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Fantasy Van Helsing Inc.

"Huh..." Lyric said, trying to recall the name. She;d heard it before, but she couldn't remember where. "You think this Van Helsing guy would pay me for helping you Assuming there is someone named Van Helsing, of course." If she had money, many possibilities opened up to her- she could be considered important enough to earn a rank higher than private. Even sergeant would be better.
"I'll pay you for helping me. Don't worry about it. Though the Organization might recruit you." She mused that her fortune was probably the only good thing her father ever gave her. It wasn't huge but she could easily live a comfortable life on it. She would pay the girl. They started moving the drunk vampire out of the bar and into London. London HQ wasn't too far from here luckily. "What's your name soldier?"

@Rook @Axel1313
"Private Lyric Knightly, although I like being called soldier. Has a powerful ring to it, don't you think?" Lyric sighed, pushing the man slightly so he wouldn't be drooling on her shoulder. "The payment would be greatly appreciated. Its not easy being a woman during this time, you know? So, lass, what do they call ya where you come from?"
Danielle nodded and chuckled, "Oui. I'll call you soldier then. I come from France." As they stepped outside they almost ran into two German man. Danielle's eyes widened in surprise and she stopped before they hit the two man. "Bonjour! Sorry we almost hit you!" She looked at them closely. Soldiers, one was an officer it seemed and the other was an apparently annoying subordinate. She felt slightly intimidated by the officer.

@Rook @Davros
Lyric narrowed her eyes at the soldiers blocking their way- Germans. They were the reason she was here in the first place. She was still wearing her uniform, so she didn't try to hide her suspicion, instead let it show clearly on her face. "Watch where you're going," she muttered, straightening. She knew that women were looked down on in most of Europe, but who the hell cared? Certainly not Lyric.
(Sorry about the OCC but how can I enter?)

Animal was sent to help some of the other hunters she snuck around town unseen by the citizens but could easily be spotted by a hunter as she searched for someone

"Eh, no problem. We probably shouldn't have been standing around in the street right captain?" Hans replied before hiding behind the captain as the American woman spoke. "Ja, apologies." His eyes narrowed as he regarded the French girl however. As rude as the American was, she was still definitively human, unlike the French one. He decided that initiating hostilities in the middle of a street really wouldn't be appreciated with London authorities. "I suppose we should introduce ourselves, hehe..." Hans nervous laughter wasn't helping any. Stepping between the opposing glares of doom he offered a jittery hand. "Hans Engels, unterreichkommandant at your service, ehehe." He gave a shy smile while his other hand rubbed the back of his head nervously.
"Get yourhands off me!!" Cassius slurred and fought helplessly against his captors. "I swear I'll...I'll tear ya to shreds....Organization scum.." He hiccuped again. He really should have watched his drinking tonight, but the fool couldn't get past his pride enough to do that. Now he was a helpless as a kitten in these handcuffs and against the agents.
Animal passed a group of cops taking a monster away in handcuffs she hid and said quietly " Pssst...hey...do you need some help? " she knew helping would get her into a lot of trouble but...he looked so helpless

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Lyric elbowed the man in cuffs' temple, dazing him enough to keep him quiet. "Hans, huh?' she murmured before turning to the officer. "And you are, Mr. Tall, blonde, and handsome?" The soldier knew that she should limit the sarcasm, but she was half lying. He was, quite honestly, more attractive than most of the Germans she had met over the past year.
Dessler's eyebrow rose slightly at the American's brazenness and the handling of the prisoner, though he didn't mention it as he spoke. "Abelt Dessler, captain in his fuhrer's Wehrmacht. A pleasure." He entertained the thought of offering a hand though he understood he would be a distraction until he understood the entire situation. "Hans, I believe we have the time to assist the two do we not?" Hans gave the captain a quizzical look, before checking his watch, aaah-ing in his typical scatter-brained fashion before giving the un-appreciative a captain a conspirator's wink, receiving a quick swat with the news paper his captain had acquired as Dessler followed the train of thought.
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"Well...i guess we could use the assistance, Captain Dessler. Mostly to keep this idiot from throwing up his insides on my clothes- its not easy to wash stains out of this uniform," Lyric said, half smiling. She turned to the woman from the organization, asking: "Unless we shouldn't. Your call." Something abou the woman was off- she seemed weak, or hungry. Whatever it was, it was both troubling and intriguing.
Animal followed them hidden in showdows hoping none of the hunters saw her or else she would be put to work....she was practically their pet anyway
Though Danielle was ignoring her hunger around all this human blood, she could tell the captain knew what she was. He was probably also a member of the Organization. She would have brushed off his offer of help but she was so weak, she had to take it. "Oui, I would greatly appreciate the help." She had ignored the scum comment from Cassius, and she ignored that the German probably hated her for what she was as well. Hated from both sides. It's not like she could be taken in or killed. The most he could do was rough her up, if he felt the need. And she would deal with it. Suddenly a wave of weakness went over her and she almost fell, along with the prisoner she held onto.

@Davros @Rook @Axel1313
Lyric held back a grunt as the mans weight fell on her, and just barely managed to help Danielle stay on her feet. "What's wrong, lass?" she asked, grounding herself so that she wouldn't fall from the weight of two people. Her training had included carrying wounded comrades out of hot-zones, but not two at the same time. "A little help here, blondey?"
Danielle was about to faint. She could feel it. I usually know when I have to feed. Why would I let it get this far? But it wasn't her fault really. She had known these past few days, but the Organization guys she was under also knew and had worked her so hard she had no time to feed. It was cruel, but they didn't care because she was half monster. And that was enough to hate her. She usually fed at a blood bank, because the organization had set it up for her to. But she had no time to stop there before coming to London, and here she had no such accommodations. She moved her weight off of Lyric, only to stumble back towards the two Germans.
Animal crouched down on all fours and peaked out of the dark alley ears perked her collar jingled she whispered " Van Helsing sent me out to help the hunters "
"Oh, Frau, are you alright? Do you need to see a doctor?" Hans said as he was quick to help. Dessler went to the monster's secure the other monster lest something Drastic occur. "I assume we have a place to detain Herr Betrunken?" Dessler's eyebrow interceptively as Hans panicked over the girl. "Hans, here." He shouted some quick orders in German, which thankfully got the boy moving. Lifting the girl into a bridal style carry, Hans moved behind his captain. Dessler gave a cough as he smelt the alcohol wafting of the prisoner, before asking "So, where to?"
Danielle felt herself being picked up by the talkative German. She was glad, as his companion seemed to already dislike her. She was herself enough to list off the address of Organization HQ. If he was indeed a member of the Organization, maybe he just didn't like the French, then he would know the place. She allowed herself to relax in the human's arms but pointedly kept her head away from his neck. Too much temptation.
"Ugh....." Cassius groaned as he was not only elbowed in the temple and dazed yet again, but then jostled around like a ragdoll when he had one of the tossed into him. "Why...you..." He growled. His head tilting back as everything spun and it felt like somebody was trying to dig through his brain with an icepick. "Let me go you mongrels...."
(Sorry about that, must not have gotten the notification)

"Oh, shut up lady-killer," Lyric muttered, readjusting her rifle sling. She walked silently behind the Germans, supporting the drunk. "So, Captain, what brings you to London? It can't be the food or drink..." she trailed off, trying to break the awkward silence. Nothing could possibly look weirder than two German soldiers, an American Air Force pilot, and two unconscious civilians all walking along the sidewalk.
Deep in the Gulf of Mexico, an ancient horror from beyond the stars awakens from it's slumber and begins to swim towards the nearest land mass with malevolent intentions.
"Don't you dare tell me to..*hic*.. Shut up..." He hissed. Baring his wicked fangs at all of them. "Just wait till I get my.....my hands on you... You'llall be s...sorry." He teetered back and forth as he spouted out threats.

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