Varanda High [Inactive]

((Alright, Ill wait for Mizu and anyone else to agree or disagree. Until then, I'm out for the day.))
((Alright. I'm going to use Lillian there from now on.)) 
((Problem.. I was going to mesh Lillian and Taylor. Yet someone seems to have taken all of my shifter abilities >~<)))
((Just bring your character over, we can have two shifters..... and one that isn't all wacko spiritually))
Fine Mizu and Taylor get married the Sidhe goes and finds someone who loves his personality, Lillian gets with Charles, Alex figures out a way to fix his arm. Pax and some random dude get together they all have a big family and announce to the world monsters exist. They are accepted. Hunters are outlawed. Boom done
Lillian is my character I meshed and I'm using her in the new one lol. Idk who she's gonna go for exactly. xD probably not Mizu though :P sorry bro, no offense there lol
I just read through the character Bio and figured that out, and Ooooo. But I just realized Alex doesn't have a power, but has a fault that literally puts him in intense almost unbearable pain all the time..... poor kid..... I should give him a power.
Lol that always works. He's a flipping Dragon for Christ's sake! xD and that's true, give the kid An awesome power lol. He deserves it.

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