

A professional writer is a amateur that never quit
Time's were once peaceful, the towns prospered together under one king. The peaceful haven that shinned in the day, vanished into the night. The towns people would go missing, there bodies found with no blood in there veins, puncture marks on there necks. The towns people began to worry, there cry's, seemingly unheard by the King. As the King stood in rule, a nobleman came forth, he challage the king. In his hands, held chains, in which bound a young women. The young women was frantic her face filled with dread as the nobleman yanked her forward. The King quickly protested this women's treatment as people began to gather. The nobleman ignored the King's demand and spoke. "You my King choose to turn your eye at the darkness that lurks in your kingdom. These monstrous creatures that suck us dry! You are not fit to be king!" The night sky began to fall as the sun peered over the valley. The glimmer of light shinned down on the women, her skin sheering, her skin burning from her bone as she screamed. The King quickly turned away as the sun creep towards him, the light hitting his face. To the people's surprise, his face began to burn. Forced into a shadowy corner the king looked to the noble man, his face bloodied and boiled. The noble man merely smiled as the chained women turned to ash, the chain falling to the ground. "You see! Your King is a monster! He has protected and hide these monsters from you! Its time for a new king! A new era!"

The nobleman turned, his sword raised, he had planned to finish the King, but to his surprise the King had vanished. The news spread of the Monster who took the form of there King, his mighty kingdom ran into chaos. The nobleman known as Ark took over the lands. The people were more then accepting as he created a army specifically to kill these monsters of the night. It's been twenty years since the King vanished. And the number of vampires remaining have become scarce. Hiding in the darkness the creatures ran from King Ark's Army, slowly being killed one by one. This wasn't a war, it was a slaughter. Some vampires took haven with human families, those families had looked after these 'monsters' for generations. King Ark's army has illimated most of these families. Out of the thousands that existed, only 5 of these families remained. Some wondered if these unknown families protected the monstourous King, other's were more concerned as to how many vampires they truely protected. These families to the people went against god. No one knows whether these families exist, but King Ark still searches for them, awaiting the day when he can finally ride the world of these vail creatures.

Vampires: The more powerful or "pure" the vampire bloodline is the more in-human they look. Pure-Blood Vampires have jet black as the whites in there eyes and blood red pupils. There nails are as razor sharp claws, there fangs easily seeable as they speak.

The less pure the vampire the more human they look, but the less powerful they are. Newborns are the weakest. The only way to become more powerful is the drink the bloodline of a certain human family. This families location is unknown.

Vampires have the typical weaknesses, No sunlight, Silver, Garlic etc.

Another none typical weakness is DMB; Dead mans blood. To be exposed to DMB, whether it be from a cut or to eat it is extremely posinous to vampires.

Vampires have super-human strength, incrediably inhanced senses. Older Gen. of vampires can wield magic. Using magic has a cost. Use it to much and die.

The sun began to rise as Valer walked in the waking darkness of the night, its shadows slowly dissipating as the sun made its presents known. The sound of running echoed threw the trees. Valers figure running quickly, his draping scarf hung low over his face, as its flailed in the wind behind his figure. It had been 12 years now since Valer had lost his memory. He roamed the cities constantly on the move. His long ivory cloak settled under him as he came to a stretching hault. Valer looked at a church that stood on the outskirts of the forest, it's windows were painted canvases that seemed to reflect the night sky.

Valer peered up at the sky, it's horizons beaming threw shinning rays as the sun rose. His blood-red eye glistened as he looked to the sky. Valer quickly pulled his scarf over his face, it's rigid and torn material allowing some natural light to peer threw. Valers figure quickly vanished, the churches silence quickly interrupted by a loud bang. Valer had pushed the rather large doors to hard, sending them flying against the walls that held them. His movement was quick, as he moved behind one of the doors, the sun light peered in. His upper arm became burned as he moved, the light hitting it right before he moved behind the door. He foot rose slightly as he gripped his now bleeding arm, kicking the door shut. It's force knocking the other door from the wall closing it. Valers eyes scanned the church carefully, the painted windows seemed to fade out most of the sun light, there colors barely being reflected on the church floor. The church wasn't very big, it's space consumed by rows of benches that faced the back if the church. Valet walked slowly down the rows the sound of foot steps echoing in the hall. His eyes fixated on a statue. A beautiful angel, her hands praying as she kneeled, her head bowed down as her robes lay covering her feet.

The middle aisle in which Valer walked was small, the window frames light not yet able to reach its stretch. Valer found him self kneeling next to the angel. A large sigh left his chest as he bowed his head. The blood from his wound slowly dripping on the small floor as it creaked from his weight shifting. He sat for a long moment, his position unwavering as he kneeled.

The silence that once again consumed the church broke, a old, crackly voice echoed in the dim church. "Why hello there. Nice morning isn't it." Valer quickly turned, jumping to his feet as he looked to a older man, his grey hair thinned and wrinkly skin crunched as he smiled at Valer. Valer watched him carefully as the old man walked forward, his body covered in gray cotton robes. He walked next to Valer, his eyes seemed to gaze and nothing, his unfocused demeanor confused Valer as he took a step back from him.

The old man slowly raised his hand as he moved, his hand moved lightly in a crossing motion, starting at his heart and moving to his head, stomach and shoulders. The man then kneeled gracefully his hands moving infront of him as he seemed to pray. Valer watched him as the old man spoke again. "I hope you don't mind if I pray with you.." The old man turned his bowing head to Valer, a warm smile sweeping his face. Valera scarf had fallen back some as he looked straight into the old mans eyes. Cloudy in there gaze his eyes seemed to look, once again at nothing. Valer looked to him, scrunching his eyesbrows as he realized. This man was blind. The mans empty state lingered for moment before he spoke again "your a quiet one aren't you.."

The man slowly outstretched his hand his fingertips barely grazing Valers cheek before he quickly pulled away from the man. His sudden gesture caught him off guard as he lost his balance falling down to the floor, he careful pushed away from the man.

The man paused for a moment his hand held infront if him as though he was trying to see his fingers. "Ahh, I see. Your one of the Night hunters aren't you?.. " the man lowered his hands a smile still sweeping his face. Valer still sat on the floor, a startled and confused look on his face as he sat. This old man knew he was a vampire!?! Yet he didn't run!!! What was wrong with him. Never has a human acted this way towards him. The man slowly came to his feet. The man took a step back, light warming his skin. The rays threw the windows have become much more intense, the man looked down to Valer. "Your welcome to stay the day. I have a cellar with no windows. And good place to sleep.." The old man shuffled over to a pantry door opening it slowly with a gesture for Valer to follow him. Valer sat still, his eyes fixed on the door, long dark corridor that seemed to go into nothingness. Valer stood slowly, his eyes tracing a path were no light reached. It wasn't wise to trust a human. But it seemed he didn't have a choice. Valer slowly walked his feet dancing around the glistening lights as he walked.

The old man held the door open for valer, as he slid threw, his eyes still watching the old man. The man quickly shuffled forward into a room it's walls stacked high with cobwebs and wine. A small cout lay in the corner, it's dirty blankets covered in dust. The old man was short, he must have only been 5' 5 as he felt his way by the cellars. His hand reached high ontop of the cellar feeling around for something. Valer looked At him with a questioning pose as the man climbed on a crate that held up a barrel of wine. The old mans struggle to reach for a blanket that had been pushed back ontop of the cellar finally stopped when his hand felt its warm texture. He tugged on the blanket, the feeling of falling hitting him as his foot slipped from the crate. The old man clenched his eyes ready for this bones to shatter againt the hard floor. The sound of a thump hit the cellar walls as the man opened his eyes, an insecure look in his eyes as he felt something cold and squishy beneath him. A smile came to the mans mouth as he realized Valer had caught him , Valers body fell to the ground cushioning the old man as he fell. "Oh thank you. This old body just isn't what is used to be.." Valer had a look of annoyance as he helped the man to his feet. The man quickly helped Valer get settled before making his way out of the cellar and back to the church halls. Valer sat on the cout, his back against the wall as he sat. He slowly drifted in and out of continuances as the day went on.

The old man insisted Valer stay, Valer though never saying a word agreed to stay. Maybe it was because this old man was so fragile. That he feared he would hurt himself. Or maybe it was more that he was never treated so kindly before. A stay of day became a month, as time passed. Valer never uttered a word not even as the month passed. The old man began to wonder if Valer was a mute.
With in the deep forest, past the gates of the town and the entrance into the meadow. SSShe sits on a branch, looking up toeard the sky. CCovered by thet hick leaves swaing above her, the light couldn't touch her.Peacfuly she laid her head back aginst the body of the tree, her red eyes staring at the leaves. The stems that run through them and the water that travles toward the tiip. Everything was silent. The birds had not woken up yet, and the doe were silently trailing through the paths for food. The wind moving past her and the animals taht lied below her. Her ears twitching , listening farther out past the forest into town. The people began to awake, as the shop owners began to cook for the people. Smiling a little it reminded her of what she used to do back when she was .It was aboout time forher to start her daily warm ups, to keep her body mobiel. SShe jumped down and landed softly on her toes. As the leaf fell from the tree she dashed off through the forest, a smile on her face as she tried to catch up to the nearby jaguar a few meters ahead.
As the week slowly passed Valer found himself constantly helping the old man. The sweet man called himself Rohan. Valer was sweet and caring to the old man, but still kept his distance, never uttering a word, no matter how much Rohan talked. The small church had a small fireplace that sat in the back corner, its existence untouched, as the Rohan shivered threw the cold harsh nights. As the moon reached up into the sky Valer headed out into the forest, gathering wood and twigs. It wasn't long until Valer started the fire, it crackling echoed in the small church as it burned. The hot air spread quickly in the church, as the old man's shivers lessened.

Valer stood looking to the moonlight, stars hanging beautifully around it. He swallowed, his throat dry prickled at him. His hunger clawing at his throat and mind. He hadn't eaten since he had meet this man and took haven with him. Perhaps now it was time to find some food. Valer walked towards the forest, the moon light lite up his ivory cloak, as he pulled his blood red scarf over his face. Thick trees covered the moonlight, stopping most of the light from peeking threw, the only thing that could be seen in the darkness of the forest was Valers cloak as it whipped behind him.

The sound of crunching branches broke the silence as twigs snapped beneath his feet. Valer took in a deep breathe as he moved, his eyes every weary of his surroundings. He could smell another vampire near by, it wasn't hard to know, when a creature was near. A vampires nose picks up every scent, most of which smelt rancid. The only smell that ever tickled Valer was the smell of sweet, fresh blood. Valer couldn't remember the the last time he could taste the sweet flavors and smells of human food. Valer sighed and walked forward, the sound of a boy's voice stopped him in his tracks. Valer slowly peered around a near by tree as a boy stood talking to, what looked like his mother. The young boy had to be no older then 10. Valer closed his eye's and listened as they exchanged words, he back against the tree as he faced away from them.

"But mom, i'm going hunting" Said the boy, his voice high pitched and stubborn. "No, its dangerous to be out at night! What if one of those monsters attacks you! We are going home!" Said the mother as she grabbed her sons arm tightly dragging him along. "No mom!" He tugged at her grasp and she led him away. "I hear the King's army is coming! They are going to get rid of the monsters! Please!" "That doesn't stop them from getting you before them come now does it?"

Valer scorned at the conversation. Ark's army coming here? Why would they come so far from the kingdom? To stay here any longer would be dangerous, but Valer's mind still thought of the old man, who had showed him such kindness. His train of thought became interrupted as a laugh echoed in the darkness. Three men phased out of the shadows, there eyes fixated on the women and her child. The three men wore long draping cloaks, each of the cloak had a crest embordered on its right chest area. The symbol took the form of Light with a blood stain placed carefully behind the symbol. Valer clenched his teeth, these men were part of King Ark's army. The women turned to them, her eyes getting caught on King Arks emblem. The boys face filled with gleam as he pulled from his mothers grasp, his high pitched voice shrieking "Wow they are here! Look mom!"

The young women looked to them, the men's look of lust making her uneasy, as she tried to grab her son. The man who stood in the middle had short dark brown hair, his face boxy as he stepped towards the boy. The man kneeled down on one knee and smiled at the boy holding onto his shoulder. "Hello... You know it's dangerous to be out at night little boy.." The mans deep voice caused Valers throat to lock, a feeling to anger consuming him. The mother too must have felt the same anger and insecurity as Valer, because she quickly pulled her son from the mans grasp. "Your right! We were just getting home!" She said frantically as she began to walk away. Her motion quickly stopped as the man grabbed a hold of her skirt. She insecurely grabbed her skirt whirling around, the look on her face showed anger and dismay. "Wait a second my lady. See we've been traveling for so long to get here. Perhaps you could offer us shelter and food" The mans voice seemed sinister as he locked eyes with her. The hair on her back prickled up at the idea, her first reaction was to pull away. "No! I .. I mean.. I don't have any spare food or board.." She yelled, unable to control her voice. Her tone quickly changed as the mans face turned beat red with anger.

He stood slowly, his eyes looking at her, up and down as he licked his lips. "See we've come all the way here just to protect you from the vampires. And this is the thanks we get? Perhaps I feel we deserve more..." His hoarse voice, seemed to push out with anger as he grabbed her arm violently. The boy who stood in her grasp, a look of confusion and fear on his face fell to the ground as his mother screamed, her cry's echoed over and over in the forest. The man just laughed as he pressed his lips against her neck.

The boy got up quickly trying to push the man from his mother, but it was no use. His useless efforts ceased as the second man grabbed the boy pulling him away, his forceful hand threw the child hard against a near by tree. The young boy fell to the ground, his fists gripping the ground as he tried to push his small body up. The cruel solider pulled a crossbow from his back, aiming it at the young boy. "So what do you say mommy?" Said the man as he pointed his crossbow to her child. Valer clenched his teeth, his head lifting slightly as he leaned his back against the tree. A small amount of moonlight lite up his eyes as his scarf pulled slightly back. In an instant, his form that seemed to hold up the tree vanished. The man that held the crossbow kept his eyes locked on the women as she pleaded for her sons life. A smile that wrapped his face was quickly interrupted by a quick forceful strike to his face. His weight thrown him backwards as he hit the ground, his hands releasing the crossbow as he fell.

In what seemed like the same instant the man who held the women, felt a sharp pain in his chest as he released the women, a hard slam to his chest threw him on his back. In front of the women stood Valer, a crossbow in in his right hand pointing towards the third man who stood in his place, in his other hand held the young boy who seemed to have passed out. The men stood stunned for a moment before realizing what had just happened. Valer had grabbed the mans crossbow and forced it up into the mans nose, the sheer forced from his hit breaking it. In the same movement Valer turned, a arrow being released into the other man's chest. Valer quickly picked up the child and in one swift movement forced his foot into the arrow lodged into the mans shoulder throwing him to the ground it great force.

The thirds man stood un-moving as Valer turned the crossbow towards him, there eyes locking. Valer had moved to quickly, the wind throwing his scarf from his head as his radiant eyes pierced threw the man. The women had fallen to her feet behind Valer, her mind still unsure of what happened. The men looked at Valer, a smirk realigning there faces as a high-ranking vampire stood before them. The man who had held the crossbow held his nose as blood flowed from it. The smell of blood lingered in the air, Valers left eye glowed bright along with his tattoo as he took in the smell. He stomach wrenched at the smell, his hunger clawing at his mind. He stood un-moving, as he tried to control his thirst. To kill these soldiers only meant more would come. It was dangerous.

(([MENTION=4039]GoddessOfGod[/MENTION] The forest branches will have to be EXTREMELY thick for her to be able to hide form the daylight under them. Just remember that ;) )) ))
((lol ok)) Walking through the forest, she whistled a small tune to put the restless animals at ease. Something was happening outside the forest, but ofcourse she didn't care. That day she head cut all ties from the humans, and the viallage. She patted one of the does head, as it trotted away towards it's family. She looked up toward the sky and ywaned a litte. Her ears twitched das it listend to a nearby conversation. "..vampire." She stopped in her tracks. Hearing that surprised her, was their another in the village, or have the soilders finaly come once again to the town. A sharp pain ran through her throat as her eyes , began to brighten. She held her neck as her teeth began to grow. She closed her eyes trying to push the hunger away , but it wasn't working. Who, she thought who were these people. Another vampire or perhaps the soilders. She clenched her fist , rage running through her mind. If it was the soilders she would gladly take them out, to end their reign. She began to run through the forest toward the opening. ((lol i love how you rp))
Valer stood un-moving, he gripped the crossbow hard as his mouth opened slightly, the crease in his lips allowing two fangs to show. The man at the end of the crossbow stood silently, his face straight and emotionless. Was he scared and wouldn't move? Or was he too confident that he didn't feel the danger that stood before him? Valer couldn't figure it out, not that he needed to. He carefully placed the boy on the ground the crossbow never swaying off his target. The boy's mother seemed to come to and quickly grabbed her child, her arms wrapped around him like a shield as she looked at Valer's back.

The man with the bloodied noise slowly rose from the ground, his eyes slowly scanning Valer as he stood. Valer took a step back, the smell of another vampire seemed to get stronger. Anxiety swept over him as he realized why. The stench of blood reaped over the forest, Valer had an unusual control over his hunger, but other vampires might not be able to resist. The bloodied man saw his opportunity, as Valer seemed lost in his thoughts. He pulled a knife from under his cloak and lunged towards Valer. The foul stench of garlic filled his nose as he lunged backwards, he stepped carefully as to not crush the women and her child. The man lunged again as Valer side stepped grabbing his arm. In the same motion he twisted it backwards pulling the man into him as the crossbow redirected to his throat. His knife had been coated in garlic, just its presents made Valer feel sick.

Valer's cold eyes watched the man as panic consumed him. His eyes said "Leave.. " His cold stare almost seemed to cut into the men's skull, as his finger held tightly on the trigger. All three men watched Valer carefully, as they each waved there options. Valer's breathing quickened as the smell of the mans blood intensified, as he held him. Valer leaned his head against the mans, taking in the smell. His tongue wanting to lick the blood from his nape. (( Y Thanks >.<))
With a leap from the meadows. The man standnding farhtest away from baler was knocked to the ground. Her nails digging into his pale skin as she sat on top of hi,. her teeth close to his neck. HEr eyes blodd red as the atato on her arm began to glow." you dare step foot on these grounds." Seeing the soilder put her in rage. Annoyed by their presence she paid no mind to the other vampire who stood before her. The blood rushing through her nose, as her throat became dry and painful. Almost raspy she stared into the Soilder's eyes. " why..why have you come here..answer me you pathetic being."
Valer's cold eyes faltered from the man as another vampire peered out of the forest, her claws pinning the rather tall burly man to the floor. Valer looked to the man as she pinned him, Valer's expression became taken back, as the man smirked beneath her. Valer's eyes wrenched down at the mans fist as he clenched it by his side. Valer's eyes widened as he realized what he had. Valer quickly lifted his foot slamming it hard against the bloodied mans knee cap causing his leg to snap. His heavy body hit the ground hard as he squealed in pain.

Valer quickly lunged forward as the man pulled his fist toward the vampire, his hand releasing garlic towards her face. Valer quickly pushed the women off the man, his thrust was hard, as she got thrown back 20 feet away. He turned to late to avoid the garlic, its remince clinging to his face has he backed away, the man fell back to the ground as he released his fists. Valer's lungs seemed to close, as his breathing seemed to suffocate. The veins on his neck turned a deep purple, as they crawled slowly up his neck, reaching towards his face as he thrashed his head, trying to rid it of the garlic. Valer's anger got the better of him as the garlic ensnared his senses, his crossbow took aim at the mans head as his smirk seemed to disapte. The man's smirk vanished as an arrow plunged straight in to his skull. His body fell down limp as Valer brushed hard against a tree, his vision blurred.
She stood up her eyes blinking. Once again her rage, it took apart of her . She gritted her teeth jumping toward Valer. trying to think fast she wiped away the garlic from his face. Looking down at his veins , she began to panik. She bit into his neck, her hands trying to pin him done so he wouldnt move around som much. Releasing her fangs giving the punctured sot breathing room. She continued to wipe the garlic away. Closeing hermouth and nose so , it would get into her system.
Valer breathed slowly as he crumbled against the tree, he coughed heavily as he looked over to the young vampire who was attempting to help him. He slowly raised his hand as she brushed away the garlic, his hand grasping her wrist to stop her. She had managed to get what was on him off. He pulled himself up weakly, still leaning against the tree. The rest of the garlic had entered his system already and would take a while to subside. As Valer's blurry vision glistened he looked to the ground were the other two men were. They were gone. They must have fled as the garlic took its effect. He angrily clenched his teeth at the thought of them escaping.

Valer looked to the young women who held her boy in her arms, tears streaming down her face. He clenched his eyes as he sat trying to forced them to focus, but to no avail. His attention moved to the vampire in front of him as she stood a worried look on her face. He smiled gracefully before coughing, his hand covered his mouth as he did, small remince of blood traced his hand. This small amount of garlic wouldn't kill him, but it would take awhile for the effects the wear off. With the soldiers gone, it meant that they might bring re-enforcements. Perhaps it was time to go? He shook his head violently trying to shake the nausea that was weighing over him. Valer still seemed reluctant to speak, just as he had with the old man.

The young women stood up quickly, her child grasped in her hands. Her eyes locked onto the two vampires, her brown hues looking over Valer's different color eyes. She bowed her head slightly, turning around quickly and running into the darkness of the night. Valer watched as the blurred women ran from them, her child locked securely in her hands. He was glad she was ok, he feared the vampire that stood in front of him might attack her, but thankfully she seemed too pre-occupied with him. He couldn't see the her expression, but he cold feel her uneasiness that weighted heavily in the air. It was rare to run into another vampire. He wondered why she was here.
She looked at him even more worried, the animaks of the forest crying out. She thought, so this is why the forest was restless. She couldnt, leave thus alone so she brushed her neck and leaned down for him . Maybe if he drunk from her he would feel so much better. Being one of the pure, maybe it would help. She urged him to dri nk, id not a lot then maybe just a little.
The intense smell of blood made his mind falter as he glanced at the blurred body that lay next to him. A arrow stuck out of his forehead, a single drop of blood dripped from the arrows piercing. Valer strained to see the body as he sat silently. Perhaps it would be better to leave it? No fang marks means, King Ark's Soldiers might not believe a vampire was involved. Perhaps they would think those two men had gone mad? It wasn't likely, with the vampire race being stripped to nothing, they would follow any lead that might lead to the death of a vampire.

He pushed her back slowly his smile giving her a kind gesture, he offer was sweet, but unnecessary. If she ranked higher then him, drinking her blood would likely force his ranking up. He didn't want to level up, being more powerful meant he would have to isolate himself more. It wasn't worth it. He smiled at her as he stood, his hands slowly brushing the dirt from his cloak as he stood, his body wavering with unbalance. The sound of crickets lingered in the forest, as he awaited her response. Though he couldn't see her clearly, he could feel her presents. Her aura felt a lot like a pure-blood, but her caring nature towards him seemed to move him away from the idea. The only pure vampires he meet were cut throat, ruthless and cold. There social standing was worse then his. He found it odd, this vampire also didn't seem to know about the real side effects of the garlic, or how dangerous it was to offer another vampire blood. Perhaps she had never run into the KAA hunters before? Nor vampires? But that didn't seem right. He smiled slightly as he felt her hand, his strong but gentle hands lightly touching her wrist. He slowly flipped her wrist to face it up as he carefully places his finger in her palm. Slowly his finger moved etching letters in the palm of her hand. As he stopped he pulled his hand back. He had etched him name on her soft skin. Valer..

(( [MENTION=4039]GoddessOfGod[/MENTION] make sure you are doing 2 paragraphs minimum. It's a set rule for this RP. ;) Mk? ))
((So sorry I haven't been replying!!! I got really busy, but I should be able to reply tonight!))
She looked down at him her ears twitching slightly as she looked down toward her hand. "v..valer." She was a strange one, she cared for her king but only those who she found woth helping. The king was one she wouldn't. Her white hair blowing in the wind as she traced over the letters. He was intresting to her. The way he looked and the fact thtat he was a vampire to. He seemed weaker then her but , that couldn't be told by looks and she knew that.

Looking back up toward him, she put her hand by her side. " my name is Kanin." She smiled showing her teeth. The animals in the forest now silent and not restless, she knew that this one couldn't be bad. She alowed herself to lower her gaurd nad open herself up. Seeing another like her , amazed her. Being shut away in the forest for so long had fogged her memories, so she only knew what they could do, like feeding and abilities that not human could have.
He couldn't see her smile, the thick fog that masked his vision prevented that. He slowly raised his hand using his fingers to rub his eye lids. The whites of his eyes had become red from irritation. He pulled himself up, allowing his hand to grasp the tree besides him. He smiled again, as he turned to the tree, his long sharp nails carving deep into the trees bark. He took only a moment to etch words into the tree. He took a step back, allowing her to see what he had written. "No kill humans.. control"

Though his script was short the look on his face gave away its meaning. He looked to her, a look of curiosity and reluctance on his face. His writing was asking her if she killed humans. He wanted her to come with her back to the church. But he wouldn't bring her if he thought she might hurt the old man. He had to make sure she wouldn't kill, and that her thirst was something she could control.

Though Valer's eyes could only see the outlines of her form. He could tell she had probably been in this forest for a while. The way she tackled that man was like a wild animal. And though vampires in themselves are just animals, they have a sense of grace in there actions. Perhaps it was the humans environment that changed vampires actions so, or maybe it was just what happens when we exist among humans and not animals. Either way she had more of an animal way about her, a sense of isolation and distrust. But for some reason Valer felt that he could trust her. The way she treated him, it was almost like he was human again. A human caring about the health of another. ]

((Perfect ;) Btw I decided it might be fun if he was mute >.<))
She was a woman, rather beautiful, with tanned skin, dark, silky brown hair, and eyes the color of chocolate. Of course, she dressed more like a man, with tough brown trousers and boots to match. Underneath her loose, and simple, white top, she wore a black corset that clung to her body comfortably, without suffocating her. Her long locks were braided neatly down her back, a few measly strands falling into her face. And that face, angular and sharp, with high, definite cheek bones, olive shaped eyes, and full lips of a light pink color, that face was stern and hard, a face of one who has suffered throughout the years. And this woman, saddled atop a black mare, gripping reins tightly in her gloved hands, had her share of pain, her share of tears. Now she hid them away, keeping a poker face not one person has ever been able to see past. Many saw her as a woman of strength, a woman that was unbreakable. And maybe she was strong, maybe she was stubborn and defiant. But, all at once, she was still a woman. And every woman has emotions of some sort.

Yet, unlike others, her feelings, her desires, were ones of vengeance. Ones of justice, of making those who caused her pain to suffer. To suffer more then she ever did in the past ten years of guilt, in the past ten years of unimaginable mental tears and sobs. Of course, if she ever showed these feelings to a single face, her revenge would be demolished, destroyed. Because tears, according to every man this woman has ever met, tears are weakness. So this woman never shed a single tear, never broke down in front of her soldiers. Already, even though she outsmarted them all, they commented on the fact that their general, their leader, the person in charge of this mission, was a woman. And a woman unlike any other, a woman more manly, disgusted by normal lady like grace. Even so, the men had their doubts, did not believe she was capable of handling such brutality. Yet, they were fools. They knew nothing of this woman, her name whispered in ears. Lunatra. Lunatra, the woman. Why put her in charge? Why put a woman in charge?

Because she had suffered. She had motive. She wanted to see those creatures, those monsters suffer. Her hands tightened on the reins as memories flashed through her mind. Waking up in the middle of the night, the night of her eighth birthday. She had been excited, ready for the celebration, ready for the presents and wishes of luck and prosperity. Yet, she woke to a sight of horror. Blood coated the walls, dripping from the ceilings, clinging desperately to furniture. Across the entire floor lay dismembered body parts. An arm. A leg. A hand. Flesh dangled from the limbs, the skin pale and splashed with colors of scarlet. It had been a gruesome sight, and Lunatra had bit her hand to muffle her screams, tears filling her eyes. Slowly, she made her way through the rest of the house, examining the blood with wide eyes, sniffling and holding back sobs. Fear clamped down on her chest as she continued her painful trek forward, entering the next room. And this room, this room that held so many memories for young Lunatra, was the worst.

Laying on the floor were two bodies. They could not even be considered bodies, for they were barely recognizable, just a head attached to a neck, which, in turn, was attached to a chest. Everything from the hips down was missing, thick, heavy blood replacing legs, intestines limply scattered amongst the ground. Even though these two bodies had been dismembered to no end, Lunatra knew immediately the identity of the dead. Her mother, who had been a woman of grace and beauty, offering a smile and her assistance to everyone who came to their door. Next to her, lay Lunatra's father, a man well known in their village, with both physical and mental strength. He had been stubborn and proud, and would protect his family with his last breath. And now, staring at these two bodies, Lunatra's body began to tremble, large, uncontrollable tears rolling down her cheeks. Her control snapped and she broke, for the first and only time in her life.

Sobs shook her body as she fell forward to her knees, wrapping her arms around her stomach as cries passed her lips. Screams, screams of pain, shock, and loss, echoed off the walls as she rocked back and forth, muttering two words, over and over again. "Mama, Papa, Mama, Papa..." It was almost unbelievable, that the two she loved most were gone, dead, laying bloody on the ground in front of her. Their eyes were wide, almost as if they had been caught by surprise, caught in a trap they hadn't realized had been placed. And now Lunatra cried, enough tears for all three of them. And there she sat, sobbing nonstop, blood covering the room around her, for three long, painful hours, beginning to shriek as her tears ran out, still repeating those two words. "Mama, Papa, Mama, Papa..."

Shaking her head, Lunatra pushed away the frightful memory, her face one of stone. So many emotions fled through her mind, so many that she hid away, not revealing a hint of the truth in her eyes. She would not cry over her past. She had been weak and young then, foolish to think that tears could solve the problem. Only careful, calculated planning would. And that was her intention. If only the men in her troop would listen to her. Ironically, it was after that thought that two of her men appeared, looking rather frantic and wide eyed, their clothes a mess. She could tell immediately that they had gotten into a fight of some sort, and she would bet money that it was against a vampire. That would explain the childish fear in their eyes, the way their bodies shook. "What happened?" she asked simply, and rather sharply, her eyes narrowed, "And make it quick."

((I'm still alive!! sorry it took so long to reply, got busy >.< i would of made this longer, but ended up rushing towards the end. sorry!!!!))
The two men stumbled in the forest. Each of them out of breath, the sound of there whizzing over powered even the sound of the twigs and branches breaking beneath their feet. The taller of the two men held the other, his friends arm wrapped securely around his neck. His broken leg dragging on the ground behind him. Blood oozed from the taller man, his wounded chest seeped with blood, carved deep by an arrow that stuck into his flesh. The arrows feathers barely visible outside his wounds. There whizzing became strained as the sound of a hooves crunched the hard forest ground. The taller man looked up slowly, a large horse hung over his view. The weight of the man on his shoulder was to much, he leaned over falling to the ground, the pain in his chest intensified as he fell on his unconscious friend. "Lunatra!.." His breath thickened as he said her name, the moonlight lighting up her hair as he did. "A ..Two...Vampires.. attacked us.. Ralph .. Dead.." His words came out in chunks as he fought back the pain in his chest. The men looked up to Lunatra as she sat, glaring down at them, her cold stare tearing at there flesh. The taller man slowly twisted his torso pointing his hand towards the direction they had come from. His hand shook in the air as he clenched his teeth.

Valer looked at the girl curiously, as he pulled his scarf back over his head. His curiosity stopped for a moment, the smell of burning came to his nostril. He whipped his head around quickly, his eyes trying to trace the sky for smoke. His vision still hindered him. He couldn't see anything but the outlines of fuzzy objects. His eyes widened, he stood for a moment, his hearing stretching past the forest, back to the church he had once took haven in. The sound of moans and coughing meet his ears. The sound of a door pounding against a wall seemed to drowned out the coughing as a weak voice echoed. "Boy?.. *Cough* You here?.." Valer's complete demeanor changed, he knew this voice. This was the voice of the old man who took care of the church. His suffocated coughs and weaving turned viciously in Valer's mind.

He bent his knee's slightly, his form being launched away from the tree towards the village. His running was sloppy and fatigued as he stumbled over branches and hills as he ran, his form barely being able to avoid the trees that only barely made it to his vision. Branches tore at his face and clothes as he hit them, small cuts riddled his face, there forms to small for him to notice. But he didn't care. His main concern was that old man. Within a minute he came to a screeching halt, his eyes reflecting flames in the moonlight. The church consumed in flames, its walls ripping at the seams as flames engulfed it. Valer stood in shock for a moment before the sound of wheezing hit his conscious once more. Valer quickly lunged forward, his forearms crossed in front of his face as he slammed into the burning doors. His forced, tearing the doors from there hinges, slamming against the farthest wall.

Valer covered his mouth and nose with his sleeve as he stepped inside, his vision still useless to him as he closed his eyes trying to follow the sound of muffled wheezing. The flames hot against his body as he walked, he slowly made his way to the cellar. His step stopped against a soft yet hard object. Valer quickly leaned down, his eyes widened as he felt the body of the old man. Clenching the man securely in his hands, he bent down, his eyes watching the burning roof as he did. In one swift movement he pushed hard off the ground, the sheer force of his leap leaving a crater beneath his feet as he used his body to shield the old man. His head and back torn threw the roof as he launched high into the air, shingles being thrown from its structure. His form landed heavily in front of the church, falling to his knees as he landed, his body still wrapped around the old man.

Valer coughed hard as he loosened his grip his eyes watching the old mans form as he set him on the ground. The old man lay still, his chest un-moving as his hard body lay against the cold ground. A look of fear consumed Valer as he quickly placed his hands on the mans chest, his hands pushing down on his chest. His movement gentle as he attempted not to break the man with his strength. One, two, three he thought in his mind as he leaned down forcing oxygen into his lungs as he tried hard to revive the old man. A single tear fell from his left eye as he desperately continued, his mind shut away from the events around him. Don't die! Please don't die.

(( Your fine
:P I like it Char! So check it out. I was thinking what if the hidden species was dragons? Also, Lunatra will talk to the men in the next post and take off after the vampires, while on her way she will see smoke and redirect where she was going. I'm going to bring in "Mark" The vampire who turned Valer. Kanin maybe stops him while hes frantically trying to revive the old man. Stopping him makes him realize Mark is actually standing right there. Valer will be pissed lose control and attack Mark who is the one who caused the fire. I was thinking when Lunatra arrives she arrives right after Mark flees and see Valer there thinking he and Kanin did it. In which case they have a fight, Lunatra will obviously win and take them into "custody". I also had and idea of those who are directly related to the special bloodline or drink its blood have these special vampire "ulimate forms" which you will see on this next post when he fights Mark. I was also thinking of making Mark, Valers uncle, which would be revealed WAY later. Just a scene I made up. What do you think? Input> Yes, No, Maybe?> Lol. ))
( sorry i havent been posting, the whole maintince and my tablet is crap so ill post int the next post about mark making his appearence and yes i do agree on that , it sounds very intreting.)
(( @GoddessOfGod just heard from Ace the sites fixed! Finally!!!!

[MENTION=4039]GoddessOfGod[/MENTION] Well most is fixed. I don't get email updates anymore. So annoying))
Kanin was behind when he left. Afraid of the outside she soon realized where she stood. In part of the street from the twon. Everything seemed new , some old yhings remained but the house she lived in was probably long gone, She couldn't smlee them , their scent that she kept with her the dsy she left the village. It was gone and filled with new ones she cldn't recgonize. Instaed of being scared she began to panik, thinking if she nadn't left then maybe the family's scent woukd still be here.

Shakeing her head she dashed forward her tatto on her shoukder glowing. She rushed toward the burnning smoke , animals following her through the woods.

Easy like always traveling through them , were childs play. Dodging every branch and rock, twig and stump, she had made it to where the man and valer was. She jumped off a tree and landed beside valer with more of a cold .ook then worried. Instantly she thought soilders,ow cruel and heartless they are. She began to come enraged , sensing the man was innocdnt and no less than a man of god.
Valer sat, his hands still frantically pushing against the mans chest. His eyes illuminating red, his tattoo seering into his skin, its form like embers in a line. In the dark of the night a man stood behind them, a smirk on his face as he stood un-moving. His short black hair laid on his face, his bangs cutting into his blood red eyes. His pupils vibrate red as the whites of his eyes reflected a pure black. His overly large fangs peered out of his lips as he smiled, his long trench coat hanging down to his knees. "... It's been a while Valer, it seems to still have a liking for mortals?.. " His icy glaze came to the women that stood looking at Valer. "And a pure blood too? .. Perhaps she knows who you are too.." The mans sinister voice sent chills down Valer's throat, his actions stopping immediately as he turned his head. His blood boiled as he looked to a tall, skinny man. His hands folded against his chest as large black boots sank into the soil beneath him. The man that stood behind them was the man who had turned Valer, Marcus.

Valer grinded his teeth, his fangs showing as he threw a look of discontent to Marcus. He hadn't seen Marcus in years, and he was glad for that. Valer sat silently and looked to the old man who laid besides him. His eyes widened as he looked to Marcus. Did he do this? Valer's eyes looked at Marcus, there question obvious. Marcus smiled at Valer, his head tilting slightly as he looked to the old man. "You become to attached Valer... You don't need insects like him.. So I exterminated it for you.. It's time to stop playing and come home.." Marcus showed not even a shred of regret as he spoke, his smile showing a cocky appearance. Valer stood un-moving, his fist clenched as tears streaked down his face. His head tilted to the ground, so his hair hide his eyes. The blazing building collapsed behind them, the smoke rising quickly in the sky, its smoke thickening the air.
She stood annoyed with the one who was making valer Cry. What scum would do such a thing. This man that stands before the two clearly must not know the value of life. She was becoming enraged again, and the animals in the forest couod feel it. Her hari lifted up a little asher eyes began to glow red along with the tatto on her arm. Her fist clenched, making her nails pierce her skin, allowing blood to fall from them.

She girtted her teeth then opened them. Lettin out a screech she gorwled at the man as she leaned, almost to the pont where she would lunge. In cold words she hissed in low tone. " sum like you should burn beneath the flmaes of this building. Hve you no heart, no ounce of feeling for others, or do you only see things as play things." She looked over to valer with pained and hate in her eyes." your worse, then the you like them, and bad enough your like our fowl king that are nothing but scum." She turned back toward the man. " scum nothing but scum and have notright to call yourself a vampire."
The man tilted his head with curiosity, his smile spreading wide. "My dear child, you know nothing. These insects are below us.. As are you.. " He took a step towards the girl, his hand outstretching to brush her long white hair. "You hate the king huh? Yet you protect his blood?.. Interesting.. " His gentle brush quickly moved back as Valer pulled the girl back from his grasp, his head looking down at her shoulder. His breathe deep with each exhale. Marcus smile moved towards Valer as he stood silently in front him, Valer's hands gripped lightly around her waist.

Valer didn't know who he was, or why Marcus had such interest in him. All he knew was that he hated this man. His anger cause his mind to snap, his force lunging past Kanin and striking his claws at Marcus. His eyes glowed, the white in his eyes shifting to a pure black, his pupils glowing redder then even the freshest blood. Marcus only smiled at his gesture, his knees bending slightly as he thrusted his right knee forward into Valer's stomach.

The air forced from his body, he collapsed on Marcus knee. Hi body hunching over his leg. Marcus stood with a solid posture, his hand reaching down to grab Valer's hair. His grip tight, he forced Valer's head up, there eyes locking with each other. Valer showed a look of disgust as his eyes locked with Marcus. Valer's stomach welched in pain as he tried to catch his breath, his blinded rage becoming more unstable.
She whistled, having a buck come grom the woods. Charging the buck tilted his head down, his horns grabbing onto valers, and knockign him away from the masn's grasp. Brushing her hair with her fingers, a tiger began to walk out of the wodds. She let out a sigh trying to wipe away the man's touch. " the kings blood is..him."

"impossible, this man i not a pureblood." She glared at the man. " buteven so that does not give you the right to treach another beigns life as a toy, weather he be under or above us. Thinnk..what if our positions were swapped and you were the lower being, would you not call for mercy." She hissed back, motiong for the bug to bring valer back toward her side. " do you even realize what world you live of now it used to be us who hunted yet know we are hunted..wouldn't it seem that you are now the lower being, they have ways to kill us yet you make light of them."

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