Vanilla Exalted! Oh, dread. (Solars)

Thanks! It was fun RPing that all out with Redd last night. We tend to click really well when it comes to this kind of stuff.
I use the one free spell, have for years. No one is getting free excellencies. :P You'll suffer, I say! And I may or may not use the Hardy keyword. It's been a very long week and my apathy toward reading is great. Started a new job and its a thirdy, so. I am not mending the whole game with houserules all around. Give me a few hours to wake up and not be grousing.

So, we'll be using the XP system, 500 XP. Essence cap is 3 at the most. 4 if you have a stupendously good and well-thought out reason. We'll be using the flat-rate costs. Just run your sheets and any questions by me.

Also, very fine, Random and Skrakes. We're on the way toward game start. And I can picture throwing Rose whilst the others are fighting for their lives in the rigging above the stage.
If you don't want to be reading, you are going to hate me. I just wrote up a set of cool artifacts for approval, and it is somewhat long :P .

Edit: These are edited to include Svalinn, as I was being lazy before.

The Relics of the Aesir

Midgard is an ancient nation, with a long history that reaches back to the First Age. Unfortunately, much of this history has been lost to the Great Contagion, as it was passed down through story and song. The disease felled a majority of the country’s sages, leaving the nation with only scattered sources of knowledge. Despite this, stories about the nation’s founders have survived.

Every child in Midgard knows said tales and can recite them by heart. When asked, they will tell you about Odin the Wise, his grandson Magni the Strong, and their boon companions Sigurd the Brave and Mani the Kind. They will regale you with the exploits of these legendary people, and of the treasure they left behind for their descendants. Each founder left a single relic, which are regarded as the holiest items in Midgard.

Normally Midgard is a land plagued by constant civil wars, but a threat to any of these relics from an outsider will unite the country in an instant. Midgardians live in a warrior culture and only internal divisions prevent them from conquering their neighbors. There are few nations with the might to oppose a land where every man, woman, and child will fight to the death. As a consequence, Midgard’s enemies have long since learned to stay away from these items, and have even given them back in cases where they were looted in raids.

Only worthy individuals may use these relics, and so wielding even a single one marks the bearer as a hero deserving of legend. However, the nature required to wield these items is rare, and only a handful of people have wielded them since the nation’s founding. The current Monarchy held these items in an open temple, allowing any citizen to test their worthiness. During this period, only two personages have proven themselves.

The first was the late Prince Harald, who wielded the great shield left behind by Mani, named Svalinn. Harald was loved by all, so much so that his leadership managed to unite the country and move it into one of its few periods of internal peace. It is one of the nation’s greatest tragedies that Harald was slain by the villain Skoll, who stole the shield as part of his crime. However, this sorrowful event heralded the rise of another wielder, Solveig.

Solveig sought out the vile assassin, but her mortal existence limited her in the face of the Skoll’s dread magic. Resolute, Solveig went into the temple and prayed, asking her ancestor’s for the power she needed. Her prayer was answered, but not by her ancestors. Endowed with the greatest of gifts, she arose in a great conflagration of holy fire, shining with the light of the sun. This Exaltation came with a command from Solveig’s new deity, but she has communicated its wording to no one.

The newly blessed Solveig picked up and donned the remaining three relics, becoming the first individual in history to wield more than two. She marched throughout the capital city, her power bringing her right to Skoll and piercing through the veil his evil had wrought. Solveig chased Skoll out of the city, but was unable to stop him from fleeing and taking Svalinn with him. Solveig swore then and there that she would stop Skoll, and return the shield to her country.

The Enchantments Laid

Each of the following artifacts resonates with a single virtue and may not be attuned to without a rating of 3+ in that virtue. The artifacts are constructed out of adamant, as adamant is the only neutral magical material, and the relics were built to be wielded by any individual who could prove themselves. Individuals with an essence pool may attune to these relics and receive the appropriate magical material boni without paying motes or making any rolls.

Each relic has additional powers when they are wielded near another relic. These powers activate when another relic is within (Wielder’s Essence)x10 yards and attuned to a worthy individual, and they also require a rating of 3+ in the appropriate virtue in order to function. This means that a single person does not need to wield multiple relics to gain the additional powers, but merely fight alongside others who are attuned to their own relics.

Aegishjalmarr (Artifact â—â—â—â—)

The suit of armor known as Aegishjalmarr, left behind by Odin the Wise, has been wielded least of all the relics. Aegishjalmarr clads the wearer in armor befitting a leader of men, but also grants her the wisdom and force of personality necessary to achieve her goals. Attuning to this relic requires a Temperance score of 3+. Aegishjalmarr functions as an adamant reinforced breastplate. All of Aegishjalmarr’s additional powers seize to function in any scene where the wielder suppresses her temperance. Powers associated with other relics individually seize to function in any scene where the corresponding virtue has been suppressed.

All who see it know that the wielder is a person of great wisdom and should be treated as such. When others interact with the wielder, they are forced to treat her cordially, as if she were a person that they greatly respected. This does not prevent them from attacking or impeding her in any way; just from being rude. This is an unnatural mental influence that costs 2wp to resist.

If the wielder has a Conviction score of 3+ and she is within (Essencex10) yards of Megingjord, she may access an additional power. The wielder’s words become backed with tremendous force, guided by a surety of her actions. Any charisma or manipulation based roll that involves leading or commanding others gains an additional 3 dice to the roll.

If the wielder has a Valor score of 3+ and she is within (Essencex10) yards of Gram, she may access an additional power. The wielder’s senses are enhanced, as she surveys the battlefield with great acumen, understanding how to fight any foe. Any roll that is meant to understand or remember the weaknesses of an opponent gains an additional 3 dice to the roll.

If the wielder has a Compassion score of 3+ and she is within Essencex10) yards of Svalinn, she may access an additional power. The wielder knows when to strike, when to back away, and how to best retain her compsure. The wielder has her effective Temperance score increased by 1, which can increase the score above 5. The wielder also enjoys an additional +1 success on Temperance based rolls.
Megingjord (Artifact â—â—â—â—)

The girdle known as Megingjord, left behind by Magni the Strong, has been wielded the most often of all the relics. Megingjord converts the wielder’s strength of belief into strength of arm, empowering them to accomplish their goals through physical might. Attuning to this relic requires a Conviction score of 3+. Megingjord functions as a set of adamant hearthstone bracers. All of Megingjord’s additional powers seize to function in any scene where the wielder suppresses her conviction. Powers associated with other relics individually seize to function in any scene where the corresponding virtue has been suppressed.

Meant to allow its wearer to perform legendary tasks of might, the girdle increases multiplies the wearer’s strength score by 3 for the purpose of feats of strength.

If the wielder has a Temperance score of 3+ and she is within (Essencex10) yards of Aegishjalmarr, she may access an additional power. Wise in the ways of the world, the wielder may endow her followers with great strength as well. The wielder may enhance a mass combat unit that she leads and that has a magnitude less than or equal to (Essence) with the powers granted by this belt, ensuring an army of individuals who march with impossible strength. This allows the wielder to perform feats of strength in Mass Combat as miscellaneous actions, her army destroying walls in its wake. If the Valor power is active, this also adds +1 to the units might, as the enemy falls to her soldier’s weapons.

If the wielder has a Valor score of 3+ and she is within (Essencex10) yards of Gram, she may access an additional power. The strength of granted by this gird increases, allowing the wielder to utilize the largest of weapons and strike with tremendous power. The wielder’s strength is multiplied by 3 for the purposes of determining whether she meets a weapon’s minimum requirements, usually allowing the wielder to use two-handed weapons in one hand. In addition, the wielder’s weapons can now displace the sturdiest of creatures. The raw damage required to inflict knockdown is reduced by (Essence) and the difficulty to resist knockdown from the wielder’s weapon is increased to (Essence).

If the wielder has a Compassion score of 3+ and she is within (Essencex10) yards of Svalinn, she may access an additional power. The wielder is buffered by the knowledge that her path is righteous, and her course correct. The wielder has their effective Conviction score increased by 1, which can increase the score above 5. Further, if the Temperance power is active, all allies who can see the wielder also increase their Conviction score by 1, as they are heartened by the wielder's example.

Gram/Skofnung (Artifact â—â—â—â—)

The great sword known as Gram, left behind by Sigurd the Brave, is perhaps the most famous of all the relics. The wielder of this sword becomes a slayer of monsters, given the ability to fight such incredibly dangerous foes and yet still be victorious. Attuning to this relic requires a Valor score of 3+. Gram acts as an adamant grand daiklave in battle. All of Gram’s additional powers seize to function in any scene where the wielder suppresses her valor. Powers associated with other relics individually seize to function in any scene where the corresponding virtue has been suppressed.

Solveig is not the first Solar to wield Gram. Gram has a second name, Skofnung, earned by the hero Olga, who wielded it during the Great Contagion. Prior to Olga, women in Midgard had many rights, but were treated as lesser than men and were forbidden from taking the throne. Olga’s saga changed this. Graced with the power of the sun, she drove back an overwhelming fairfolk assault, uniting her desolated nation under her rule. Olga was slain by the fledgling Realm in the years after its birth, but her legacy remains to this day.

Meant to slay monsters with hides tougher than steel, this impossibly sharp edge of this sword ignores up to 4L of the target’s natural soak. This cannot reduce the natural soak of a creature below 0.

If the wielder has a Temperance score of 3+ and she is within (Essencex10) yards of Aegishjalmarr, she may access an additional power. The sword reflects the battlefield in its crystal blade, capturing the heroism of the combatants. Any individual who can see the sword has their effective Valor score increased by 1, which can increase the score above 5. This applies to enemies as well as allies, encouraging both sides to give their all to the fight.

If the wielder has a Conviction score of 3+ and she is within (Essencex10) yards of Megingjord, she may access an additional power. The blade becomes heavier, though the wielder notices no difference, and collides with greater force against the wielder’s enemies. Gram’s Overwhelming rating increases to 5, making it a weapon to be feared by even the greatest of foes.

If the wielder has a Compassion score of 3+ and she is within (Essence)x10 yards of Svalinn, she may access an additional power. The wielder is able to pull her blows, intrinsically knowing how best to strike so that she may spare her foes. The wielder no longer suffers a -2 external penalty for called shots to inflict bashing damage. In addition, a called shot aided by this power will never roll bashing damage over into lethal.

Svalinn (Artifact â—â—â—â—)

The aegis known as Svalinn is the relic with the saddest history. The bearers of this shield have historically become martyrs for their causes; the latest bearer, Prince Harald, is no exception. Attuning to this relic requires a compassion score of 3+. Svalinn acts as a thunderbolt shield in battle, with no magical material bonus; although it is constructed out of adamant, none of its wielders would ever approve of the traditional adamant spikes. All of Svalinn’s additional powers seize to function in any scene where the wielder suppresses her valor. Powers associated with other relics individually seize to function in any scene where the corresponding virtue has been suppressed.

This aegis is meant to serve as a bastion against the forces of evil, turning its wielder into a protector of all those who cannot protect themselves. By expending 4 motes, the wielder can cause Svalinn to radiate a nimbus of light in the color of the wielder's anima banner, or pure white if he has none. The edge of this nimbus comprises a barrier harder than steel. This effect applies an parry DV based defend other action to all willing allies within (Essencex10) yards. The wielder's enemies may still choose to apply their attack on the wielder if they overcome this DV; the light is an expression of the wielder's soul, and rupturing it harms the wielder just as if she was physically struck.

If the wielder has a Temperance score of 3+ and she is within (Essencex10) yards of Aegishjalmarr, she may access an additional power. The wielder is given insight into how she might direct her allies to better protect themselves. Calling out a series of commands, all of the wielder's allies gain a +1 bonus to DVs. This counts as an equipment bonus, and as such does not stack with effects such as an hearthstone bracer or the moonsilver weapon magical material bonus.

If the wielder has a Conviction score of 3+ and she is within (Essencex10) yards of Megingjord, she may access an additional power. The wielder's determination reinforces her body, allowing her to weather more assaults in aid of her allies. If the wielder is subject to attack because she took a defend other action, reduce the post soak damage from the attack by one die.

If the wielder has a Valor score of 3+ and she is within (Essencex10) yards of Gram, she may access an additional power. The wielder is sure in her righteousness, and achieves enlightenment as a result. Whenever she is fighting to support an ideal or defend other people the wielder has their effective Compassion score increased by 1, which can increase the score above 5. The wielder also enjoys an additional +1 success on Compassion based rolls.
If you think I'm one who hates reading you did not see Rose and Lily's backstory. Those sound like they would be awesome and I can't wait to hear Cthulu's thoughts on them and if they can be used in-game.
ArandomAngel said:
She so would drop stage lights on everyone. We need to contrive this happening somehow. What say you, Skrakes?
Only if I can use a charm to make them Holy. Then I will drop stage lights that have been sanctified by the Unconquered Sun to slay His enemies.

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