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Fantasy Vanguards CS


General info
Emily Alder
Marital Status
Single, planned relationship with @Anaxileah's vampire
Vampire type

Appearance description
Hair Color
Eye Color
Skin Color
Daily Attire
Often rather casual clothing consisting of jeans and a t-shirt, plus a hoodie depending on the weather.

Speed, Reflexes, perception(sight/hearing)
her shortsword: A simplistic but ever effective steel blade

Smart fighter: Emily pays close attention to her opponent's weak spots and uses her surroundings to her advantage, because of this she has an easier time determining and attacking the weaknesses in her opponents guard and isn't surprised by sudden environmental changes.
Fleet footed: Because of her small stature Emily is able to move quietly even while sprinting.

Nervous under pressure: Overwhelming odds and stressful situations have terrible effects on the girl, in combat her abilities will cost more blood if she is: Wounded, outnumbered, cornered, disarmed or scared.
Frail: Emily is not very physically tough and because of this it takes less damage to incapacitate her than your average vampire.

Personal Information
Distant and slow to warm up to people, Emily's preferred scenario is to be alone with a good book. Around large groups of people she often feels quite anxious due to the fact that she has never truly learned how to socialize with others, though she still tries. Because of this she often avoids crowds and social situations and doesn't make many friends, and when she does make friends she is very prone to becoming dependent on them. Confidence is something she sorely lacks leading to her being very tentative to show off her skills to others.

In combat, Emily uses her increased mobility and perception for a rather hit and run type of fighting style, she sticks to the shadows carefully considering her next move before springing out to strike a critical blow and then retreats to prepare another attack. Her abilities allow her to have a decent level of control over a battlefield, making her able to determine where she is needed and be there quickly move in to support her team. She's a team player, and feels most comfortable under a competent leader where everyone has a role to fill.

Reading(often non fiction though she has a strong love of mystery novels), quiet, cheesy movies, Idris.

Crowds, forced socialization, loud noises.

Improve in her abilities, become more confident, crush the Rot!

Failure, rejection.

Emily was born to a small family consisting of her mother, father, and brother, the four of them lived easily together as both parents worked good jobs allowing them to afford a nice home with quite a few comforts. She did well in school though her social life was always lacking, she usually just stuck around with her older brother, Idris, for companionship. The two of them together had a very competitive relationship often challenging each other about things like grades, the winner being granted bragging rights. They had fun together and helped each other out when they were in need, and still found time to bicker like true siblings.

For the longest time they lived like this, the two of them were the best of friends and were rarely seen apart. But as the two of them grew older they began to grow apart as Idris found his own group of friends and slowly started to drift away from her. Emily didn't take very well to this, and struggled to find other friends which meant she spent a lot of her free time alone, this was where she turned to reading for her escapism, the local library becoming a sort of safe haven for her. At first she enjoyed the escapism of fantasy novels, but then she took interest in the non fiction side books, taking great enjoyment in learning how the world works.

After exhausting most of the library's contents Emily eventually stumbled upon the history of the rot and the creation of the vanguard academies. She became almost instantly interested in the academy seeing the vanguards as great heroes protecting the common people from the rot! It became a dream of hers to be accepted into their ranks. Her families initial reaction was apprehensive, but they were accepting of her choice and after months of hard work and determination she was accepted to the academy.

Both of these are guuchi but you need to make incantations for the guy
Will do, what are the length requirements for each spell?
2nd one is minimum moderate complexity so 3 lines of incant. Ill leave the incant to you. More if you channel

3rd one is definitely a high level cast so 5 lines. More if you channel

General Info

Ace, Rou
Marital Status
Vampire Type

Appearance Description
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Hair Color
Jet black
Eye Color
Light teal, almost grey/blue
Skin Color
Light, not death plale, just light,
shes a vampire for flippin sakes
(as depicted)
114 lbs
Daily Attire
Casual/Academy: She pretty much keeps things light and dainty, the complete opposite of her personality. Her style is a type of 'lady-like elegance' but with out looking like shes trying to be older than she really is. However, she chooses darker, muted colors. Her clothing style my say feminine, but her colors say 'dont get too close'. Typical french lass look.

Triaining/Academy Combat: Sleek and room to move, thats her preference. She wouldnt want to be moving the way she does in skirts and dresses, oh no, thats a wardrobe malfunction waiting to happen.
**Note: This is pretty much the layer that goes under her actual armor

Expected/Serious Combat: This is where armor and protection come into play. The outfit above is just for practice or...emergency purposes where she wouldnt have time to get this ideal outfit.

Traits (Max. 3)

Enhanced reflexes/reaction time

M4A1 Assault Rilfe w/Grenade Launcher attachment
And a handy dandy knife for...whatever

Skills with persuasion
Focused, objective

Weaknesses (same # as strengths)
Doesnt work well with others,
but promised her bro to try
Less amount of physical
strength than the typical vamp
(cause she itty bitty for a succ)
Her brazen temper
Well being of her bro
Can be reckless

Personal Information

"My sister? Heh, well shes a lot to handle if you dont know her well, but when you do, well....you'll figure out thats just the way she is, it's nothing personal." -Tyson Rousseau

Aceline could be described as venomous, brash, or brazen. Either word would be befitting for this little vampire. Shes not the friendliest of sorts but at least its contained within herself, she doesnt just go around being rude to people, you really only find out if you talk to her. Shes has a tough heart, but a heart none of the less, its just buried somewhere in there. Aceline really only shows compassion and sympathy to those she sees are really down and out, and have no one else to go to. Even so, shes not the best to go to for those type of things but she'll be a good listener.

Ace doesnt really care about the opinions of others, or what other people think about her. She isnt there to impress anyone or get people to like her so she could care less. But she does stand up for the little guy (see? Not completely heartless) if someone defenseless needs help, she'll attempt to offer it. So although shes a bit of a thorn, she isnt afraid to go with whats right and speak her mind about it.

(I know its not great but i just woke up so...sue me)


Her twin brother, Tyson
Reading fiction and text
books on magic
Magic, even though...she
cant do it....
Cafes, coffee/tea, and pastries
Blood, duh!
The stars, they purty
(tribute to Eleniel :'D bitchy
girl who likes stars)
Baking, shes pretty good at it

Pretty much anyone
that isnt her bruh
Others that feel "entitled" or
"better" than others...although,
shes a wee bit of a hypocrite
Her height (same gurl ;o; )
Her physical weakness
Feeling helpless


Protect those that cant protect themselves

The high "The Beast" gives her
during combat, shes scared its
gonna consume her.


"My story? Why does it matter if you know? Wont change your life in anyway....

What ever, if you really want to know then I guess I could shed some light. Lets see...uhhh my parents gave birth to my brozer (brother) and I, he is a human, but I took after our fazer(father). Our parents explained to us that I caused my brother to be as weak as he was when he was just a baby but hey i didnt do it on purpose. I wasnt really close with my mozer(mother), I spent more time with my fazer. He would take me out and talk about our 'Family lineage' and zings(things) like zat (that). Yes he was a...how you say, strict guy, but I always got my way. I was able to perfect my skills in 'persuasion', I can talk my way in and out of things, just to get what I want.

He was always proud of me, but Ty struggled a little to get ze same praise from our fazer. I could never really understand zat considering he was ze(the) one with the magic abilities...hm... Well regardless my brother and I are very close. Yes Im a little jealous about his magic and all zat but I cant do anything about it. Mozer adored him, always had him by her side.

When we got older, zings(things) became different. We were allowed to make our own decisions and coming here was one of zem. What? No i wasnt following my brozer here, did he say zat?? Please, I only came wiz(with) him cause i know he wouldnt have attended if I didnt agree to also, i dont want to hold him back so of course i came."​

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General Info
Marital Status

Appearance Description
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Hair Color
Black, but not as dark as his sister's
Eye Color
Light brown, verge of hazel
Skin Color
Lightly tanned
(As depicted)
5'11" 1/2
146 lbs
Daily Attire
Casual/Academy: depicted in first photo
Training/Academy Combat: depicted in second photo
Actual Combat:
View attachment 323402
Magic Abilities (max. 3)
(*coughs* sacrifice *cough*)

Technological Equipment
Helmet: Has capability of being used for comms, alerts him when there are dangers within an unsafe proximity, has a screen for 360 degree vision.

Explosives: he keeps these small, circular, disk-like devices that can stick to virtually any surface and detonate upon activation (carrying space is limited so he has to make them count)

-All for teamwork
-Level-headed, collected
-Calm under pressure
-Slow to anger, which in return,
makes him think clearer and rationally

Weaknesses (same # as strengths)
-Easily taken advantage of
-Little self-worth
-Emotional (hes not a cry baby, he just follows his heart a lot)
-A little passive
-Ignores his own feelings and issues

Personal Information

"My brozer(brother)? What of him? Oh, yes hes great. A little too soft in my opinion, but what can I do about it?"-Aceline Rousseau

A gentle, brotherly soul toward everyone. Tyson expresses empathy, kindness and patience even to those that may not deserve it. He has the noble, chivalrous heart of a knight, valuing honesty and loyalty. Ty has a pure, heart of gold, and thouroughly understands whats at stake with these 'complications' with The Rot when it comes to his personal well being, and the well being of others, and has even accepted the fact that he may have to throw himself on the line to save a life some day. He approaches everyone with a friendly, inviting attitude and hardly ever expresses distaste toward anybody, but if/when he does, he does it with respect and the intention of resolving any issue between him and the other...hostile party.

A calm, collected head allows him to think more logically and efficiently in the heat of battle.He is the manifestation of empathy, he connects with people on an emotional level, and has a knack for sensing emotional pain or frustrations. His sister thinks he has a sort of...6th sense when it comes to these things, hes even been known to feel things toward people hes just met.

-His twin sister, Aceline
-Drinking coffee with a good book
-Studying magic (its very interesting to him)
-Helping others/lending a hand
-Giving hope where there is none

-Getting sick
-Frequent nightmares
-The suffering of others
-Feeling useless
-Being taken advantage of/for granted
-Witnessing death/pain

-Relieve the world of The Rotten
-Use his abilities for the greater good
-Be of good use in society

-Failing to perform his job
-Not meeting expectations

"Growing up was...like any other family, I think. It was, my mom, father, sister and I under one roof. My dad was a man of wealth, from what I understand, when he met my mother. Falling in love with a human was...unheard of in his family, let alone having children with one but, they had something great I guess. Course, I could never imagine what he was like before I, or...we were born. It...didnt even sound like the man I knew when my mother would tell us stories about their relationship.

My father was....a very hard man. Tough and old fashioned I'd say. Which wasnt entirely bad, I mean, he made it a point to teach my sister and I manners and respect and all that but he was especially hard on me. He spoiled my sister, loved her, and obviously favored her. I know it was because she took the Vampire gene, but you know, not like I had a choice. They connected very well, shes definitely a daddy's girl, but I cant blame her. He spent a lot of time with her growing up, he taught her more French than he did with me, hell, she even got his accent. I think....my mother noticed this so, she spent a lot of time with me, teaching me to be loving and kind to others, showing me things and telling me stories, things mothers do. Shes a very kind woman, could never, never hurt a fly, real heart of gold.

She told me that when I was born, they didnt think I would live very long. Something about, my sister making me weak, I didnt quite get it then but appearently in the case of fraternal twins, like my sister and I, the child with the blood-sucking gene sort of...kills the other I guess. I was very weak and had...a variety of issues, my heart, under developed lungs, frail bones, you name it. Growing up was hard, and my father saw me as a weak child, always saying I was lucky to be living another day. I was never really sure if he was saying that in relief or..as a threat............ Anyway, after a while I sort of grew out of all that, by the time I was 12 the only problem I had was asthma and that was over with by the time I was 14.

Aceline was the crown jewel of our family, at least it seemed that way. On my fathers side, at least, they were all over her since birth. My mothers side of the family just kind of saw her as a monster in the making...for the record they werent a huge fan of my mothers and fathers marriage but there was no stopping them.

After all that was...the academy I guess. That was our choice, my sister and I, to attend. My parents didnt like it too much but they recognized how quickly we were growing and allowed our own decision making. It was really my choice, my sister just sort of...tagged along. We're inseperable, she wont admit but she cant stand to be away from me. I mean we're twins! We have a bond other siblings dont have, if she didnt follow shed miss me too much!

Anyway....thats where we are.."

Accepted fluff. Just need to make the incantations for the brother
So you just want her to have on spell? Aight accepted bruh. Ill add her stats later on tonight but feel free to post alreafy

Oh wait lul that is true, having one spell seems odd. I'll edit it a bit more and run it by you again later.


General Info


Francis Gundyr



Apache helicopter you misogynistic pig (

Marital Status

Appearance Description

Hair Color

Dark Brown

Eye Color

Skin Color
Dark tan


198 lbs

Daily Attire

Combat Armor


Magic Abilities (max. 3)


Shock- Shock delivers a nigh, instantaneous shock of electricity that disorients and stuns enemies like a magical tazer. Meant to immobilize for the killing shot. Against humanoid opponents

Francis channels his electromancy deep into his muscles which gives him either supernatural strength or supernatural speed for a short duration.

Technological Equipment

Mark VI: APKA -Highly advanced, shock absorbent body armor that is built to redirect all forms of kinetic force. It has a cell in the back that stores partial amounts of this energy, as well as energy from movement, to create temporary fields of kinetic energy for defensive purposes. Generally used to protect from magical assaults while laying down heavy automatic fire.

Razorback MK-III: 5.56 armor piercing NATO rounds infused with raw mana to do more internal damage.


Went through extreme physical conditioning and training
Has real war/battle experience considering his upbringing
Wide variety of survival skills
Very charismatic
Weaknesses (same # as strengths)

Greedy and materialstic
His experience on the field tends to make him underestimate the "uninitiated"
Very over confident
Weak in all magical aspects.

Personal Information


While Francis is young, he has a reason for the way he acts. He always carries himself with a confidence that could only be carried by a vagrant or by a soldier of fortune. The line between the two is so blurry that it could be considered non-existent. Francis sure thinks so. There is very little that you can call this man that will genuinely insult him. In fact, most of the time he will actually take it as a compliment. He feels as though the heroes are the ones who die on the battlefield. Mercenaries live much longer because they have a....different take on the world. Things like honor, glory, heroism, and the like are not something Francis coincides with. He's a mercenary who's to the academy to become an even better mercenary. A hired gun.

He'll leave the heroism to all the good people in the world. The really good ones. Francis isn't one of them. He doesn't pretend to be either. He's a survivor like his whole family tree. He plans to get rich, have kids, and die quickly, relatively alone but happy. The melancholic life of a merc.


He likes teh zenny
Gun nut
A job well done


Mission failure
Self entitled twats
Seekers of justice
Total bitches
Utter morons
Bad Soup


Get filthy rich, make a name for himself, have kids and die before he becomes a decrepit old man

Not achieving his goal
Dying like a little bitch


The tale of Francis is as old.....as Francis....who is 19..... anti-climatic, I know. Though the young man hasn't lived very long, his story is far from dull and unappealing. He was born in Britain (Yeah, thats right. If you're reading this Kloud then FUCK you) and as such, has that lovely british accent whenever he speaks. Now you would think he was raised in such a way befitting of an Englishman. Sadly (or luckily), this is nothing at all what Francis Gundyr is like.

The reason being he was born into a reality where someone always want something they cant obtain easily and born into a family that takes full advantage of that fact. Francis was born into a family of mercenaries. A PMC group known as Wraithlock. They weren't ashamed of their heritage, didn't bother hiding it, and proudly walked about in public with their emblem on display. A witty, charismatic, and ruthless bloodline and they brought up Francis to be the same damn way. A ruthless yet charming dog of war.

Francis was able to disassemble and reassemble a Beretta by the time he was 10. He killed his first man a year later in defense of one of his siblings with the same firearm. He assisted Wraithlock in the liberation of Syria campaign a few years later as a boy barely starting puberty and this was merely to start his campaign as a mercenary. He could have kept going like this but he wasn't satisfied at this level. He wanted more power and influence for his company. He wanted to be so well-regarded/feared that they would even be contracted to fight against The Rotten.

To this effect, Francis knew he was going to need more than just guns. He was going to need to practice his craft in electromancy. PMCs rarely ever encountered The Rotten and as such, never truly needed to up the power or versatility of their magic (the rare ocassions they used it). Most of their spells were runecrafted and with disabling effects rather than devastating ones. They were geared towards dealing with humanoid opponents like humans and vampires. Electromancy being a favorite because it shut both races down equally along with serving as a much needed enhancement to their battle skills.

Francis came to Byrgenwerth to perfect his magical craft and to receive official military training and information. His goal wasnt to save the world. It was to just unlock more ways of having fun on the battelfield. And to show off his fancy new powers of course.​
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  • Name: Ryan Decker

    Nickname: Scout

    Age: 22

    Gender: Female

    Marital Status: Single
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  • Name: Ryan Decker

    Nickname: Scout

    Age: 22

    Gender: Female

    Marital Status: Single
Just to clarify, humans can't tank anything. They'll pretty much get one shotted and die horribly if they try to tank something directly. Now, if you meant her BARRIERS are capable of tanking or that her empowerment gives her the ability to....not die if/when a Rot hits her, then I understand.

Also, the pistols are ok in theory but be sure to read the whole thing about mages when they run out of mana or run low if you havent already alright? Its in the extras. Im saying this because those pistols could very well get you killed.

  • Name: Ryan Decker

    Nickname: Scout

    Age: 22

    Gender: Female

    Marital Status: Single
If they can absorb mana before hand and just keep stored for when its needed then that eliminates the previous risk factor. More of a golden gun type deal now. Alright she is accepted. I will put her stats up

General Info

Name: Gehrman Hunter

Nickname: Hot-head, Fire-breath, Salamander, Dragon, Chili-Pepper

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Marital Status: Form a line ladies and gents

Appearance Description

Hair Color: Charcoal Black

Eye Color: Purple

Skin Color: White

Height: 5'9''

Weight: 62kg

Daily Attire


Magic Abilities (max. 3)

Pyromancy: Gehrman is a natural pyromancer and can wield it more adeptly than his electromancy.

Electromancy: Gehrman's secondary magic type is electromancy, and thus can not wield as powerful spells, but his control is roughly the same.

Technological Equipment
Gehrman has two weapons, both of them revolvers named Blood, and Iron. There is nothing uniquely powerful or special about the two guns, other than that he received them as a gift before he headed off to Byrgenwerth academy from his grandfather.

Adept Mage: Gehrman is an incredibly powerful mage for his age. Nearly every waking moment spent of his life had been training or using his abilities in some way to help him survive, and provide for him and what little remained of his family. As such he can weave incredibly potent spells with relative ease.

Intelligent: Despite only being given an average education prior his naturally intuitive mind allows him to make connections more difficult to others. He can find information and solve problems quickly and usually with little trouble.

Combat Efficient: Being in his own fair share of fights and self training combat comes easy to him. He can keep a cool head during a fight, spot weaknesses easily and exploit them, and he can take a beating without surrendering.

Weaknesses (same # as strengths)

Poor Shot: Gehrman's non-magic weapons may be two revolvers, but prior to receiving them he relied solely on magic for combat, and thus has terrible aim, and would have serious trouble hitting a moving target, and even one standing still.

Arrogant: Some may say he is confident, others may say arrogant, the latter would be correct. If he thinks he is right about something you'll have a hard time convincing him otherwise. He won't let others get in his way, because he can't see himself being mistaken about anything.

Poor Leader: Gehrman has spent little time in the company of others save for one or two family members, and because of this he doesn't always make the best judgement calls when with groups of people. Sometimes others can end up getting hurt, or he can start fights unintentionally or worse.

Personal Information

Personality: Gehrman is a guy who spent a lot of his time alone or only with his family. This has impacted his social development to some degree. For starters a lot of the time when something is on his mind, he will say it, completely unfiltered, whether it upsets the person or not. No one had really tried to teach him better because of his solidarity. Another thing is that if things aren't going his way he likes to blame other people, having on several occasions starting dumb fights over equally dumb things. Behind all this though he secretly yearns to be a part of something, or be with someone. He has felt alone for so long that he just wants to share his life with someone. Unfortunately because of this he feels left out very easily.

Likes: Hot weather, hot food, hot chicks, hot guys, hot things aside he also likes meat, games, training, combat, one on one social interactions, being included, having free time, oddly enough rainy weather, and winning at pretty much anything or being right.

Dislikes: Cold places, snow, being alone, being proven wrong, losing, jump scares, sitting in place for too long.

Goal(s): Becoming the strongest mage in the world, killing the rot to prove his strength, and probably find some cute guy or girl to share his life with.

Fear(s):FUCKING JUMP SCARES and hungry vampires because why not

Gehrman Had never known his mother or father, from what he was told they were both killed by the Rotten. So he was sent off to live with his grandfather, a wise old man, and once a powerful mage. Gehrman trained with him and was taught many things by him. When his grandfather started to reach the later years in his life and couldn't take care of him anymore it was up to Gehrman to provide for them, so he relied on brawling and fighting in underground arenas. He made a decent living out of it, gaining a reputation and a steady profit. However it was all for not as his grandfather succumbed to sickness and became deathly pale.

All of his winnings went right to treating his grandfather, but as time passed on the cold clasping hands of death gripped tighter, and his grandfather grew more and more ill. When Gehrman had ran out of money and hope his father passed away, and all the was left was a letter. To his student and only grandson the letter told him to go to Byrgenwerth and train there to fight against the rot, and to make his life mean something once again. In the letter contained a ticket and admission to the school. No with no where to go and nothing else to do he took his first steps into a new life.
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General Info

Name: Gehrman Vaas

Nickname: Hot-head, Fire-breath, Salamander, Dragon, Chili-Pepper

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Marital Status: Form a line ladies and gents

Appearance Description

Hair Color: Charcoal Black

Eye Color: Red much to the confusion of others he is not a vampire, just has a rare eye colour.

Skin Color: White

Height: 5'9''

Weight: 62kg

Daily Attire


Magic Abilities (max. 3)

Pyromancy: Gehrman can create and manipulate fire at will, whether it be created by him or found in the world naturally. Gehrman is able to create impressive firestorms, or simple fireballs with relative ease, but still has some trouble controlling how much mana he pours into spells causing them to be somewhat unstable at times.

Electromancy: Very similarly to pyromancy Gehrman only controls combat based magics, often times though Gehrman will combine both his lightning and fire based spells to create red lightning. This signature spell burns hotter and hits harder then then any of his other abilities, but costs double the mana.

Technological Equipment
Gehrman has two weapons, both of them revolvers named Blood, and Iron. There is nothing uniquely powerful or special about the two guns, other than that he received them as a gift before he headed off to Byrgenwerth academy from his grandfather.

Adept Mage: Gehrman is an incredibly powerful mage for his age. Nearly every waking moment spent of his life had been training or using his abilities in some way to help him survive, and provide for him and what little remained of his family. As such he can weave incredibly potent spells with relative ease.

Intelligent: Despite only being given an average education prior his naturally intuitive mind allows him to make connections more difficult to others. He can find information and solve problems quickly and usually with little trouble.

Combat Efficient: Being in his own fair share of fights and self training combat comes easy to him. He can keep a cool head during a fight, spot weaknesses easily and exploit them, and he can take a beating without surrendering.

Weaknesses (same # as strengths)

Poor Shot: Gehrman's non-magic weapons may be two revolvers, but prior to receiving them he relied solely on magic for combat, and thus has terrible aim, and would have serious trouble hitting a moving target, and even one standing still.

Arrogant: Some may say he is confident, others may say arrogant, the latter would be correct. If he thinks he is right about something you'll have a hard time convincing him otherwise. He won't let others get in his way, because he can't see himself being mistaken about anything.

Poor Leader: Gehrman has spent little time in the company of others save for one or two family members, and because of this he doesn't always make the best judgement calls when with groups of people. Sometimes others can end up getting hurt, or he can start fights unintentionally or worse.

Personal Information

Personality: Gehrman is a guy who spent a lot of his time alone or only with his family. This has impacted his social development to some degree. For starters a lot of the time when something is on his mind, he will say it, completely unfiltered, whether it upsets the person or not. No one had really tried to teach him better because of his solidarity. Another thing is that if things aren't going his way he likes to blame other people, having on several occasions starting dumb fights over equally dumb things. Behind all this though he secretly yearns to be a part of something, or be with someone. He has felt alone for so long that he just wants to share his life with someone. Unfortunately because of this he feels left out very easily.

Likes: Hot weather, hot food, hot chicks, hot guys, hot things aside he also likes meat, games, training, combat, one on one social interactions, being included, having free time, oddly enough rainy weather, and winning at pretty much anything or being right.

Dislikes: Cold places, snow, being alone, being proven wrong, losing, jump scares, sitting in place for too long.

Goal(s): Becoming the strongest mage in the world, killing the rot to prove his strength, and probably find some cute guy or girl to share his life with.

Fear(s):FUCKING JUMP SCARES and hungry vampires because why not

Gehrman Had never known his mother or father, from what he was told they were both killed by the Rotten. So he was sent off to live with his grandfather, a wise old man, and once a powerful mage. Gehrman trained with him and was taught many things by him. When his grandfather started to reach the later years in his life and couldn't take care of him anymore it was up to Gehrman to provide for them, so he relied on brawling and fighting in underground arenas. He made a decent living out of it, gaining a reputation and a steady profit. However it was all for not as his grandfather succumbed to sickness and became deathly pale.

All of his winnings went right to treating his grandfather, but as time passed on the cold clasping hands of death gripped tighter, and his grandfather grew more and more ill. When Gehrman had ran out of money and hope his father passed away, and all the was left was a letter. To his student and only grandson the letter told him to go to Byrgenwerth and train there to fight against the rot, and to make his life mean something once again. In the letter contained a ticket and admission to the school. No with no where to go and nothing else to do he took his first steps into a new life.
The only thing that cant be kept is the red eyes because that is an specific inore trait that only belongs to two vampire families.

It also appears that I have to educate you on the magic system -_-
The only thing that cant be kept is the red eyes because that is an specific inore trait that only belongs to two vampire families.

It also appears that I have to educate you on the magic system -_-

What about the magic system, and I changed the eye colour.
General Info
Name: Lynn Mercer
Nickname: Ice Queen, Snowflake.
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Single

Appearance Description
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Color: White
Height: 5'11
Weight: 149lbs
Daily Attire:

Magic Abilities:
-Rolling frost: creates a 10 foot by 10 foot cloud of frost in front of her that quickly travels up to 120 feet unless the spell is ended early or it hits an obstacle, anything caught in the cloud begins to freeze quickly until it is completely frozen solid. (5 lines)

Incant: "With ice and frost at my beck and call,
I summon before me the power of a blizzard.
Freeze my enemies to the bone,
let them lose themselves in your embrace!
And they shall learn the true power of my art"

-Ice ray: Lynn shoots a ray of frost from her hand damaging and slowly freezing anything it touches. (3-4 lines)
Incant: "With the cold as my ally I call to its power
Freeze my foes in their tracks!
Cut through their defenses and bind them in frost"

-Hoarfrost trap: covers a targeted area or object in sharp, jagged chunks of ice, on her command the chunks
explode outwards shredding anything in their path. (3-4 lines)
"Sharp and jagged crystals of ice, poised to strike in a moments notice, patiently awaiting my command.
Grow in size and shred my foes at the perfect moment
Hidden carefully in the dark and under snow
Show them the error of trifling with the blizzard"

-Ice weaponry: Lynn is able to make effective weapons out of ice, limited to simplistic weapons such as swords, shields, spears ect...
Incant: "Ice and snow become my blade so that I may strike down those in my way
Take form of a sword, sharp and strong and let my opponent feel my wrath!"

Technological Equipment: N/A

Skilled caster: Lynn has spent years of her life mastering the art of Cryomancy, and her hard work pays off in the field, she's able to keep her composure during an incantation much better than most.

Cold resistance: Due to her years spent training in the art of Cryomancy she has built up a magical resistance to the cold, Cryomancy type abilities have a lessened effect on her.

Slow learner: Due to her major focus in Cryomancy for the better part of her life Lynn has difficulties adapting to other types of magic and takes longer to learn them.

Arrogant: Lynn believes herself to be much greater than she really is, which can cause her to fall into unfavorable situations, in combat she will never retreat unless met with truly impossible odds.

AOE heavy spells: Most of her spells are AOE's, and no, they don't ignore friendlies.

Personal Information
Personality: Composed and confident, Lynn has a personality that many would describe as arrogant, and with good reason too! She constantly strives to be the best at whatever she tries and holds herself and her teammates to incredibly high standards, regarding those who can't keep up with distaste. In social situations Lynn can be described as boastful and brash, always loving to be the center of attention.

In combat she prefers to take the lead, issuing orders towards her teammates while she stays on the back lines to provide support from afar. Her spells are powerful and have great potential to slow her opponent which she uses to great effect in order to help her teammates on the front lines. She detests losing, and will often stay on the field even when things seem unwinnable. While she dislikes following orders herself she understands how to work on a team and will deal with it, though she will never pass up the chance to make her own suggestions and plans.

Likes: Praise, a challenge, sparring, being active in the field, practice

Dislikes: being ignored, heat, downtime, losing

Goal: Prove herself, master her art

Fear: Dying, the unknown, the rot.

History: Lynn was born to a tribe of mages in the north, completely off the grid these mages rejected the advancements of modern society in order to become closer to nature and better attune themselves to the arcane. They do not communicate with the outside world, instead keeping to a small, nomadic society. Arcane magic is the life blood of this tribe, it's sacred to them, and as such many of these mages grow to become great Cryomancers. Lynn was no different, she learned the art of Cryomancy from her mother and spent a great deal of time and effort perfecting what she knew.

But even Lynns people with their magical prowess and their extreme isolation were free of the destruction of the rot, and when their small encampment was assaulted one day by the horrific creatures they were powerless to stop it. Half of her people were wiped out before a team of vanguards was able to usher the rest to safety and take the towering behemoth down.

Her people were relocated somewhere safer, but opted not to join them, she saw the rot as an abomination, a crime against nature, and she knew it needed to be destroyed. This is why she went with the vanguards who had saved her and her people to Byrgenwerth, intent on learning how to deal with the rot menace.
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eneral Info
Name: Lynn
Nickname: Ice Queen
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Single

Appearance Description
View attachment 326205
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Color: White
Height: 5'11
Weight: 149lbs
Daily Attire:

Magic Abilities:
-Rolling frost: creates a 10 foot by 10 foot cloud of frost in front of her that quickly travels up to 120 feet unless the spell is ended early or it hits an obstacle, anything caught in the cloud begins to freeze quickly until it is completely frozen solid. (5 lines)

Incant: "WIP"

-Ice ray: Lynn shoots a ray of frost from her hand damaging and slowly freezing anything it touches. (3-4 lines)
Incant: "With the cold as my ally I call to its power
Freeze my foes in their tracks!
Cut through their defenses and bind them in frost"

-Hoarfrost trap: covers a targeted area or object in sharp, jagged chunks of ice, on her command the chunks
explode outwards shredding anything in their path. (3-4 lines)
Incant: "Sharp and jagged crystals of ice, poised to strike in a moments notice, patiently awaiting my command.
Grow in size and shred my foes at the perfect moment
Hidden carefully in the dark and under snow
Show them the error of trifling with the blizzard"

-Ice weaponry: Lynn is able to make effective weapons out of ice, limited to simplistic weapons such as swords, shields, spears ect...
Incant: "Ice and snow become my blade so that I may strike down those in my way
Take form of a sword, sharp and strong and let my opponent feel my wrath!"

Technological Equipment: N/A

Skilled caster: Lynn has spent years of her life mastering the art of Cryomancy, and her hard work pays off in the field, she's able to keep her composure during an incantation much better than most.

Cold resistance: Due to her years spent training in the art of Cryomancy she has built up a magical resistance to the cold, Cryomancy type abilities have a lessened effect on her.

Slow learner: Due to her major focus in Cryomancy for the better part of her life Lynn has difficulties adapting to other types of magic and takes longer to learn them.

Arrogant: Lynn believes herself to be much greater than she really is, which can cause her to fall into unfavorable situations, in combat she will never retreat unless met with truly impossible odds.

AOE heavy spells: Most of her spells are AOE's, and no, they don't ignore friendlies.

Personal Information
Personality: Composed and confident, Lynn has a personality that many would describe as arrogant, and with good reason too! She constantly strives to be the best at whatever she tries and holds herself and her teammates to incredibly high standards, regarding those who can't keep up with distaste. In social situations Lynn can be described as boastful and brash, always loving to be the center of attention.

In combat she prefers to take the lead, issuing orders towards her teammates while she stays on the back lines to provide support from afar. Her spells are powerful and have great potential to slow her opponent which she uses to great effect in order to help her teammates on the front lines. She detests losing, and will often stay on the field even when things seem unwinnable. While she dislikes following orders herself she understands how to work on a team and will deal with it, though she will never pass up the chance to make her own suggestions and plans.

Likes: Praise, a challenge, sparring, being active in the field, practice

Dislikes: being ignored, heat, downtime, losing

Goal: Prove herself, master her art

Fear: Dying, the unknown, the rot.

History: Lynn was born to a tribe of mages in the north, completely off the grid these mages rejected the advancements of modern society in order to become closer to nature and better attune themselves to the arcane. They do not communicate with the outside world, instead keeping to a small, nomadic society. Arcane magic is the life blood of this tribe, it's sacred to them, and as such many of these mages grow to become great Cryomancers. Lynn was no different, she learned the art of Cryomancy from her mother and spent a great deal of time and effort perfecting what she knew.

But even Lynns people with their magical prowess and their extreme isolation were free of the destruction of the rot, and when their small encampment was assaulted one day by the horrific creatures they were powerless to stop it. Half of her people were wiped out before a team of vanguards was able to usher the rest to safety and take the towering behemoth down.

Her people were relocated somewhere safer, but opted not to join them, she saw the rot as an abomination, a crime against nature, and she knew it needed to be destroyed. This is why she went with the vanguards who had saved her and her people to Byrgenwerth, intent on learning how to deal with the rot menace.
Acceptado. Looks bloody amazing. Your rival will be up tonight




"Hmm? Sorry, what didtcha' say?"​


Name: Vreis Whelan
: V
Age: 20
: Male
Marital Status
: Single
Vampire Type: Median Blood


Hair Colour: Dark brown
Eye Colour
: Steel grey
Skin Colour
: Medium tanned
: 183.3 cm
: 91.2 kg (big-boned and muscled)
Daily Attire: Vreis very much prefers dressing casually, and most of his wardrobe consists of form-fitting shirts and denim pants.
Battle Attire
: Ballistic reactive plate over ballistic fibre.


Traits: 1) Enhanced Endurance
2) Enhanced Strength

Weapon(s): Proudly named “Labrys” after the weapon wielded by his favourite fictional hero, this Warhammer was earned after managing to match his teacher in the coming-of-age spar. Although it is pretty plain in that it doesn’t have any hidden functions like his brother’s lightning-riddled sword, the material it was forged from allows for heavier melee power, a devastating tool in the hands of someone with enough strength to put it to good use.
View attachment 326668

Before “Labrys” was “Perun”, a 14inch (approx. 33cm) hatchet-axe hybrid given to him by his father when he decided he would like to join the war against the Rot.
View attachment 326669

Strengths: 1) Has excellent strength
2) Has excellent stamina
3) Great team member (either as a leader or a follower)
4) Willing to help in any way as long as he is able to

Weaknesses: 1) Slow on his feet due to his bulk
2) Sucks at anything having to do with creation (e.g: cooking, constructing, repairing)
3) Pretty gullible in terms of knowledge in fields he is ignorant in
4) Due to both his sensitivity and bottling up of emotions, when he explodes, he often resorts to violence


Personality: Since his early childhood, Vreis was very independent and self-confident, often running away to do things on his own, at his own pace. Despite that, he is very perceptive and intuitive, which allowed him to garner the personalities of others through thorough observations. Hence, he knew how far he could push people close to him and how much they can take before they snapped, though he never did it with malicious intent. After his father's death, Vreis, as the next eldest male of the family, became more restrained in his urge to do things his own way. Instead, he had to learn how to consider all options, and be able to take the best possible path even if it might be not to his liking.

From adolescence to adulthood, Vreis has settled to typically portraying a relaxed and almost bored attitude, not prone to getting too worked up about anything or by anyone. However, in truth, he is a sensitive person that tries not to let his true feelings show. Most of the time he succeeds in reigning in his temper, but sometimes when it explodes, people are usually left wondering what disastrous thing occurred that was bad enough to anger Vreis. For those that has spent a sufficient amount of time around Vreis to witness both his temper and lax attitude, they firmly believe he suffers from severe mood swings.

However, being brought up in a tight-knit family of vampires (and a few humans) has ingrained in him the value of familial bonds. This extends to those he deems close friends, and helped in building his appreciation for teamwork and team effort. While he understands some people prefer doing things alone (he was like that during his early years), he has come to believe goals can be accomplished more effectively together, asking for help when he needs it, providing help when it is requested of him, and praising allies when they deserve it. An abuse of one's teammates is something Vreis cannot tolerate, and will make him to attack the offender without mercy or his usual sense of sportsmanship.

Although he is competitive, he is not a sore-loser and likes to play fair. Vreis has a genuine respect for people who are good at their crafts, no matter if it lies in the field of physical strength or mind, for his own family possess a variety of experts in miscellaneous fields. In contrast, he dislikes lazy people or those who do things half-heartedly.

: 1) His family
2) Fair-play competitions
3) People who are devoted to their crafts
4) Eating
5) Training and sparring (to burn off extra calories)

Dislikes: 1) Those who harm their friends/family/team member/etc
2) Being the butt of a joke
3) Tight, dark spaces
4) Reading long texts (very much prefers hands-on lessons)
5) Unsportsmanlike people

Goal(s): 1) Currently doesn’t have any goals other than being able to take care of his family.

Fear(s): 1) Claustrophobia: Due to an accident in his childhood, Vreis can’t stand being in tight spaces. He will hyperventilate.
2) His family dying


An Iceland native, Vreis Whelan was born the first and eldest son to Edmund and Kristin Whelan. His mother was a thinblood vampire with still living human relatives while his father was a median vampire. As a result, he was born into a mixed family and grew up viewing both species as one united people. Due to having five generations living under one massive roof, he was exposed to a variety of crafts and specialisations as soon as he was aware enough to begin learning. Because his father was an officer in Iceland’s Vanguard Academy, Vreis rarely saw Edmund throughout his early years, at most only four times a year. As a result, he developed independency at a young age. Kristin, who believed that children should be left to acquire further knowledge on their own, never bothered to teach her eldest son more than the basics to survive this world. Hence, Vreis came to do everything at his own pace, following his own desires and ambitions, all the while keeping the Whelan’s favourite saying in mind “As long as you have the drive, you can succeed.”

For six years, Vreis was a relatively carefree child with a tendency for trying everything that caught his interest. From simple mechanics to botany, he dabbled in almost any craft that he could at least once, courtesy of his extended family who were willing to tolerate the inquisitive kid. The only things he steered clear of were texts, for he held no interest in sitting for hours pursuing mere words. He had little patience for mental memorisation, much preferring practical learning. Nearing his seventh birthday, his mother fell pregnant once more, and nine months later, he had a new younger brother, Wren. Fascinated by the small, cute lump of flesh and blood, he spent the better part of Wren’s infant days hovering over the baby. Over time, it instilled a protective instinct in Vreis, prompting him to start looking for way he as the older brother could protect Wren, especially seeing as their father was rarely at home.

There were few things Vreis was truly good at. Anything requiring strength and stamina he excelled at, but all others were average. Things that required delicacy, strategy or heavy thinking he was atrocious at. Thus, at nine years of age, Vreis finally settled on focusing on his strengths and specialising in an area he could maximise his good points in. And what better contribution was there than joining the war to fight against the Rot? Although he disliked the idea of essentially following in his mostly absent father’s footsteps, he hated the thought that he was wasting his potential. Also, learning to fight could enable him to better protect his brother and family, against the Rot or otherwise. Under the guidance of his aunt and uncle, he started a vigorous training to build muscles that suited his big-boned physique. When news of his decision reached his father, Edmund gifted his son with an axe, later dubbed “Perun”.

However, at the age of fifteen, his father died, a victim to a frenzied vampire in Iceland’s Academy. Now more determined than ever to fill in his father’s shoes for his immediate family, Vreis dedicated himself to taking care of family matters and training. Unfortunately, before he could apply to enrol in the Academy in his country, it reportedly shut down. Upon recommendation from a friend, Vreis postponed enrolling at the age of nineteen and instead enrolled a year later at Brynwerth Academy.


Body build: Just so you have a clearer idea of his body structure.

shadowz1995 shadowz1995 Morgrim Morgrim Done. Don't expect a glamourous backstory though lol
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