
"..understood." Her eyes widend at the sight of the illusion disappearing so suddenly. Cain stepped forward with his fist clenched. " so basically ...make a new door way" Kanin moved her hand toward cain pushing him back a little. She took a sideways stance as she clenched her fist inaaling some air. " new door..alright." Waves of wind pulsed underneath her feet as she began to conjure up an immense amount of power to one point. Her fist began to shake a little as she clenched it more, veins popping up from beneath the skin. HHer teeth began to grow as her eyes lite red.

Cain stood back , gulping a little. Her power was beyond his probably beyond the others. He let out a soft smile as he fixed himself, from a scared position to more of him standing his ground. Kanin inhaled again and with her last exhale she swung her fist bag, to the point where her elbow was in the air, then forcefuly thrusted it forward toward the side of the barrier. When she swung she swung outwards as if she was curving he punch. Hitting the side, the cave shook as a loud bang was heard echoing through out the cave. The side she had punched began to crumble into a curve just like her punch, creating a u from where she stood a hole opend up from within the barrier and the outside. "righto" Kanin smiled as she began to walk through the dust and debree she made, her foot steps loud and matching cain's as he followed behind.
Of course the damn vampire had to break her barrier. Of course he had to make a scene, which made her job much more difficult. "Oh, what a bother," she muttered, sighing as she leapt gracefully to her feet, dropping the stupid act, her expression cold and heartless. In a flash, she grabbed Archer, her arm wrapped tightly around his neck, a blade pressed into his side. "Now, now," she said loudly, her cool gaze sweeping over the generals, "Unfortunately, I need the vampire alive. So I would suggest letting him go before I kill this fool." She paused, tilting her head, her gaze moving to Rei. "And there's also that girl... What's her name? Lunatra, am I correct? She'd make such a lovely meal for my pets." The words came out as a purr, eyes locked onto him. Archer struggled in her grip, and held onto him tighter.

"Let go of the vampire." It was not a request, something she would give them an option to follow. It was a demand, an order. And, if the man did not let go of the vampire, she would kill Archer first, then next would be Rei. And poor poor Lunatra would be trapped in that tree, her pets pacing beneath her. She would never know the full truth of what happened to her brother and the one she loved. How tragic. Archer struggled in her grip again and, in a swift movement, she kicked up her knee, hitting him in the groin. He winced, falling forward slightly, her arm still tight around his throat. He opened his mouth, then shut it again, his eyes on Rei. Just the slightest, he shook his head, then his gaze moved to Kanin.

He smiled weakly at her, flinching as Adrienne yanked him back by the hair, gasping for air as she held him in a choke hold. Then, he mouthed one word at her, one word he prayed she would follow. Run. Then, in an instant, he turned his attention to Rei, opening his mouth and finally speaking. "Go! Hurry!" He hoped Rei didn't hesitate, he hoped Rei would just run, taking Kanin with him, Kanin and Cry. And Lavrador... Oh god, Lavrador... He looked over to him, managing a small smile, just as Adrienne hissed the words into his ear. "You're annoying. Such a pain, my dear. A thorn at my side." Her hands gripped at his neck, then, in a movement so fast, she twisted it. There was a loud, painful crack, filling Archer with shock as he desperately looked for Kanin, wanting the last thing he saw to be her. He found her, and then went limp, his body tossed aside to the ground.

"Well then," Adrienne said, dusting her hands calmly, looking at Archer's dead body in disgust. "Now that he's out of the way, do we have an agreement? Or do I need to give my pets the go? They've been quite hungry recently." She smirked slightly, her gaze moving from person to person, then landing on Caster. She smiled sweetly at him, her eyes vicious as, slowly, she cast her spell over him. "Dear, don't you think it would be best to let him go? For me, sweetheart?" Her voice was persuasive, seductive, "Please, darling? It will make me very much happy."

Darktanion GoddessOfGod C h a t N o i r

((Bam. If anyone wants to revive archer, feel free to :P I actually don't want him dead, but needed some drama))
Lavrador opened one eye with difficulty, a small smile coming from him as he heard the bang. The loud cracking and crumbling of the wall. He glanced over at the wall, his body still pinned down, wheezing from Caster's grip. He closed his eye's again as he pushed his mind forward, his 'body' appearing on the branch in front of Lunatra. He gave her a warm smile, his faded hand touching her thigh as he looked down at the vicious creatures. His eye's shimmered in the light as he bared his fangs at them. His illusion's were not real, they were tricks of the mind, telling the mind it sees and feels things that do not exist.

Some mind's do not hear or feel things he want's them too, but minds that are set on one thing, or dim such as animals rarely realize the difference. His body fazed threw the branch falling down and landing on its feet. The two creatures beckoned at him, their sharp fangs snapping at him as he raised his hand. In one swift movement he lunged at the one on the right, his hand digging deep into its shoulder blade. The poor creature yelled out, its screams causing the other to back away.

Lavrador smiled, his small hand being held to his lips and his tongue tasted the blood, his eye's locking with the beasts as his sick sadistic gaze causing them to bow their heads away. Like a dog that submitted to it's owner, unwilling to challange them. Lavrador laughed slightly, no voice sounding, but his gesture said enough. He glanced up at Lunatra, his smile more warm as he moved. None of it was real. HE only made the beast believe it was hurt, pushing the simulation of pain in to it's head, its painful cries unnessary.

Rei became slightly startled looked at the hole in the wall, his eye's narrowing as the two walked in. Mikage flinched as he looked over to the hole in the wall, the sound causing Caster to release his grip on Lavrador's neck. Lavrador's body twisted to the side, loud coughing coming from him as he attempted to breath. Dark purple and red rashes on his neck from the sudden force on his neck. He wheeze glancing over at Cain and Kanin as Caster still sat on his chest.

Frau grunted standing, his rage still set on Lavrador. Rei spoke, his voice hoarse as he did. "That seemed unnecessary. Was that opening not big enough for you? " Rei looked at them annoyed, his hands folded against his chest. All the annoyed tension in the room suddenly turned to shock, a sinister voice sounding as Adrienne spoke. Her warm lucious voice sending chills down their spines. Caster slowly moved his attention to Adrienne, his eye's narrowing as he raised his hands, a light fluttering smile coming from his as he spoke. "Calm down miss, that is not nessary. " He glanced down at Archer, his eye's widening as she snapped his neck, his body falling to the ground.

Lavrador screamed out, the first and only time anyone had heard a actual tone from his voice, tears streaming down his face as he looked at Archer's limp form. The sound was more intense then even Rei's screech, his every emotion passing threw those who heard it as their ear drums bursted and bleed. Rei's body swirled in the air, his colors blending into nothingness. He wasn't their? He was an illusion as well? For how long was he gone? And to were? His sudden disappearance shocked over the other generals. Caster's eye's widened as a sudden forced pushed him back, his body crushed hard against the floor. He winced glancing up to see Lavrador's hands pinning his chest down on the ground, his strength snapping his collar bone as he called out in pain.

His dangerous eye's met with hers, long fangs rising from his jaw as his wings flexed. The veins in his bat like wing pulsing hard as his form vanished. In the blink of an eye he was gone, his aura consuming the entire cave. Deep red crimson eye's glowed behind the women, his foot suddenly being forced into her back, slamming her forward, the slight sound of cracking bones sounding. Mikage grinned his happy voice standing out as a purple slash lashed out at Lavrador. His hand moved only slightly, the purple haze cutting in to the back of his hand. His eye's moved to Mikage, his eye's, his mind, his everything telling him to kill. Frau jumped up, his form running forward, tackling Caster as the women's body barely flew past him.

The illusion broke, his smile fading as it became replaced by a pale eye'd man. A long broad sword in his hands covered in blood. He glanced up at Lunatra, a smile coming from him as he offered his hands up to her "Lunatra!" It was Rei, his kind smile reaching her as the dogs moved back slightly. The illusion Lavrador had past was fake, but Rei's actions made it real. Real blood, real pain.. Real danger. "Your okay now.. "

CharChar45 Im gonna turn him if your cool with that.. ))
CCain sighed as he nodded toward kanin who had seemed to be fully in the cave. Her hands crossed as she held them under her chest looking around. With one step of her foot, her body pulsed a harsh wave of winds surrounding the room. Her eyes still te from the punch she made at the wall. She had looked over to the female and only galred. The wind swooping her up catching her in a tight bind as if she was being squeezed by rope. Cain had wlaked in as he bowed beside kanin. " ..such foolishness."

CCain." Cain stood to his feet and bowwed his head." Yes my queen" Kanin looked around. " ..Cover lavedor and break the cave." Cain glnaced at her then nodded his head. As he allowed his wings to expand in such a tight airea. He stodo there his wings flappign as he began to gather up energy into his wings. Kanin glancing at eveyrone. " ..such a shame"
She was glad. Knowing that Archer had been there, she could fully socialize with him and such. Have fun as others would call it. It wasn't all the time she deemed a human superior, since greed and lust were two factors that always existed within the human mind. For Archer, the thing that was most dominant was the will to protect the ones he loved and so forth. Admire able traits.

Cry didn't exactly know who the lady was that was infront of her, and she made it pretty clear when she tilted her head at the sight of her. She would have sniffed her to get a good idea on who she was like she did with Archer. But at the time, too many things were going on. What would have happened next perplexed her even more than everything else she had experienced today combined.

Cry had felt a dark presence somewhere around her, Archer, and Adrianne. She turned around, happy to see that it was the vampire before. But what was he doing, pointing his claws at the lady?

Cry, for the moment, felt it would have been polite to greet him. She started with a nice 'he' sound to form the word 'hello', but it seemed that the vampire had disappeared from her view. Sounds of mass clashing and bashing against rock filled her ears as the vampire, who had previously been next to her, was being assaulted... By the same group she was first traveling with. Why were they doing this again? Wasn't that taken care of some time ago?

More sounds filled the room. With a bang, the cave shook leaving an opening to the outside. She saw that it was the same black-haired girl that Archer cared about who created it, another person she didn't exactly know standing next to her. Then, with a gleaming sound that only a sharp object like a knife would make, a blade was pressed to Archer's neck. Cry was unable to interpret more than two events at once... But things ended with, in Cry's eyes, Archer dying, Caster being blown to the side, and the whole scene being strewn into chaos.

Cry backed away. She backed away from everyone, bumping into the wall of the cave next to her. Her eyes were wide like an animal right before it becomes road kill. She wrapped her arms tightly around her stomach for support. Everyone she thought she gave a thought to, instantly disappeared from her mind. The mere happenings traumatizing her, causing her to begin an animalistic fit.

((I curse my iPod for limiting me and making this take way longer than it should have.))
She shivered violently in the tree, watching the dogs with wide eyes, clutching her broken hand to her chest. She was frightened, curled up in a ball, wound bleeding profusely, dripping down her leg. Shakily, she wipes if away, the blood smearing against her leg, whimpering as she flung her arms around her knees, bringing them to her chest. Everything hurt, and she could barely move. She barely noticed when the illusion of Lavrador appeared, smiling warmly at her and scaring away the creatures. She was in a haze, her vision blurry as her head drooped forward, the fight she usually held so high fading away.

And then came Rei's voice. It was like music in her ears, soft, kind and melodic. "R-Rei?" she muttered, rubbing her eyes as everything spun. She saw him, standing in the snow, broadsword in hand, looking up to her. "Rei...." her voice was relieved as she smiled softly, scrambling hastily down from the tree, landing on her leg and not even caring. She ran towards him and flung her arms around his neck, pulling him close and hugging him, burying her face in his chest. For a moment, she looked up, smiling broadly, her eyes flickering to behind Rei. Shock shot through her as she pushed him behind her, a hand shooting out, one meant for him, but struck her instead.

It dug through her abdomen and she let out a surprised gasp, eyes widening as the woman huffed. "So persistent, aren't you, dear?" she said with a sigh, digging her hand deeper into Lunatra's chest, gaze unwavering, "Why must you insist on getting in my way? Why must you insist on making things so much more difficult?" She sighed, twisting her wrist within her chest, and Lunatra let out a pained cry, flinching back. The woman then yanked her hand out, sending Lunatra stumbling back into Rei's chest, coughing violently, clawing at her chest. Yet there was no wound, no injury. It was fully there, as if no hand had dug through it. "Be grateful he wants you alive, girl." Her gaze flickered up to Rei, eyes narrowing slightly, "And I will return. I still have a mission to complete."

Shadows gathered around her, and she vanished, leaving a shaking Lunatra and Rei behind. "Rei?" she whispered weakly, her knees trembling, "Promise me you won't go off on your own, okay? Promise me that much.." She didn't want to see him laying on the ground, bloody and bruised as he had been that day where Veleron had taken her. She wanted to stand beside him, not over him. She leaned against him, resting her cheek on his shoulder. "I don't want to lose you..."

Darktanion just to explain quickly, after Lavrador basically beat the crap out of her, Adrienne healed and quickly fled the scene, going to Rei and Lunatra. And feel free to change Archer :P
Lavrador grinded his teeth, his glare shooting toward Cain as he moved. His gaze was enough to kill a look of anger and hate. His gaze moved through out the cave. The women was gone, her body vanished from the cave. Lavrador moved his long slender hand pulling at Archer's collar. His limp body being pulled from the ground. Another tear dripped from his eye, his hands pulling Archer close to him, his hand pushing his head to the side. His crimson eye's sank deep into Archer's neck, cold blood dripping from his piercings. Lavrador's eye's clenched close as every drop of Archer's cold blood seeped into his mouth, his crimson eye glowing as his brow began to heal.

Archer's body ran completely cold, his body bloodless as he gave subtle sobs. Lavrador gently turned Archer, his body laying limp in his arms. His soft voice echoing in the only mind who could hear mind. His own. "Please forgive me Archer... " He carefully shifted Archer into one hand his other slitting his wrist with his fangs. He squeezed his palm, blood trickling in to Archer's mouth, blood over filling and slowly crawling out of his mouth. Lavrador gave him a slight smile, the wound on his hand healed as he rested it gently on his forehead. He never wanted to seal anyone into the fate of the dead. Never breathing, never being able to enjoy the simple rays of the sun, staying frozen in time, trapped in the darkness of the world.

Lavrador tore at his own conscious, tears still falling as he waited. He was so selfish.. Selfish enough to end Archer's existence, and trap him in a world full of hate.. Lavrador pulled Archer close to him, hugging him gently. Frau quickly stood, his eye's locking on Lavrador. "This was your plan wasnt it!" He quickly stood, his eye's ready to kill Lavrador as he marched towards him. Frau's eyes widen as he suddenly stopped, Caster panting in front of him arms spread. "It is fine Frau.. Calm down.. " Caster glanced over at Kanin who barked orders, the intense flow of wind causing him to shut his eyes.

Mikage grumbled, his eye's locking on Lavrador as he grinded his teeth. "How dare you ignore me! " He screeched walking forward, his hands down at his sides, clenched in anger. Mikage completely ignored Kanin and Cain, purple rips in the air veering towards Lavrador once again. Lavrador looked up, quickly turning his back so that the attack would hit him and not Archer, his teeth clenched in anticipation.

Rei smiled his hands wrapping around Lunatra. He gasp suddenly as she moved, a hand appearing in her abdomen. His eye's widened at the women, her ominous aura clawing at them both. As she vanished Rei quickly wrapped his hand's around Luntra, a heavy sigh coming from him. "What were you thinking! Lunatra" His gentle voice shook with fear. Fear of losing her, fear of her death.

He didn't know what to think when Lavrador cast a illusion on him. Telling him that he needs to find Lunatra. That she was in danger. Despite him not like or trusting Lavrador, he decided to listen, his real form leaving as Lavrador simulated a fake. His eye's sharpened as he looked up, spinning her around to look at her. "Lunatra, don't ever leave on your own.. " His words snapped like orders. His form slowly kneeling down to examine her leg, his gentle yet freezing touch grazing it as it slowly heals. He panted slightly as chills entered her body, her strength slowly returning.

CharChar45 GoddessOfGod Oitetment
The blood rushed through his veins, scorching through him like fire, so fast, so quick, Archer barely had time to react. It was just a slow, steady burn, one he had to endure. It ran through him, and he could barely stand it, the pain, the heat. Yet he fought through, pushing through the flames, pulling himself out. Then, as fast as it happened, it ended, the cool air brushing at his skin. He didn't breathe, didn't move. But, oddly enough, he felt like he didn't need to, he felt fine not breathing, not suffocating from the lack of air. His eyes remained closed, for a moment, as he took in all the sounds around him. Lavrador's pants. Cry having what sounded like an animalistic attack in a corner. He could hear the wind, he could hear everything.

At last, he opened his eyes, and they glowed crimson in the darkness of the cave. He could hear Kanin, he could hear Cry, he could hear Lavrador. His sight was just as clear, catching every speck of dust floating in the air, catching every movement, no matter how small. "Kanin?" he croaked, his voice hoarse as he blinked, looking for her. Wind roared through the tunnel, and Archer cursed, jumping to his feet. She was going to bring the place tumbling down any minute now. "Kanin!" he shouted over the wind, looking to her desperately. Thinking quickly, he turned to Cry, dropping down beside her in a flash, wrapping his arms around her. "Shhhh," he whispered softly, caressing her hair gently, "Everything will be alright, okay, Cry? Everything will be fine."

"Bloody hell, Rei, she would of killed you," Lunatra said with a sigh, yanking her hand through her hair. "What did you expect me to do? Just stand there like a fool like last time?" She winced at the memory, of Veleron tossing him aside like a rag doll, laughing tauntingly. "I want to stand beside you, not over you." She watched as he kneeled down, running his finger over her wound, healing it with his freezing touch. Oddly, it was comforting, familiar, even. She relaxed slightly, feeling her strength return, watching him in concern.

"Rei, there's no need," she said softly, kneeling down next to him, deciding at that point not to show him her hand. She would handle it later. He looked exhausted and she frowned, resting a hand on his forehead. "Come one, lets get you back. You need rest, rest and water." She paused for a moment, tilting her head, curiosity on her face. "How did you find me anyways?" She looked at him intently, although not in any way that was cruel. Just curious, gentle, and soft.

Darktanion GoddessOfGod Oitetment
( Ignore me if I missed something. Struggling for an idea lol. Sorry for the length of time to post. )

" Come on VEL! This is so boring! " Solace whined. " How am I going to prove that I'm second in command material, without a way to prove myself? With me you won't even need these mindless weaklings. " Solace was far from stupid, she knew what following a vampire might eventually lead to down the road.. But.. and perhaps in error, she didn't fear these special humanoids. Solace fearlessly strolled up to the Vampire, annoyance written throughout her face.

It wasn't so much Velor's charm, or his good looks for why she followed him. While this of course was helpful, it was far from a major factor.. No, she knew the rumors, she had come across pieces of his tale.. She wasn't following him to win his approval, or to enhance her abilities.. She was following for the chaos, and destruction, this vampire was bound to bring to the world! Imagine the destruction this dark creature was plotting on all! Oh just thinking about the pleading, the begging, the cries of agony that were sure to come, it would be magnificent.. What more of a reason would someone need to follow the most nefarious vamp in the land?

With her blood red outfit, long blood red hair, she wondered if it ever made him thirsty to look at her. " Need a drink? She said in a sarcastic manner, a sly smile spreading across her face. She held out her palm, swirling particles compressed together out of thin air, creating a small perfect orb of liquid, floating half an inch from the center of her palm. Her courage, and teasing qualities.. Obviously knew no bounds..

( :P )
Lavrador eye's widened as Archer sprung to life, his body running to defend the small girl.. The cave roof began to collapse, large bolder's and remnants of rocks crashing down. Lavrador spun around, two rip's in the air lashing out at him. He moved back, his body twisting to dodge the first, his body not yet grounded enough to dodge the second. it's violent nature cut deep into his back from the side. He winced slightly pushing him self backwards once more at Mikage hand swiped at him, his fist laying into the ground, a small crater forming from his force. His violet eye's glimmered at he looked up to Lavrador.

Caster looked behind him, the cave slowly beginning to collapse. "No! Kanin stop.. " He yelled, rocks barely missing him as the roof lost its steady form. Frau glared over at Kanin, his emotionless face surfacing once more. He grabbed onto Caster, pulling him back as whispering in his ears. Lavrador quickly cover his head with his hands as the cave began to collapse. He glanced at the cave opening, the sun still shinning threw the opening. He gritted his teeth as his head looked down to the ground once more, his hand clenching at his hair as debre fell from the cave.

Caster's eye's widened as Frau spoke, his eye's moving to Lavrador who was hunched over, his hands and arm's protecting his head from the debre. Caster glanced over at Kanin, grinding his teeth as he raised his hand, his fingers bend forward and twisting. Lavrador's eye's suddenly swung open, a feeling of his stomach dropping. He felt like he was going to puke. He took a deep breath trying to shake the feeling, but just as he breathed his body suddenly flew backwards. Like someone had lassoed his waist and suddenly pulled him backwards. His body went reeling towards Caster, his hands slowly wrapping around Lavrador's neck and waist, holding him in place.

Caster stepped back pulling Lavrador back as Frau yelled to Kanin. "Stop now.. You dare try to barry us? You think we would die so easily.. " He huffed at her, as Caster continued to back up to the back of the cave, dragging Lavrador down the tunnel. Mikage eye's shot up, his eye's widening as Caster pulled Lavrador back. He jumped forward his form suddenly being blocked by a rather large bolder. Mikage quickly jumped back, his form running into Cain. Mikage looked over to Kanin, his spoiled voice sounding "Stop it! You will murder them! Stop being selfish your prat!"

Rei smiled at her, looking over to the setting sun. "Lavrador told me.. He said you would be in trouble.. And if I did not leave you would die.. " He looked back towards Lunatra grabbing her hands, slowly pulling her forward and letting his cold lips press again hers. "Don't take your life so lightly.. " He stood quietly, pulling her gently behind him. They needed to return soon, after all, with that women suddenly on the loose. Something important must have happened.


Veloren smiled, his hand grabbing her wrist and quickly twisting over her, her body being pinned against the ground. "I told you not to call me that... and must you ask.. ? Your role will come in soon my dear.. " He gave her a grim smile, his cold lips pressing against her neck as his hands slowly moved up her arms to her hands. His long slender fingers intertwining with hers. His long fangs carefully pierced her skin, his crimson eyes a glow as her blood touched his tongue. So bitter. He hated it. He wanted blood that gave him power. But this would still have to do..

Veloren pulled away from her, his tongue gently tracing over her puncture wounds. He smiled, blood remaining on the edge of his lips as he licked them. "You will do good to behave my dear, after all your role will come into play sooner then you think... " He stood carefully, his hands stretching in the air as he rolled his neck. "First I must see how things unfold.. It seems Adrienne has caused quite a mess. " He grinned at he peered back at her walking over to the other side of the tunnel, his eye's watching his kin as most of them slept.

CharChar45 GoddessOfGod Harusun Oitetment
Solace jerked violently in response, but quickly gave in once the full effect of his charm, and the sensation of his fangs touched her. The Orb destabilized and uneventfully splashed to the floor.

Solace wasn't happy with Vels Gesture, but she would tolerate it for now.. Something about him really lessened the effects of his actions towards her.. Anyone else regardless of stature would have been struck down at this point.. Whether or not she liked to admit it.. It was hard to resist the supernatural charm.. It was almost soothing, while under his spell her mind was quiet and soft.. As short lived as this was, it was one more reason to follow him.

" He's so condescending towards you.. After this adventure, you will take great pleasure in watching those cold eyes in agony.. " Solace thought as he finished feeding.

" I hope so, your not the only one with needs. You feed on blood, but it's been awhile since I've been fed something appetizing.. " She muttured, her sharp amber eyes displaying a high level of anxiety..
"Cain" Cain stoped his wings receding back into his bac kas he knelt down smirking a little. " suchf force with your orders." Kanin could care less for the generals at the moment and her thought on lavedor and archer dying because of this was impossible.As mickae charcged for them a powerful wind pushed them back but it wasn't her. Landding down from the whole made at the top his powerful kick pushed micakge back toward the tohers as he now stood in between th two. A smirk coming from the wind he cause he laughed out loud. " Funny..that you thought you could charge for the princess..i don't mind challangening the king but his kid side is annoying.

Cain gasped when he got a clear picture of the man. His long hair turnning as he turned his head toward the two. " now kanin lets not go killing everyone, your father would be very upset." Kanin glared as she uncrossed her arms, she flicked ehr heair back as she walked toward the man. He smiled wide as he patted the girls head and gave her some bread he had got before leaving the castle. "i cant stay here for long ,seeing how this body is just an illusion...ah right you dont know me yet, i dont think." He stepped back and bowed." My name is Hamin, the kings joker and seventh general." Hamin thought about how the generals all were a part of him so he thought pwersonality wise. Mickage was the kid of ark no doubt while he was the joker, a curle yet happe fellow who tend to play games. " very well pleasure to meet you kanin."
Caster and Frau looked at eachother, a look of confusion as the man introduced himself. Frau's eyes narrowed in suspicion, but stayed quiet. Caster smiled his grip on Lavrador loosening slightly as he kind hearted grin lessened some of the tension. Lavrador had a look of surpise on his face, one of his hands placed on Casters arm as it stopped him from fully restricting his breathing. Lavradors head laid cocked back slightly, his head facing more to the ceiling as his eyes stretched over to the man. Caster soft light voice sounded his voice familiar as he spoke. "Hello Hamin.. Your timing is impeccable isn't it?"

Frau huffed at caster, his hands crossed in front of him. To most it would be odd that none of the generals questioned this sudden addition to their ranks. But these were not just any generals. Not just any dragons. Each of the original generals were apart of King Ark, fractions of his soul and power split between bodies. They were perfect. Always loyal, never changing and they wills always directed towards that of the King. Because to betray the King meant to betray themselves. Mikage huffed stepping back slightly, his balanced swaying as he caught himself. His arms to folded infront of him, his purple hues glimmering at he looked at Hamin with slight protest.

Lavrador pulled at Casters grip, his form back to normal. It was unclear when, in all the madness that took place it was hard to figure out when he retracted his form. Caster tightened his grip slightly, his warm breath hitting Labrador's ear as he spoke. "Stop struggling" Lavrador grinded his teeth at his words his eyes flickering over to Archer. The site of him caused him to let out a sigh of relief. He survived.

Veloren smirked whirling around to face her once more. His cool soft voice "if you are hungry go eat. No one is stopping u my dear." The sound of grunting and rumagging pulled Velorens attention as he looked over two vampires fighting. He let out a large sigh, his hand moving up to touch his glossy hair. "It seem's we have a new person to worry about..." Veloren smiled and slowly walked towards solace. "I need to see something, and I think you are perfect for this job.." He slowly raised his hand stroking her long hair. "Kill one of the original general. Which one is no concern to me. But I would like to see what happens.."

GoddessOfGod CharChar45 Harusun Oitetment
"Ah, bloody hell," Archer muttered, eyes wide as the roof began to crumble. He scooped up Cry in his arms, shielding her body with his own, wincing as rocks rained down on his back, cutting through his shirt and into his skin. He gritted his teeth, blurring through the tunnel, running out into the sun. He didn't expect for it to scorch his skin, to melt it with a simple flicker. A surprised yell passed his lips as he dropped Cry into the snow, flying back and hitting the back cave wall. Everything shook, for just a moment, as Archer panted heavily, crimson eyes wide. "Wha-what?" he whispered, staring blankly at his hands as if to make sure he was still here. The sun, it had burned him, peeled off his skin like acid. Then it hit him. Everything that happened, every detail.

He had died, been killed, with a simple twist of his neck. "Oh god..." He wanted to punch himself for being so stupid. How could he of fallen for such a trick, how could he of been pulled in such a trap? And now... And now... He was a vampire. He didn't hate Lavrador, he could never hate him, but still, his heart sank at the fact. If he was a vampire... If he was a vampire... He shook his head at the thought, almost in a state of shock. Yet, a slight crack caught his attention, and he jerked upright, eyes flying towards the sound. Right above Kanin, the ceiling was cracking, slowly, yet surely. Archer jumped to his feet, dashing towards her and pulling her back, just as it completely broke, crashing down and sending rocks spewing everywhere. Archer guarded her body with his own, the stones striking his back as he winced, holding her tightly.

"Bloody hell, Kanin, be careful," he muttered, pulling away from her and running a hand over his hair. He avoided her eyes, keeping his crimson eyes hidden. She had ordered Cain to stop, which was a relief, and the tunnel stopped trembling. Then, another man appeared, causing Archer to tense as he narrowed his eyes, stepping in front of Kanin and watching him carefully. He said he was an illusion, but Archer quickly memorized his name. Hamin, the seventh general of King Ark. His cool gaze swept over him, crimson eyes flashing. He didn't trust this man almost immediately, and only got to meet him for a brief moment. Not that he trusted any of the generals besides Rei.

"I can't believe it," Lunatra murmured, smiling slightly as he pressed his lips against hers, "You actually listened to Lavrador." It was meant to be teasing, although she was genuinely surprised. She never expected Rei to listen to a vampire, especially one that would soon be killed by King Ark's hand. Her face darkened slightly at the thought, but she shook it off. She would figure that out later. But no matter what, she would not let Lavrador get killed. Sighing, she held on tightly to Rei, digging her face into his neck. "I don't take my life lightly," she whispered softly, "I just would be willing to sacrifice myself to save you. Because I lo-" she cut herself off, quickly adjusting her sentence, switching the words, "Because I care about you, Rei."

Darktanion GoddessOfGod Oitetment
" No one is stopping me from eating.. I don't mean food! " She murmured under her breath.

Solace listened intently.. Trying her best to ignore the two morons fighting in the background. She was considering drowning them both just to suppress her urges... " I'm sure Veloren would let me, he would forgive me.. Just one, or at least a human.. " She thought. " I can't take mu- yes! He's sending me out!" The task he spoke of quickly snapped her out of the daydream.

" Point me in the right direction, and make it two.. Killing one of anything is never any fun. Oh, and can I take one of the weaklings with me? I promise I won't cheat and have it help me, it is for completely different reasons that I wish to bring someone along.. " Solace grinned a disturbingly large clown-like grin. Adjusting her weapon, and tracing the path of his fingers through her hair, she was then ready to go NOW.

( She won't waste time, as soon as you spout directions she will be on her way -.^, you have to lead me slightly for finding them.. Forgive me with my lack of description, I just really can't think of what to say.. I'm much more combat oriented I guess. Sleep time now though, I'll start finding ways to make them longer. I'm also changing my schedule, so I can be up during normal hours, to post multiple times, and quickly during the active hours of the day.)
Cry was immensely tranced out, with no hint that she was responding right away. She gave off several high-pitched screeches of fear and anger, she had the intention of leaving to wreak havoc on whatever lay infront of her. Memories of her younger life flashed in and out, scarcely remembering the dark figures that had pillaged her original home. They weren't humans, Cry knew that for a fact. So was everyone here related to this, in some form or another?

Sense came back to her little by little in Archer's embrace. It pulled her ever so closer to reality, the gentle strokes calming her and lowering her intensity. She was still in a fit even though it wasn't as major as before. She reached over to try and hug him back, but the cave tumbling in on itself and Archer's oddified scent prevented her from doing so. She was pulled out forcibly and dropped into the snow, where she would be conscious enough to make her own decisions again.

She saw that the sunlight burned Archer. He retreated back to the shadows and attempted at saving Kanin who still stood in the crumbling cave's vicinity. He was taking the hits for her. Cry didn't believe in switched pain.

Cry reached for one of the large boulders that had fallen down before the others. With a quick swipe of her foot, she split it in half. She lugged that cut-up boulder and carried it above her head, running with it to Archer and Kanin, the boulder blocking off the rocks that tore at Archer's skin.
Rei smiled, his gentle eye's turning ice cold as he became more deep into his conversation. "If the future he showed me was a lie, I would have ripped his throat out.. " His voice suddenly cold once more as they approached the cave, the cave more dis formed then he last remembered it. He grunted, his eye's glazing over the scene. "Kanin, you must learn to control your emotions." He glared at her walking forward into the cave. Rei's eye's caught a glimps of Archer, his nose scrunching as his eye's narrowed. "What happened... " He demanded a answer, his voice cut throat and cold.

Caster, Frau and Mikage all glanced over to Rei, oddly enough his voice sending shivers down their backs. Caster tightened his grip on Lavrador once again, Lavrador not noticing the suffocating hold as he looked to Archer. He could see the reaction on his face, his disgust at what he was, a hint of sadness and regret. Lavrador's struggling grip loosened, standing motionless. He was such a selfish person, how would he have turned Archer.. He must hate him now.. A twinkling tear ran down his blue eye, slowly dripping off his cheek as Frau spoke. "This piece of trash tried to escape. That women must have been part of his plan... It seems she went mad and vanished... Then Kanin decided she would throw a sudden tantrum. " He snapped a glare at Cain, his distilled, vile voice sounding. "Traitor.. "

Rei glanced over to Cain, his eyes tracing over to Harmin, a small smile coming from him as he bowed his head slightly in thanks. Rei acted like he knew him, just as Caster did. Mikage turned to Rei whining once more as he always did. "She tired to kill us Rei!!! We should just get rid of her... She-" Rei gold icy glare cut him off, Mikage slowly stepping back in a slight tremble. "Don't speak in such ways Mikage... It is unwise.. " He moved fully into the cave. pulling Lunatra in behind him.

Veloren smirked as she spoke, his hand raising one finger. "You may have one, but make sure you bring him back. Good help is hard to come by my dear.. " He turned away his soft voice calling for once of the vampires. "Ramzi's!" Within second's a men appeared in front of him, his form down on one knee as his head faced the ground, bowing in respect. Veloren grinned, his cold voice causing the vampire to look up. "Go with Solace.. Help her were it is needed. " The young vampire stood slowly, his grey eye's matched his shinning grey hair, his pale skin passable for human. Ramzi's was a vampire with a very unique ability, the ability to hide his vampire aspects.

Everything about him seemed human, except of the lingering smell of death that followed him. Ramzi's nodded, slowly standing and looking over to Solace. "Go down this tunnel, Ramzi's will be able to smell the right trail. It will take you out of the side of the mountain, just a few hundred feet away from the main entrance. By the time you are there, it should be night fall. Make sure you get this done quickly and return." Ramzi's nodded, slowly turning and walking down the tunnel, his eye's slowly tracing back to Solace, a hint for her to follow.

((I am still about to mind blow you all! Just you wait! The truth shall be revealed! Muhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha))

This is Ramzi


CharChar45 Harusun GoddessOfGod Oitetment
Hamin laughed as he acknowledged caster , only glaring toward frau. Turnning back around the suddend words from his mouth shocked kanin as he patted cains's head.. " good to see you alive and kicking my son." Cain paused rmeebring the vision he head bck by the river, accepting this he gave him a faint smlie . " glad to see your well." Hamin smiled wider , seeing how is son took him as his father with no hesitation. Hamin tuned back over to kanin who was looking at rei with a more rebilious look. " s rei." She said in a sulken tone responding to his comment.

"you all have taken your time recieving the cargo." Hamin spoke toward the others. His eyes closed as he gave them a creepy smile. One that would make your heart stop in terror. "the king is patiently wating..oh yes more news..the oracle is dead no need to go looking for him once you all have returend. Hamin licked his upper lip as he smiled. " he tasted wonderful." HHe laughed loudly now walking over to caster and lavedor. " be gentle with him..he is also precious cargo, weather he may die now or never i think the king wouldn't like you handiling him in such a way..aren't you supposed to be the kings gentel side." He smirked ruffiling lavedors hair. " thank you for guiding kanin and my son."

Turnning his heel to the other side he walked over toward aracher and beant down. " oh so they turned you...intresting." HHe pocked archer's forehead and smiled." hm i guess this will due, " He stood up stretching a little as his body glitched. " oh my the illusion will wear off." Clappign his hand a small ball of spirit fromed beside him. " just a little more time sharin." The gohst giggled as it disappeared and his body stopped glitching. He inhaled as he held his finger to his chin. " now what is the safest route back home."

Darktanion CharChar45
Caster gave Harmin a warm smile, his grip releasing as Frau snapped at him for letting him go. Lavrador coughed and fell to the floor, his hand touching his head as he looked up toward Harmin. No one had ever ruffled his hair like that. A look of confusion swept over him as he watched Harmin. Caster's smile was light as he spoke. "I suppose that's true. " He giggled slightly, slowly kneeling down to Lavrador and giving him a warm smile. " My apologizes, did I hold you to hard?" Lavrador looked over to Caster, a confused look on his face.

Rei huffed slightly looking to Harmin and Archer, the illusion shimmering as he stood. Rei's glanced over to Kanin, his hand releasing Lunatra and carefully walking over towards her. He put a hand on her shoulder, bending down slightly to her level. "You okay?" He asked a slight smirk on his face. Mikage pouting in the corner, his form storming out of the cave angry as Rei ignored him once again. Frau glared at Harmin, his hands crossed as he spoke. "I think bringing him with us rubish... If it were up to me he'd be dead.. "

Frau scold at Harmin, suddenly changing the subject. "The quickest way is threw the mountain. But it's not very quick if we get lost.. We might as well just continue around.. We are only a day's walk or so.. " Frau grunted walking forward a few step's, his glare turning to Lavrador. "So we are just going to ignore her tempt at murder, are we? And Cain as well.. " Rei shot a glare at Frau, causing him to take a step back. "Yes.." He said, his pale blue eye's clawing at Frau's emotions. The air turning cold for a moment as his eye's stood unmoving.

Hamin looked over toward frau and laughed. " ateempt at murder..your eyes only see threats, she was protecting lavedor along with archer;'s dead close attention and you could have seen her trying to break up the fight." He glanced over to kanin." ofcourse that wasn't the best way to do it, but it did make yall stop right." Hamin bent over a little poking frau's head. " my my the kings paranoid side is funny no...he serious side to wonder the king has headaches." He laughed to himself.

Kanin looked up and gave him a smile. " I'm ok now..rei how are you." Cain glanced down toward rei. His eyes squinting a little. His mind was going through theorys, since he knew that could't be the live rei. There was a glitch ,he thought he saw when his ears moved. Cain sighed as he looked voer toward hamin." say we are the side of the kings and you know us by codename right," Hamin turned around and smiled. " of course..i am the kings joker, his ace if you could say, caster is his gentle side wile frau is his paranoid serious side..and mickage is his chid side...honestly the way he split them is beyond me..oh yes and you are his protective side while rei is his warrior and even though kanin is not a general i classify her as his soul side."

Frau boiled with anger, his claw swiping at Harmin. He gritted his teeth as his hand went threw him, like swiping at the wind. He took a step back, his fists clenched at his side's as he growled slightly. Caster stood, turning to Frau and raised his hand. "It's enough Frau, dont be angry" Caster smiled at him, his eye's moving to watch Harmin as he walked back towards Rei.

Rei smiled at Kanin, his mouth moving to answer her but was cut off by Hamin. His eye's moved up as he spoke a smile coming from him as he spoke. He pulled away from Kanin his eye's locking with Harmin. "Close, but you are wrong Harmin. Rei smiled walking towards Harmin his eye's watching him carefully as he spoke. "Each general is a fraction of the King's original soul. Each getting a fraction of his being as well as the powers that match best with the fraction of the soul they were created from. There is a small exception. Cain was given a fraction of his power, but already retained his own soul, so never took any of his characteristics, and Kanin.." He glanced over at her, a light smile coming from him as he continued.

"Kanin never got any of his power, because she disappeared before he could, however her power shinned much like the queens." He pulled his attention back to Hamin, his left hand resting on his shoulder. A small whisper coming from him as he spoke. "You assume to much.. Joker was it?" He chuckled to himself as he turned, his eye's looking at Lunatra. She was hearing everything, he wondered what she would think, if she knew he wasn't real..

Hamin smiled toward rei. " in my world rei my caclulations are right..ofcourse we all think differently." HHe pulled away from reis touch then spun around, soon bowing. " Yes indded my name is hamin the joker." He smirked as he opend his mouth , a hand that of a childs began to try to climb back up. Hamin smiled s he hit his stomachthe child slowly crawling back. " a pleasure to meet you rei."

Kanin smiled as she tugged on cain. He nodded his head as she began to walk past the two. Knealing down beside lavedor she smiled touchign his forehead in a pocking manner. " im home" She smiled toward him as she tried to brush his hair back. " you look a mess."
Rei had a look of disgust on his face as the small finger's began to crawl out of his throat. Clawing and digging at the light. In a swift motion Harmin punched his stomach, the small child like fingers quickly retracting. Rei looked at Harmin odd as he turned, a breathless smile on his face as he spoke. "Indeed.. " Rei replied watching Kanin move, his eye's tracing her as she kneeled down by Lavrador.

Lavrador glanced up, a look of surprise sweeping his face as he looked upon Kanin. Her gentle touch pushed away his hair, causing him to flinch slightly in anticipation. For the past ten years all who had touched him never did it in a gentle manner, so it was only natural that he react that way. He warm smile caused his eye's to suint, a small smile coming from him as he raised his hand. He gently grabbed her wrist, pulling it down from the top of his head, then gently brushing it against his cheek.

His eye's closing as he felt her warm skin. Frau frowned at the scene, his hand ready to snatch Lavrador away, but before he could act Caster side stepped in his eye, their eye's glaring at each other as Frau huffed up on protest. Mikage was gone, he had left the cave and began to wonder in the snow, glistening lights slowly dimming as night began to consume the sky. Rei too frowned at the sight, but not in anger, more so worry. After all, she was becoming to attached, and that never ended well.

GoddessOfGod CharChar45 is gonna kill us, she's gonna be like, WTF. So much to read. HAHAHA :P ))
Kanin smiled as she watched lavedor. Her heart skipped a beat a few times, a sudden rush of his death overcomming her. She pushed away the thoughts and only smiled. Just seeing him here made her happy. Him being alive infront of her made her happy. Hmain watched cheerfuly as he nudged cain into the stomach. " so ..anythig intresting in your life son." Cain blushed a little as he pushed hi maway. " dont ask." Hamin looked back toward frau and nodded his head. " then we shall take that path."

Kanin had glanced over toward archer , seeing how he was different. Kanin looked back toward lavedor with a smile. "ive missed you" Cain paid attention to kanin but to his fathr as well, seeing how he kept switching from conversation to conversation. HHe was weird but he knew wehre he got some of his personality from. 
Darktanion lol i know poor char

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