to take pride in the fact that i survived
    And pride in having the scars to show for it
    I hope
    That ill be able to see the truth
    Flame’s eventually supposed to in REVO

    The line hits different
    When you know you project
    And you’re in a state of rage
    I suppose.
    Im just trying to distract myself from the redlines
    That ik ill eventually do
    Maybe thats why the lines hurt me so much rn
    Cause im trying not to mark myself up
    And i do take pride in them
    While also feeling shame?
    I dont know why the words hit me hard
    They just do
    Fuck words
    Words are hard.
    I wish i hadnt said g’night to my friends
    I thought i wasnt going to be allowed on the laptop
    After i came back upstairs
    But i was
    And ik they dont get notifications
    i regret saying gnight
    I really do
    They wont check it till tomorrow
    Nor will they check here
    I dont want to
    Deep down i know i dont want to
    Who WANTS to hate their mother?
    The woman who is supposed to love them unconditionally
    To support them and guide them
    But she makes it really fucking hard not to
    I want to be able to see my friends
    I want to be able to talk to them
    They keep me here
    And im scared that if i lose everything
    Every form of contact or communication with them
    That ill say Fuck It
    Because well, there’s nothing to lose anymore
    Why stay and deal with this?
    I hope that manifests in running from the house
    And finding my way to Besties home somehow
    Rather than Running.
    Tried it and chickened out once
    Whats another try?
    I feel like im on a tightrope.
    One horrible gust of isolation away from falling
    One more Mother caused cut off
    From leaping out this fucking window
    To get any fucking out
    In whatever form it takes
    Either actual death
    Or being rushed to a hospital
    And watching how serious this shit is
    finally fucking registering
    In my Mothers eyes
    Vent/rant #97 SH & EYES
  • Had another bad dream
    I dont remember a lot of it
    But i do remember
    Having weirdly “scabbed” over
    (it was like a clear somewhat cloudy film shrink wrapped over and in the cut)
    Deep as hell cuts on my forearm
    They didnt bleed
    And they all looked not recent
    But they gapped
    Like eyes blooming out of skin
    One went all the way down to muscle
    And i could see the stringy red in the center
    Surrounded by round lumpy beans of fat
    And then white
    and then my skin
    I wasn’t freaked out in the dream
    I remember feeling fascinated
    But now?
    A sense of simmering horror
    Is bubbling in the back of my head

    Because that deep as hell cut
    Was placed on my wrist
    And i dont remember the part of the dream
    that lead up to me observing my arm
    And analyzing it with horrifically gleeful curiosity
    I remember being enraptured with the sight
    And the divots in my arm
    When i turned it sideways

    The closest thing i can compare it to is eyes
    The shape
    Of the cuts i mean
    Its so disturbing to look back on
    I wanna curl up into a ball and rock back and forth
    I'm so disgusted with my subconscious
    For giving this mental image
    It was like eyes
    They looked like eyes
    They gaped like open eyes
    Now i cant help but picture all of my strokes
    As eyes
    Holy fuck
    I dont
    My imagination
    Eyes blossoming out of eyes
    Cutting through eyes only to make more eyes
    I wanna throw up
    I wanna cry
    But my body refuses
    I wanna react somehow
    I wanna show how disturbed i feel
    But theres people
    So my body clamps down
    Fucking eyes
    Why eyes
    Why’d they have to look like eyes
    Ive drawn eyes where they shouldnt
    Why’d those cuts have to look like that
    I dont think i can look at the eldrich horror stuff
    That i loved to draw with Holly
    The same
    They looked like the eyes
    They fucking looked like the eyes
    The more i think about this the more horrified i feel
    Because fuck
    They looked like eyes
    The puckered edges were like the edge of an eyelid
    The way they were split open the skin and gaped
    I wanna dig out my own actual eyes
    So i can stop knowing how to picture anything
    Fuck my imagination
    Fuck my imagination
    Fuck how theres a side of me that longs to draw this
    That feels that morbid and sick curiosity
    That is fascinated with what my imagination conjured up
    Fuck the same side that longs to stoke on my forearms
    Because it knows there’d be easier to put pressure on
    Vent/Rant #97.2
  • I got side tracked
    And im gonna avoid thinking about how they looked
    So i dont get sidetracked again
    But i was disturbed for another reason too
    Because at that depth
    On my wrist?
    Thats fatal
    Thats artery
    I dont know why my arm looked like that
    In the Dream’s Universe
    But fuck
    That’s a Sui attempt cut
    I know before i go to bed
    I do Redlines
    And ive had Sh related dreams before
    (Bad dreams where im found out and yelled at,
    then i wake up and im confused and turned around
    about what is reality)
    But never like last night’s.
    Ive never dreamt i have gaping cuts
    Maybe it was from how trapped i felt last night
    How trapped i still feel
    I need help
    I don’t want to get worse
    Or spiral and make my arm look like it did in that dream
    That’s my worst fear i think
    Getting worse
    And i swore to bestie i wouldn’t get worse
    So im gonna try my fucking damnest
    To not get worse
    I don’t know how to ask for help though
    I dont want to stop my shallow strokes
    The idea of stopping brings me panic
    I also don’t want to have my family’s view of me change
    I don’t want to be the cutting crazy one
    The psych ward admittee
    I fucking scared my dad
    My fucking dad
    Ive never seen him scared
    Or even admit to being scared
    Mother told me i scared him
    The day after they confronted me about the kit i accidentally left in his car
    And i know where i get my coping mechanism of joking from
    Because he was joking
    And making dark jokes
    All throughout the time i had been confronted
    I scared him

    …And nothing was done.
    The blades were disposed of
    And everything went back to normal
    No help after that
    No therapist appointment
    Not even body checking for new cuts
    Or hiding of shaving razors
    “Get rid of the blades
    And thus the problem with it”
    I scared him
    And yet nothing was fucking done
    Nothing fucking changed
    He fucking SAW the scars and healing cuts
    It hurts so much
    To realize this
    Why isnt anything being fucking done
    They found out
    And they didnt do anything
    They basically just swept the discovery under the rug
    I want fucking help
    But i dont know how to get it
    If fucking SH isnt enough
    I dont know what is
    It was like an addiction
    And my mother brushes it off
    She just asked “Why?”
    I even fucking gestured to her
    In fucking response
    Cause i hadn’t known what else to point to
    MOTHER was why i started
    Not Toxic
    I started after she yelled at me over whatever the fuck
    Toxic just helped give me the idea


    Why didnt they fucking do anything
    Why didnt they get me help then?
    Fucking why
    Always comes down to fucking
    Doesnt it?
    Rant #98 One more year (TW SUI thoughts)
  • [Feb 2nd, 9ishpm]

    I was just about to draw those redlines
    I had my sleeve pulled up
    And a paper towel in my lap
    And then
    You said
    “I hope to get to see you again at some point in the nearish future.”

    ..i cried
    Shoulder shaking
    Breath growing shallow crying
    Is what i melted into
    And i curled up in front of the laptop
    Its like you knew.

    I wish we were on a call
    Or that i was physically there
    So how much that well placed phrase had meant
    Could be seen or heard

    I was alone in the house
    Prime time for Redlines
    And i was about to
    Even though you were talking to me
    But you somehow knew
    Or at least picked up on my attitude
    And even if you didn’t
    And it was just a really well timed coincidence
    Love you too
    Not in any romantic way
    You know that
    But im glad you are here
    In the few forms you can be
    In my life despite it all

    Im not leaving anytime soon
    I will make it another year.
    And i call you
    From some late night 24/7 store
    And you can come pick me up
    Mother’s rage can wait
    Ill deal with it somehow
    And the aftermath
    One step in front of the other.

    I will make it one more year
    One more year is all i need
    Just one
    Then i can pack my shit and leave
    Get a job
    And live with you
    Or something
    Hell ill pay rent and shit
    To your mom
    And do better than The Children
    If she lets me stay
    Because fuck
    Id be so fucking grateful
    Ill do my fill
    Ill be the best fucking housemate
    That i fucken can be with this mental shitshow ive got up in my head
    Just one year
    One year has never felt so long of a time
    Before now
    One MONTH
    Has never felt so far away
    I cant picture being out
    I cant
    I think thats why this hurts
    Cause its just a fantasy
    Not a reality

    Reality is
    Im probably not gonna make it
    one year
    I dont see it happening
    I feel like i pulled tight rubberband
    Stretching and stretching
    A little further out every damn day
    Waiting for the day the tension will finally snap

    I feel a sense of dread
    Like there’s a storm on the horizon
    That im massively unprepared for
    And will blow on in any day now

    Im waiting in terror for something horrible
    And i'm afraid of what my own head will do
    When that something hits.


    I wanna walk up to mother
    And admit to wanting to die most days
    But how she could react glues my mouth shut
    “I want an acident to happen to me because im too chicken to kill myself”
    “I tried to strangle myself a couple weeks ago, chickened out”
    “I’ve had a dream where i had a fatal wound on my wrist, and i wish it was reality sometimes”
    You cant just say any of that to someone
    Would she cry?
    Would she yell?
    Demand WHY?

    What would change?
    If anything?
    …would it get brushed off the next day?

    Im trying bestie
    Im fucking trying
    For you
    For you i am trying
    I am trying so fucking hard
    And i can feel the tiredness
    Creeping in day by day
    Like a fog drifting down from the mountains
    Or a evening winter frost
    And im scared
    Scared for you
    For how ill hurt you if i lose this
    If i lose
    Ill laugh at fate’s funny and cruel ways
    And hope you could find some laughter in it too.

    I think ill take a walk tonight

    Yeah so im not doing that
    I had a heavy cry
    Like, legs gave out and fell to the floor behind my bed kinda cry
    And dragged my blanket down
    To curl up in as i fucking sobbed
    When i got back to my room

    Then five minutes later i got up
    Wiped my eyes and glasses
    And played Fire emblem
    (the og one)
    On a Game boy Advance i found in my older sister’s room the day before
    (it’s not hers)
    And i played it for 3 hours

    Ive got beekeeping class in the morning
    So ima try sleeping
    …i fucking hate my emotions.
    Not exactly a rant or vent #99 Music & Nature's emotions
  • I feel I'm in an emotional standby.

    I'm a writer
    And yet that's all the words i have to convey it

    I feel tired
    But also whimsical
    Slayfer james
    Amazing voice
    I could sway and spin my way down the street
    To all his music
    I quite did on the porch
    And at night no less
    With a fuzzy blanket around me
    I spun
    Waved my arms
    And danced
    Shuffling my feet and taking sliding steps
    Swaying from footstep to footstep

    It was fun
    But now i feel weird.
    I feel like i’ve been put on standby
    Waiting for the next event to happen
    Redlines tempt me
    But to that i say FIREEMBLEM
    Idk i just feel interesting and stuck
    I wouldnt say i snuck out?
    I mean all i did was go on the porch
    I grabbed a blanket and slipped outside
    while older sister and younger were eating in kitchen
    Mother was asleep on couch
    And then i came back in half an hour later
    Nobody noticed
    Don’t know whether to feel bad about that

    Feel melancholy
    Thats the word ive been looking for
    Its a subtle and unknowingly triggered sadness
    That i think im in right now
    Cause i honestly don’t want to talk to anyone right now
    I wanna waltz down the street
    To shlayfer james
    Or lay in the grass
    Stare at the sky
    Eject my mind from my brain
    And just enjoy the world
    I wanna climb every single tree
    Dive to the bottom of an ocean
    Dance amongst falling leaves
    I want to reject all of humanity
    Vibe with some bees
    I mourn the lack of ability
    for me to go out and enjoy natures beauty

    Feeling a melancholy whimsical emotion right now.
    vent #100 Dancing
  • i dont really know if i want to talk to people right now
    the idea makes me want to curl up and hide

    i drew a bunch today
    tried to do more of full body poses
    rather than upper body and facial expressions
    it was all just Big dancing
    or singing
    most of them feel a lil off
    cause i did them in pen
    and couldnt fix any mistakes
    dont know how i feel right now

    still listening to Slayfer
    oh wow would'ja look at that
    number 100

    honestly i feel like this drawing i did
    cant show yall
    cause i cant take pictures
    yeah that drawing is honestly how i feel rn
    I feel ya Big

    i don't necessarily feel like i want to not exist.
    i just feel maybe bored?
    music is all that makes me feel rn
    i want to be alone
    and i want to have a pure open room
    maybe somewhere i can put on my skates
    and i want to dance
    i want to fucking dance
    my room is too damn small to dance in
    back went i spelt in a hammock i could have danced in my room
    i did dance in my room actually
    id just take the hammock down
    and id have a space to twirl around in
    but now there's a fucking bed taking up the middle of the room

    i wanna walk down a dark streetlamp lit road
    twirling and hopping my way around on it to the rhythm of a song
    i want to waltz with empty air
    swing step around a ghost
    tango alone amongst the trees

    i wanna exist on my own
    and dance without care
    rant/vent #101 thoughts, dishes, and ways to get killed (tw violent thoughts)
  • ngl
    i thought i was feeling better
    but i feel like unproductive shit
    not craving unexistance
    just bad

    how do i say that i think about possible ways i could get killed nigh daily
    and not have concerned "!!!" pop up?
    drying dishes:
    I could slip while drying this knife/fork and get impaled on it
    Riding in Car:
    that SUV could ram into us
    i could leap out of the car then get run over if i didnt break my neck on the fall first
    we could get crushed by a semi
    mother could swerve off this steep road and flip the car end over end
    Walking from car to store:
    i could get runover by an SUV
    i could get mugged and shot in the head
    i could get snatched and eventually offed
    someone backing out could not see me and run me over
    the roof could cave in and crush me
    i could slip on the tile and break my skull open

    brain pictured it happening
    then i mentally went WTF
    or entertained the idea

    how do i tell someone that?
    without being put on suicidal watch
    and what would be the point?
    its not like i could fix the thoughts
    i dont wanna die
    itd be painful as fuck
    id hurt Bestie and Waffle in an irreparable way

    its just that HOW something could off me or injure me
    is a frequent thought
    oh you could dig out someone's eyes with that
    you could stab someone and tear them open with a knife
    i wonder what that'd look like?
    if what i stabbed my stomach, would i survive?
    how much force would that need?
    how exactly does this knife not cut my finger if i run it down the blade
    but also cut carrots?
    if i put as much force as i do for carrots onto my finger
    it'd cut the thing right?
    ew that'd hurt
    Ah well its dry, put it away
    What if i put this bowl on my head?
    what if i accidentally brush againt one of the new knifes while reaching for the silverware?
    what if i could hide it without anyone noticing it was missing?
    nope nah not possible.
    oh well
    god i hate drying silverware
    never gets dry in one wipe

    typical thoughts while drying dishes
    rant/vent #102 Crisis resources
  • Crisis resources are such a fucking joke
    you call a suicide hot line? there could be a 10+ minute wait
    which is plenty enough time for someone looking over a building or bridge to decide "fuck it" and jump

    Runaway Switchboard?
    oop yeah we're not law experts,
    but your parrrents/guardians could file a runnaway report and have you returned,
    suck it up till you're 18 ig

    and theres no online chat resources ofc
    cause yk, fuck all the kids who dont have a phone
    or the abilty to call or text those their parrents don't approve of

    cant get fucking therapy for free
    and i get it, therapists need money too
    but fuck
    my parents wouldn't let me go even if it was free
    at least if online therapy was free
    i could get some that way

    not in crisis rn,
    but curiousty about whether
    they help people or not
    along with whether i could contact one if need be in the future
    overwhelmed me
    Ramble/rant #103 dreams and stuff
  • feeling bad
    i really shouldn't reread my rant thread
    i mean i know i do it to make myself feel worse
    but eh

    i wanna do some redlines
    the scabs are all nearly gone

    mother found the gameboy a few days ago
    so i cant play fireemblem
    to distract myself

    but well lets focus on positive stuff today!
    i worked on my RP reply
    i worked on Revo
    and i completed my beekeeping class homework!
    i also made cookies

    good things happened today.
    not gonna focus on the bad.
    no sirree

    god i wanna tear up my canvas
    nothing all that bad happened today
    just family yelling at eachother
    like usual

    i had a weird dream though
    dont remember if it was last night or the night before
    but it was a "return" of the eye cuts

    i remember having the cuts
    then wanting to take a picture
    so i could prove that they looked like eyes
    but to do that i needed my older sistsers phone
    and so we fought over it
    and then i lost
    and i got so damn mad that i trashed my litttle sisters room
    (cause thats where i was left, no clue where lil siblin was)
    then she admited to having cut herself too
    and that mother knows about it
    i dont remember much about the rest of it

    dreams are weird
    i also had a dream that i was writing
    and the idea was a really good one
    but then i woke up and realized that was a dream
    but i checked the notebook i wrote the idea in in the dream anyway
    and it was empty
    dunno what i expected
    but i remember Rise being snarky to a cult member
    and Autumn maybe having commited sui
    in past of the idea and so that left Rise as the oldest??
    then something about sam drinking and then someone sitting down next to him
    and sam freaking out
    i think i drew Hark?
    and redesigned him?
    he looked a lot like a MHA OC
    with his hair
    dreams be weird
    rant/vent #104 Dark thoughts (aka my dumb ass toeing the line of site rules)
  • Why the fuck am i like this
    These thoughts are not intrusive
    I wack them away cause they’re bad
    But given an amoral society i dont think id wack them away
    Guilty pleasure?
    Sure, if you mean that first word in a very literal sense
    And not like
    “Oh, i absolutely adore those cute lil muffins people hate on, its my guilty pleasure”
    I mean you cry and sob after indulging
    And berate your brain
    Because you just fucking enjoyed that
    Or at least enjoyed the idea of it
    And entertained the idea of it
    You got no ick except the one society drilled into you
    And rightfully so

    Do dark thoughts make you a bad person?
    I cant voice some of thoughts here
    For the sake of site rules
    But do dark thoughts make you a bad person?
    I think so.

    Blood i find interesting
    Toga from MHA i dont like
    because of the semi sexualization of blood in her case
    But its fascinating
    The way it can well up into thick drops
    And have better surface tension than water
    Then slowly streak when its too heavy to stay put
    How it darkens when bunched up into large amounts
    Then lightens to a vibrant red when its a smear
    The salty taste?

    One shouldnt enjoy being deprived of air
    Or having something constrict around any body part
    Let alone their neck
    I shouldn’t find comfort in tight bindings
    Or the idea of having my senses blocked out
    The idea of someone else doing these redlines for me
    Then helping tend to them if need be
    Why the fuck does the idea of being someone’s THING
    Sound so damn appealing

    I dont know
    if these thoughts are me wanting to be in that situation
    Or wanting to cause that situation
    Ive had my share of pretty fucked up dreams
    The idea of power imbalance
    And being on either side of it
    Not necessarily sexually
    Writing out Big and Ritz’s dynamic
    That’s a Guilty damn pleasure
    Fuck i wish i was out of this house

    As much as i want to be completely open on this thread
    There is a line written in the site rules
    And a societal line i supose as well
    A “TMI” line
    vent #105 Sui thoughts, self destructive desire [From the paper]
  • [10th, 11am-12ish am]
    It wasnt even an inch
    Not even an inch away
    From placing redlines
    On my forearm and wrist

    Im a shit person
    And you cannot tell me otherwise
    You dont know my head
    And the depths of it i cannot expose
    On a public forum that allows minors on it
    I can admit to them on paper
    I am a shit person
    No amount of
    Can change that
    I think ive found why i hate myself
    And am constantly depressed
    Theres a deeply inlaid guilt
    And i dont think anyone would so much
    As want to be in the same room as me
    If they knew the reason why
    I dont want to hurt people
    But ive fantasized a shitton about it!

    I want to not be here
    I want to disgust everyone so much
    That if i were to off myself
    People would be relieved

    I want to be hurt
    I want to be used
    I want to be just an object to find pleasure in
    At least i can bring someone joy in that way
    Because i think i deserve that
    I deserve what i dished out
    I wanna be destroyed
    So that i don’t have to do it myself

    Somebody come groom me
    so that my mother can be proved RIGHT
    So that i can know
    i'm truly just a dumbass teen
    who thinks they know better

    Break me
    I dont wanna be here anymore
    Make use of my body
    And ravage it enough
    That i can say
    Im finally broken enough to Go

    I dont wanna say it clearly
    Because saying it clearly makes it true
    And glaring

    I wanna die most days
    I'm just warded off by the idea of hurting others
    I wanna slit my wrists
    And watch all the pretty blood spill out
    covering everything

    I wish i could dress slutty
    Attract the dangerous type of attention
    Get fucked up
    Enough that me dieing makes sense
    So that im just another
    “Tsk, what a shame”

    I want to choke and plead
    Clawing at the hand pressing down
    I want a Ritz for my big
    Just fucking hurt me
    Carve your fucking name
    Kill me so i don’t have to
    Rant/vent #106 Burdens and stressors
  • I hate being a stressor for people
    I cant revoke Waffle’s permission for this thread
    And i certainly cannot revoke Besties
    For different reasons
    Waffle, because i dont know how they’ll react
    And they’ve been hurt by the stuff they read in here before

    Bestie’s is different
    Cause they’ve stuck around
    Despite my attempts to cross over lines
    They’re here on a doc with me rn
    But admitting anything directly
    I cant do it
    Even though they’ve seen some of the ugly sides
    Because AGAIN
    What is the fucking point?
    They cant do anything about it
    Not for another year
    Its still gonna be shit
    Im still gonna have this rollercoaster of a brain
    I fucking hate this

    I cant describe the urge
    The desire for non-extistence
    Or the desire to be hurt
    If you haven’t experienced it
    You haven’t experienced it

    And even then
    Everyone has had different experiences
    One person who desires non-exsitence
    May have a different experience with the desire than the second person

    I have bunch of homework i need to do
    And a Rp reply to finish up
    I also need to work on beekeeping research paper
    And REVO
    I need to find a way to text a friend
    And tell her that i'm gonna dress extra tomorrow
    My friend from summer camp i cant contact AT ALL
    And im worried he may be panicking
    Cause he doesnt know i lost my phone
    And its been over two weeks
    Then again
    Maybe he hasnt even fucking noticed

    Fuck i just dont wanna deal with all this shit
    Long term solution to short term problems though
    The desire is stupid
    Yet that doesn’t stop me from fantasizing
    vent #107 Murderers
  • Been a while since ive put something in here
    Stuff from the past month is on paper
    This was typed out in a doc
    Ill type those rants up eventually
    But anyway
    Feeling like shit
    cause of the real-crime video my dad is watching

    AuDHD murderer
    Dark humor
    Did it out of curiosity

    Sounds really familiar doesnt it?

    Im surprised a
    “That you?”
    Joke hasn’t been made at all by my dad
    Might be because i told mother the serial killer jokes bother me

    ive mentioned all this before
    Vent #108 the February collection
  • <rants from February that i had to write on paper>

    [15th of Feb]
    So yesterday and today have been interesting
    Talking to someone whom i had considered
    A bit of an ass
    Im giving him a second chance (at friendship)
    Maybe he’s genuine
    Maybe he’s not
    Ill never know for sure
    Just like with Toxic
    I thought she was genuine at the time
    Then the final call happened
    And from then on
    Everything was thrown into uncertainty

    Distrust is safer
    Sup Bestie! Sup Waffle!
    Waffle you shouldnt be reading this
    I understand if you still are though
    Sorry for runnin my stupid mouth
    Im protective
    Means i care a lot about someone if i am
    Sup everyone else!
    Am i too much here?
    Im aware this is all pretty heavy
    SH, sui thoughts, manic breakdowns
    They arent light topics
    Certainly isnt small talk
    “Ah yes the suicidal thoughts are quite “lets jump” today”
    “Oh really id have thought they were more “slit your wrists”?”
    “I suppose you have a point considering the hankering for seeing blood has been quite strong this week”

    They arent light topics and im aware!
    I jump to any chance i get
    To explain
    To say my piece
    I like talking about it
    IF i know the person is okay with the discussion
    Not sure if i should make a private rant journal
    One on paper or in private workshop?
    Or just in my google docs
    I dont like having it anywhere my mother can access though
    Not feeling ranty rn
    I wouldnt say this is a rant
    Im not feelin bad
    Just writing my thoughts down
    I guess this is a diary after all

    [Later on the 15th]
    Ill give mother one thing
    She may be homophobic
    She may be transphobic
    But at least she isnt Aphobic!
    I feel as if its a triangle
    Aromantic/Asexual/aroace in one corner
    LGBTQI+ Allos
    And the Straight Cis Allos

    Older sister is a heteroromantic ace
    Younger sister is BI (from what i know)
    And im either aropan or aroace
    Older sister is a good example of the cross between Cishet Allos and Aspecs
    She doesnt identify as any queer label
    Cause shes christian
    Shes made jokes based about how “ironic” it is that her “color palette” is the Ace flag’s colors (her favorite colors are purple and black)
    She is alloace
    (and i find it even funnier that the alloace flag fits her even better since she dyed her hair red)
    She has had crushes
    But doesnt find sex apealing
    “Id only do it to have kids” - My Older Sister

    Honestly i feel bad for my little sister
    Having two aspec oldersiblings
    Albeit in two separate sides of the Aspec
    but still
    She looks up to me
    And so she inmates me
    And im aggressively Aromantic (ace by proxy, cause she’s not old enough for that topic to be discussed around her yet)
    She’s bound to have guilt for any feelings if she’s Allo!
    Our parents and older sister all tease her
    for so much as being around another boy or drawing a boy character

    I just dont want her to stifle shit.
    Took me forever to figure out i may not be ace
    Just cause of the oppressive DONT TALK ABOUT SEX embarrassment

    (Ello. Typing up rant Shaw here.
    Ive since later confirmed that
    my mother is basically an aroace-spec
    Demi or flux probably
    This is just from an outsider perspective though
    And from the information i could coax out with carefully worded questions)

    [16th of Feb, 12pmish]
    [context: petty argument about dishes escalated into one about Bestie, resulting in me being left home from activity at 1pm]
    Cant stop thinkin of the ways
    And im debating on which would work
    Hang myself in the front yard?
    But highly doable
    Just gotta climb the tree
    And get the strap in place
    So i could slip and choke
    I could go lay on the road at night
    People might serve though
    Could take one of the new knifes
    And go to town on my forearm
    Ima drink all the wine downstairs
    So i dont have any common sense tying me down
    Ill do it once they go skating
    Cause there’s no way im going
    After the argument that went down
    Just 30 more minutes

    [Evening of 16th]
    “Demonic thoughts”
    I really am Flame
    Who that makes Mother

    Fucken ‘ell
    “Tear apart this family by contacting that mother and her [Homosexual kid]”
    I couldn’t help but burst into laughter when my dad showed me that text
    Because one.
    Bestie is Aroace.
    And two.
    Made me get to the point of ruinning from the house
    To the point of using my Sui backup plan
    And it sure as hell isnt bestie

    Btw bestie,
    My mother figured it out
    My dad has no power over her word
    I havent spoken to mother yet
    Shes home
    Not a word spoken to me yet though
    I might have a slight headache from the wine
    Oh yah.
    I drained a bottle of wine into a water bottle
    And i think i drank an eighth of it?
    Didnt do fucken shit
    Except maybe numb period cramps
    I dont know if ill make it a whole year
    Funny how that seems so long right now

    [18th of Feb 5pm]
    I fucken called it
    NOTHING was done
    Avoidence happened
    Then things went back to normal
    No argument
    Fucken Nothing
    I wanted so much for there to be an argument
    Fucken something
    Just so i could say
    “It was either call them or a potentially successful suicide attempt. Which do you fucken prefer?”
    So i could know
    If they’d DO something
    If id finally crossed a line
    Sh wasnt enough
    Running wasnt enough
    What will it be?
    I dont want it to be a failed attempt
    That calls them to action

    At least i have a reason not to do homework
    Cant use any computers
    I dont want to be near anyone rn
    If im being honest.
    Family wants to watch a movie
    Play pretend the “happy family”
    Im tired.
    I wish i hadnt said id go down

    Did it earlier in shower
    Easier to do stys there
    Water pounding down numbs the area
    Wish the house was empty
    So i didnt have to worry

    [26th of feb]

    I wish i could claim ive been suffering
    these past 10 days
    Mother and i did talk
    It was a healthy one
    Wether what we talked about
    Will happen?
    I doubt it
    I hope shes trying
    But whatever
    The reason why she doesnt take it “seriously”
    Is cause she deals with similar
    Emphasis on SIMALAR
    Its not the same
    Just cause one person deals with Sui thoughts
    Doesnt mean their experience with those thoughts are the same
    As another person with sui thoughts

    Things have been OK
    Good almost
    If you ignore the day where
    I was on the verge of tears cause of my diet the whole time
    And likely and am in the middle of a depressive/adhd paralysis episode
    And being mildly suicidal in the 1-2 hour ride home from an event
    Oh, and nigh crippling social anxiety
    That i apparently have

    But i got to climb a tree today!!
    And hang up a swing on it!!
    I was outside!
    And feeling great!
    So what if im a bit scraped up?
    Ive done worse to myself
    I can handle a few scrapes
    that barely even draw blood
    I need better upper arm strength
    Luckily i need to take down and put up
    the swing each time its used
    Maybe i cn convince my older sister
    to go to the gym with me
    Once she’s done with college work for the year

    [28th of Feb, 9am]
    So i gained a volume of Edgar Allan Poe’s greatest works

    It contained a brief biography
    And a collection of letters he wrote
    He probably was borderline
    “His own life, which was a sequence of tragic events and frequent abandonments”
    Not sure what “laudanum” is
    But it was something that had to be “Rejected from the stomach” - Poe
    (Typing up shaw here, quote from google: “Laudanum, or tincture of opium (a mixture of opium and alcohol), was used as early as the 1600s as an analgesic.”)
    The man was suicidal
    His own words: “I am so ill– so Terribly, hopelessly ill in body and mind, that i cannot live…”
    Mental illness has always existed
    By this i mean that people from as far back as the beginning of our society
    Have been mentally ill
    Just because they didnt have the words to explain it
    Didnt mean it didnt exist

    But are we, the modern mentally ill, any better off?
    I dont think so
    But that just my opinion
    For borderlines at least

    When i die
    Regardless of whether i become a famous writer/artist/poet
    Or i end up a crumbling brick in the wall
    I want to have a volume of these rants to leave behind
    A lot of them are written down
    But i would say that half of them are not anywher but the thread
    Would one say this is a diary?
    But a diary is intended to be private
    This is not
    This is intended to be seen
    …eventually at the very least

    [28th 10am]
    Its been a year since i started the redlines
    Feels like forever when looking ahead
    But only a drop of time when looking back
    Theyve trailed downward
    From my shoulder to my bicep
    Its awfully easy to do baby stys
    In the shower at least
    I rely prant outside of the shower
    Too much cleanup between strokes
    I unplugged my beelights and hung a blanket over my window
    I sleep in complete darkness now
    It help me not do redlines at night
    Cause i cant see
    I hate how im doing better
    (stability wise)
    Without contact to bestie
    Or at least
    I seem better
    No clue if i actually am
    Going to co-op didnt affect me as much
    The ups and down arent THAT bad
    As i write that i feel my mood going down
    Nah im ok
    I think
    I dont know anymore
    Damn my handwriting sucks XD

    [29th of Feb]
    Saw bestie
    They made me cookies!
    No clue why mine are more like peanut brittle
    Last time i saw them was 12 days ago
    When i used my sui backup plan
    Which we made so i didnt commit
    Im glad i got to see them today
    We talked
    Caught up on events
    I dont know what to feel
    I feel a bit numb currently
    Im not suidical
    But every shower i take
    My shoulder weeps red
    And my brush grows more darring
    I really shouldn’t have given the game back
    Why’d i do that?
    Now theres nothing tying me to themm physically
    It feels like a “farewell” thing to do
    I wish i could mark up my forearms
    Maybe ill move to my thighs
    Oh shit
    I think
    Ithink my shoulder is number than the other from the cutting
    Maybe it wasntthe watter
    Maybe it was the fact that ive gone over the same spot so many damn times
    Its not like its NUMB
    But it doesnt hurt as much if i scratch it with my fingernails

    Im over reacting
    And misinterpreting
    Im just finding something to panic about right now
    Fuck i wanna take another shower just so i can cut
    Heh my hand writing makes that word look like “out”
    Why does my mind wander like this
    I dont want to die
    But damn
    Hanging myself sounds so tempting
    Doesnt help that i like the feeling of constriction
    I wanna cutttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
    Ill just draw Big
    Work these cravings out on him
    [gonna insert photo of the rant page once i get my phone back]
    Well shit
    Im getting good at drawing
    Shirtless men XD
    Not sure how?
    I like drawing shoulders and chests now XDDDD
    Not like- THAT kind of liking to draw it
    Its just really fun to stretch my creative muscles
    And draw, well, Muscles!
    Instead of hiding behind clothing for poses
    Well its that and that i cant really draw scars
    Without taking clothes off the character
    Drawing a heavily marked up Big is…
    Theres a reason i joke about taking my feelings out on Big
    Or turning to writing/drawing about Big and Ritz when i feel destructive
    I feel a disconnect if i were to draw myself for the stuff i put big through
    This guy is… more ME than me i suppose.
    I wouldnt ever use him as a sona to represent myself though
    Cause of the FICTIONAL life he has
    He is my emotion deposit though
    Ritz too i suppose
    He’s the side of me i dont like
    Morally i mean
    Well, ritz is more of a… manifasation of my bad side
    The side that longs to destroy and abuse for fun
    Albiet, myself
    If you continue with the fact that Big is also a projection of me

    Who the fuck am i?
    Who is this bitch staring back at me in the mirror?
    ____? Shaw? Shawn?
    Big? Ritz? Fall? Autumn? Holly? Sam?
    All these Bits and Pieces scattered about
    Ive lost myself
    In theses creations of mine
    Fucken fuck
    ramble #109 Eclipse (likely a pt1)
  • So a solar eclipse is gonna happen on the 8th
    And its gonna be visible from my backyard
    Fuck im excited
    Im not religious
    But i would say i do have spirituality
    Just not in any specific god or whatever
    I can only imagine
    what the people who didn’t understand the science
    behind an eclipse thought
    I can imagine the oddities of society
    finding religion in the event

    Makes me think about my world building
    Ive had a character make an off hand comment
    That theres two moons
    It was a random detail i pulled up on the spot
    But wouldn't eclipses happen a lot more frequently with two moons?
    Maybe one of the moons is fairly large in size
    And covers the sun a lot more
    How would the porcilavians react?
    The ones with a religion based around Light and Dark?
    There’d sure as hell be folk-stories about it
    The totality path lasts longer with a larger moon size
    So maybe instead of a few minutes in the best optimal path
    Its ten?
    Or twenty?
    The Dark of the second Dawn
    And with their longer lifespans
    they’d be able to experience more than one eclipse
    Oooo Jeff.
    He’s made of shadows
    He’d enjoy it.
    Being able to safely and freely stand outside during the day
    I need to include an eclipse in Revo.
    With a cult based around light
    It’d be a wonderful plot device
    I KNOW.
    Autumn experienced an eclipse.
    THEN decided to paint his room black
    In an effort to replicate the emotions during it
    Gives him a reason to believe in the Dark
    Dont think ive ever mentioned it
    But he believes in the Dark existing
    And is however
    a skeptic about “light entities” existing
    Even though he’s an enforcer

    Ah there we go
    He had the connections to become an enforcer
    Because of his skepticism of Lights
    but solid belief in a Dark
    He just played it off as the reverse
    for the sake of getting the job

    There isn’t any entities in the worldbuilding
    But characters have their own beliefs
    Jeff is the closest to a “Shade form of the Dark”
    That exists

    Anyway theres a solar eclipse happening on the 8th
    Gonna be out on the swing the whole afternoon
    Having the closest to a “spiritual” experience that i’ll probably ever have
    rant/ramble #110 Streaming, aroallo
  • So.
    Sounds bout right.
    No real preference to any specific gender or whatever
    Romance is ew
    And i'm perfectly fine without a partner
    Best friends are enough for me
    But uh yeah
    The Deed? letz go
    If the person be down for it
    Im down for it

    Damn i wish i could go work out somewhere
    I wanna be stronger
    Be able to lift damn tables at co-op
    Pick up more than one fucken chair
    Or deadlift milk jugs XD
    I wanna be more masculine looking
    Body wise
    Muscles tend to help for that right?
    I wanna be able to easily scale rock walls
    Lift full deep sized supers of honey
    Mother pulled down a bike for my lil sister
    Maybe i can go ride that more

    I need a haircut
    Hair is dragging against my shoulders

    Wish my voice was a little deeper
    Not this weird inbetween pitch
    I wonder what someone would assume i was based off my voice alone?
    Ew i just found the one livestream i did with voice
    Its so bad in quality
    Im oddly breathy when i speak
    Lotta vocal fry
    Sometimes im too quiet or i mumble
    Resulting in the vocal fry
    Its also from two years ago so…
    Not a lot of confidence back then
    Sometimes im super squeaky
    My pitch raises when im nervous so yayyyy

    Would anyone here ever want to see my art process?
    I used to do a lot of voiceless art streams
    Maybe i can start doing those again but non-voiceless
    Buy myself a better mic
    Use the better computer
    Finish making that v-tuber model id been working on
    I’d have to ask my parents
    I’m more mature now
    One year left yk?
    Rant #111 mental health
  • I wanna ramble about mental health

    But I don’t have any friends I feel comfortable rambling about that to


    There’s bestie

    But we can’t text each other

    And so it feels different

    Mind you

    I’m doing okay

    I just wanna ramble about my life perspective

    How I don’t really empathize

    But I do know the social expectations of certain things

    And so I give the proper response

    And where the only way I DO empathize

    Is in situations where I’ve already experienced it

    It’s coming up a lot with this freshman I’m trying to be friends with

    She perfers phone calls to texting

    So yeah we’re talking more verbally

    And I feel bad about not really connecting with the situations she gossips to me about

    Like yeah okay this guy is a dry texter

    And you think he’s not into you despise saying he is

    I don’t know what the proper response is that doesn’t make me the asshole

    “Hate it when people are dry texters, that sucks girl”

    Is what I replied to the ranting

    Cause I personally do not like dry texters because I can’t tell if I’m annoying to them

    But I have no clue what that’s like in a romantic context

    So I just act like a spring board and echo people’s words back to them

    Oh your dog died?

    Rip, that sucks. Seriously man. Hope you’re okay.

    I reply that way because I know im supposed to give a sympathetic response.

    Maybe there’s a little bit of empathy

    I’d hate it if my pet died

    But I’d be okay mostly

    I’d learn to live without them in my life schedule

    It’s same with people talking about their looks

    I give the socially expected response

    “You look great!”

    Because I don’t want to drag anyone down

    I don’t want to be cruel

    I certainly could be if I wanted to

    I could disregard all social norms

    Do whatever I damn well pleased

    But I don’t want to be hated.

    I don’t want to be the Evil person in someone’s life.

    Whether that’s because I care more about proving people wrong than how people feel

    Or because I’m a good person and don’t want to hurt people because I know what it’s like to be hurt

    I care a lot about how people view me

    I want to be on everyone’s good side.

    There’s only a few people I CARE a LOT about the mental and physical well being of

    My little sister and Bestie.

    I feel concern for people who show concerning traits

    Do I feel empathy?

    Am I just trying to absorb the mental disorders I fixate on researching?


    Am I?

    I don’t fucking know

    I’m fake as fuck

    I don’t know who the hell I am

    I can’t name any fucking feeling

    Physical or mental

    What are friends?

    How do you define a friend?



    Someone you are honest with and care about?

    I don’t

    I don’t know

    Do flower and poet consider me a friend?

    Freshman does, I think?

    I don’t know

    I don’t know

    All I know is that I don’t understand.

    And that I’m damaged in some way.

    Rant/vent #112 Sleepovers New
  • I finally got to have a friend over at my house.
    But yet.
    I feel the worst I’ve ever felt since February.
    I’ve relapsed pretty badly
    I’m actively excusing myself from social situations
    So that I can go paint
    Hell right now I’m hidding in a stall
    Holding down a paper towel as I type
    Potential stayed over last night
    And we slept on the couches downstairs
    And before she came over
    We talked about what I had noticed back when co-op was still going
    She admitted to it being SH
    And after we were told to go to bed
    We ended up talking about it
    And having a really deep conversation
    About how
    About why
    What our experiences with it were

    But now I feel horrible.
    I woke up just feeling off
    About the whole situation
    And I’ve felt like shit the entire morning
    The entire afternoon
    And now the entire evening
    I SHed in the shower I took this morning
    I SHed this afternoon at her friend’s house
    And now Ive SHed this evening at youth group

    I don’t
    I don’t know why I’m feeling shitty
    I don’t want her to be another Toxic.
    I seriously don’t fucking want her to be
    She’s starting to act like her
    With mean “jokes” and shit
    And we don’t have any interests in common
    And now I’ve gone and snapped and sworn at her

    I’ve moved to my hips.
    Cause I don’t wanna mark my shoulder up anymore
    Too risky
    And chest risks staining my bras
    And is more inconvenient to paint on when out of the shower
    I don’t wanna die
    I’m making that clear
    I’m not suicidal rn
    I’m just being destructive
    And I don’t know why.

    Flower doesn’t text me back
    And Poet I don’t feel comfortable telling this stuff to
    Bestie, and Waffle I don’t wanna burden further
    Even though they’re gonna read this
    So that’s counterproductive to say
    I was hesitant to even rant here
    Because I know they read this
    I don’t wanna go back out there
    I don’t wanna have to put on a smile right now
    Nor do I wanna admit to Potential why i don’t wanna go out there
    Well I told her I didn’t wanna go out there
    But not why
    I don’t know what to do
    If I put down this phone I might paint
    I’m home now
    I feel dead on my feet
    I’m tired
    And physically
    I feel kinda blank
    But also like I’d cry if someone confronted me
    If they pushed for the truth and refused the fake answers
    I don’t really know what disassociating feels like
    But I think I came close to the feeling of it
    The blank shut off and tune out I’ve heard it described as
    I felt a bit like I was on autopilot
    My body was present but my mind was racing
    Racing through the details of today and how I’ve been feeling
    Racing through the what ifs around the new friend i was making tonight and Potential’s comments about us being embarrassing
    Racing with fear because I’ve had three painting sessions today
    Racing with guilt for a countless amount of things

    Not gonna off myself
    But I might be drawing some more Autumn|Fall angst
    Listen to his playlists
    Then lay in my bed and voice act when I have to go to bed