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[Vampire the Requiem 2E] Ashes, Ashes, That's All There is to Eat

The crisp night air blows softly as you pull up to the Crossroads. You hear as much as feel the heavy thud of the bass as club goers filter into the building.  If any of you are hungry, you feel that this would be an excellent place to feed.

(If anyone hasn't rolled starting vitae, you should now)
<Vitae roll 7>

"Now, this is a much more lively place. I'll go speak with the bar tender and see if Jonas was here last night."

Dante walks in bypassing any line or bouncer, unnoticed, as if part of the background. Making his way through the crowd to the bar.
(vitae 9)

"Well gentlemen, I'll go on ahead then. Enjoy your evening and good hunting." Darren pulls his cloak around himself and seems to fade into obscurity, falling from sight as though just another party goer and slips into the front door with a crowd of others, no one giving him a second look.
Once inside, Darren makes his way over to an empty stool at the bar, closes his eyes, stops breathing and listens, taking in everything of importance and anything that seems interesting. (Also I'm pretty sure as a coterie that, even with obfuscate 1, we can see each other fine)
Dante steps up to the bar and takes a seat. He begins to recollect on last night vision, wondering if he saw Jonas being here the night before in his dreams. 

<Dream Visions: Did Jonas speak to the bartender?>
(Vitae: 8)

(-1 Blush of Life for the Scene)

Karl looks at the club and the name made him smile like only an occultist as his skin flushes with life as blood pumps through his veins. He heads in, flirting with the bouncers shamelessly about their lost potential and slipping them a few cards. His Black Sun Society always needed some muscle to look after its weaker members. His little recruitment shtick taken care of, he was moving into the main floor and looking for someone to chat up about the dearly departed Jonas.

(3 Successes)
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Darren listens to the club, the noises filling his senses.  He hears the heartbeats of the patrons, the bump and grind of the music, the flirting; he tries to sort through this information for any important bits.  (Roll wits + composure -2 for the myriad sensory stimuli.)

Dante waltzes up to the bar, taking a seat to wait for the bartender. His eyes grow heavy as he searches his dreams for knowledge of the past.  He closes his eyes and lets the visions begin.  He sees the bar, much as it was tonight, dark and loud.  He searches the area for jonas, but he is not there.  Instead, the beast hunts foe her prey. She triumphs in her hunt and gluts herself on the color of men.

Dante's vision is cut short by the bartender.  "Hey.  Can I get you anything?"

Karl smiles as he glances around the room, looking for anything out of place.  He sees it in a girl flirting with a man; her body language shows she's interested,  but her eyes keep darting around looking for someone.

(Reminder that you can turn a failure into a dramatic failure for a beat.  Since its what I'm doing in exalted, if you do that, everyone takes a beat)
(3 successes. i got 2 10s O.o )
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Dante, shakes himself off, as if per a cold chill.

"Why, yes sir you can. Am looking for someone who i believe was here last night. <Insert discription here of Jonas> Id greatly appreciate any information you could provide."

Dante casually slides a $50 across the bar.

(2 successes to persuade)
Darren notices a woman talking to her friends about a man she met the other night, he made her feel fantastic from a kiss to her neck.

The bartender nods, taking the money, "He wasn't here last night, but yeah I've seen him around. He goes after them young ladies all the time.  They sure do love him.  He should be back around day after tomorrow, ladies night, y'know."

(Jonas would normally be obfuscated while hunting, but that makes an investigation pretty hard.)
Darren will get up, and go back out to the car. Once there, he'll strip out of his cloak and armor, and lay his helmet in the car on top of it, all neatly folded. Stretching and popping his neck, he walks back in to the bar, mixes with the crowd, and drops his obfuscate. A man so unnaturally, hauntingly beautiful as to put elves and gods a like to shame emerges from the other side of the mass of club goers. He approaches the bar, and stands next to Dante, pointing at the chair next to him. "Is this seat taken?" (remember, none of you have actually SEEN Darren without his helmet on)
"No, its not my lovely friend. Why not take a seat, I've got some other lovelies to talk to."

Dante sits up and spins around to find Karl and the rest.

"Everyone should probably know he likes the young women at the bar. That will atleast narrow who we need to speak to." He thinks to himself. "As well that guy was someone to bring a little more attention then wanted."

<1 success to try and spot the others>
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Darren will spin on his heel and follow gracefully behind Dante, a wicked smile splayed across his face as he giggled to himself in his head. *I should have done this sooner!* he thinks to himself.
"Aww, you ruined my fun, Alec. Not fair. Dante was supposed to guess."
"Darren? What the hell man?" Said with surpirse

A sly grin comes over Dante's face, with the sudden realization of what Darrens looks could do.

"Darren, you should start talking to these young ladies, and see if they can tell us anything about Jonas."
"Oh I have the perfect target. Let's just hope they're not intimidated. I tend to have a certain....effect on mortals. Look, her, over there." Darren says, pointing out the woman he had overheard. "She was talking earlier about having been with Jonas recently."
"I have the same effect on people." A snort "Might have to do with me being a seven foot giant covered in tattoos"
"You should go talk to 'em Dante. Go offer to give 'em their "fix," if you know what I mean?"
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"I would suggest finding Karl. When he starts talking, people can't take their eyes off him..." Darren says, grinning widly. "Personally, I do believe that I feel like wowing the club with my graceful dance moves."
Speak of the devil and he should appear. Karl steps into view of the others he's already zeroing in on the girl looking about. He smiles as he approaches her and steps up closer now.

"You look like you've got something on your mind? Care to share? I'm a great listener," Karl declared with one of his best smiles now that he used to put people at ease. He held off on the Majesty for the moment, not wanting to have people around focusing too much on him while he talked about something sensitive.

(1 Success)
"See? I told you he was the man for the job." Darren says, shrugging. "Now if you'll excuse me, uh...'bust a move', as they say." Darren starts walking towards the very center of the dance floor, ready to law down some funky fresh dance moves to try and distract as many people as possible.
"Yeah," she starts, "I was looking for someone.  I thought he said he was gonna be here today, but I haven't see him..."  She looks around for someone.

Alec looks around the club.  He doesn't notice anyone menacing, but sees a couple people watching Karl and Dante.  Whenever they look towards these people, they turn their heads away.

Darren attracts several people to him with his dancing, attempting to liven up the dance floor.

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