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Fantasy Van Helsing Inc.

Somewhere in London

Just outside a pub, filled with a suspicious amount of Americans, hint hint.

"Hey sir, Is there any specific reason those Hobos are following us." Dessler was glad his chatty underling had decided against practicing his English, though noticing the anger speaking German seemed to have, he wondered if it was Germany who had moved on unless... oh dear these were survivors. He briefly wondered why they had been left to cold, whispering duck to his companion. Spinning around on the spot he brought his pistol up from the holster at lightning speed. One of the slackers had a spade up in the air as if prepared to strike his subordinate.

"Gentlemen, I am sure just backing away now would be better in the long run, especially for any relatives you have." Dessler noticed how young most of them where. He had fought in the Great War and seen far too many men with eyes like the ones staring at him. "Why's a Jerry like you waltzing through 'ere!? We spent t' many bullets on you to see it all for nuthing." He bared his teeth like some kind of animal, though Dessler was glad there was no monster in it. "The war has been done for ten years, we have moved on after losing. Can you not do the same?" The man dropped his make shift weapon before spitting on the floor, shrugging to his colleagues and walking off.

"Sir, I know you said duck but....can I stand up now? My legs hurt." "......." "Sir? Why are you lifting your boot-oof AAAH WHY!" "YOU GOTT DAMN DUMMKOPF WHAT WOULD HAVE HAPPENED IF THEY HIT YOU WITH THE SPADE HMM?" "You would have put them and me into hospital, not necessarily in that order." "NO TALKING BACK. IM BERATING YOU!"
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"Happens all the time." He hiccuped again. A few of the braver ones giggle and draped themselves over his shoulders. The distaste for this action was clear in his face, but he didn't do anything about it. "They can never leave me alone when I....when I visit any bar....It'so annoying..." He rolled his eyes in disgust, but they all giggled. His obliviousness to it all must have been so amusing for them.
She glared at the women in obvious distaste, their giggling was especially annoying to her. "I would hate to have them touch me like that. Though the temptation would be too great to resist as well." This last part was only whispered, barely audible. Her eyes flashed with bloodlust and hunger. She hadn't fed in a very long time. It was frowned upon in the organization of course. She wanted to leave before she lost control but she couldn't leave such a defenseless vampire. "I'll get us a few drinks, monsieur." She offered as she stood.

//The 1x1 has been really long, maybe if I head to the bar where the girls are we can get more interaction.//
Chuckling he leaned back in his chair. "Alright....if you insist..." Some of the women around him glared at her, but didn't dare make any sort of move. It was astounding how oblivious these humans were. Clearly getting flashes of those wicked fangs by now, yet still attracted to him like flies to honey. Surprising with how coldly he was treating them, but guess it couldn't be helped. It was unfortunately his nature.
She nodded and walked over to the bar. She leaned against it casually, in between the two woman who had been looking at her and the male vampire. I have yet to ask him name, she mused, ah well trivialities. She ordered a beer and a glass of red wine. She hated English beer. Luckily this pub served French wine. Probably not the best but it'd do.
Meanwhile in Generic London Street #3,598

"Hey sir, can we go get a drink?" The unfortunately talking unterreichcommandant didn't exactly realise just how close his Captain was to shooting him, shooting that cat thought his subordinates head made an excellent resting spot. Dessler thought of it as too thick a resting place. "We can have beer when we report to the Missions Office and receive Intel on what we are actually here to do." Well that's the official story at least. "Hey is this it?" It was rather surprising to hear his companion speak in English, though he wasn't surprised the idiot sounded like a dummkopf in either language. "Ja. I suppose you wouldn't really be neccesary here..........Fine, you may go to that bar behind us." "Sir, do have alcohol detector? I mean the Missions office was right there, but you probably felt the bar from...Captain?" -don't hit him, don't hit him, don't hit hi- "It's like your an alcoholic or something, Haha!" "......""Oh well, Tschau!""........"
Lyric turns to the woman she had noticed before. "Hello, lass" she answered, downing another shot. "This English stuff... weak. Glad to see you had the common sense to order something else." The soldier congratulated herself on her ability to hold her accent back- the Scotts rarely tried to do so. "What brings ya here today? You didn't seem to impressed with the drunkard over there," she said, gesturing to the man she had been sitting with.
"If I'm being honest, that drunkard is the reason I'm here. And whether I'm impressed or not...I have to get him while he's dull." She sighed. She recognized the girl had an accent. She had sensitive hearing after all. "You a soldier?"
"Yeah, going on a year now. Now that the Americans allow women into their ranks, they have the finest military the world has ever seen... well, in my opinion, anyway," she laughed, placing a few coins on the bar. "Ya said you were here for the drunkard? If ya don't mind me askin', why would ya be?"
Danielle glances back at the vampire. "Actually, I could use a soldier's help if he needs to be taken in and he struggles. I'm part of an organization and he's under suspicion." It was dangerous just mentioning the organization but she was sent out against a stronger opponent. Even if he's drunk, he's stronger and she hasn't fed in so long.
"Organization, huh?" she said quietly. "I would be more than happy to help you with this... man. All the women around him... he just radiates arrogance. Say the word and I'll grab 'em." Lyric said, downing one final shot before turning and resting her elbows on the bar. "Nothing can crush an American's spirit."
"Great! I suggest you come to the table with me only to be in closer range. Just smile at him as you sit down and he'll believe you're like them and ignore you. I'll keep him entertained." She had a gleam in her eye about this. But she wasn't really excited. If she had any will power against her father's dying wish...she'd ask to join the vampire and get out of here. But she's weak in that sense.
Lyric nodded, walking over to the table and sitting down next to the drunk man, trying to act like the women huddled around him. It was hard to act weak like them, but she's said she would help. Her arms wrapped around his and she rested her head on his shoulder, putting a dumb and love-struck look on her face.
Danielle brought back the drinks and set the beer in front of him while she sipped her wine. She had to admit, the American was a good actress. She smiled at the vampire and leaned forward. All this fresh blood around her and she couldn't help the fact that her fangs showed now. "Hey there, handsome. What brings you to London?"

@Axel1313 //More interaction!//
Cassius blinked in surprise to the new addition wrapped around his arm, but soon enough it was the same routine of paying little to no attention to her. He only turned his attention to the one speaking to him. "Me?" He looked at her with a smirk. "I'm just visiting....taking in the sites and getting away from....home...for a while. Nothin' spectacular."
She nodded and tilted her head, "And what might be your name, monsieur?" She asked. If he was a dangerous vampire, or one the organization left alone, she should recognize his name. They were her main targets or allies. She was glad that he was now ignoring the soldier. And they were in the perfect position for a quick capture if necessary.
"My name?" He hiccuped and laughed drunkenly. There was a question he'd heard about a million times. He didn't care much about answering it either now that towns were booming everything more rushed nowadays. He figured they'd all forget it after a while, no matter what. "Cassius...my name's.. Cassius. What about you?"
Her eyes flashed and she gulped, Cassius was an Organization hating, soul sucking vampire. She smiled, "Danielle." Her name wasn't known however. She was just the Organization's cat, meant to catch rats. Not worth having a name. She gestured for the soldier to grab him. I should catch her name. Pay her a respect that I don't deserve.

@Axel1313 @Rook
As soon as Lyric noticed the faint gesture, she unwrapped her hands and brought her fist up under his chin, just enough to nock him back. As the crowd of girls separated, taken aback at her sudden attack, she wrapped her arms around his neck in a headlock- well, as much as she could. He was far larger than she was. Her squad shot up, ready to help, but she gestured for them to stand down, and go back to drinking.
Danielle went and helped the woman lift him up. He was heavy and she was weaker then she thought. She would have to feed, and soon. Possibly tonight, after getting this big boy locked away. "If it's any consolation, you really are a handsome specimen, Cassius." She muttered, putting extra strong cuffs on him.

@Axel1313 @Rook
His head snapped back when her fist made contact with his chin. He hadn't expected that in the slightest and then the headlock even less than that.

"Wh-what the??" He gasped for air. "Let. Go..." He tried to struggle against them, but was far too inebriated to do so. Heck, he would hardly be able to stand if he even tried, so there was no way he had a chance against this surprise attack.
Lyric loosened the head lock slightly, allowing Cassius to breath. As the woman cuffed him, she inspected the locks: heavy duty, probably reinforced multiple times over. "Whats with these traps? Did you think he was a bear of something?" she laughed, keeping a tight grip on his shirt so he couldn't run. "What kind of organization do you work for anyway?"
"You are now in the custody of the Organization. Go ahead and hate me. Everyone else does." She offered with a shrug. She grabbed one of his arms, hoping that the soldier would follow her lead. And, not for the first time in her life, Danielle wondered what her mother would think. Would she hate Danielle for turning in their own kind? Would she disown the daughter she never raised? Would she even care?

She was snapped out of her thoughts by the American. She smiled, "He's worse then a bear and if he was sober, we'd be worse then torn to shreds. I work for Van Helsing Inc. Though I don't expect you to recognize the name. Or believe me." She was being risky again, revealing the Organization. She wanted to be risky. She wanted to make them mad.

@Axel1313 @Rook

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