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[Vampire the Requiem 2E] Ashes, Ashes, That's All There is to Eat

Darren, tired of showing off his dancing prowess, approaches the DJ. "Hey handsome, got a mic I can borrow for a few minutes?"
Dante steps to the side as the masses of people begin to wear on him. He begins to make his way to a more elevated and secluded area for a better view.
The DJ shakes his head.  "Sorry, karaoke night is Thursday."

(We are not suffering through Darren's one die attempt at singing.)
"Aww you're no fun." Darren will climb down, and go find a seat at the bar and relax.
From his vantage point, Dante will survey the club, and listen to any chatter concerning Jonas and the boys.

(3 Successes)
There'snot much in the way of chatter about Jonas, and anything you do hear seems to come from young women.

(Not sure what you mean by the boys?  The other pcs?)
"I'm sorry to hear that. Come on, let's find a booth and we can talk," Karl offers with a reassuring smile of a companion willing to hear what's up. He gestures some towards booths that would get them more away from the noise enough to just talk and drink.

"Never hurts to unburden yourself over stuff like this."
Of the coterie, there is more talk.  Little for Alec and yourself, you feel due to the power of he blood, but a good bit about Darren and Karl.  Most of it seems to be infatuation, but you hear a good bit of talk about them that is not, mostly from men.
She joins you in a booth, drink in hand.  "Thanks.  Y'know, something about you knda reminds me of him.  Are you related to some guy named Joe?"
(8 vitae)

Darren is

going to stand up, stretch languidly, and head upstairs as far as possible and find a vantage point to overlook the bottom floor and keep an eye out for suspicious activity.
Seeing that security and information gathering are both taken care of, Darren is going to get up, walk past Dante and discreetly slip him a note which reads ”You have my number, call me if anything happens. I have other business that needs my attention. I won't be long." Before heading back downstairs, obfuscate 1, and heading back to the car
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Alec checks the time, and passes his drink off to another person.  Lucky person. He moves closer to the booth Karl is at.
"Joe? Do you mean Jonas? You could say we're of distant blood relation," Karl offers with a chuckle as he enjoys his drink.

"I was actually looking for him, I'd heard he likes to come here. Were you trying to meet up with him as well?" Karl asks curiously now as he observes the girl.
"I mean, he said his name was Joe..." She trails off, looking off to die before shrugging. "Anyway, yeah, I was. Why are you looking for him?"
Once outside, Darren is going to climb into the passenger side of the car, pull out his phone and speed dial 1. *I think it's time to give master a call, I think he'd be interested in my plans.* He thinks to himself as the phone begins to ring.

I think ive done everything i can here. Not, much someone who specializes with the dead can do with the living. I think ill go and work on my studies.

Text to Karl: "Message me if anything comes up."

Dante makes a call and a car will arrive to pick him up.
"Dawn is breaking."

Dante waits a few moments for his ride to pull up.  When it does, a gentleman exits and opens the rear door for him.  "Where to sir?"
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"Greet the new day, Master Victor. I have an excursion planned that you may find interesting and thought I would give you a call."
"Take me home, corner of wats and 1st."

(Dante's Haven is actually a mortician building where he does his practices.)
"Oh?" Victor asked.  "And what would that be?"

Dante begins the journey home, arriving in a timely fashion to his work space.

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