Vanilla Exalted! Oh, dread. (Solars)


Black Sun in a White World
Right, finally got around to posting this idea as well. Third shift work is throwing me off. Seeing as Dragon Kings quickly lost favor in my brain, I've got a final idea for the moment. Mainly just your run-of-the-mill Vanilla Exalted, Solars-only, shenanigans. Here's the dustjacket blurb for those of the TL;DR camp:

For 1500 desperate years, Creation has tried to make its own path after the Usurpation. The Contagion withered away whole nations, great swaths of Creation were swallowed whole by Balor's armies, and the wisdom of an Age guttered out. An undying Empress now missing, the aged Dead now walking, the shades of twilight are reversing, peeling away from the first hints of dawn. The Chosen of the Sun return to meet the challenges together and combat an old, wakening darkness in the tumultuous Scavenger Lands.

The long version:

Word of the Empress' vanishing has finally reached the Threshold after five years of hearsay and brutal repression in the satrapies. The city-states, duchies, kingdoms, baronies, and anon of the Scavenger Lands count it as a blessing and omen of the most dire consequences. One of the longest lasting icons of power is seemingly gone, abandoning her Throne. The Realm unravels.

A strange darkness reaches long hands from the shadowlands. Thorns, now a necropolis in the shadow of a dead behemoth, unveiled the powers of strange elder Dead beyond the once all-mighty Terrestrial armies. Funerary knights of terrible power roam the land, waging war and reaping souls in the names of fearful gods. Wailing multitudes bar their doors against the chill of the night.

Old silver souls emerge from the periphery of Creation, bestial and full of grace, looking to change the very shape of things. Under the light of the Moon, Lunar Exalted make their way toward points known only unto them and their bloody goddess.

And all throughout the world, points of light erupt. Gone for nearly an Age, the kings and queens of old Exalt within the notable, the heroic, the madly-brilliant of Creation's mortals with the blessing of the Sun Himself, who has turned his eye to Creation's troubles. For the first time in 1500 years, the world's heroes have returned, following their own hopes and ambitions to fruition, to save - or ruin - this Age.

So, yeah, basically a blurb about the game itself, I know. But honestly, this is the core of Exalted. This is what drew me into the First Edition years and years ago. A back-to-basics sort of feel to the game. The Circle would be newly Exalted making their way in the world. I believe I have an excellent plot set up bringing the Circle into overarching conflict with a few sources of darkness both written and of my own creation.

Those of you interested, please, leave a kind word. And really, I am sorry about the Dragon Kings game falling through, but after prepping to start the new job and such, that dream faded. This one, however, does in fact burn brightly. :P
As communicated in PMs, I am interested in this game. I will hopefully have a chance to work on my character over the next few days (finals!!!!), but here is my concept picture. Zenith Caste.

I haven't played a Solar in nearly 4 years, I'd be totally up for this.

Ideas I have brewing:

Religious con artist (Night caste priest or Zenith caste thief)

Warrior-poet (Dawn caste savant or Eclipse caste skull-cracker)

Leaning more towards the con artist, personally. I'm thinking a fraud passing himself off as a scavenger lord, who Exalted when caught red-handed in his attempt to get away with the biggest scam of his career.
Eclipse! Heavenly Rose of the Palace, the paragon of beauty, grace and elegance, a poet, actress, and musician, a true hero of the Threshold... in her own mind, in any case. And hey, she has Resources 5 to back it up.

When my friend gets on, I'll make her post this character's compliment. You know what I mean, CW!
If my time playing Ragara Selakkis has taught me anything it's that stinking rich characters Get Shit Done.
Best way to good reviews? Nice critics receive a stipend, mean ones find goons being paid off to break their kneecaps.
Do note! I'd like you guys to already be a Circle, etc. I do so hate running get-togethers on PBP. :P They can be so tedious, so give that a little thought. I'm pondering a first adventure and unifying goal to boot. I'll have more in a bit or after work tonight.
Hmmm, no Twilight chosen yet? Interesting. Maybe a Geneticist and Master Surgeon intent on creating superior breeding stock to bring humanity forward, immune from great diseases, and hardier than before.
I would be interested in joining.

Are you looking for a perfect circle or would an uneven mix of players be alright?
May I suggest using xp based character generation? I like it a lot more than regular character gen, as there is no incentive to min-max your bp expenditure (the opposite rather, diversifying and making a realistic character is rewarded.) I suggest upping the XP awarded to 500 and restricting the highest essence one can buy if you do choose to use it, as 500 is about the average that a regular character gets with normal character gen and it is easy to get high essence with this method.
Looking for a PC, vegetal.

Mmm, maybe, Incendius. And I never like seeing more than E4 among players starting out as it is. I'll read it over in a bit and decide.
Yeah. I would probably suggest E3 as the limit, like a normal game. You don't normally see E4, and it can be a massive upgrade.
Playing a dawn or zenith caste general sounds be pretty cool to me. Not sure what motivation would be yet though.
As a rough concept for my character I am thinking a Dawn Caste Necrotechnican with his heart in the right place, he might also end up being a Twillight, if that fits better.

He would be a reincarnation of Yi Shizu* and would like him see necromancy and Necrotech in particular as a tool of war which, like all other weapons, can be used for right or wrong as it's user choose.

*the first solar that wasn't a member of the Nadir Concordat to learn necromancy
Eclipses are always my favorite with their Oath powers and Diplomatic Immunity, but it ultimately doesn't matter which Caste I take as I tend to stick with a few core characters and make adjustments when needed.

So! Allow me to put Smiling Tiger's (Link) name in the hat for your consideration and role playing pleasure!
Hi! The name's Random. Redd's buddy here with his character's complement.

Dawn Caste. The Shining Lily of the Dawn, a rather serious woman who believe in honor, chivalry, and always trying to keep Rose from getting herself gutted by scorned actresses. Some things are harder than being on the battlefield for one's territory, but damn if her 5 Conviction doesn't stop her from doing it. And, hey, she leads her own band of warriors if we need backup.
Interested, since solars are supposed to be a starting point for the game, even if i don't really favor them much.

Probably going for Night caste.

Is there a particular Direction already on your premise?
A Night caste. A streetwise wanderer, and thief every other night, who tries to steal from the Resource 5 Eclipse. Battled with the her dawn companion, and end up partnering them both. Generally, a follower type who follows the group's decisions, but frequently improvised them to brings troubles or perhaps opportunities that advance group's interest. : p

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