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Vamps in the city: A Blood Story

It was late.

The time of night when no one should be outside; at least, anyone who was innocent. Working girls, pimps, drug dealers, the dregs of society were idling by as they waited for their days to end. The strip clubs had closed already, but the sun hadn't quite come out to grace the world in it's light. The early risers had risen, but they were packing lunches and taking showers. By all accounts this was the devil's hour.

Perhaps that was why Jaedric preferred it for hunting. No one he came across would be missed. There would be no inquiries over the missing whore. No one would come calling after the drug addict who hadn't been seen in weeks anyway. Plus the coming sunrise always gave him a rush, a thrill to the chase. Hurry along little boy, or this may be the last meal you chase.

He'd spent the previous 3 hours in a nightclub scoping out the clientele. His mark had come to him late in the night as the party was winding down, asking if he wanted to have some fun. Back at his place, $50 an hour. Of course he said yes. Lower rates meant desperation, less of a chance there was a concerned party waiting for a phone call. And if there was? Maybe he could visit them the next night. He'd thrown his arm around the darling girl, barely over 20, and walked her down the street to a nearby hotel. He wasn't staying there, but the night before he'd eaten the man who was, and his body hadn't been found yet. According to the paperwork on the desk Jaedric had two days before the man was scheduled to go home to another state. Two days that this wonderful room was his.

His lips were on hers before the elevator doors closed. He couldn't help that he had an aura about him. It penetrated any second thoughts she may have had, lit a fire inside of her that she had to quench. All the better for him when they were willing. Things were getting heavy as they moved down the hallway, knocking against both walls as he pushed her around, and she pushed back just as hard.

The door opened quickly, and shut just as fast. He locked the deadbolt behind him with a swift movement, pushing her back into the room. With a quick move, he spun her around and pushed her up against the wall, leaning in from behind and kissing along her ear, her neck. She moaned.

A fatal mistake, as luck would have it. He had grabbed a small towel as they were moving and pushed it into her mouth, gagging her. In that instant he leaned in from behind and pierced her neck with his fangs. The sudden rush of blood poured into his mouth, and out of his mouth as he tore into the woman's neck. He'd never been a nice man, he'd never taken the time to perfect a clean bite. Instead, he ripped her open like a bear mauling a small doe. She tried to scream but nothing made it past the towel he held over her mouth, as he drank deeply taking all she had to offer. With a last gasp her eyes glassed over and her heart ran out of blood to pump through it's valves. With a heavy pant he let her drop to the floor, her body's thump the only audible sound to have come from the room since their entrance. He turned to the mirror over the nearby desk of this two bed hotel room, and looked straight into his own soul. Covered in blood from his nose to his throat, drips marking his shirt and pants. He grinned. Another successful night.

Nothing was better for a female vampire then a night on the town. Clingy sequined dresses, heavy makeup and bright red lipstick screamed one night stand . One night stands attracted sleazes and bums. Over here, sleazes and bums meant dinner. For the longest time, Iris refused to lower herself enough to be one of those sluts who used their breasts as a meal ticket. She hoped that she'd be well fed enough and that was the case-until now.

For the last two weeks, Iris had lived in the basement of Dick Lewis aka DarkElf666. Dick is-was a man in his mid thirties who, after his wife left him for his little brother, discovered online gaming. He quit his job and started spending days, weeks, months in his house gaming, sleeping, masturbating or eating. Dick's lifestyle was evident in the fact that the moment you stepped into his basement, you were ankle deep in wrappers and wadded up tissue. Sure, he was a disgusting creature but Iris needed to eat. As of now, Dick's morbidly obese body was pushed up in the corner and the blonde was pretty sure if she kicked him, he'd pop in a explosion of fat and maggots.

Iris was occasionally feeding on Dick's body but she became violently ill the last time she had drunk his blood. Humans
definitely have a expiration date. Not knowing what to do next, she tried her best to tough it out but it became too much. She could feel a creature in her stomach, trying to claw its way out. The hunger wasn't making her weak, it was making her crazy. Well, crazier then normal.

Finally, she flung herself out of her comfort zone, donning a low cut black dress with a blood stain on the collar and cherry red stilettos. Sealing the deal with dollar store makeup, Iris shoved all of her morals-actually, her pride aside and hit the town. At first, no one took a chance on her, maybe her eyes were too wide and bright for this part of town. Iris infered that she looked like a spoiled white girl who had run away from her McMansion because her daddy didn't buy her the new iPhone. Oh god, she wished she was. Still, she was a vampire, a very, very hungry one at that. Soon enough, Iris found herself at a club, grinding on anyone behind her.

A older man had come up to her, talking about how beautiful she was and if he could buy her a drink. However, his suit was a fine enough to let Iris in that it was too risky feeding on him. She was starving but there were certain lines you didn't cross. There was a woman slinking around, young and plain but gorgeous with all that conturing. Soon enough, someone accepted her services. He was wiry with dark hair and a lewd charisma Iris could even sense from across the room. She licked her lips slowly. Two for the price of one. When the pair left the club, she followed far behind. trying not to run after them.

Fucking high heels. Iris was halfway through the bathroom window when the heel got caught on the ledge and in a attempt to yank it out when she oh-so-gracefully face planted on the floor. The first thing she noticed after the pain was the heavy scent of blood in the air that twisted her stomach into knots. Oh shit.

Jaedric was in a state of bliss. Post-feeding bliss in fact, an afterglow that warmed his body from within as the sun used to warm his now pale skin from without. Of course, this warmth wasn't anything like he used to feel when he was, well, alive. But he took what he could get. Standing up he headed over to the bed and sat down on the edge, peering at the dead woman now crushed into a heap against the wall of his rapidly deteriorating hotel room. Normally, he burned his victims. This was a difficult thing to achieve in a public place like this however, something more suited to a small cabin in the woods where no one would smell or see the burning flesh from the unfortunately missing hiker.

As he contemplated his movements for the next few days (Perhaps he could stuff her in the closet and leave. Maybe the maid staff wasn't up to snuff here), a sudden noise caught his attention from the bathroom. He stood as quickly as he'd bitten into the woman, reaching underneath his jacket to pull out a collapsible baton. With a quick and loud thunk he flicked his wrist and extended the baton out. He walked slowly towards the bathroom, holding the baton out at his side. He was ready to beat the shit out of whomever was in this bathroom, and lick up the mess he made off the mirror and walls. The thought made him grin again.

He got up next to the door, resting his shoulder against the wall. He knocked twice on the door, softly. "You picked the wrong room to try and steal from. Little piggy is about to meet a big bad wolf...How about you come out slowly, and maybe I'll break your neck before I beat you to death..." He took a step back lifting his baton up over his head, ready to bash this punk's head in as soon as the door opened up.

Iris was sprawled against the floor, her ankle bending in a position it probably shouldn't have been. A human would have been screaming but due to the dulled down and in some cases, sadistic sense of pain Veter had, it felt like a itch. She had only officially met one vampire before and that's because she hit him with her car. After a few minutes in which he was presumably dead, she decided he'd be a prime candidate for feeding on. Imagine her suprise when he though the same.

Leaning forward to tug the damn shoe off her foot and decide on her next course of action whether it be run or ask for her/his body, Iris froze. The voice outside made that decision for her. It was obviously masculine so now she knew who's body to beg for. Popping both shoes off, Iris slowly got to her feet. Replying in the quiet but chipper tone in someone who was clearly trying to disguise their fear, she said,
"I believe that I'm more of the Goldilocks type. You know, I snuck into your house, am planning on eating your porridge and plus-" , Iris over dramatically swished her hair, "-I look absolutely stunning as a blonde".

To open the door or not to open the door ? Judging by the audible thunk, he had a weapon. Iris didn't bring anything of the sort along with her, if anyone wanted to give her trouble, they can simply become dinner. Hopefully, she could scramble out the window and forget this ever happened but the cloying scent of his left overs was too good to miss. Standing against the wall, smiling brightly and showing her large, pearly fangs, Iris crossed her fingers at her side. "Isn't a host supposed to greet his guest ? I'd prefer you come in here".
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Jaedric smirked, letting out a quick puff of air as he shook his head, taking a step back towards the door. Some crazy woman clearly didn't know what she was up against. He'd likely get pepper sprayed as he opened the door, but it had never affected him too badly. Somewhere between super human strength and speed came the ability to incapacitate a cute little woman who sprayed him oh so badly before she could run away anyways. Besides...She sounded cute. Maybe he could save her for later. Tie her up in the bathtub, handcuff her to the handicapped rail they so wonderfully included.

Of course he didn't have handcuffs. Normally, he wouldn't feed twice in one night. Binge eating as no good for anyone. Although a treat for himself here or there wasn't the worst thing in the world. Since she was already in the bathroom, he could toss her in the bathtub. Easy cleanup. Minimal mess. Although after all the work up from his previous kill, still slumped against the wall, he had other urges he could take care of too.

He leaned up against the door, rapping on it with the end of his black metal baton. "Alright little piggy, we'll do it your way. I don't take kindly to strangers snooping around my things though...But if you don't pepper spray me as soon as I open this door, I'll let you go with just a pat on the backside for bad behavior..." He reached down and turned the doorknob. Slowly, painfully slowly. The handle seemed to move at a snail's pace, rotating closer and closer to that ninety degrees downward open position. As soon as it reached, he shoved the door with his shoulder and came in baton raised and fangs bared. His mouth was covered in blood, still dripping in fact. He'd made a trail from the girl's body to the bathroom that he'd have to clean up later.

As he came about readying a swing to the woman's skull, he paused with his hand hanging in mid air. The light from the hallway glinted against her fangs and he froze in place, unable to process the events as they unfolded. He'd thought he'd been cursed, bewitched by some ancient evil spell that made him a killing machine, a one man murder palace. So then why was she baring her fangs at him? She was just like him...
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Iris couldn't help it, her heart skipped a beat when she saw him. It wasn't because he was attractive -okay, maybe it sort of was. It wasn't because he was covered in blood-even though she wanted to pin him down and lick it off him. It wasn't because he looked prepared to smash her skull in. It was because he was just like her.

Sure, she had met Orion before and seen those skanks lurking around but the thrill of meeting another one of us was always new. And in the most absurd way, he reminded her of Orion, the first vampire she had met. Orion was around 6'4 and had sandy hair and acidic green eyes. He was obviously buff, nothing like the man's lean build, and covered in tattoos. Even their voices were nothing alike, Orion had came fresh from Wales and his accent was incredibly thick. Yet they way they both spoke with a layered voice, calmly seductive with a crazed tone lurking underneath, made Iris shiver.

There was a moment of awkward tension between the two, one might have guessed they were statues. Finally, she couldn't take it.
"What, you're not going to break my neck ?". She was purposely being coy. Now that he saw her fangs, she couldn't pull the "oh, I'm so innocent. Please don't hurt me, mister". Regardless, he threatened to let her off with just a spanking and she could work with that. Iris eyed him through her lashes and there was a demure set to her lips. "Is it because of the fangs ? Or how I look in this dress". To prove her point, she posed seductively, hinting at what her side job could have been. Iris wanted to have a little fun before she made off with the prostitute's corpse.

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Jaedric's hand wavered. His baton shook as his arm slowly lowered, dropping his overtly threatening exterior. He suddenly felt like a small boy once again, experiencing the world for the first time. He'd never had another vampire in his life, in his short, brief life. Barely two years since he was changed by way of an untimely death, no one had ever been there for him. He'd figured it out on his own as he went along, with terrible consequences. The first time he fed he was just so damn happy to see the love of his life again that he hugged her tight, pulled her so close. His fangs sank into her neck before he knew what was going on, and as soon as the first drop of blood hit his tongue he couldn't stop, wouldn't stop even if he wanted to.

He'd murdered everyone he loved in that first week, while trying to find solace. Trying to figure out what was happening to him and his body. He'd seen the movies, he'd read a few books. He knew what he was. He hung out late at night in alleyways for the first year, trying to find one of his kind. He didn't know where they frequented, how to find others of his kind. He'd finally begun to believe that he was it. The one and only. But now, less than an hour from sunrise, there she stood in front of him.

His tongue was stuck, his voicebox not responding to inquires from his brain. Say something damnit, you finally have a chance, one single chance. The baton now firmly held down at his side, he became suddenly self-conscious of his own image, and furiously rubbed over his bloody mouth with his forearm. All it managed to do was mess up his arm, now covered in almost dried blood clinging to his arm hairs.

Finally, after lowering his arm again, he managed to speak. Although it came out mostly as a squeak. "I didn't...I've never...You're..." He stared at her mouth, straight at her fangs. Everything had changed again, for the first time since his whole life went up in flames. "Like me..."

Iris lifted a hand up to shield her mouth. "Please stop staring at them..". Most teenage girls would take pride in fangs, showing them off to everyone. Look the people who had their teeth filed down. They disgusted her. Yes, if you took good care of them, fangs would shine and such but Iris hated them. There was no beauty in a monster, no beauty in what vampire fangs were used for. Ripping, tearing and sucking the life out of humans and not being able to stop yourself.

As he scrubbed his face with his sleeve, Iris was shocked about how confused he appeared opposed to the menacing look in his eyes when he first entered. Orion had told her that vampires were solitary creatures by nature, more vampires equals more bodies, so meeting another one-especially your first-bubbled up severeal emotions. Shock, terror, happiness, wonder and suprisingly, nostalgia. At least that's what Iris felt at first. As of now, the happiness was muted to a flicker of respect.

In a sudden display of boldness and intimacy, Iris stepped forward and started using her thumb to clear the blood away from his face like a overly concerned mother to a son. Most would wonder why she was so confident in the face of a man who was about to break a skull a second before. The answer was easy. Ever since she had turned, Iris had felt everything differently. Sad became devastating, hungry became ravenous, angry became murderous and cravings became needs. A small, almost affectionate half smile on her lips, Iris finished clearing away the blood. She was still close to him as she said quietly,
"Yeah, I know...it feels crazy right ?...I promise to explain everything to you over dinner because right now, I'm starving".
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Jaedric stared as she walked closer. She could have torn his throat out right then and there while he was dumbstruck like a deer in the headlights of a rapidly approaching car. But this car came slowly, and ran a finger across his face to help clean the mess he had made in the other room. After the first few months of being turned, he had been in a constant state of control. He was always the one pushing someone else, egging them on to come with him, to give him things. He had always been the aggressor and had perhaps forgotten how to let someone else make a decision, or do something he did not explicitly desire.

Once, he would have felt her warmth radiating from her body so close to his, but this was not a sense he would ever experience again. Anytime he was this near to a blood beating human, the only sensation he felt was ravenous hunger and a desire to rip them open. He found himself instead self conscious of his own fangs, closing his mouth which had been standing agape for, well, since he entered the small recently renovated bathroom.

"I had a...There was..." He huffed, taking a quick look away to bring himself back, to center himself and try to get over this rush of emotions; whatever they were. "She's drained." He would motion over his right shoulder towards the main room. He figured she could smell the blood, plus all of it that covered a majority of his face before she gave it her own touch. "The sun is coming up soon too...I'm not sure where we could find someone this late in the night...People are waking up all around us." He took a tentative step back, back into the main room and out of the doorway, and a step back from the woman who had just stumbled in through his window and into his life.

Iris slowly brought each finger to her lips, sending her pink tongue up lap up every drop of blood. She shivered softly, a low moan coming from the back of her throat. It was then she realized how hungry she was. "Oh, it's fine. I-um-I can wait". She had almost forgot what fresh, warm blood tasted like. Usually, Iris would have descended on her body already and licked up whatever was left but she felt strangely shy in front of him. By the state he was in, he was also a messy eater. However, feeding on a body sounded like the equivalent of eating out of the trash.

A smudge of blood was on her wrist and without thinking, Iris brought it up to her mouth, sucking vigorously on the skin. This time, she emitted a high pitched whimper. Oh god, she was starving. If Iris could blush, her face would be scarlet by now. Ripping her wrist away from her mouth, Iris chuckled shyly,
"Ah, sorry..that sounded mildly pornographic, didn't it ? I just haven't eaten in a while". She wouldn't tell him about Dick unless necessary.

Brushing her hands through her thick, platinum blonde hair repeatedly, a habit when thinking, Iris took a step out of the bathroom. The two were still a safe distance apart yet you could cut the tension with a butter knife. Quietly walking out, she took a seat on the edge of the bed, crossing her legs because this dress bared it all if you didn't sit a particular way. Very, very, very softly biting her bottom lip, Iris remember her manners. In a voice that was quiet to the point of delicate, she introduced herself.
"I'm Iris Ozera...nice to meet you". Originally, she was Iris Ozera-Campbell until her parents got killed and she dropped the name. She liked it better without Campbell anyway.
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Jaedric eyed her as she feasted on his leftovers. He couldn't recall a time he'd been that ravenous, at least not lately. He'd been feeding quite regularly and piling up quite the body count. He wasn't afraid of being caught, or even noticed. He'd been disposing his bodies in fire for years. As far as the authorities knew there seemed to be an arsonist in the area, and no one was quite sure why groups of people who had never met before were found burnt to a crisp. At some point, it would all come back to haunt him. But for now? He'd feast away.

She was really, really enjoying the small taste of blood she'd wiped off of him. Really. Exceptionally enjoying, it seemed. He wasn't exactly sure what to do in that exact situation, so he absentmindedly played with his fingernails behind his back. "No it's...I've been there. It's alright. I won't judge you." He smiled at her. Following her back into the bedroom, leaning up against the corner of the closet, looking over the corpse on the floor. "If I knew you were coming I'd have saved a bit..."

He had an idea. He wasn't sure how this all worked though. He'd seen movies, but things were different. His forehead didn't get all crunchy. Crosses didn't really seem to matter. He stuck his finger in holy water and didn't come away smoking. He hadn't tested wooden stakes, but he had a feeling anything shoved into his chest wasn't going to end well. But what about this? "Jaedric, Jaedric Kaine. Nice to meet you too. I guess you're a...Whatever we're called. Vampire it seems." He smirked, pushing off the wall and coming to sit on the opposite corner of the bed. "I...Don't really know how this works. I've never met anyone else, I've just made it up as I went along...Are you able to...You know..." He had a tough time saying it outloud, clearly. "Feed off of me? Just a bit? Before you grab the maid when she knocks in a couple hours and paint the hallway with her?" Maybe it was absurd. But, he had a hunch he needed to make a friend here today, if only to have someone to talk to again.

Her arched eyebrows shot straight up. Her hazel eyes were comically wide. Her mouth gaped open.

"F-feed off...you ?". Iris blinked slowly for a few moments. She...could they even...what ? She gave Jaedric a politely confused smile, one that said I-believe-I-misunderstood-what-you-said-but-I'm-just-not-going-to-ask. She had never actually heard of feeding off another vampire and when she met Orion, they both were too well feed to consider it. The idea made her slightly wary yet the thought of feeding was enough to make her want to attempt it. Standing up, Iris would knit her hands together and give him a nervous nod. "Well, it doesn't hurt to try".

She got off the bed, taking a small, inaudible breath. Iris preferred feeding from the wrist when taking small amounts. And she was going to take a very small amount. Again, she didn't know how vampire blood would affect it. It might be the most delicious thing she had ever tasted or it might kill her. She was hungry enough to take the risk. Iris walked in front of Jaedric, looking straight down at him. He was attractive yes, in the rebellious type of way but she didn't feel anything. Something about blood, warm, thick, coppery blood drove her crazy. Sometimes, if she focused enough, she could hear hearts beating and the sounds of liquid gold rushing through their veins. Knowing that she got to drink it excited her in a way that she had never felt when she was human. Looking at Jaedric, she felt nothing.

Slowly sinking to her knees in front of him, Iris grabbed his wrist and lifted it up to her mouth.
"Here goes nothing". She sunk her fangs into his flesh and took only the tiniest amount of blood. Rolling it around in her mouth, Iris found the taste quite unique. For once, it was cold. Frigid to be exact. And the taste was rich but bitter. Iris liked it. Glancing up at him through her lashes, she tried to seem hungry but she didn't need to fake the desperation. "Would you mind if I took some more".
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He shrugged before nodding, holding his wrist out. "Doesn't hurt to try...Unless it...Does..." He had no idea what was going to happen. Maybe she'd throw his blood up in a blackened puddle, start convulsing and go completely rabid. Or maybe he'd taste sweet and everything would be normal. He was fairly certain his heart no longer pumped, so he shouldn't bleed out. From what he could tell, the blood he drank was absorbed into his system and spread throughout his body where needed. It was clearly supernatural, and he wasn't a scientist. If he could help her, he would.

He was on edge as she brought his wrist to her mouth. He'd torn into so many with his own fangs, he never knew what it felt like. He had no idea how much it would hurt, or how much it would drain his strength. He was scared.

But she went about it entirely different than he did. She was gentle, soft. Her fangs pierced his skin like a needle, a quick pinch and a shiver down his spine that sent his senses reeling this way and that. When she tasted him, she didn't seem to explode, so when she asked for more, he nodded. With his other hand, he reached out and rested it against her cheek and ear, pulling her back into his wrist. "Be my guest...If it gets to be too much I'll tell you...Or pass out. I'm not really sure how that works..."

Without hesitation, she sunk her fangs into his wrist again. Admittedly, Iris was less gentle this time but she made sure not to cause Jaedric any major discomfort or pain. However, she still had a present for him. She had looked at countless pages of lore ever since she had turned and she kept coming across one fact ; that vampires could release certain endorphins as they fed which made feeding anywhere from tolerable to pleasurable. After practicing on mice, cats and dogs, Iris found out that it was true but it came with weeks of practice. She also found out that you couldn't do it when stressed or upset. Sitting here with her fangs in his wrist and his hand on her cheek, Iris Ozera was certainly not upset or stressed. Actually, she was happy-no, not that...she was content.

Finished with feeding, Iris titled her head back and closed her eyes. Her teeth buzzed like she had just bit into something cold and she could feel Jaedric's freezing blood coursing through her body. Gesturing towards her neck with her free hand, Iris giggled.
"I owe you, okay ? It tastes different but nice so if you ever want to try, don't hesitate to ask". Placing her hand on top of his, Iris decided to make her proposal. "You know what, I think I can try and make it up to you". She bit into his wrist for the third time but didn't take anything out but introduced something new to his system.

Iris was new at this and only had so much to give yet she didn't know how much it would take to get him to feel anything. For about fifteen seconds, she released the endorphins little by little until she was sure he'd have enough. Dropping his wrist gently, Iris stayed on her knees. Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, she tried to explain what he'd start to feel.
"It's a parlor trick I've learned..it'll kick in real soon but don't worry. I think you'll like it".
Jaedric tensed as she went back in for more, the feeling was one that he found very foreign. Here was this woman he didn't know at all, feeding on the life force that he'd stolen from so many others. She could keep going and kill him most likely, or weaken him so much that she could finish him off without barely lifting a finger. The sudden flow of his blood into her suckling mouth was by far the oddest sensation he'd ever felt. It was both extremely uneasy, yet it felt warm and inviting. He was saving her, in a way. For once he wasn't hurting everyone he came into contact with.

He smiled, having removed his hand from her face after she went in for more. A simple guiding hand was all he had offered at the time, and it seemed like she was perfectly able to continue on on her own. "If it ever comes to that and you're still sitting here in my hotel room, I'll make sure to have a taste..." He smirked, before she suddenly went back in again, bringing about a slight gasp as he clearly didn't expect it. This time, the feeling was drastically different.

He felt a wave wash over his body, a wave of warmth. Warmth. Physical, real warmth. His mouth slid open before he fell back onto the bed, slowly coming to rest on his back, his wrist dangling off the bed still in Iris' mouth. He felt his muscles ease, his bones stop aching, his hunger subside. The anger and hate that pulsed through his veins, that drove him to murder entire families for the thrill, to burn down their homes to hide the evidence, all of his dissipated. In fact, he hadn't felt a rush as good since before he died. When he shot up with the former love of his life. The emotions tried to roll back in, threatened to flood him with tears. But he was too far gone. The feelings he had had from back then were dead to him now. But the glow that he felt across his entire body was here, now. And he felt fucking amazing.

"What the...What did you just do to me? I feel amazing..."

Iris smiled, a genuine one that made her look like a schoolgirl not a creature who fed off of humans like cattle. She took his wrist out of her mouth, pressing a small kiss to it before setting his arm on the bed beside him. "I found out we could do this thing when feeding. It's like, uh, how do I explain it ? The endorphins I put into you are something we inject into prey to make them more docile or even happy. This is the first time I tried using it on a vampire so I gave you a bit more then I'd use on a human. I could teach you if you want". Iris glanced at the now forgotten corpse of the woman and her missing throat. "We might have to work on some self control though..".

Iris stood up and streched, her bones groaning with relief. She'd give anything not to have to sleep on Dick's bathtub again. Yes, she was sleeping in his bathtub. The couch was infested with roaches, the floor has ants and there were large, mysterious stains on his gaming chair. The bathroom was the cleanest one because he never used it. Speaking of staying in his hotel room, what time was it ? She had never dared to step out into the sun but once, she had tripped and brought a curtain down. The sun felt nice and then itchy and then very itchy and before she knew it, she was clawing at her own skin. There was a small patch of multiple miniscule scars on her shoulder from it.

She guessed it was around 4:30, the city was rubbing it's eyes and preparing coffee. People were beginning their morning jogs, making their kids breakfast and kicking someone out of their beds. It was almost bed time. As if on cue, Iris yawned and placed her palms against her eyes. Walking to the head of the bed, she curled up against the pillows and rested her face against them. No matter what happened to her, Iris was getting her sleep.

He could have laid there for hours in this state, or at least he had the urge to. Like he used to after he shot up, needle hanging out of his arm like an addicted piece of trash. Maybe he should've warned her he had quite the addictive personality, he very well may end up craving this feeling again. "I feel warm...All over my body. That's definitely something new..."

She was talking to him but he was finding it hard to concentrate. He caught the words 'work on some self control" and he lifted his wrist up, looking at the two piercing marks she had left behind on his wrist. He'd never seen the romanticism in it. It never felt like the movies. His bite was death, and the quickest way to make his victims meet their end was in a bloody pulp, torn out neck muscles and ripping the vein straight apart. It was an overloading of blood, almost like trying to swallow a squirt gun firing full speed into your mouth.

But he loved the feeling as the spurts of blood slowed down, as their heart faded and the pumps came to a stop. But this, the way she had fed off of him. It felt intimate, enjoyable even. For a second, he wondered if he'd be able to feed without killing the cattle, as it were. His thoughts were cut off as she climbed up onto the bed, curling up on the other side from him. With his legs still hanging off the bed, he slowly inched his way upwards like an earthworm, using mostly his torso to move his body. When he reached the pillow, he slumped into it with a happy sigh. Looking to his left, the first rays of sunshine came in through the still open bathroom window, faint and barely a light at all, but he could spot them nowadays. He'd learned to always avoid them. It never turned out well.

He turned his head slightly, looking at her back, mostly the back of her head. "Oh yeah, sure. Feel free to stay the night too. Mi casa es su casa." He'd drift off to sleep then, still finding himself in bliss.


Iris nestled deeper into the bed, her face sandwiched between two pillows. She was warm, not starving and in the dark which is practically the maximum amount of comfort a vampire could have. Gone was the stingingly cold marble of Dick's bathtub-wait, why wasn't she in Dick's bathtub ? It was then that Iris began realized how foreign the sensation of comfort was and judging by the smell, she wasn't in Kansas anymore.

She sat up, thinking to herself "Okay...I'll open my eyes in three...two...one". With that, her hazel orbs sprung open to examine the room. It was a pretty standard hotel room as far as she could see yet the trail of blood from the wall to the bathroom and the crumpled up body of a unfortunate young woman said otherwise. Taking a deep breath Iris turned around to see-her bed mate.

The events of last night came rushing back to her. His name was Jaedric Kaine. She fed off him last night then shot him full of endorphins. She was in his hotel room because she thought of feeding on him and the woman. He was a vampire just like her. And finally, she had to get this goddamn dress off. Turned back around, Iris got off the bad as slowly as possible so not to wake him unless he was already awake and choosing to ignore her. Holding her palms to the ceiling and arching her back, she yawned softly,
" Good morning. If you don't mind, I'd like to take a shower". Iris waited a second for any form of a objection. When that didn't come, she proceeded to rip her dress off. The flimsy thing tore easily and she tossed it to the ground, determined to never have to wear it again. Iris tied up her hair and strode to the bathroom, already slipping what little she had under the dress off.

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Jaedric dreamt of the time before. His family, his girlfriend, the sunlight. Everything was wonderful and happy. Everyone was alive. He didn't wake when verbally prodded, he stayed still as a gravestone, on his stomach, face deep into the halfway decent hotel room pillow. No, instead he awoke to the sound of ripping fabric. Suddenly wide awake he turned his head around by way of pressing his face straight into the pillow and smearing the slightly leftover blood across the pillowcase, catching a glimpse of her just as she entered the bathroom. Well then. He'd apparently had a good night.

With a yawn and a stretch, he slid his body downward and sat up on his knees, before stretching his arms up to the ceiling and bending backwards a bit, arching his spine and twisting his neck around. A good stretch to start your day would help keep the cold dead bones moving, or so he figured. As he looked around the room he gave a grimace. The place was a mess. The corpse in the corner was only slightly worse for wear. No blood pooling to purple up her skin, she had none left. The pillowcase would have to go. The sight of blood brought the moments before he passed out in a happy bubble rushing back in.

His eyes went to his wrist, barely a mark was left, slightly raised bumps where she had fed. He ran his finger across them a few times, before taking his own wrist into his mouth, gently placing his fangs against the marks. With a quizzical hmph being let out, he slid his feet out from under him and sat cross legged on the bed. He'd have to leave today. This room had gotten out of control. It was the last day it was paid for, and the maid's would surely be restless to come in and clean after he had denied it the past three days. The body would be a problem. He called out to the bathroom, "Shower quickly, I still have whore on my face...Dried, crusty whore. The worst kind." He leaned back again, stretching out his lower spine some more. "I have to leave here today. Bill is due, and I'm not the name on the room. It was cozy, but it's back to the streets for me..."

Nothing was harder then getting the smell of basement out of your hair. Iris had used every single minuscule bottle of the cheap hotel shampoo and went as far to use some hand soap. After what seemed like eons of intense scrubbing, she concluded that any trace of her previous recidence was gone. Thank God.

She stood facing the tap with her eyes closed, letting the blazing hot water gush over her face, down the valley between her breasts and into the floor. She had always been a fan of overly-almost painfully hot water before she turned and even more so now. The way it stung her skin reminded Iris that she could actually feel something. She was still doing that as a voice told her to shower quickly so he could wash "dried crusty whore" off his face. Iris literally had to bite her tongue in order not to respond with a sharp, " I'll take as much time as I fucking want". She had to be polite considering Jaedric let her sleep in his bed, use his shower, feed off of him and most importantly, he hadn't ripped her throat out. Well, he most likely would after he had found out that she had used all the shampoo.

"Okay,okay, I'll be out in a second...and that's lovely, it truly is".

She suddenly flipped the tap to the other side, sending a cascade of freezing water over herself. Making a mix between a laugh and a scream, Iris stumbled out of the shower. That was always her favriote part. In a closet attached to the side, she found a four towels and a robe. She knew that hotel rooms were supposed to be stocked with them but by the means Jaedric said he acquired the room, it was obvious the maid wouldn't be anywhere near here. Wrapping one towel around her body and the other around her hair, Iris pushed open the door, letting out a cloud of steam. "You could always say that all of you were having a threesome and things went majorly awry ?". Iris clapped her hand to her mouth immediately afterwards but a loud giggle still slipped out. "Anyway, do you have a spare set of clothes ? I'm not putting that dress back on and taking clothes off Jane Doe over there is a last resort".
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Jaedric spent the time she was showering walking around in circles, pacing. He stepped over the woman's legs numerous times, each time growing more and more upset over the entire situation. He had a plan last night. There was a garbage bin out the window down below in the alleyway, he could drop her down there, grab her body afterwards, throw it in the back of the man's truck who originally bought this room, drive her out to the forest, and burn here where he'd burned the man himself. It was a decent plan. Now however, as he glanced out the window, he saw a boot on the truck. The man had left it in the short term loading zone. That explained the lack of a suitcase with clothing in the room. Jaedric hadn't thought to look for the truck before he went downstairs, so thankfully he didn't toss the woman out of the window. That could've ended badly.

When she opened the door and the steam billowed out, he stepped forward and opened the door more, semi-forcefully pushing his way into the bathroom. Immediately he went to the sink, turned it on hot, and started splashing his face. Moments later, he was scrubbing with his palms, getting the dried blood that still remained almost caked into his skin off. He was quite clearly distressed by it's presence. With a grimace, he turned the water off and dried his face off on the nearby hand towel. "I could smell her still, as soon as I woke up. Junkie blood doesn't last." He rubbed his face some more, before sighing and putting the towel down, staring into the mirror, only half looking at her behind him wrapped up in towels.

"I don't...I don't have any other clothes. I don't keep more than one outfit around...Usually shop with the money I find on my...Well." He motioned outside to the main room again. "Sorry. There's probably a suitcase in Roger's truck, maybe a nice suit and tie would fit you." He dug into his pocket and pulled out the keys to the red Dodge Ram that was due to be towed in the parking lot down below and placed them on the bathroom counter. "I need to get out of here, I can't stay in this room any longer..." He was evidently freaking out, over the dead body, the lack of a place to go, and having to go back to life on the streets and under bridges, hiding out in parking garages at night. Life was tough without money.

Iris snatched up the keys, already uncomfortable in the cold room. She grabbed her socks and bra from the floor and was about to leave before catching a glimpse of Jaedric's face in the mirror. He looked as if he was about to have a panic attack. She couldn't blame him. There were few things worst then living outside and not being able to stay in the sun. By far, the most terrible place Iris could remember sleeping was a trash bin that was 1/4 filled with garbage and rats that bit her and died soon afterwards. No matter how disgusting the basement was, Dick's home was heaven compared to the other places she had slept.

"I know a place where we could go !", She blurted out and immediately bit on her inner cheek. " I didn't really plan on going back but now that I think about it, it might works. I'll explain after I get some clothes on". With, that she left, gnawing on her lip.

Iris found Roger's car quite easily. She hastily unlocked it, desperate to into something warm. There were suits and ties but also a pair of girls jeans and tennis shoes. Roger was a family man. Great, now she felt guilty and she didn't even kill the guy. Shaking her head, Iris tried to focus on what a miracle finding tennis shoes was because it was likely she'd break her ankles after another day of walking in those thigh high boots. Climbing in the truck, Iris dropped the towels and began to change. Soon after, she stepped out in a blazer buttoned a bit above the navel, the jeans and the sneakers with her hair pulled back in a sloppy ponytail and dark circles permantntly etched under her eyes. Gathering up the towels, Iris walked back to the room. It was time to tell Jaedric.

"His name was Dick Lewis-", she began with as soon as she entered the room. "He was in his mid-to late thirties , I think, and he lives in a house in the suburbs-it borders the woods though. Anyway, his wife and kids left him, he quit his job, was addicted to online gaming, has barely left his house for four months and the only time he's bothered to answer the doorbell, he was asshole. I doubt anyone would bug us. I looked into him a bit before, you know, taking a bite...".
When Iris left the room, Jaedric stared into the mirror for a few more moments. He nodded towards her as she left, oblivious to the half invitation to go back somewhere with her. Once she'd closed the door to the room, he turned around and started the shower back up, scalding hot. Or at least what this hotel could pass off, with so many rooms and such little hot water it was only a slightly burning hot. It would do. He stripped down and stepped in, standing under the water for a few moments.

He ran his hands through his unruly hair, before spying the empty shampoo bottle. Great. Women. He sighed, reaching down to turn the water off. Stepping out, he grabbed one of the other towels and dried himself off, leaving his hair wet and sticking to the sides of his face. Slipping back into the only pair of clothes he owned, he stepped out of the bathroom as she came back in.

He rose a brow at her wardrobe change, it wasn't anything near what he had expected. Nothing like what she wore before either. He took a few moments to take in this new view, giving her a quick once over from the bottom to the top, before locking eyes with her as she began frantically speaking once more. Once she finished, and seemed to be waiting for a response, he brought his hand to his chin and stroked it for a moment.

"Alright...A few things. Did you just invite me to live with you? Also, the way you describe this 'Dick', I feel like the house is probably a mess. Rats, trash...Did you dispose of him or is his corpse just hanging out in the basement...Could we secure anything on the upper floors? Blackout curtains...Anything of the sort?" He ran a hand through his hair, working towards getting it back to it's regular mussed up look.

Why was he looking at her like that ? What, did he want her to put the scraps of the dress back on ? Iris knew her face looked different without the purposefully application of heavy, dark colored makeup. And yes, the blazer wasn't the most feminine thing ever but it was comfortable. Hmph. Sometimes she liked being Iris, a beautiful female vampire living the city who tried to pull as much glamour as she could out of her trash bin life. Other times, she was Iris, a girl who was raised on a farm in Canada who was so fragile, slapping her left dark imprints on her skin.

"I'm simply inviting you to take residence with me for a unspecified amount of time. Plus-", Iris gestured towards her neck,"-I still owe you a meal". Honestly, she had no idea in hell about how Jaedric and her living together would go. Would every night be like the yesterday ? Would they end up killing each other? Would they spend hours vacuuming and lip syncing the latest hits from Pale Olive together ? Imagining the latter, she didn't know whether to laugh or scream. Plopping on the corner of the bed, Iris sank her fang into left thumb, careful not to bite too hard, and tried to figure out how to answer all of those questions.

"I've been sleeping in his bathtub because the floor is ankle deep in wrappers, wadded up tissue and yeah, the occasional roach. The upper levels are mildly clean but extremely well lit with large windows and such. And I have no idea about the blackout curtains aside from picking them up at Walmart or something". Iris bit down even harder on her thumb, she didn't want to mention the corpse but he'd most likely sense that. Plus, it would make things quite awkward if a decaying corpse had gone unmentioned in the deal. "I kept Dick alive pretty long. Feeding small amounts but enough to keep him weak and dazed along with the endorphins. He died after a week though but I didn't know what to do so I-uh-kept sucking out what I could. I got pretty sick after two days of drinking from the corpse ....His body is in a garbage bag, sitting on the couch. I think there's maggots in him".

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