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Graded [Vaitiare Town] Watering my Plant


It seemed Keone had just expected them to be kicked out before anything started and Nikita half wondered if that would have been better. She didn't really think that there would be much pressure on the lower levels of the baths like there was none now. Nikita sat on Keone's tail though closer to the snake woman's toros she was feeling better but she still desired to be close and while she was okay with islwyn again she found herself putting a little distance between herself and the satyr. it wasn't something she thought about it was very much like if you scared an animal afterwards they would give you a bit of extra space without fully realizing it.

" I don't think she wanted to learn just to confirm how she views things " Nikita said " Instead of trying to see how people acted she only wanted them to act how she expected " She continued if she wanted had wanted to learn then she would have to let others teach. Nikita did her best to listen even if she wasn't the best at dealing with people like the panda.
Shael Xyvern

Interactions: Elvario Elvario

Shael listened, a small look of realization coming over her face, yet another example of her being a bit more emotive even if quite subdued after having found Kalina.

"Ah, I had no idea they had such a significance in your religion as well, thank you for sharing, my knowledge feels richer already since our conversation." She'd say with a soft smile, she did mean that too, in general Shael liked learning this type of information.

She was also pleasantly surprised at the Panda's follow up, there were actually more similarities than Shael thought between their sensibilities even in faith, the idea of balance and there being magic in many things, though she wasn't sure if one would agree everyone adhered to that sort of balance, there were clear examples of individuals who did not, and had no desire too from what she witnessed.

Regardless Shael nodded once more and simply replied, "Well said." to show that she had been paying attention and to affirm the sentiment behind the words.

When Euthalia spoke she stayed quiet and listened, finding herself a bit relieved to hear that it sounded like their operation in coming there hadn't been ruined, with the panda lady still being agreeable on that front, even if she didn't sound like she wanted to get Into the nitty gritty of politics at the moment. As long as the door was open, Shael was content as that was a large reason as to why she had come, to help Euthalia with that very goal.

Just as she nodded in agreement and assumed a relaxing position, unfortunately Lady Vaitiare had to leave, business called it sounded like.

"ah..Thank you for your patience and hospitality Lady Vaitiare, I do hope that we can meet again in the future." Shael replied respectfully as the lady left, then looking Euthalia and letting out a bit of a soft giggle at the herb comment.

"True..it is most curious, but honestly I was surprised how much in common some of our sensibilities are..I think that's actually..somewhat reassuring." Shael added.

Before Shael paused to reflect for a moment at Euthalia's words, "hm..I suppose she did, if you don't mind me asking, any idea why you think that Is? I do hope that it isn't only because of my..exotic complexion." She'd eventually say, having taken notice by this point that it was definitely a topic of conversation to those not used to it.
Tag and character goal:
Elvario Elvario Euthalia Apricot – Gain West Empire Diplomacy Asset
Karcen Karcen NikitaBe a good pet Human. | Help Euthalia. | Enjoy the waters. Goals partially accomplished.
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Shael XyvernHelp Euthalia. | Enjoy the waters.
heartspan heartspan Asahi FujikawaDo some sightseeing | Try not to get in (too much) trouble due to his Human race or [Wanted] title Both Goals Accomplished.



From: Microsoft Copilot

Tushar was absolutely shocked. “You tried to seduce that woman? Wow... that is... Odd.” She shook her head. “Well, to each their own.”

She laughed at him denying the 'sightseeing' part. “He'd be a whole lot more difficult to run from, but it should be fine~ I know some ways in which it would be far less... Hmmm? Offensive?” She'd nod sagely, though not further explaining.

“Oh! Going for drinks sounds fun~ Let's go!” She stated, as she'd be up for an afternoon and night of drinking with her new friend.


Vaitiare's Wonderful Waters – Private Bath
From: Microsoft Copilot

Islwyn Meadhra

She'd sigh at what Nikita said. “You're not wrong, but it's also not that simple. She probably thought she had a status or something to keep up... Well, what's done is done, let's just enjoy the water.”

At the girl keeping her distance, she'd sigh. “Come here, again, I'm sorry I panicked.” She's say, as she'd attempt to pull the girl into a hug, figuring she was also a bit upset at how things gone down. Probably.


Vaitiare's Wonderful Waters – Private Pool
From: Microsoft Copilot

Euthalia Apricot


Heavily self-edited AI generated stuff.

“Reassuring, but also worrying. We'd agree on a fair few ideals, yet they seem to firmly believe in a system of castes that put them, as Beasts, at the top. Whilst I would beg to differ that those with far longer lifespans would be far more suitable at the top of such a system. Not to begin about the fact that they endorse slavery.” She shook her head. “Even sharing some of the same sensibilities, it seems the outcomes can become vastly different from there.”

As for why the focus had been on Shael, she had to think Probably because the narrator didn't wish to RP with himself most of the time. “Perhaps she felt more at ease due to not knowing how to address me? My position doesn't easily slot into their castes and I'm a much different being. You'd be slightly closer to her in most physical regards.” That was her first guess. “Either that or she hoped to get you to mess up about me and failed.” That'd be the second, less optimistic guess. “Either way, I feel like it worked out.”

As for exotic complexion, that did make Euthalia chuckle. “I do believe that pale skin is still more common than green skin, so if it was merely the rarity of your complexion, I'd be surprised. Perhaps it was just the easiest topic to try bring up?” That felt likelier. “Hmmm, though I do think it's still rare, thinking of it. Even back in my far more frivolous youthful days, I don't think I've spent a night with a Lune Elf.” She stated, not taking into account how that might be taken in a wrong way.
Shael Xyvern
Elvario Elvario

"Of course I Agree, their system is fair from ideal Euthalia. Assuming that one is superior and there for everyone else should be enslaved inherently is problematic from a moralistic standpoint in my opinion, our nation of origin is much more kind in that sense, we do not enslave those who are seen as lesser, many are kind enough even to tolerate those who they deem lesser, in the West Empire this much is less certain to me..to my understanding they do not assure their slaves any rights, meanwhile at the very least the East Empire as unfavorable as they are ensures that it's beast slaves are given a right to life.."

"I do find it curious like you say, how does one come to agree that there is an importance in harmony and in balance and then so decidedly use resources so aggressively and ambitiously and then use others as property and tools as they do..as groups we have come to very different conclusions like you say..despite our similarities. I do hope that with time there can be positive change."

Shael looked like she was in thought for a moment before nodding a bit slowly at Euthalia's response to her inquiry.

"Hm..I hadn't really considered that, but I think there's merit to your analysis. I suppose I do fit into the archetype of what they associate a 'typical fae' of being, and of course while they do have diplomats I imagine the majority of them are beasts so they're classified a certain way..because as you say it does seem much of their system is based on ascribing value judgements to one's physicality..so yes..maybe more familiarity drew her to talking to me more freely."

"I certainly hope it wasn't the second one, but it was pretty clear she was testing the waters, but if she was hoping for failure, she certainly didn't achieve it in my opinion, I agree I think it certainly worked out."
Shael smiled softly at Euthalia.

"Even with Nikita..I'm sure she'll learn with time if you spend some time training her, which would make sense if she's going to be with you on more of these escapades."

regarding the pale skin she nodded, "Well there certainly aren't many Lune elves, and it is a..intense tone I suppose compared to many, but as you say there are other Fae and beings who are not Lune elves who also possess very light skin."

"When thinking it through some orcs and goblins certainly add to the green skin number though..granted I don't think I know all of the groups and their sizes when it comes to common colors, it's not like all orcs and goblins are green either..."

"Frivolous youthful days? You sound sort of like my sister..but I think she'd use different words than the ones you just used."
Shael chuckled a bit, particularly after she heard what Kalina had been up too.

"I suppose this'll be the closest you'll get to spending the night with one then as of recent hm?" Shael chuckled a bit more.

"I hope you haven't found my company lack luster, truthfully for the longest time I hardly spoke outside of business, so I don't know how practiced I am...but regardless I've rather enjoyed traveling and assisting you thus far."

Shael reassumed her relaxing position in the water after that, looking up a bit.
Euthalia Apricot


Heavily self-edited AI generated stuff.
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

She didn't find Shael to be entirely convincing. Mostly as there was some barely hidden criticism of their own system in there as well. She decided not to argue, however, instead pointing out one line of thought. “It seems their idea of harmony, at the very least, is set in a rather rigid caste system that's heavily focussed on rank and status.”

When it came to differences, Euthalia simply nodded. “It's oddly annoying when I'm having to refuse all sorts of formal 'dinner events' or having to just stand by and watch whilst being considered rude to not partake can get.” Small things like those really worked against her sometimes.

On the topic of Nikita, she sighed. “Sometimes I really wonder if I'm not making a huge mistake taking her along and shouldn't just put her in some Human city in Ryke or something, but I think I'd start to regret it if I did, oddly enough.” Just like with a pet, she'd gotten attached to the Human, against her better judgement.

“Ugh... right.” She'd scoff at the mention of Orcs and Goblins. Clearly she wasn't a fan and did not like being remembered of both their existence and shared skin tone. “Though a lot of them are also greyish or brownish.” She sighed. “Makes you wonder why some of them are green when they don't even need to absorb sunlight.”

Euthalia did not expect to be compared to Shael's sister, especially not on that topic. “I guess a lot of us like to test things out when young.” She decided to state, being a tad more strategic with her reply. The next bit caught her off guard even more, though it did make her chuckle. “Don't make Islwyn hear that, or you'll never live to see the end of it. She'd love such a rumour.”

She'd nod. “You've been great to have along.” She'd reply.

Nikita hadn't even realized she was keeping a distance from islwyn who had honestly just been trying to kelp. Nikita didn't really agree with Islwyn about the status thing, if she wanted to learn the first thing you had to do was be willing to listen to others no matter what. To Nikita Valitire had kept her walls up and expected everyone to just do as she wanted, she had not sought to learn at all. she wanted to show off thinking she was the best, to talk about herself, to impose her values upon others. She would make a very poor pokemon that much was true as they understood such things.

" She would make for a poor pokemon she can't learn if she never opens her eyes and ears " Nikita sighed as she moved over to Hug islwyn. The others might not get it and in some ways Nikita herself didn't but it did seems sometimes she could think deeper than the surface like she had been until now. " though i guess even learning here might be different. Not a world of equals and partners, but of casts and systems. A world that makes you fit a mold rather than lets you be you. Maybe thats why what my parents made killed everyone it didn't want to be put in a mold. " Nikita mused again going deeper than she normally did in thoughts. She often acted and was easily seen as a child but she wasn't.
Shael Xyvern

Elvario Elvario Karcen Karcen

It was certainly true there were barely hidden criticisms, ones which Shael had tread lightly on, not trying to start a debate with Euthalia either.

"Yes the caste system is an important part but at the same time I was impressed with her acknowledging the importance of nature and there being balance there between other forms of life..even if the caste system I agree is rather rigid."

At the next comment Shael nodded

"Ah, I'm sorry to hear that, that must be hard with your profession at times, there must be a way to convey to those discretely around you that you don't eat in the same way they do, if they hadn't figured that much out already....on that topic though are there..any carnivorous variety of Sylvari that you are aware of? I am aware that some plants in nature 'digest' insects and other living things, so the thought did cross my mind just now.."

"I don't think it's a mistake, knowing you, you'll put in the work to make it work well, and I think with time she could even prove to be an asset, it's pretty obvious to me that she wishes to please you, and is just trying her best, If you can direct that effort in the right way, I am quite optimistic about the outcome."

Shael added with another soft smile.

Shael was in thought again nodding when she mentioned the skin tone.

"I suppose that's something you might need to ask the Spirit King about...or perhaps a proper cardinal..as some of them are of the Fae variety to my understanding...or maybe even someone who studies that sort of topic academically, I suppose that would be a bit of a..question which probably wouldn't be the best use of time if one were to be in a position to speak to either of those." Shael chuckled a bit light heartily after she worked it all through verbally.

"Test things out when young hm? I suppose I"m quite different than my sister in that regard, I can't say I've had any sort of excursion with anyone like that before..although I suppose I'm not opposed to get more intimate if I were to meet the right person.."

"Oh would she now?"
Shael chuckled a bit more, "is that right? She certainly seems to know how to have fun."

Shael looked over to Euthalia when she told her she was great to have along, "Thank you...that's kind of you to say, I try my best whether it's business or leisure.."

"Truth be told I don't think I would have believed it if you told me years ago I'd be assisting a diplomat of the Fae See, but youno doubt I would have been ecstatic.."
Asahi stretched lazily, a feeling of safety finally beginning to replace the overwhelming feeling of trepidation. As the two of them spoke Asahi thought back on his sordid past, and on trying to seduce a group of candy making beauties. He had been hyped on getting isekai'd, and filled to the brim with the bullshit ideas one was bound to have after having been steeped in anime. He had overestimated his talents back then, or was it that he had underestimated reality. Either way it had quickly become a mess. Nevertheless, Asahi did not regret it even a single bit. In fact his failure back then had been the impetus for his harem building goal.

" Tushar...haven't you ever looked at a dish of candy and wanted to grab up a handful." Asahi replied cheekily " That's how it was back then...I saw some candy witches and took a shot at it. If I had known it would fail so spectacularly....well, then again that is how most Dark Pasts are, right......"

He rest his hands on the back of his head leisurely as he started walking out of the alley way.

" I have no idea where we're at, but lets eat somewhere cheap. Cheap but with lots of meat and strong ass drinks." He stated, his tone friendly and just a little tired. " I'm just a poor ass bum after all."

When he thought about it, Her father would be so much more pissed off that His noble daughter was perv-bonding with some random human, than sharing her secret techniques. The very thought made him chuckle to himself. Well, that too would have to remain a secret as far as Asahi was concerned. Perv-bonding, secret techniques, and Dark Pasts. All of them Best left in the shadows of memory. He suddenly turned to look at Tushar, a broad friendly grin on his face.

" Let's get so drunk we puke rainbows in the alleyway when we're done." He stated boldly as he proposed what he thought a very excellent plan.
Tag and character goal:
Elvario Elvario Euthalia Apricot – Gain West Empire Diplomacy Asset
Karcen Karcen NikitaBe a good pet Human. | Help Euthalia. | Enjoy the waters. Goals partially accomplished.
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Shael XyvernHelp Euthalia. | Enjoy the waters. Both Goals Accomplished.
heartspan heartspan Asahi FujikawaDo some sightseeing | Try not to get in (too much) trouble due to his Human race or [Wanted] title Both Goals Accomplished.

Vaitiare's Wonderful Waters – Private Bath
From: Microsoft Copilot

Islwyn Meadhra

She was glad to be able to make up with their pet Human, as she feared she might actually start feeling bad about herself if Nikita would continue to keep at a distance from her. She'd gently pet the Human's hair as she listened to her talk. “Yes, I think she'd indeed make for a bad one.” She figured she could give the Human that much.

The next bit was worrying. “I... I am not sure what you're talking about, but that sounds pretty terrible.” She was wondering if they were dealing with the daughter of some mass murderers now. “Though for now, let's now worry ourselves and just enjoy, right? I'm... I'm sure Euthalia will be alright.” She was still a bit worried, but she didn't wish to keep bringing down the mood.


Euthalia Apricot


Heavily self-edited AI generated stuff.

She'd nod. “I think the main issue, or biggest difference, is in how they perceive balance to be obtained or exist.” That was probably where it started to differ wildly.

As for carnivorous Sylvari, she thought for a moment. “There are some, but I haven't heard the best things about them. I'm not sure if I'd be eager to meet one. Especially not as I've heard rumours a fair few of them ended up becoming corrupted and turning into monsters.” She'd shiver. A terrible fate to befall someone.

The topic of Nikita made her relax a bit. “I guess... I guess that's what she's been doing then?” Someone that was still a bit of a surprise to Euthalia. “Perhaps you're right. I'm sure she could help out a lot with diplomacy towards Human-led nations, if taught well.”

The topic of the greenness of Orcs or Goblins did not need further discussion.

“You haven't had any?” Euthalia sounded genuinely surprised. “Then again, I guess we are both still young by our species' standards.” The next bit was equally surprising. “The right person?” She thought back to Calliope, then shook her head. “I'll probably put finding a 'right' person on hold for a few decades. A casual fling here and there would be an easier alternative.”

As for Islwyn, Euthalia nodded. “She could teach you all you'd ever want to know and help you put all of it into practice while at it. She's a true Satyr in those regards.”

The last bit was more wholesome. “Things can go quickly, it seems. Perhaps I can rely upon your assistance in the future as well, but for now, I believe we've earned some respite.” She'd say, as she closed her eyes and lean back. Enjoying the waters.




From: Microsoft Copilot

She tilted her head and stared at him in utter confusion for a while, as he brought up the 'dish of candy' that he wanted to grab. Until it finally hit her. “OOOOOOHHH!!!!” Her tail wagged. “Now I see! Yes, I think I get you there!” She'd nod sagely. “Aren't most dark pasts about being tortured and mistreated or something?” She'd ask, but then shrugged. “Ah well, live, learn and be wanted, I guess!” Just a really annoying type of wanted.

A laugh escaped her lips when he mentioned the need for being cheap. “No worries, it'll be on me! I still have money left from when I helped defeat a [Monster] that escaped its slavery.” She stated proudfully.

“Wow... that last bit sounds wild! Let's do it!” She stated on the topic of getting drunk. It seemed she was quick to pick up on more bad influences than just her already existing pervy nature.

The End.
These are only suggestions that I'm putting up for the graders to hopefully approve of. No rewards can be added until a mod signs off on them during the grading post for this RP, which is known to sometimes take up to a month or two due to backlogs and limited amounts of grader mods.

Narrators Involved (List the narrators who participated in the roleplay.)
Elvario Elvario

Narrator Standing (Provide the standing of each narrator involved, including links to their standing sheets for reference.)
Elvario Elvario

Standing Grade S from:
Kalina Chivernu
Victorique Sopheana
Regula Caelia
Zahrah Fiore
Euthalia Apricot

Standing Grade B from:
Saoirse Desrosiers

Standing Grade D from:
Amice Bellamy

Summary of the Roleplay (Briefly summarize the events and main storyline of the roleplay.)
Fae diplomat and Goodwill Ambassador Euthalia Apricot has been invited by lady Vaitiare to come visit the town of Vaitiare in the similarly named barony. She's asked to attend the opening of a bathhouse in the town, located in the West Empire (Ororoot) side of the border next to the See of Chearon. Although it is no 'formal' mission, both sides expect some back-room, or perhaps 'back-water' business might occur and that it's best to stay sharp. Euthalia simple hopes to gain some more connection to the West Empire through making a good enough impression. Others joining in might simply come to enjoy the waters or to catch up on some rumours, or perhaps to see if they too can meet some influential people to butter-up too. The meeting happened with a few hiccups, but nothing major. A small but noticeable connection has now been established between Euthalia and the West Empire through a successfully meeting with lady Vaitiare.

Goal Achievement (Indicate whether the goal of the roleplay was accomplished. Note that this affects grading, as failed roleplays typically receive lesser rewards.)
All the main goals were achieved.

Criminal Acts Perpetrated (List any criminal acts committed during the roleplay, with links to the specific posts where they occurred.)
None occurred (in so far as titles are concerned at least, some folk might not have liked being peeped on during a scene).

Lore to Establish (Detail any new lore you'd like to introduce, including brief descriptions for lore moderators, links to the posts where the lore was established, nation of origin associated with the lore.)
The town of Vaitiare lies within the West Empire, close to the border with the See. Along with the surrounding lands (a barony if that is what they are called in the West Empire), the area is ruled by Lady Vaitiare, whom is rarely seen without her personal guard Rohit being somewhere in the vicinity.

Whilst lady Vaitiare's ideologies are firmly in line with her nation's views on harmony, slavery and religion (as a follower of Shuixian), she does seem to be among the more openly minded lords and ladies when it comes to learning about neighbouring cultures and habits, as well as being more eager to search for future cooperation opportunities.

Lady Vaitiare and her domain have gotten some level of notoriety for opening a a bathhouse that she seems to have designated as a meeting place for first meetings with other leaders or figures of influence. The bathhouse is as layered as the West Empire's cast system and has increasingly restricted (caste-based) access the further in one goes for its facilities.

Partial Participants (Provide a list of partial participants, including their character names and roleplayer (RPer) names.)

Partial Participant Invaders (Note if any partial participants were invaders. Specify whether world rules or player versus player (PvP) mechanics were utilized.)

Full-Time Participants(List all full-time participants.)
  • Character name. Euthalia Apricot
  • RPer name. Elvario
  • Link to character sheet. Sheet
  • Character name. Nikita
  • RPer name. Karcen
  • Link to character sheet. Sheet
  • Character name. Shael Xyvern
  • RPer name. TheTimePiece
  • Link to character sheet. Sheet
  • Character name. Asahi Fujikawa
  • RPer name. heartspan
  • Link to character sheet. Sheet

Characters with Point Boosters (Identify any characters who used point boosters, including links to the posts where the boosters were used to gain points (for narrative boosters, the first post in the scene is sufficient)).

Recommended Titles (Suggest titles for characters based on their actions or outcomes within the roleplay.)
  • Character name. Nikita
  • Title: [ESH] – Character has fallen into the role of becoming an Emotional Support Human.
  • Character name. Shael
  • Title: [Diplomacy Aid] – Character is known to be capable of aiding in diplomatic matters.
  • Character name. Asahi
  • Title: [Peeper] – Character has done some sightseeing.

Assets/Titles Roleplayed For (List any assets or titles that were roleplayed for, along with justifications for each.)
  • Character name. Euthalia Apricot
  • Asset: [Asset] - West Empire Diplomacy Asset
  • Justification: It was the goal of the RP. Seeing how some asset things are up for debate/subject to change between time of posting this and grading, possibly D grade (1 grade for downtime, 1 grade for being the goal of the RP, 1 grade as narration bonus). Otherwise E, otherwise F.

Characters with [Wanted] or Criminal Titles (Provide a list of characters who already possess the [Wanted] title or any criminal titles.).
  • Character name. Asahi Fujikawa
  • Type of Title. [Wanted by: Alethea's cakes and candies

Hunters' Involvement (Indicate whether any characters with the [Wanted] title had their hunters appear or play a part in the roleplay.).
Starting here, one of the NPC's he is wanted by spotted him and tried to help catch him.

Special Skills or Assets (List characters possessing Buddy skills, Masterwork skills, Complex Assets.)
  • Character name. Euthalia Apricot (using Downtime)
  • Type of Skill/Asset. Building up a Complex Diplomacy Asset of which the (to obtained) asset from this RP will be part. Putting it here for clarity due to possibly upcoming rule changes.

Transactions Performed (Note any transactions that occurred during the roleplay, such as, weapon exchanges, asset transfers.)

Rules Utilized (Specify the level of rules used in the roleplay.)
No rules. | Some rules. | Advanced in-house (IH) rules
A few uses of abilities/social skills.

Character Sheet Oddities (Mention any noticeable oddities or inconsistencies in character sheets related to their purchases. Note: There's no need for a full evaluation; simply highlight any unusual findings during your review.)
  • Nikita – Has the goal to learn all languages, but doesn't seem to have any listed yet (not the one or two free ones either).
  • Shael – Focus E costs still listed as 14 instead of the increased 63 cost.
  • Asahi – Fighting Style and Technique are listed separately? | Possibly intentional, but still odd to see the character without equipment despite having skills needing it (fighting style), might want to get a marketplace deal doing to grab some gear ASAP.

Aftermath and Potential Lore Updates (Describe any potential aftermath or consequences based on the events of the roleplay. Suggest any updates that might be needed for the lore.)
Euthalia Apricot now has a connection to lady Vaitiare through which she's established a Western Empire Diplomacy asset towards building up her Diplomacy Complex Asset.

Narrator Bonuses (Recommend any bonuses you'd like to award to narrators based on their performance.)
I'd like to increase Euthalia's West Empire Diplomacy Asset by an extra rank through this, if possible. Other ones are purely for fun and flavour.

To Euthalia, Shael;
Bathhouse Coupons – Good for free bathhouse visit in Vaitaire's Wonderful Waters.

To Nikita;
Pet-Wash Coupon – Good for a free visit to the Pet-Wash place next to Vaitaire's Wonderful Waters.

To Asahi:
Skimpy Sketches – Some 'fine art' sketches of ladies that might not be suitable for public viewing. Handed to him be a friend that didn't think they looked muscular enough to keep for themselves.

Additional Notes (Include any other observations or points you'd like feedback on or that require further commentary.)
Had some questions about assets/changes through-out. Might need a guide once new updates/changes an clarifications are settled upon, although that'll be too late for this to wrap-up.
Last edited:
Isekai Hell Grade

Elvario Elvario Karcen Karcen TheTimePiece TheTimePiece heartspan heartspan

narrator bonus generally isn't leveragable for asset upgrades since it effectively works as a points for assets upgrade which was what we wanted to avoid in part. Better to make asset growth part of downtime or rp goal. Typically asset should be acquired first before upgrades can apply too since downtime could technically occur before the rp even starts.

Another bathhouse episode. I suppose it makes sense considering baths being fairly pervasive in the 2nd continent. Several named npc's in this rp like most of yours. Probably not a record breaker though. At least it was primarily the npcs taking backseats this time. Read others where the npcs had more prominent roles than the characters, so this was an improvement in my mind.





Euthalia Apricot - 45pts (narrator)
  • Title/Asset: - [West Empire Nobility Diplomat F] - character has associated themselves in some small part with the nobility of west empire.
  • title/asset: [+1 (max E grade) grade to the Faazi Merchant Guild grade] - character put in some downtime learning to be a better leader with the guild. May need to spend some time actually learning business to keep growing.
  • item: Bathhouse Coupons – Good for free bathhouse visit in Vaitaire's Wonderful Waters.

Nikita - 30pts
  • Title: [ESH] – Character has fallen into the role of becoming an Emotional Support Human.
  • item: Pet-Wash Coupon – Good for a free visit to the Pet-Wash place next to Vaitaire's Wonderful Waters.

Shael Xyvern - 30pts
  • Title: [Diplomacy Aid] – Character is known to be capable of aiding in diplomatic matters.
  • item: Bathhouse Coupons – Good for free bathhouse visit in Vaitaire's Wonderful Waters.
(fix Focus skill costs on the character)

Asahi Fujikawa - 30pts
  • Title: [Peeper] – Character has done some sightseeing.
  • item: Skimpy Sketches – Some 'fine art' sketches of ladies that might not be suitable for public viewing. Handed to him be a friend that didn't think they looked muscular enough to keep for themselves.

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