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Vamps in the city: A Blood Story

When Iris mentioned her owing him a meal, he couldn't help but bare his fangs, ever so slightly. He ran his tongue over them both, before regaining control over himself and closing his mouth back up. Instincts were a real bitch. Even if she wasn't pumping full of warm blood, ready to spurt out with just a small slice. He'd turned into a feeding machine. It'd only get worse as the night went on. She bit into her thumb, and started talking.

Jaedric blinked. That was mostly what he did for the few moments after she had finished. To be honest to himself, it sounded worse than if he lived under a bridge for the next month. At least there the trash he had to deal with was gum wrappers and shopping bags. He gagged over the thought of the man still sitting on the couch, covered in maggots. She'd been living there? Didn't seem right at all.

"You're really, really bad at selling this to me. While sharing a bathtub with you might be..." He grinned. "Interesting, you've definitely managed to make me rethink just how bad being homeless is..." He leaned down and rummaged through the dead hooker's purse, opening a coin purse within, and generally rooting around. He pulled out a small wad of cash and counted it. "Seven hundred, give or take. What do you say we dispose of the body, and any other...Evidence of your feeding...And contract out some cleaners? Because I'm not touching crusty tissues."

Iris left go of her thumb. In all her excitement, she hadn't noticed that her fangs broke through the skin and now a thin sliver of blood ran from her thumb to her wrist. "Ooh,money. If we have any money left over, I'm buying you some hair gel. It makes the effortlessly tousled look much easier. And how do you suppose we get rid of Dick ? I was thinking the Ol' Norman Bates thing. Fill the bathtub with bleach, drop him in and look the other way". She smiled demurely, her tone light and coy despite the disturbing topic. "That'll mean we'd have to find somewhere else to sleep. The kitchen counter might be suitable". She had rarely ventured up to the rest of the house but she believes there were three bedrooms. One for his wife and the rest for his son and daughter. Dick had started babbling about his life story during feeding so she was practically ready to lead a tour of the Lewis residence.

"Would we take Jane Doe with ? She could use a good bath too". Iris was leaning on Jaedric for the whole strategy part. If it was up to her, she would have ran in circles until she passed out and dealt with it when she came to. She could adapt well but planning was never her forte. "We could just go to Walmart and buy tarps to cover up the windows. Give it our own homey touch". For some reason, the thought of casually going shopping for curtain with a man who was about to bash her head in,yeah, Iris wasn't forgetting about that,a day before caused her to chuckle and smile to herself. What were the fucking odds ?​
Jaedric mulled everything over, coming to decisions in his head. "You said this place was by the forest? Take 'em out back, go a few hundred feet into the forest. Dig a pit large enough for both of them, dig a small tunnel to a smaller pit. Set 'em on fire. Strip them down of course. No smoke, no light. Cook some s'mores or something while you wait." He'd done this before. Many times.

He was hesitant with how quickly she'd apparently attached herself to him. There was definitely a vibe of loneliness permeating through the room, although it was on both sides. He took a step closer and reached out, running his thumb over the small line of blood dripping from her finger, and slipped it into his mouth, using his tongue to clean his own thumb off.

"Might need a snack first...Digging holes and burning bodies is something best done on a full stomach, and you've left me...Parched." He grinned, turning towards the dead hooker. "We'll toss her out the window. There's a garbage bin down below. Set it on fire, close the lids, leave a hole for oxygen. Can't risk walking across town dragging a dead body..."

Iris looked down the thin, pink line that ran down her hand. "Oh, I didn't know that I was bleeding. Um-thanks ?". She wrapped her fingers around her thumb and squeezed, trying to ignore the faint stinging. "Cuts always hurt more once you notice them, right ? I almost cut through my index finger once and I only found out cause blood got all over my apple". Green apples used to be a favorite of hers, she'd eat around two every day. Right now, the taste of everything but blood was numbed down until it was a step above card board.

" So we just chuck her out of the window ? What if you miss ?". Iris squinted at Jaedric, he sounded as if he was talking about how to work a computer. "If you don't mind me asking, how many times have you done this before ?". She often fed off of victims like she did with Dick, taking enough to make them weak but not to kill them. Disposing of them was either chopping them up and dropping the limbs in bleach or throwing them in lakes or rivers. Classy, I know.
He shrugged. "Cuts don't really bother me anymore...Something about doing much worse to other people make the few knives I've taken seem to...pale in comparison." Sometimes food fought back. Sometimes, food had knives. Only once his food had a gun. He'd taken three shots to the chest before he got the man's throat ripped out. Didn't get to enjoy that one. The recovery was a right bitch too. Good thing about being a vampire though, he didn't particularly scar.

"Well. She's had her throat right torn out. I've never been one for a dainty feeding, although I'm starting to understand perhaps the reason behind it...We can probably toss her out, let the dogs take care of her. There's a few packs around here, wild dogs feeding on animal carcasses all over town. They should pick her clean overnight. No one will be the wiser, except for the blood spray across the wall. And to that...I have to say I'm not too worried. The man who rented this room is missing, never to be found. They'll say he killed her and threw her out the window. No evidence otherwise."

He'd done this before. "In the past two years, I'd say I've burned...One hundred? One hundred and twenty? Some all alone, a few in a bunch. Most have been buried afterwards, or during. Why? Is that extravagant? I've never really had anyone else to compare to...How many have you...You know. Fed from til they expired..."

Iris' suspected her feeding habits were odd compared to other vampires. She now knew that was correct.
"For starters, my body count is around 35 people per year". She gave him a wry smile, "I never plan on draining them right there. I have a knack for finding the right people to take feed off of once and leave. You know that there are actually humans addicted to the endorphins ? They're really rare though. Aside from that, most junkies who are desperate enough will let me take a bit for the buzz. Then sometimes I'll go to parties and guys-" Iris flushed softly, too embarrassed to continue, "-well, they let me bite them after or during. Guys who can't get a girl, Twilight fanboys and the ones who want a night with the new chick.Don't get me wrong, I am not exchanging sex for blood. Just....little things". Feeding till they expire is only something you can do when you have time. It's almost a luxury. We both have different experiences with taking blood but personally, I think it's sort of intimate. I'm the predator as much as I'm the prey. Doing that over a long period of time kinda connects you to a person".

Even Dick had a tiny piece of her soul that died along with him. Anyway, enough heart to heart for tonight. They should probably get going.
"Are we taking Roger Rabbit's car ? You'd look damn nice in a suit-everybody does. Still, if we are, you're driving...I hate it".

It would evidently turn out that they were quite different. Jaedric considered himself a weapon, a beast. He was hunter, they the hunted. Whereas Iris seemed to be taking a more...Classical approach to the whole thing. Romanticized, in fact. Jaedric hadn't stopped since he died to sit and think about it, about how he wanted to be perceived and how he wanted to live. They were his victims, he their doom.

"I never thought of it that way. I've been so caught up feeding the hunger, temporarily halting the pain that wells up when I haven't fed in a few days. It gets so bad that I need it, yearn for it immediately. I need a release and practically shower myself in their blood. I haven't really..." He paused, awkwardly looking around the room. "Had a relationship or any sort since I changed. Part of not knowing their were others, I guess. Turns out there isn't a bar in town with a sign 'Blood Drinker's Welcome' anywhere around here, you know? When you just get all this shit dropped on your head you tend to lose your way pretty quick I guess..."

He sighed, glancing out the window to the parking lot. "There's a boot on one of his tires. Unless you know how to get one of those off without ruining the wheel, I think we've got to walk."

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