>Vampire Kiss<

(I'm too lazy to post an intro right now....maybe later, but does anyone want to do a romantic vampire rp?)

Fill out the form below if you wish you join






Human or Vampire?:



Username: stormhawk324

Name: Silver Castillo

Age: 15

Gender: female

Appearance: Silver has long sky blue hair, a very bright blue color, it reaches down just to her lower back. Hidden under her long, curly bangs are her large silver eyes...that how she was given her name. Though her eyes are very mysterious and rather unrealistic looking, she is still a normal girl. She tends to wear an outfit consisting of some random graphic Tshirt usually with an anime character or cute animal design on the front, ripped skinny jeans, awesome red knee-high sneaker/boots, and some purple lace fingerless gloves.

Human or Vampire?: human

Personality: Silver is very quiet and shy, she's afraid to talk to basically EVERYONE...even her friends at times. She is very sweet and kind. She's not perfect though. Loud noises or random shocks could.bring her to tears in a second. Love is something that's she's never experienced, she's still trying to get used to close friends.

Crush/Bf/Gf: none yet

Other: noppppeee!

Username: stormhawk324

Name: Julian Tomiko

Age: 236

Gender: male

Appearance: Julian has thick black hair that falls down a few inches down his neck. His piercing blue eyes almost glow and are full of color compared to his sickly pale skin. If he "goes all vampire" his eyes his eyes shift a deep maroon red shade. He is almost always found wearing a slim-fit white shirt, tight skinny black jeans, black boots, a black choker collar (looks basically like a dark chain), and black nail polish. He always carries arouns his precious gray umbrella; It protects him from the sun and is kind of an accessory.

Human or Vampire?: Full-blood vampire

Crush/Bf/Gf: none yet

Other: nopppee againnn

([MENTION=4076]yullen-chan[/MENTION]: Thank you yullen! ^//^)
( my familia!! LOL )

Username: Scribbler101?

Name: Kia

Age: He looks 18 but really is 212

Gender: Male


Human or Vampire?: Vampire

Personality: He kind of a flirt. Mysterious. Sweet. Funny. He thinks himself as super hot.


Other:He can play the drums and guitar

Username: Scibbler101!

Name: Alexia

Age: 15

Gender: Female


Human or Vampire?: Human

Personality: She sweet and outgoing. She loves sports, she's sporty. She knows how to be girly and also how to get rough.


Other:She can sing well
Username: Splamey

Name: Kiyoshi Grey

Age: 5,013 (Oldest living vampire)

Gender: Male

Appearance: kiyo dressed very elegantly. He wears very nice pressed clothes. Suits in most cases. He has medium dark brown hair he slicks up. Dark brown eyes. Him being an original he has adapted to the suns rays unlike pretty much all other vampires. He wears a single ring on his left index finger with a blood red ruby in the center to show his true bloodline. It has very high significance to kiyo. I would not be the soul who dare take it from him. Most do not know he is vampire because the fact he walks in the sun.

Human or Vampire?: Original Vampire

Personality: cocky, confident mostly according to the immense power he wields, but he does not bring it into effect. He enjoys being apart of everything. He is the true bastard of any story.

Crush/Bf/Gf: he has had many women.

Other: plenty to find out through the RP
([MENTION=3656]Scribbler101[/MENTION]: accepted! ^^)

([MENTION=4526]Splamey[/MENTION]: you're accepted too! ^^)

([MENTION=3656]Scribbler101[/MENTION]: accepted! ^^)

([MENTION=4526]Splamey[/MENTION]: you're accepted too! ^^)
( Sweet! This will be awesome! )


( Is there like a training room, like is there a vampire high school and then a human high school? )

Kia was in the training room. He was examining his sword. He looked at it carefully. He looked for flaws and such. He blew of some dust that he saw. "Perfect." He said, flinging and swiping his sword around. He was pretty with swords. He was best with two swords. But, right now he had one. That was all he needed. He planed to go on a hunt that night. Maybe get a couple humans.


She walked down the sidewalk. She had ear-buds in her ears and was listening to a song by "Stereophonics," called "Your're my star" She loved this song. She loved the band. Fun Fact! Did you know that before Adele was famous, she went to one of there concerts? Look it up! Yo!
(Sure, I was thinking of them sharing one a highschool together and the vampires were all secretive...but whatever everyone agrees on is fine)

Julian grumbled under his breath as he headed slowly towards the school, his large umbrella in his right hand. He hated the fact that he still had to attend school. "Stupid parents! I should be at home in the darkness, not heading to some daytime school....what makes it worse is that it's filled with mostly humans! Humans! And I can't even drink a drop of their blood in plain sight....this is gonna be nothing but torture." He complained as if discussing it with someone.

Silver fiddled with his long hair as she slowly padded towards the highschool too. First day of school and she was really nervous; Though she always got nervous when arriving at new and unfamiliar places. She bit her lip, adjusting her backpack strap as she walked in through the main entrance.
The air was dim and smoggy around the area kiyo walked in. He took about three steps before stopping infront of the large school. 'Looks just like another feasting ground to me,' but there was something about it. Something promising. That's it! There were other vampires here. Pretty fresh ones at that! No more then 300 years old. They were not from his bloodline though. So where did they come from. Kiyo stopped on the subject and began to walk into the school through the boiling sun completely unfazed.

Kiyo stood at an above average height of 6'1. He would weigh about 199lbs that was with his finally made clothes on. He had dark brown hair he swooped back in a sort of swoosh. He had dark brown eyes with a sort of sparkle of some sort in the center. He had a very narrow mouth that usually came back in a grin. He did not care for people nor have anything to do with them. All people were just blood bags to him. Little bags of food with legs, that walked around and begged you to eat them. They were asking for it and come to know it he was getting hungry. He could wait though it will all work out eventually.

After a few steps he walked up into the school to look around. Yep all blood bags. Until he noticed a male walk right infront of him. 'hmm so there are vampires.' He dashed forward stepping infront of the boy with the umbrella. "Hello." He said with a devilish grin. "I can smell your blood." He laughed abit as he looked over the mans shoulder at the nearby people. Disgusting... He was ready for action.
Julian suddenly came to a stop when the vampire stepped infront of him. "Don't make it so obvious," he continued to grumble eith frustration. He blinked when he noticed that he carried no umbrella. Was he unaffected by the sunlight? "Where's your umbrella? Are you just immune to the sun or something?" He asked curiously, wondering how that was possible. He sniffed a small whiff of the air, yep, an obvious vampire...an old one at that.
Kiyo smirked and look down. "You are young aren't you? How do you even know I am a vampire?" his ringed glimmered in the sun right at the moment. "Don't you know vampires can't be in the sun?" His voice a little angry now. That was the last thing he said to him before dashing forward, his dash was almost instant. Most wouldn't even think he hadn't been in his new position the entire time. He appeared infront of the girl walking and twiddling with her hair. Her blood was very fresh. No cuts, no marks, this blood has never been tainted. He leaned in his face infront of hers. "Why, hello there." His voice now charming. Almost putting her in a trance with his gaze. It was suddenly cut short when he asked, "Can you show me where this is?" pointing to his schedule to the first period. I do not know if she knows what vampires are, but there should no doubt that he wasn't human.
Username: Fire of Hearts

Name: Flower

Age: 19

Gender: female

Appearance: Flower has snow white hair, she is also pretty tall for a girl. Her skin is pale but does have some tan to it. Her eyes are a deep green with slight yellow cracks that give it a sunlit type look. Her outfit is like a tunic with a cloak or robe. She has brown long gloves that over most of her arm and fingers with gold lining. She wears long boots which on the inside she has a small knife she keeps.

Human or Vampire?: Human

Personality: Flower is a strong willed unrelenting girl. Her bark is the same as her bite. She will beat up anyone and is highly trained to defend herself. However this fiery tough girl does have a sweet soft side. She loves animals and is pretty nice if you get to know her. She is protective and does know how to have fun. She

Crush/Bf/Gf: None; no one really got passed her scary beat you up wall.

([MENTION=1478]Fire of Hearts[/MENTION]: Accepted! Start whenever!)

Julian continued to grumble to himself after the mysterious man suddenly disappeared, he complained about pointless things as he finally entered the school grounds.

Silver eeped a small, quiet squeal when the man reappeared before her. Her face grew red when he.calmly spoke to her. Looking doswn at the smooth tiles on the floor, she pointed a finger in the direction of his first class. "First h-hallway, 2nd door..t-to the left.." she stuttered, still gazing down at the ground. She wasn't quite sure if he was asking for directions or if he actually wanted her to show him the classroom.
(Not sure where to start....so let's try this!) Flower was walking while reading a book in her hand. The title was blocked by most of her hand as she held it out before her, however the book was a story about dragons. She briefly looked up to make sure not to run into anyone and then pushed her white hair behind her ear. She glanced up and right before a student ran into her she stopped and spun around him. She walked normally again and continued her reading. Yes, she was an odd one, highly skilled in defending herself and even more so...some say she dressed oddly. However the most attention drawing feature was probably her hair, long, snow white, and very soft. Flower had rumors about her but she ignored them, the last thing on her long list of things to do was to be popular or even social so she wasn't all that known of. (Ok thanks.)

name:Nichole Katoya



appearance:View attachment 14102

personality:shy but is seriously deadly!

human or Vampire?: half vampire


other:she loves playing with animals and baking! is good at writing songs.


name:Jaden Yuki


appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/images-12.jpeg.3c490587538783dd722e006485096e18.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/images-12.jpeg.3c490587538783dd722e006485096e18.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>(takes duel disk away)

personality:Kind funny silly will brighten anyone's day! very protective of friends!

human or vampire:human

bf/gf:has a crush on Nichole or Clioe!!

other:loves eating shrimp tempura!



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([MENTION=4076]yullen-chan[/MENTION]: Accepted!)

Julian glanced at all the other new students. They all were uniquely different in some way, something that caught his eye was the fact that all the others had bright, fantasy-like hair. Blue, red, white, and for a second he thought he saw someone with pink and orange mohawk. "Strange...even for humans." He mumbled quietly, too quiet for anyone with regular hearing to pick up.
(yay!) Nichole walked into the school and looked around. she had her hair down and pushed up her glasses on her nose looking down. she was hated for being a halffa. Nichole never really had friends. she didnt care but it kinda hurt.
He continued to glance at her. The blood rushed to her face to cause the blush. He could sense the blood, he has became very keen about that over the years. He was wise he has manipulated and attracted many women over the years. "So are you going to show me where it is?" He glanced at the girl who walked by him reading he turned his head to check her out out. 'Hmmm these human girls are getting more attractive through the years.' he thought to himself. His first class was (Whatever everyone else has, would make sense if we shared the classes) He was ready for it. There is just about nothing he has not experienced through the years school would be a piece of cake.
Flower was reading when someone shouted…”HEY WHITEY!” Flower looked at the guy. “Huh?” She said and then ran into Julian. “Watch out you’re about to run into someone.” The boy laughed and Flower growled with annoyance. “What, you got nothing better to do?!” She yelled at the boy and then lent down picking up her book. “Sorry about that.” She said and then sighed. “Ugh, lost my place…” She mumbled.
"U-uh....um, I guess so. Since th-that's my first period too...." Silver slowy lifted up her head. She wasn't nervous around him since he was a boy...well, that was partly why, she had always been afraid of others. She's a very shy and rather awkward girl at times. She adjusted her backpack again before turning and walking in the direction of their first class, language arts. She glanced a quick peek back at the guy, he seemed a little old for highschool, but perhaps she was just being judgemental aboutt his appearance.
(@storm:yes they know)

Nichole sneezed she sighed and kept her head low stupid stupid stupid!!! her hair got in her eyes and she blew it away.
Julian sighed when he dropped his umbrella, quickly snatching it back up in his hand before kt even hit the floor. Raising it back above his head, he turned to the girl that had suddenly ran into him. "It's okay," he shrugged then added, "Does this usually happen to a girl like you?" He was referrinng to the continuous teasing from others.
Nichole made a sharp turn to her locker quickly fixing her hair into a ponytail. she ran to class so she wouldn't be late. Nichole has NEVER been late in her life!
Julian took a step back when another girl suddenly zoomed right past them. He watched her run off. He sniffed the air quietly, her blood smelled like his...yet it didn't. He raised an eyebrow slightly. He couldn't quite tell if she were a vampire or a human...he decided he'd investgate later. This was his very first year at this highschool. He didn't know much about the students.

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