• This section is for roleplays only.
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Realistic or Modern Until Dawn (OOC)

I've finished everything (code wise) for the Spin-Off. The fucking relief.

Also, I've had This Is What Makes Us Girls on replay all day.
@Asylumnated I was going to, but it's going to be bad and cliche. Can one of the other characters just kill me ;)
Thetrickyshow1 said:
@Asylumnated I was going to, but it's going to be bad and cliche. Can one of the other characters just kill me ;)
You'd have to collaborate with our lovely antagonists for that, but I'm sure they wouldn't mind helping you out.
Just a heads up to all involved; I will be posting the Interest Check for Left Behind. I'd like to find potential RPers that I can stalk and narrow out those that aren't going to be right for it.
@Asylumnated Left Behind is what kind of roleplay? Even if im not accepted I would like to read other peoples posts. <3
Thetrickyshow1 said:
@Asylumnated Left Behind is what kind of roleplay? Even if im not accepted I would like to read other peoples posts. <3
It's in the Interest Check as Realistic.
Gotta give it to the creators though; the character's looks, when compared to what the voice actor looks like, is spot on.

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