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Fantasy Van Helsing Inc.


Humanoid Typhoon
Long long ago monsters ruled this world far and wide. They were fearsome beasts who kept all of humanity under their thumb with fear and power. Until a man by the name of Van Helsing came along and quickly ended their reign. Humans took over control of the world and lived prosperously...that is, for the most part. Still bitter over the loss of their rule these beasts continue to fight back and terrorize the humans.

That is where the Helsing Organization comes in! Founded by the children of the man who ended the monsters reign long ago, their soul purpose is to wipe out these creatures completely or at least keep them under control.

*Side note: While wiping out all of them is the ideal objective. Not all monsters need to be killed. Some have agreed to at least remain peaceful and try not to terrorize humans.((Doesn't mean you can't go rough them up once in a while for answers or to keep them in line.))*

*The time era is the 1940's*
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"Aaah, so this is London? Not bad, not bad" Cassius chuckled to himself, a devilish grin spread across his face. He had arrived only a few hours ago, but certainly didn't hesitate in finding his first victim. The poor soul didn't even stand a chance against this dark haired devil. He had them charmed in minutes and their soul in mere seconds. Now they laid lifeless in some back alley and he was on his way to the club.
Hellsing Abteilung für Paranormal Defence

Hellsing Paranormal Defence Department

Bavaria, Mühldorf Airfield.

The airfield was mostly empty, being a rural one. It was clear it had seen better days, the Zeppelin tower was getting rusted and the traffic control lacked a radio. It was perfect for a secret assignment. Or at least Dessler thought it was. A lone aeroplane took up the runway, an Iron Cross clearly emblazoned on its side. As the Kapitän readied himself for his trip to England, he noticed one of his Wachtmeister's running from the huge Airfield Garage. He stepped down the air stairs as he came to regard the wheezing officer of his regiment.
"Heer Dessler, mein heer!" A gasping German man of young age put effort in as he snapped up a quick Heil Goer, his arm coming to ninety degree bend, hand facing out and feet together, before giving his commander a box and letter, sealed with their Führer Goer's personal seal. "We received it just now from the Führer's personal guard, apparently it's sad news they didn't look happy, captain.

"Thank you Hans, get in the plane." The officer gawked before asking for confirmation. "Officially you are now Unterreichkommandant. Officially you will assist with my duties in London. Now go and officially procur your

luggage. " Hans gave a happy smile as he snapped a quick Heil Goer before rushing off to grab his pre-packed bags. Dessler however regarded the message from his führer, his past smile turning into a frown as he received information concerning their past agent, killed in action. He closed his eyes briefly in remberance of Hans' older brother, before turning on point and strinding up the air steps. Han's quickly stalking behind him as the plane's rotors began to spin. The young officer quickly pulled up the steps as the plane finally began its run, speeding off the runway towards England.
"Victoria! Have you seen my keys? I can't find them anywhere!"

A deep voice boomed from the living room, followed by the sound of someone rummaging through the cabinets. Victoria jolted slightly and dropped the wash cloth in her hand. It landed with a slight plop against the white marble floor, creating a splatter of water around it. The sink ran loudly as she leaned down to pick it up.

"Did you check the back pocket of the jeans you wore yesterday?" She called out while swiping a dry cloth across the floor and soaking up the water. There was a grunt and then the clomping of boots pounding up the spiral staircase. She stopped and listened for a moment. The jingle of keys was heard, and than a loud laugh.

"Ah! Here they are."

The maid smiled and went back to cleaning the dishes, her hands working quickly. She heard Bobby pass by the kitchen and walk towards the large oak doors leading out into the driveway.

"Help me with my coat, would you?" He demanded. Victoria abandoned her dish washing and gently took his brown coat off the rack. She helped him and took a step back, clasping her hands together.

"Make sure the house is spotless. The mayor is coming over for dinner tonight." Bobby said while fixing his hair in a mirror hanging on the wall. Victoria nodded and opened the large double doors for him. He padded down the steps and into the vast driveway, pulling out his keys and stepping into a sleek black Jaguar XK 120.

He started the engine, waved his hat, and swiveled around the fountain in the middle of the driveway. Victoria waved until he disappeared through the brass gates and into the city of London.

With a soft sigh, the maid retreated back into the Victorian style mansion and walked up to her room. She changed into a light blue dress that was collared at the top. There were small white polka dots covering the entirety of the dress.

After swiping a wand of red lipstick across her lips, she set off for town in her red car parked out in the driveway.

Victoria entered the town shortly after leaving the mansion to buy some groceries. As usual, London was booming with life and people. Her sapphire blue eyes flitted across the area before finding a place to park. She stepped out of the car and walked down the street, ignoring wandering eyes from nearby men.
Danielle walked silently down the street of London. She glanced around with bored looking eyes. A few men accosted her but she payed them no mind. She was supposed to be finding a vampire. The organization told her that vampire activity had increased in London but it very well could have been a joke to get her in trouble for skiving work. She sighed. She never knew when an assignment was real or not. As she walked down the street she very obviously let her guard down. She appeared like a normal, foolish human girl.
Lyric sighed, leaning against the brick wall that surrounded the American Embassy. Her captain was supposed to be meeting with the ambassador, who knows what for, so she and the rest of her squad were stuck waiting outside. Her uniform was far more comfortable than she imagined, but the heavy packs and vests were far from it.

She was vaguely aware of someone calling her name, but she didn't focus until they actually shook her shoulder. "Knightly!" the person said loudly.

"What is it, Shepard?" she demanded, rubbing her shoulder tenderly.

"I said we're going to the bar across the street until the captain's done. You coming with?" the man replied.

"No, not feeling in the mood for a drink Besides, all this british crap doesn't cut it for me," she answered. He nodded, and her squad left her alone, walking noisily down across the street and into the bar. Lyric sighed, closing her eyes again, focusing on her breathing as she waited for her captain to return.
Clad in a crisp white shirt and pinstripe vest with matching pants he was nearly indistinguishable here. The only thing that ever gave him away was his smile. Long, sharp canines were not exactly hard to miss. Although, many of the quite intoxicated patrons here were completely oblivious too them. That gave him some sort of sick amusement though. Knowing that they were flirting with danger. That he could kill any one of them in a moments notice if he wished.

Luckily for them he was full and in a good mood. As well as trying to lay low. He had some heat on him from an incident in Germany and didn't need that vile organization finding his whereabouts again.
Noyeh was walking throughout London, he was bored, had nothing to do. Best thing to do was to search for more supernaturals, and try to avoid Helsing Members. He fled into a bar, of course, he doesn't drink, it was more like a scout out for Helsing Members. His bet plan was to lay low, scout first, but he did promise himself that he would stay away from the Helsing Corp. But, rules be past, even if it was his own, he put his hand under the table he was sitting at, feeling if some Iron was present.

Guess not. This might be bad if I go into a fight. Noyeh wasn't prepared, he knew Iron was expensive and hard to find in some places. He got up immediately, walked out, nothing much to do, he walked into an alleyway. His finger shifted into Iron, he manipulated his finger into forming a key shape for a Storage Room. Of course pain filled his hand, but he lived through it.

"There we go." He jabbed his finger key into the lock, turning it right, opening the door, he could've just made the lock break off than enter, but this was more fun. He searched box after box for Iron, he put all the Iron he found into a Empty Cardboard box, he than lifted it up and walked out of the Storage room, the door closing behind him. He carried the box towards his house, clinging, clanging, bashing, filled the box. He was hoping no one payed attention to the boy with a red finger carrying a box with Iron filled in it, while walking to a house.

Making it to his house, he put the box down and unlocked his door, grabbing the box again and walking in. He kicked the door to close it self, his lock was Iron so he made the key hole impossible, the having to be stretchy and twisty. He dropped the box on his carpet, opening it and dumping every piece of Iron there. He concentrated hard enough to create a small Panel, it was thick of course, meaning it could extend outwards.

(Sorry for late post, didn't get any notification.)
Somewhere over France

The Aeroplane Seig Heil, Flight to London

"Heer Dessler, do you think my bro-I mean Reichmeister Engels will be in London?" Dessler was facing the window watching the clouds from his seat as Hans spoke. "We may see him." The captain said politely, though his tone clearly didn't want to talk about his subordinates now dead brother. Not that Hans was to know he was dead anyway. "That would be nice. I wonder how that English beer tastes though, and the ladies...?" Abelt face palmed as his unterreichmeister began to speak of the virtues of women and what he had heard from the older officers who were still willing to be teenagers. "Oooh I wouldn't mind....-""HANS!" A loud thwack echoed in the cabin as the sound of a book hitting head was heard from the pilots cabin. The pilot merely gave a chuckle as he heard a whiny voice reply with "Why captain?! I swear you broke my brain." "It's not a brain worth fixing if that's what your thinking about." came the harrumph, followed by another whiny reply.
Danielle was now leaning against a wall in London. She had only a minimal idea of where she was. She knew the American Embassy wass close and that there were a few pubs nearby. But right now she was lost in thought. Her eyes were closed and a soft smile played at her lips, an unusual occurrence. She was thinking about nature of all things and it always calmed her and made her happens. But these thoughts also brought her guard down.
After about 10 minutes passed, Lyric picked herself up walking away from the embassy and into the tavern. If the captain was going to take this long, than why should she wait? Even weak beer was beer; maybe they would have some vodka. It was a bit quieter than the bars back home, but it was still loud enough to be annoying. She noticed her squad in the corner, laughing, drinking as much as possible without getting too drunk to work. Instead of walking towards them, Lyric headed up to the bar, waving at the bartender. He placed a shot of liqueur in front of her, which she downed, slightly shuddering at the strange taste. If America had gotten anything right, it was their beer.
After about an hour or two of grocery shopping, Victoria finally began to make her way towards the red car parked on the side of the road. Right as she pulled her keys out, a series of honks rang out. A black car skidded to a halt next to hers, and she looked up to see Bobby Johnson grinning his usual cocky grin.

"I thought I'd might see you down here! Get in. We're going to lunch." He exclaimed loudly. Victoria blinked in confusion and laughed sheepishly.

"But, sir! I can't leave the car-"

"Nonsense! Get in! I haven't got all day!" Bobby snapped with a roll of his eyes. Fumbling with her grocery bags, Victoria leaped out into the road and slid into the black Jaguar. The cars behind them honked loudly, waiting for him to drive forward.

"Alright, alright!" He snarled to them, stepping on the gas pedal.

"Lousy commoners." Bobby mumbled to himself, making a sharp turn to the left.

Dust sprayed out behind them as Bobby drove wildly down the street. Unfortunately, being a rich man who was well known throughout the country, not many cared for his aggressive driving. Not even the police. Victoria held onto the seat with her nails digging into the leather. He pulled into a parking space and stepped out.

"Leave the groceries in the car." He said without even looking at Victoria. She nodded and slammed the car door shut, following him inside to a bar. As soon as he stepped inside, the room seemed to quiet down. He didn't take a second to look around. Instead, he walked straight towards the bar, pushing past people. Victoria followed quietly from behind, saying a small 'excuse me' everytime Bobby shoved past someone.

"You know what to do." He murmured to the bartender while sliding out a wad of cash in his direction. The bartender nodded obediently and led the two of them into the back room. Bobby took one long suspicious glance around the room, before disappearing behind the bar. The sound of jazz music grew louder and louder as the two followed their escort down a hidden flight of stairs. The bartender knocked three times on the metal door, and a peephole slid open. The pair of eyes took one glance at the man and the woman, and immediately let them in.

"Glad to see you back, Mr. Johnson and Ms. Delacour." A rough voice grunted as Bobby and Victoria stepped into the room. It was an entirely different bar, except with more... wealthy customers. A private jazz band played in the center of the room, along with the sounds of laughter and drinks clinking. Bobby adjusted his suit and smirked, walking down the stairs.

"Bobby! Good to see you again, my boy!" An old man accompanied by two blonde beauties exclaimed in a boisterous voice, laughing wildly near a gambling table.

"Tom! You haven't called!" Bobby yelled back, wandering towards the old man and leaving Victoria behind. She was about to tell him to wait, but gave up and found herself wandering towards an empty table near the jazz band. She sat down and crossed her legs, rummaging through her purse and frowning.

(Ohhh no xD sorry guys. My posts have been really long...)
"Come on ladies....st...stop botherin' me already." He slurred. His head lulling side to side as he wobbled in his chair. Hardly there a few hours and he gotten coaxed into drinking. Coaxed being they put free drinks in front of him and he gladly accepted it all no matter what the strength. He was a big tough soul sucking vampire! He could handle a few//dozen or more// shots! At least he could in his mind, reality as an entirely different matter. What he couldn't see was that his hair was a mess and his shirt crooked. In short. He looked drunk of his pretty little immortal arse.
Danielle sighed, finally standing straight. She decided to check out the local pubs. Supernaturals seemed to like drunk, defenseless humans. She walked into the bar to see a very obviously drunk male in the midst of giggling woman. She rolled her eyes and then narrowed them. Something felt off about him.

// @Axel1313 I'm talking about you. I'm initiating character interaction.//
His wandering eyes caught sight of someone staring at him. There were others in the bar doing the same, but he really didn't like the look this one was giving him for some reason. "Wh...what's you're problem." He sneered and aimed an unpleasant look in the direction of the person. "You just gonna...*hic*...stand there and stare or move along?" He made a sweeping motion with his arm that spilled alcohol in a glass he had grabbed all over himself.

@SweetCat2319 , okie dokie! I was actually trying to figure out how to get it to the point of character interaction!
She smiled sweetly at him, "Sorry. I just wanted to tell you that your shirts messed up. Though it gives you a more devilishly handsome appearance." She didn't know what it was about him that was different. She was trying to get closer to him in his intoxicated state to figure it out. She was pale from having fasted from human blood for months. She wasn't as pale as a full vampire would be but it was still odd enough to make the girls shy away from her as she drew closer.
"No it's not....you're...lyin'." He gulped down another drink and leaned forward to rest his elbows on the table. "I'm still as dapper and slick as the moment I walked in this place..." Oh how he would be so much more intimidating without the lisp, but alcohol causing the slurring of words combined with large fangs made that impossible. "And for your information....I always look this devilishly handsome..."
She giggled and placed a hand on the chair across from his, "Of course. My apologies for being so bold, monsieur. May I join you?" She tilted her head and allowed her French accent to be a bit heavier. It was irritating her, trying to hide it. She was even more intrigued then before. She now knew he was a vampire like herself but his fangs were a lot bigger then a normal vampires and he seemed to think he was intimidating.
((I think I'm going to wait a bit to post again. Try and make sure that nobody gets left behind and 1x1 posts don't get too out of hand.))
//I understand, I believe we are all set in a pub now so hopefully there's more interaction.//
Lyric took another shot, downing it before wiping her mouth and looking up. A few drunkards ere milling around; one was surrounded by women, which surprised her. He didn't seem like much,biut he clearly was drawing them in. Soon. another woman entered the bar and pulled him aside, sitting thin down at a table. Something seemed different about the pair, but she couldn't place what exactly. She brushed the thought off, but couldn't help but glance at them from time to time.
The room began to grow louder and louder by the minute. Women dressed in pearls and men with million dollar smiles slid past her, laughing and enjoying themselves. Her light blue gaze glanced over to the side, watching Bobby gamble with the richest men in London. The jazz band grew wilder, and stomped their feet against the stage as their saxophone player busted out into a complicated rhythm of music notes.

With a second glance back at Bobby, she rose from her seat and began to leave the rich and the wealthy to their fun. Victoria pushed open the metal door and walked up the stairs. The jazz music and voices faded away behind her. She entered the normal bar in which she had came in from before. It was somewhat quiet up there, and everyone seemed to be quite normal at least.

Victoria let out a sigh and motioned for the bartender.

"Pour me a glass of red wine. The usual kind." She murmured softly to him, watching as he poured the dark red liquid into a clear glass. He handed it to her gently. She slipped some cash to him and went to sit at one of the tables. Victoria crossed her legs and looked around the room. She saw a few men and women straggling around, two people sitting at a table, and another woman at the bar. They seemed to be new in town. She had never seen them before.

Studying them carefully, Victoria took a sip of her drink.
Danielle looked around feeling eyes on her. She brushed it off as the male vampire's allure since both pair of eyes were female and they seemed to be lured to him. She kept her guard up though. Maybe her mission hadn't been false. She had found a vampire in London after all.
"Wh...whatever." He mumbled in response to her question. He as far too inebriated to care and simply assumed that she was just like the other women surrounding him right now. There for no other reason than to bug him and attempt to flirt or buy him a drink like the others. Such an outstanding character.
She smirks at him and doesn't try to hide the cold interest in her eyes. "You really draw attention don't you? I've never seen so many woman lured before." She glanced back at the two woman who had been watching them seconds ago. One had looked irritated and didn't seem to care for the drink in front of her. The other seemed too sweet to be in a pub all alone.

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