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Realistic or Modern ▀❛& UNSPOKEN ◞ ic


Roleplay Availability

  • intro

    the summoning

    sleep token


    os Angeles. The city of hope. Some people dream of it, others have lived here their entire lives. The blinding lights have dulled for them, but those who have fought for their place in this city find hope in the neon. As bodies flood the streets day in and day out, they strive to become something more than just a speck in the universe. They want to be seen and to be heard. To prove that their life has meaning. Some of them want to be models or actors, others lawyers or judges. Then there are those with music running through their veins. Those who seek to tell their story to the world through verses or the strum of a guitar. They aren’t the first, and they won’t be the last. Their dreams may never come true, but they’ll never give up the chance.

    Since taking on THE BABY as their new bassist a week ago, DEATHLORE has begun finding their footing again. The band has even reconnected with an old friend. THE INFLUENCER hopes to help his old friends through this rough patch. Now is the time to decide how they will introduce themselves to the Los Angeles scene. Should they re-record their old songs, or is it better for the band's image to start fresh without the influence of THE DESERTER on their sound?

    Just as THE STORYTELLER said seven years ago, OUROBOROS is on its way to making it big. They’ve amassed quite a following since arriving in Los Angeles and with THE SNAKE’s help, they’ve found a bassist who will take the band just as seriously as everyone else. THE DESERTER has been with OUROBOROS for a year now. Together, the four of them pour heart and soul into their music. Now it’s time for them to be properly recognized for it. Thanks to the hard work of THE MANAGER, OUROBOROS gathers together for an interview and photoshoot with Millennium Magazine.



i need your love,

i'm a
broken rose




monday, october 9th







♡coded by uxie♡

bury all your secrets in my skin...

The baby was beaming with pride when he told his sister the news, his phone propped up on the TV stand as they FaceTimed.
I joined a band!
He signed enthusiastically, a toothy grin plastered on his face.
They are really cool and I like them a lot. I will send you our Instagram!
He continued, pink dusting his cheeks at the praise he received in return. They continued for a few more minutes until she was forced to go, leaving a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach.
I love you, Munchkin.
After hanging up Wren lied down on the couch, texting Aspen the link before closing his eyes.


Humming to himself, Wren pulled out his phone to text Lucas his updated eta. Los Angeles traffic was always a bitch and taking the bus made the commute even slower. Wren didn't mind it too much, so long as it didn't eat away at his practice time with the band. Which is why he made sure to leave extra early! His head hurt too much to keep sleeping, anyway. He needed fresh air, a bottle of water, and some good company.

Thankfully, his bus made it to his stop in one piece. Wren shouted a quick 'thank you' before hopping out of the vehicle and onto the cracked sidewalk. He pulled up the directions on his phone again and turned to head down the street. The baby hooked his thumbs underneath the straps of his guitar case and skipped as he walked to get some of his nervous energy out. It had been about a week since he joined deathlore and Wren still hadn't gotten quite used to the idea of being in a real band yet. This was his second meeting, but it was just as nerve-wracking as the first.

Wren checked in with the front desk upon arriving at the practice space. He still thought it was cool that buildings with rooms to practice music in existed. He always thought people just played in their garage and then went to a recording studio. This definitely made more sense.

"I'm here!"
He announced as he opened their door.
"I'm not late, right? The bus was kinda running behind. Some dude tried to steal another dude's bike."
Wren laughed and set his case down to sit on one of the stools. He pulled out a rainbow Among Us pop it fidget toy from his pocket and wiggled in his seat.
"What's on the agenda for today? I'm ready for anything!"

Then, he finally noticed the presence of a stranger.
"Wait! I don't know you! Oh my god, did you guys change your mind? Do we have to fight to the death? I'm like, so ready. I watched Karate Kid."


♡coded by uxie♡

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i dream of broken promises

A week had slipped by since they welcomed Wren into the fold, completing the band. Lucas could hardly believe it. Despite being there, part of the decision to recruit Wren with Alec and Taro, it hadn't quite sunk in yet. He was itching to dive in, to let the music flow and sync with everyone else. Maybe, just maybe, by month's end, they'd land a gig. And with Eli's support this time, perhaps even secure a record deal for an official album...

Lucas caught himself, reining in his runaway thoughts. It was easier to dream now that a sprig of hope had finally bloomed.

Seated cross-legged on the floor, Lucas was engrossed in his phone, fingers swiping through various apps. A text from Wren that made him smile when he opened their chat, an email that he ignored, a notification from Instagram. When his phone rang, blaring a snippet of one of Deathlore's songs, he silenced it, setting the device to 'do not disturb' before refocusing on his bandmates.

"Wren's en route," he announced. "LA's transit is a mess." Their new bassist wasn't too late, but he wasn't really on time either, mirroring his audition. Lucas would've offered a lift if asked, but perhaps Wren felt too shy to impose (a notion that puzzled him, given their week-long exchange of anything but shy texts).

Soon enough, their new bassist barreled into the practice room, bringing with him the tornado of energy that they had first gotten a glimpse of at his audition. When Wren finally noticed Eli's presence, Lucas stood up, a wry smile on his face as he approached.

"Yep. You two gotta do a dance-off. Right here, right now," Lucas declared, his tone entirely serious. "If it gets more views than one of Eli's videos, we're keeping you. Otherwise..." He nudged Eli with his elbow. "You're taking over as our bassist. Hope you're a fast learner."

He left it up to Eli to get the real introductions out of the way, and once that was handled, Lucas spoke up, "I'm surprised you didn't recognize him right away. There's that viral meme of him that pops up sometimes - what was it again? Something about a goose?" He snickered, not passing up the chance to tease Eli's internet fame. Lucas was in lighter spirits today. A new bassist recruited, an old friend reunited - it almost felt like a fresh start.

Speaking of new beginnings, this would be their first practice as a full band since deciding to reform. They needed time to integrate Wren into the band, they needed to decide what songs to play - there were a lot of decisions that they had to make before they could really get into the music. Decisions that came with mixed feelings and lots of burying the past.

He glanced towards Alec and Taro. Once united in things like this, now they tread cautiously. It was a delicate dance, one that required finesse to avoid stepping on old wounds.

Lucas leaned against the edge of one of the stools with feigned casualness, arms crossed as he glanced around the practice room and at his bandmates. "I'm itching to play," he confessed, "But as a band, we need to make some core decisions first."

"Like... what songs we'd wanna focus on, where to look for gigs to break into the scene, and if we want to rebrand and stuff. What do you guys think?" he asked. Another question was posed in between the lines, the subtext understood by some of them.

Were they going to start with a completely blank slate without a certain former member's influence?

i hope i'm not sick

♡coded by uxie♡

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we can burn into the velvet sky

"Welcome to Millennium Magazine, my name is Rei. I'm the head writer assigned to your interview. I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone,”
Rei greeted the band,
”We're going to start off with one on one interviews. In the meantime, the band will head over to hair and makeup to prepare for the photoshoot while you wait."

She flashed them a wicked grin.
"This is your first big magazine interview, right? Who wants to go first? Promise I won't bite."

Looking between the rest of his band mates, and making brief eye contact with Henrik, it was an easy decision to volunteer to go first.
"I'll go first."
Micah volunteered a few moments later, not giving much room for the others to hem and haw over who should go first. He reached over to pat Momo's knee, as he was the closest to him. Convenient, so that he could comfort his boyfriend before their first big magazine interview.
"The rest of you go get pretty."
Turning to the interviewer, he flashed an easy, confident smile at her.
"Okay, do your worst."
Leaning back in his chair, Micah relaxed his shoulders and waited for the first question.

Rei leaned forward.
"Let's start off easy, yeah?"
She suggested, clicking her pen.
"Can you give me an idea of what an average day looks like for you as a musician?"

"I appreciate it.
" He stayed leaned back, one leg crossed over the other casually as he spoke.
"Usually wake up and check over whatever itinerary that our manager has given us for the day. After breakfast means practice, vocals with Momo if he's not in a writing mood or the guitar with whoever else is around and free throughout the afternoon."
He paused, tilting his head to the side in thought.
"I spend a lot of time looking at brand deals, sponsorships and gigs as well, trying to help find ones that fit our style and message. We don't want to take just anything given to us. Which means I very often bug our other members about what they want to do too, to make sure we have some group unity."
His lips curled into a sharp smile that didn’t give away much.

"Interesting, that actually ties into one of my other questions."
Rei hummed, scribbling down a few notes.
"What do you feel you bring to the table for the band? Both musically and behind the scenes? Since you mentioned brand deals, sponsorships, does that mean you work collaboratively with your Ouroboros' manager?"

"Oh yeah, our manager can't get rid of me. I'm constantly pestering him about that sort of thing. I think that's a big thing I bring, a drive to have us be at our best no matter what. Everyone else is driven, don't get me wrong - but they're even more creative than me and I am happy to give that to them.
" He complimented, looking proud and fond all at once. Micah really was impressed with his bandmates and all they could do that he couldn’t. Even if that just made him even more ravenous to do what he could in return.
"Musically, I consider myself sort of foundational. I'm here to complement everyone else with the melody, solos and backup singing. Trying to make everyone else look even better, yeah?"
He said with a playful wink.

"I'm sure he appreciates your input and enthusiasm,"
she said with a sly smile.
"With everything you do for the Ouroboros, what obstacles have you faced wile navigating the band's growth and success?"

He can't help but let out a snort of laughter at the idea of Henrik appreciating his enthusiasm, but he kept his real thoughts inside for now. He had said he’d play nice, after all.
"It definitely caught him by surprise at first, let's say that."
He matched her smile easily, not thrown off this time.
"Honestly I think everyone knows about the tragic loss of Nina and the trials we went through, so I won't go into that."
He hoped she wouldn't focus on it either, for Momo’s sake.
"Adding a new member, restructuring ourselves around having him and adapting to the new mind and ideas is always a challenge. It can get easy to get set in your ways, but I think we handled our growth with Kai really well and he's made us much better as a band with his creativity and talent. But just the sheer amount of extra responsibilities has been hard. We're pretty young guys, this is our first real 'job' and to face this kind of success is amazing but it comes with its own set of challenges. You can't prepare for success, and while we're all really grateful it can still get rocky to balance success with remaining true to ourselves and staying grounded."

Rei nodded.
"I understand. I think readers will empathize and relate to the struggle of transitioning from childhood to adulthood. You and your band are grappling with that alongside a rise and popularity. It's not easy to manage."
She wrote her notes down and continued,
"Now that you are an adult, managing your fame and your first job... Is there any advice or message you would give your 12-year-old self to prepare for what's to come?"

Sitting up a bit straighter and out of his slouched position, Micah paused, not as ready off the bat for that question.
"Ah, that's a hard one. I guess I'd tell him that he needs to keep relying on his friends, and that no matter how hard things get, just hold tight to them because they'll be your greatest support and biggest life raft."
He offered with a soft, fond smile.
"Keep practicing, pursue the things that you love no matter what, and grit your teeth when things get hard because they will get better. Yeah, I think that's what I'd tell myself - or any 12 year old, really."

Rei smiled.
"Sound advice. It sounds like you and your band are like family. I'm sure that will be both a blessing and a curse in the years to come."

She laughed.
"How about we end on something lighthearted? Have any funny or embarrassing moments of your bandmates to share? Don't hold back on us."

"Oh absolutely. Being a family has its upside and downsides but I think we can manage to get through it, we have before."
He agreed, crossing his leg and leaning back into a more relaxed position.
"I should probably hold back a little," Micah admitted with a chuckle. "Magazines probably need to be PG-13 right?"
He joked, certain that he could drop worse but once more leaving that to the rest of the band.

"Okay so, everyone in the band are animal lovers. And the apartment complex that Momo lives at apparently has a stray cat problem. So of course Momo picks one up and brings it to a meeting that we have one morning because he can't go back and leave it inside. It keeps meowing during the meeting and you can tell Henrik is just losing his mind not knowing what the sound is."
Micah starts laughing, unable to help himself.
"Then, the kitten scrambles out of Momo's hoodie and into the meeting room and we're all trying to grab it. But five dudes and its completely beating us in speed and agility. Ash trips over a chair, Kai slides across the table - Momo gets stuck under the table. I'm trying to block the door out. Henrik seems scared of it, and is avoiding the kitten. Which means that it goes right between his legs. As does Kai, like three seconds later knocking them both on their asses. Sorry, can I say asses? Anyways, Momo eventually corralled it but Henrik enforced a strict 'no pets allowed' rule."

She laughed and grinned at the story.
"A kitten? Good to know your singer has a heart of gold and your manager the courage of a lion,"
she teased in response.
"I'm sure your fans will love that one. Let's wrap it up here, yeah? Get you to hair and makeup with the others."
Rei stood and offered her hand to shake.
"Thank you for answering my questions, Micah."

He stood up as well, reaching out and giving Rei a firm handshake.
"Thanks for the interview, I like your style a lot, super conversational. Hopefully we can do another interview in the future, show our monumental rise."

Sauntering over to where everyone was doing their makeup, he held up a hand to get their attention.
“Okay boys, next one’s up. Don’t keep the lovely lady waiting on us.”


♡coded by uxie♡


A different kind of blue.

Henrik's gaze adverts from the band members for a moment as the attention turns to him. He pauses for a moment, after all he was so focused on the others that it didn't even occur to him that he also had an interview scheduled as well. Nodding his head he is flagged over and he follows in tow, long legs moving fluidly as he walks with an aura that demands authority with each step. With an outreached hand he flashes a pleasant smile towards the interviewer. "A pleasure to do this interview Ms. Rei, You may call me Mr. Anderson." Breezing through the pleasantries he seats himself. Adjusting his watch as he glances at the time. If he plans this right, the interview shouldn't take longer than 30 mins. And after this the thought of the debriefing the rest of the team brings a fog over his head as a wave of stress passes over him, a building headache pulsing just behind his eyes over having to pull the information and actually getting the band members to remember what they said- it's a problem for a later time.

"Mr. Andersen," Rei repeated with a smirk, crossing her legs. "A pleasure indeed." She flipped open her notebook and set her phone to recording. "You've been managing Ouroboros for... about six months now, is that correct? I'm sure our readers would love to hear what the average day is like for a manager of an up and coming metal band."

He perks up to his first questions. Crossing a leg over the other as he leans forward straightening his posture. "An average day as the Manager of Ouroboros huh?" The thought is enough to pop a vein along his forehead, but he keeps his composure for the time being "it has been about six months now huh- Well it's definitely an interesting experience. Though for the most part it's Delightful. I start my day at 5am, and by then I'm writing down a schedule for the members. I plan their meals, vitamin intakes, everything down to their doctor appointments. They truly are a motivated team, the way the coexist is simply remarkable." He lets out a rehearsed laugh as he leans back into his chair. "You almost forgot that they're a metal band when you really get to know them."

Rei arched an eyebrow. "I'm sure they're grateful to have someone making sure they're not deficient in Vitamin D. I hope you're finding the time to take your own vitamins, Mr. Andersen." She scribbled down her notes and continued, "Now that we are six months into your management, what can the fans expect from Ouroboros moving forward under your continued influence?"

His eye twitches slightly to the interviewer's comment, he hesitates on commenting but waves it off as merely a genuine remark. "Trust me some of them get more than enough vitamin D for the whole band." He lets out another laugh as he adjusts his posture once more. Listening to the next question. He nods his head before answering. "Well, what's there not to expect? I mean with this band there really is no predicting what masterpiece they can create. They truly are geniuses in their own remarks." He smiles as he leans a bit forward, his words coming off as more passionate, or at least appearing that way. "To our adoring fans, I say this sincerely. Under my management Ouroboros will be better than ever. So there is a lot more to come, expect great things. Bigger than ever." He gestures around a bit as if to paint a picture with his hands, showing his enthusiasm.

"Ouroboros has many loyal fans. They'll be happy to hear that." She chuckled, turning her page over. "Speaking of 'great things', the band has been teasing a second album for a couple of weeks now. I'm assuming you can't tell us much yet, but what are your thoughts on the album so far?"

"Ah yes, the newest Album is in the works. And we have massive plans for that as well. I wish I could share more with you all, but that would ruin the surprise." He flashes a smile adjusting in his seat a bit. "For the most part, what I can say is- The album is very..inspiring? It'll definitely resonate with a lot of Ouroboros's fans. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do when it's officially released. The band is working night and day to make this possible for all of you." He shakes his head as if agreeing with his own statement.

"I'm sure the fans will love and hate you for not saying more. The suspense is the best part. Aside from the music itself, of course." She paused to write. "But thank you. I appreciate the insight and I look forward to listening to the album along with everyone else." Rei hummed in thought. "What about you, though? You look all business, so I can't say for certain if you're a metal fan. Do you think the album has the potential to connect with listeners who may be new to the genre?"

He takes a moment to collect his thoughts, his face lighting up with enthusiasm. "Oh, do I not look like a metal fan? I’m kidding. Ouroboros was actually my introduction to the genre. They have this unparalleled heaviness that speaks to my inner teenage angst and rebellion. They truly are captivating. Their music has this unique blend of aggression, melody, and their songwriting just- it just sets them apart from the rest. Each song is like they’re pouring out their souls on that stage, and it just translates so well in their album" He leans forward, his passion evident. "I believe that Ouroboros has the power to connect people with their music. I mean, their music moves me, inspires me even. I truly think it has the potential to touch the hearts of countless others as well.”

"How heartfelt. Music that can transcend genre can be very powerful, so I am looking forward to that," she commented. "Thank you for your answers thus far. I know you can't give much away about the album, so how about we wrap up the interview on another note? Fans love hearing about funny or embarrassing moments between bandmates. Do you have any you can share with us?

He leans back into his chair and lets out a laugh. "OH, funny moments? There's too many to count. But off the tip of my head..let's see." Taking a moment to think the smile across Henrik's face fills with genuine happiness only to slip back into a more neutral expression. "Hhm, I could say a rather funny moment I recall is watching them all attempt to cook together. You would think with so many of them that following a simple recipe would be quite easy. Especially if you divide the tasks up evenly amongst each other. To my surprise it's rather chaotic to watch them all in that kitchen. I believe they were attempting. Forgive me if I'm wrong, to make cookies. I step into the kitchen to see Mortimer with a bag of flour followed by a loud pop. I look over and he is covered. I mean, he looks like a ghost with the amount of flour dumped in him. Ash is just laughing at the whole ordeal, the poor guy can't even speak. Meanwhile Kai keeps asking if he can eat the raw cookie dough, to which I had to stop him multiple times. Micah opens the oven and is just greeted with a black cloud- it was just" He pauses to wipe the tears from the corners of his eyes. "Safe to say they're banned from the kitchen without supervision."

Rei grinned. "Thankfully, they don't need to know how to bake cookies in order to make good music," she said with a hearty laugh. "But they may get an influx of homemade cookies in their P.O. box, now. I appreciate the answer, Mr. Andersen, it was a great story to here. I think it's important for fans to remember that musicians are people, too. You also offered a refreshing perspective as their manager."

He nods along, rising to his full height as he offers one final handshake to the interviewer. "As Ouroboros's Manger it was our pleasure to do this interview with you all. We hope everyone continues to support us on our journey to the top. And who knows, maybe next year we'll have the luxury of doing this all over again. Take care now." He takes his leave, reaching into the side pocket of his suit to pull out a carton of cigarettes'. With a few shakes a single cigarette falls out of the box and into his open palm. Time for a smoke break.

Lush Life

♡coded by uxie♡

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it's a riot, it's the parasite days

There was something so sentimental about the atmosphere in the practice room—sentimental, yet exciting—that Eli couldn’t help but drum his fingers on his knee.

Being around Deathlore while they practiced wasn’t anything new. There were plenty of days like that back in high school, where on the nights he wouldn’t have part-time jobs to hurry to, Eli would chill with the boys and rock along to their jam sessions. Being here on account of using his social media and marketing prowess to help boost the band’s numbers, however, was entirely new. And to be honest, he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t completely free of nerves. He was just good at hiding it.

The idea had come to him last month, which he’d taken barely a day to mull over before proposing his idea to Lucas. If there was one thing that changed the most about him between high school and now, it was his online fame and all the knowledge of how to get to where he was. It’d hit hard when Lucas initially told him that Deathlore was breaking up (though not as hard as it hit for the band members, Eli was sure), so when Lucas told him the boys were giving the band another shot, Eli wanted to give them whatever support he could—especially now that he actually had the ability to.

It wasn’t that his nerves came from a lack of confidence though; far from it. Perhaps it was a combination of both anticipation and excitement, but Eli really wanted to make this work for Deathlore. And since he would be along for the ride this time around, he had every intention on seeing to it that they would make it big-time.

“Traffic’s the worst part about LA, hands down,”
Eli agreed from his seat on the couch, which sat lined against one of the walls. One of his arms was slung across the back of the sofa, while his other hand reached for his phone to check the time.
“Never really gets better either. The drivers here are such assholes.”
He shook his head and sighed, then aimed his next question at Alec and Taro with genuine curiosity.
“Food’s way better here than in Phoenix though, isn’t it? No one else does AYCE sushi like they do here.”

It wasn’t too long until the band’s new bassist arrived, and his very vocal arrival drew the room’s attention immediately. Eli, for one, couldn’t stop the grin from spreading on his face with Wren’s vibrant energy—then even more so at the kid’s fully serious mention of Karate Kid.

“Oh, for sure,”
Eli chuckled good-naturedly as Lucas nudged his leg.
“Lucky for everyone, I am a fast learner, and I think I’d look pretty cool playing the bass. So what do you say, kid? Best of three?”

Unlike Lucas’ comically solemn tone (someone give that boy an Oscar), Eli’s was filled with mirth, and he got up from the couch to make his way towards Wren.
“Lucas has told me a bit about you, but I guess the reverse isn’t true.”
He held out his hand to offer Wren a handshake and an easy smile.
“I’m Eli. I’ll be helping out with the band more on the marketing side of things—y’know, building numbers, gaining followers and attention from the public. That kinda stuff.”

Honestly, he was a little surprised Wren didn’t recognize him immediately, but the surprise was pleasant. Crazy refreshing, actually; he couldn’t remember the last time he’d been able to introduce himself as just Eli, not as @elifox or through a high-strung exchange of “ohmygodareyouelifox?" followed without fail by, "ohmygodcanIgetapicturewithyou?” The realization of this widened the smile on his face, though an eyeroll quickly followed once Lucas started yapping about his internet fame.

“God, drop the meme, man,”
Eli groaned around his grin. If he were still seated next to Lucas, he would’ve sent a light shove his way.
“It wasn’t even that funny. Tiktok makes the weirdest shit go viral sometimes.”
He turned his attention back to Wren, amusement still glinting in his eyes.
“Anyway, it’s Wren, right? Looking forward to working with you. I already like your energy.”

In some ways, Lucas was like the glue that held the group together, and he proved nothing less as he transitioned their conversation to the band’s first steps. Eli took his seat back on the couch while Lucas spoke, and his gaze flitted to Taro, then landed on Alec, where it lingered unintentionally.

Alec was the one Eli had gone the longest without seeing or talking to within the last four years, which was something Eli quietly harbored guilt for. The whole situation had felt so twisted to him: while his friends were dealing with the band breakup (and actual breakup, in Alec and Kai’s case), Eli had been off in LA, busy with his increasing success and booming in popularity. How could he have enjoyed it all shamelessly, with Alec going off the radar right afterwards and Lucas unable to keep his tears from leaking over on FaceTime (which Eli graciously pretended not to notice, but thought about as he lied awake in bed at night)? He could only imagine the heartbreak Alec was facing now, the pain dug up anew with the reunion of the band and the very obviously missing presence of Kai.

“I’ve got some friends who are club and pub owners that I could ask around, see if any of them are down to take you guys as gigs,”
Eli offered. Sure, rock bands weren’t the most common at these places, but any exposure at the moment would be beneficial. The other questions Lucas posed, however—the heaviest one especially—Eli left for the others to discuss. Even if he did have opinions about it, it wasn’t his place to voice them.

digital junkie

♡coded by uxie♡


Always an angel, never a god.

Ash hadn't slept well and for once it wasn't his fault. Having gone to bed early—or early enough considering his usual sleeping habits—wasn't enough. He tossed and turned well into the early hours of the morning, as sleep eluded him at every turn. By the time his alarm rang—sharp and clear—and pulled him from the sleep he fought so hard to get, he had only managed to get a few hours under his belt.

Nerves were a hell of a thing, and while he was able to push them away in time for a show. Something about the interview magazine proved different. Maybe it made the whole situation feel more real, a silent raising of the stakes.

Arriving at the building was a blur, and he hummed a silent prayer that Micah had agreed to go first for the individual interviews. He could only hope that by the time he was called, he would be awake enough.

Asher made quick work of the energy drink he managed to snap before leaving. Quick sips in between the styling of his hair and makeup, the results of which looked better than what he could normally do. Glancing in the mirror Ash couldn't help but laugh, wondering how many macho metal lovers realized just how much vanity makeup their idols wore. Of course, his eyes were lined in that perfectly messy way, but an untrained eye wouldn't notice the concealer or blush sneakily layered to enhance his natural features.

Ash stifled the yawn that threatened to destroy the eyeliner the makeup artist had applied only moments ago. With the announcement of his name, he downed the rest of the energy drink, hoping it would take effect sooner rather than later.

The interviewer, who had introduced herself earlier as Rei met him in the room. Covertly he wiped his hands on his pants, hoping to rid his palms of any indicators of his rising nervers. Flashing a quick smile at Rei, he extends his hand,
"It's nice to meet you!"
Ash said, enthusiasm clear in his voice, the haze of sleepiness that still clouded his mind beginning to slip away.

Rei shook his hand firmly in return. "The feeling is mutual," she replied, smiling as he sat down. "I was a drummer back in my old high school band, so I'm partial to the drummers I meet now through work." She laughed. "Let's start with that, yeah? What's an average day like for the drummer of up and coming metal band Ouroboros?"

Asher blushed,
"Well, I really like to get into music theory and mess around with different sounds. I think that by incorporating aspects of other genres we can get a unique sound that sets us apart from other metal bands. Besides that your typical practice and goofing around with the band."

Rei's eyes widened in surprise. "Music theory! That's incredibly useful. The band is lucky to have you," she complimented. "So, you're the drummer and musical theorist of the band. Is there anything else you feel you bring to the table? Doesn't have to be limited to musical contribution."

Ash thinks for a moment trying to hide the blush that was creeping up his neck, his mind scrambling to come up with an answer. Trying so hard not to read into the question and the compliment. The question one that he's asked himself countless times during a self-doubt spiral. The compliment only fed the little devil inside his brain that craved constant validation.
"I guess it's more of a joint effort,"
he finally answers,
"but I think I bring a lot of energy to the band. While I take the band seriously, I also try to make sure everyone is having fun! I can be somewhat of a ham when performing..."

Rei nodded. "Energy is a precious resource in the industry. It's easy to get burnt out, especially if you're not having fun." She smiled and continued, "You have been with Ouroboros since the beginning, right? Are there any notable obstacles you've had to overcome in your years together?"

Ash shifted in his seat, he could mention Nina, but was sure Momo would bring it up if Rei asked him the same question. Even then, after all these years, the wounds were still fresh, and Ash couldn't say for certain that they had truly overcome it. Was Nina's death considered an obstacle to the band? Asher pushed the thought from his head, not liking the notion.
"I can't pinpoint any major obstacles, but we've had little struggles here and there. When you first start a band, no one takes you seriously, so you have to work really hard to prove yourself. I think many bands struggle with internal issues, but since we're all friends outside the band, we always manage to work through them."

Rei hummed in thought. "I know what you mean." She scribbled her notes. "With these obstacles, and your success, is there anything you would tell your 12-year-old self if you had the opportunity?"

"I would tell myself to keep working hard that it would all be worth it...Also, maybe to admit that I was the one who broke the window at Momo's house,"
he added sheepishly.

Rei smiled. "Sound advice," she paused and sat forward. "Last question - something a little more fun. A funny or embarrassing moment of you or your bandmates. What can you give me?" She asked, her smile broadening into a grin.

Ash smiled softly,
“One time, one of the bathroom sink pipes burst in the studio. It was super early so we were the first ones in. Everyone was still waking up so we were all kind of out of it. Then bam,”
Asher said smacking his hands together to emphasize,
“I'm on the ground, I guess some water had leaked out of the bathroom, and no one had discovered it yet. You're probably wondering where the band comes in. Well, in my panic I grabbed onto Momo and ended up pulling him down with me. Unfortunately for Micah, Momo had grabbed him, and Micah had stumbled back into Kai.”
Ash waved his hand dramatically,
“So we're all on the ground, sitting in this puddle, bickering about knocking each other over, then Henrik walks around the corner. The look on his face was priceless.”

"It's starting to sound like your manager might be in need of an assistant, I'm sure it would save him a few headaches." Rei laughed. "But thank you so much for your answers, Ash. It was great to get some insight from you."

"Thank you for interviewing me. It felt so natural talking to you that I almost forgot it was an interview. If you ever want to chat some more, don't be a stranger. My DMs are always open."

not strong enough

♡coded by uxie♡


you're gonna go far, kid !

"Feel free to get comfortable, Kai. I'm going to ask you a handful of questions similar to what we did earlier." Rei offered a reassuring smile. "To start us off, what is an average day like for you as a musician? Do you have any habits or rituals you like to do?"

Kai decided to take her up on her offer, adjusting himself in the seat so that he was fully comfortable, before thinking about her question.
"Hm.. well, I'd like to say that my day is full of crazy plans and full of cool antics but, it mostly starts with me hitting the gym with Momo, or, going for a run if that isn't an option. Once I'm back, I usually make breakfast for the guys. They hardly ever get up before me."

Thankfully, it didn't take long for the bassist to get comfortable again, continuing on his answer,
"Afterwards, I meet up with the band. Henrik usually goes over itinerary, or even Micah might have specific plans for practice."

Kai paused for a moment, making sure he didn't miss any of her questions,
"As far as rituals go, I love to jam, and I'm usually warming up with some of my favorite songs, or even new songs to keep myself sharp. Especially on recording days where bass isn't needed in the studio. Besides playing, though, I'll typically hang around to give feedback on our music. Developing our style and bringing something fun to the table is really important to me."

Rei nodded, jotting down notes. "I'm sure your fans will appreciate knowing you work out and cook," She teased.

Kai chuckled at her teasing, impulsively looking down at his lap before scratching the back of his neck sheepishly,
"Ah well, I aim to please."

He looked back up to her as she kept on,"Speaking of the band, though. How about any funny or embarrassing stories about your bandmates? I'm sure you've experienced plenty now that it's been a year since you joined."

At her question, he laughed some more,
"Well, you wouldn't be wrong. I have to be careful though, they may kill me if I say too much.."

He thought for a moment, before a wolfish grin lifted his features,
"Oh man... this will purely put the heat on me, but..."
He paused,
"There was one time Ash and I went out to a cafe. I had to go to the bathroom, so he waited in line for me."
He chuckled, feeling his cheeks warm up at the embarrassing memory,

"Well, when I came out of the bathroom, I saw him in line. And, well, in a super platonic, bro kinda way.. I uh... smacked his a-"
Kai stopped himself,
"Can I say ass? Er.. anyway. When the red-head turned around, I was mortified to find that I smacked a complete stranger square on the ass. Needless to say, I paid for his coffee. And apologized profusely, but... Ash won't ever let me forget it."

Rei laughed. "Poor guy. Not many can say they've smacked the ass of two redheads. They're hard to find these days." She flashed Kai a wicked grin, then settled down for her next question. "On a more serious note... You're Ouroboros' newest member. What do you feel you bring to the table for the band?"

Kai took his time to think, knowing that she addressed the slight elephant in the room.
"I'd like to think that I bring lots of energy to the group. I'm very passionate, and good at what I do, if do say so myself."
He laughed at his self-praise,
"I know how that sounds.. but.. I am always looking to push the limits of what the bass can do. I help bring that competitive energy and keep the guys on their toes."

Kai thought some more, reflecting on this bandmates.
"Especially since a few of them are classically trained, I like to challenge that by making them push the boundaries."
He grinned, "And, well, let loose every now and then, you know?"

"I definitely know what you mean. On the flip side, what is an obstacle you've had to overcome since joining the band?"

"Definitely proving myself to the guys and earning their trust."
He was quick to answer, knowing immediately what his biggest obstacle was.
"Being a newcomer to a band that was formed years ago when the members were still just kids, it takes a while to show that you've got your whole heart in it, if not more. These guys love each other and the band. It only makes sense that I'd have to do more than be good at playing bass to really settle in."

He backtracked, suddenly getting nervous,
"Not that they were harsh, or anything! In fact, Ash was really cool with me when I first joined. It just.. took some time and lots of care to prove that I'm in it for more than just a few minutes of fame."

"That's understable. You've clearly earned some of their trust, though. I can see it."
Rei smiled. "Final question. Now that you've come this far... If you could go back and tell yourself from 10 years ago one thing, what would it be?"

Ten years ago. This question made him lean back in his chair, bringing an elbow to the arm of the chair and letting his head fall into the palm of his hand. Ten years ago, he was 12. A year after his father's death, and he was stuck in an entirely different state. He had met Lucas by then. A visible frown fell upon his face, before he lightened up slightly,

"I think... I would tell myself that you can't resurrect the dead. Cherish what you have, and remember what you lost."
He decided to leave it there, before chuckling quietly,

"Sorry if that's a bit somber to end the interview on-"
Kai was met with polite reassurances as the interview came to a close. It was all much less intimidating than he anticipated, but he was ecstatic to stand again after being sat for so long.

hold me like a grudge

♡coded by uxie♡


spoken words and songs unsung...

Momo was grateful for the large breakfast spread that morning. And every sip of coffee. He was grateful for the sun, especially as it laid itself on the bronze skin of Micah, nestled in their bed. Their space. Hardly his, not that he wanted it any other way. He confided in his boyfriend about his nervousness about their interview. That morning, on the way there, right as they entered the building, anywhere he possibly could remind Micah. Maybe he took that into consideration when volunteering to go first. The familiar touch of Micah's hand on his knee still elicited a custom warmth in his face. Every single time. An echo of uncertain adolescent kisses. Clammy hands. He swallowed something thick that formed in his throat and excused himself with the rest of the bandmates, wishing his love good luck.

When it was his time to go, Momo returned a loving squeeze to Micah's hand before entering the room. He marveled at his confidence.

He smiled and shook Rei's hand (she was as lovely as Micah said she was) and took a seat on the couch.

"Hello, m'am, it's a p- pleasure. Thank you for interviewing us today," he said sheepishly, and after it left his lips, he already felt like it was a stupid thing to say. There was something genuine and endearing about him though, as if he had not yet been corrupted by Hollywood.

Rei blinked in surprise. "Oh! The big one is a bit shy. That's a pleasant surprise~" She laughed. "I'm so used to tough, edgy musicians. But anyway, let's get started. Nice and easy," she promised. "How about you tell me a little bit about your average day as a musician? And as a lead singer, especially.

Momo chuckled sheepishly and scratched the back of his platinum buzzed head. He could sense she was trying to get him to relax, and it worked. The tension in his shoulders slowly dissipated.
"My average day?" He repeated and thought about it for a bit. Then --
"Well, I have this, um, notebook I carry around with me. Of my songs or ideas. Sometimes, words just sneak up on you, so I always have it on hand. I usually have my coffee and send little blurbs to Ash mainly, if I have something concrete! Then, I'll eat, get to the studio and meet the other guys there. Henrik always arrives first, and he sort of directs us on what needs to be done that day," he said. "I think as the band's main lyricist, solitude is important at times. I need, uh, quiet and darkness to focus, when I'm searching for the words. If I'm not in a little room, we're usually all working together to come up with something. Henrik, uh, keeps us on track. It can get a little loud sometimes," he joked.

"Good thing the studios are sound proof," she teased. "Obviously, there's a lot you bring to the table as the lead vocalist and lyricist. Is there anything you feel you offer to the band outside of this? There's always more to the band than the music itself."

Momo smiled and hummed thoughtfully at the great question Rei posed.

"Well... everyone has their days of being discouraged. Even me. There are factors outside the band that can get our members down and factors within the band, like ideas being shot down, or a song not being as popular as we thought -- even constant practice can be hard. I've always tried to push us to keep going despite that. I've always told them we're going to make it big. To never give up, even when we've all wanted to at some point."
He frowned and looked sincerely at his knees and then back at Rei.
"Words are simply that, just words. We choose what power we give them. So, my band always finds courage in mine and keeps their spirits up, and I admire them for that."

Rei nodded in understanding. "I have a feeling your fans have given a lot of power to your words as well." She paused, flipping to the next page. "You mentioned days of feeling discouraged. Can you tell me a little more about obstacles the band has faced that may have left you all feeling this way? And how your words may have been useful in overcoming them."

Momo beamed from the compliment. At the next question, he paused and stared at the woman's paper. The whole room was silent, and there was a long sigh that escaped him. His eyes even grew misty. The large lead singer cleared his throat.

"Nina. Of course. I know that's the elephant in the room," he murmured, blinking his fresh grief away.

"Her death has left a void in Ouroboros and in all the hearts of people who knew her. That is the biggest obstacle we have collectively faced."
But he then smiled.

"I can't speak for the others, and I can't speak for my fans even, as I know everyone is soldiering through their own struggles. But I do know that writing lyrics are therapeutic. I just.... reach into my heart and try to pull out all the bile, all the negative thoughts I've been having and turn them into something productive. And if that helps someone out there who is listening, even better. I can say with confidence Ouroboros endorses that always."

Rei's expression softened. "I'm sorry for your loss. Although, I know Ouroboros and your fans are keeping Nina's memory alive through your music and their passion for the band. I'm sure she would be proud of all you've accomplished together." She offered him a reassuring smile. "With everything you and your band have gone through, both your losses and your accomplishments... Is there anything you would say to your 12-year-old self to prepare him for the future?"

Momo beamed again at the interviewer’s reassurances and kindness, albeit weakly. He quickly wiped his eyes and took a deep breath. At her next question, he chuckled and slowly shook his head.

“I would give him a hug and tell him to it’s going to be okay. Stick with Micah and Ash. Become best friends with Kai. Maybe I would tell him not to be so wimpy. Micah and I still talk about how he used to fight my battles for me, and Ash probably remembers me taking the long way to my classes so I wouldn’t have to face those kids who picked on me. He was a good friend — always walked with me, through everything. In a nutshell, I would tell him to keep going, stand up for himself, and stick with his friends.”

"That was very heartfelt, Momo. I'm sure your younger self would really appreciate that." Rei smiled softly. "Let's end on a lighter note, though. What funny or embarrassing moment can you tell me about? It can be you, your bandmates, whatever comes to mind."

Momo hummed thoughtfully at the question and looked up at the ceiling.
“Oh, gee… an embarrassing or funny moment, huh?” he chuckled sheepishly.
“I think uh… my mom on Instagram is very embarrassing. I love her, but she posts the childhood photos of Micah, Ash, and me. One time in our underwear — we had this little kiddy pool in the backyard she bought, like 2 feet deep, and thought it would be a nice gift for, uh, like 13-year-olds. We just stripped down to our underwear and had to get in and she posted uh, that throwback the other day. I called her and like, “Mom, you can’t post that!” She didn’t get it. It’s weird because she mostly posts pictures of Kai now? I think he’s her new favorite son. So, yeah, everyone check out Mama Momo on Insta… but tread lightly,” he said with a laugh.

Rei pulled out her phone. "Following her now," she teased. "That is incredibly wholesome. Mama Momo sounds like she is so proud of you guys. Thank you for sharing," she grinned. "I enjoyed speaking with you. Why don't we get you back to hair and makeup?"

Momo nodded and rose to shake Rei's hand. He thanked her for her time and the interview. An apology was on the tip of his tongue for tearing up about his sister. He almost did, but something told him not to. Rather, he returned to hair and makeup and tried to brush the ghost off him. A flash of Nina's lifeless body seized him. His eyes, cold as her corpse, stared beyond himself in the mirror.

save today

♡coded by uxie♡

Last edited:

I can't erase what you've done...

The last week had been hectic in an almost comforting way for Alec. Between still getting his things unpacked in his and Taro’s apartment, starting his first shifts at his new job and the band working on bringing Wren into the fold, he’d pretty much fallen into bed exhausted every night. He’d gotten some decent sleep the night before and hadn’t had to work that day, so he was feeling charged and ready to go as they waited for Wren’s arrival.

The room that they had rented out was simple but perfect for what they needed it for. Outfitted with practically everything the band would need for practice, it gave them the privacy to perform however they wished without the risk of early eviction from their apartments. They were mostly spread through the room while they waited, lounging in the provided seats and couches as easy conversation flowed between them.

He glanced between the three other occupants in the room. It felt natural to have Eli back in the fold with them. While Alec’s exclusion had been self-inflicted and he was still working through some things with everyone due to the relationships he’d broken because of it, he was still glad to have them around despite everything. He was also very grateful that Eli was willing to help them and provide some advice on how to grow their social media presence, something they were admittingly lacking on.

Wren’s arrival caused a fair amount of expected commotion and he just smiled as Eli and Lucas played along with the bit for a moment. When no one fully cleared up the miscommunication, Alec looked over at Wren with a grin. “You’re ours, dude. Please don’t fight anyone in here, I don’t think Lucas wants to pay for damages and they won’t let us back if we cause trouble.”

As they fell back into easy conversation, introducing Wren to Eli, he caught Lucas’s glance towards him then Taro and knew that he was thinking about something. He waited for him to speak, feeling a bit of hesitance when his best friend finally said what was on his mind about their need to go over some decisions. He also shared a glance between Taro and Lucas as the topic hung in the air between them, knowing it was ultimately the three of them that had to make the choice, with Wren and Eli’s input of course.

“I’d entertain the idea of a name change,” Alec said hesitantly, though the words tasted sour on his tongue, “But the name Deathlore wasn’t made on the decision of just one member.” He didn’t say a name. He knew well enough that he didn’t need to, and for that he was thankful, “My vote is to keep it,” he simplified.

As Eli brought up the venue options he could reach out to, Alec turned his attention to him for a moment, thinking it over. Eli’s offer was a genuinely good idea. Alec knew places like that didn’t typically host bands with their style of music, but it was a step in the right direction. Gigs under their belt would build their popularity to get into something more their scene. “That would be great,” he said thankfully. It was nice to have someone in their corner with those kinds of resources, especially when it took some of the additional stress off their shoulders, “Just let us know if we need to arrange a meeting with anyone.”

He looked over at Wren next as he shifted to the other obstacle that Lucas had presented. “You know our music pretty well and seemed pretty comfortable playing it. I think we can keep some of our old stuff, but I think it would be unfair of us to force you into a box,” he looked around at Lucas and Taro again to get their opinions, “I mean, we have this fancy practice room for a reason, right? We can see where his strengths are and mess with some songs to make them more… new us?” he offered. His tongue felt heavy in his mouth as he offered it though, a slight hesitance he didn’t mean to slip in causing him to panic a little as he heard it, quickly adding on, “I’m open to suggestions is all I’m saying!”

Ten Tonne Skeleton

♡coded by uxie♡


no such thing as love in l.a.

The light click of drumsticks could barely be heard over the noise of excitement in the room, with deathlore finally gathering to decide their next step. Taro sat on a stool as he mused on the commotion, drumsticks between his fingers. With only a week passing since the new arrival, it was hard to discern how Wren would change the already delicate dynamic of their group. So far everything had been going well—minus a few personal hiccups outside of his bandwork—and with the addition of Eli’s help, one could say that this was the key in pushing the members closer again, though Taro’s pragmatism prevented any seeds of hope from growing just yet.

Per his usual charm, the drummer stayed quiet in the background as he tapped out a rhythm on his lap. The occasional nod or snort at their antics was the extent of his outward engagement, but his mind was far from idle. A sharp gaze peeked out of half lidded eyes as Taro listened attentively to the discussion flowing around him. Topics ranged from welcoming the new bassist to the atrocious traffic in Los Angeles, there was little that required him joining in vocally. A chuckle had escaped him at Wren’s arrival, however, though his expression betrayed none of his amused observations.

It was only when the topic of rebranding came up that Taro put a voice to his thoughts; His drumsticks paused mid-twirl. There had been times in the past where he’d pondered alternative band names, but his answer to himself had always been the same.


Even now after all that had happened with Kai’s departure, Taro remained adamant that the name would remain unchanged. After all, they didn’t spend hours writing up lists and flitting between ideas in as kids, only for them to drop the one they grew attached to years later.
“I agree with Alec. Our name is a part of who we are, and changing it won’t change the music we make or the bond we share as a band.”
Taro declared, looking directly at Lucas as if to make some point.

Kai leaving had been hard on all of them, some definitely harder than others (Alec) but constantly dancing around the topic wasn’t something Taro wanted the group to do forever. Taro knew that their music would evolve and change, just like they would. The old songs held memories but they also represented a past they were trying to move beyond. He couldn’t help but wonder if they were ready for this evolution or if they would lose something precious in the process.

Blowing a stray hair out of his face, Taro then turned to Alec before the firecracker’s suggestion on the subject could give way to nervous rambling. He offered a calming smile—though to a stranger’s perspective it might have seemed no different than a flat line—placing a hand gently on the other’s shoulder in a steadying gesture.

“That’s a great idea. I’m all for keeping our old songs but it wouldn’t hurt to have some degree of change either. Seeing where Wren’s strengths and weaknesses lie would be a great start in figuring out composition for future songs as well.”

After a moment to let the words sink in, Taro gestured to the new member with one of his sticks.
"Oh and feel free to chime in if you've got anything to say, newbie. We won't bite, probably."

no love in la

♡coded by uxie♡


we can burn into the velvet sky

Rei invites the boys to sit on the spread of couches and loveseats.
"Thank you all for answers earlier. We're going to move onto the group interview now,"
she explains, sitting across from them.
"To start, I'd like to ask what inspires you as musicians? And how has that inspiration brought you all together? Mr. Andersen, you're also welcome to shed some light on what inspires you to dedicate so much of your time and effort into managing Ouroboros?"

Henrik walks forward motioning for the rest of the members to seat themselves accordingly. He passes a glare in Micah and Momo’s direction as if telling them to behave themselves. The look alone speaks volumes as he settles into an empty Loveseat. He presents a forced smile that eases onto his face oh so naturally as he answers the question. Motioning towards the band he smiles.
“They do, they surprise me each passing day. And honestly, I wouldn’t be here without them. Though, I'm sure they have more to share than I do.”
He looks over at the rest, his smile almost painful at this point, his right eye twitching slightly as he tries to maintain his image in front of the interview. His composure drops for a moment as he locks eyes with Micah.
“Our leader should of course start us off, don’t you agree Micah?”

Listening to Henrik’s answer as he took a seat on the couch, Micah had to plaster a fake smile on to keep the look of disbelief off of his face. He desperately wanted to look at his other bandmates to see their reactions to Henrik’s answers, but in order to keep their manager from having an aneurysm on the spot he resisted.

Thankfully, he was prompted to start talking before his self control ran out.
Micah started, waiting for Rei to nod before he started talking.
“My initial inspiration was spite, really. My family barely supported the idea of me playing an instrument at all, let alone the type of music that I or anyone else in the band were interested in.”
He let out a humorless chuckle.
“The music that I liked when we were younger was the sort that reflected the feelings that I wasn’t allowed to express in my own home. So now my inspiration is to make that music so the next kid in my spot can connect with it, feel understood like I did.”
Two truths and a lie in his answer, Micah felt pretty good about it. About how it would be received.

“My bandmates were the first people who I could be myself around, we can be honest and raw with each other. That understanding about who we are and what we want our music to be is what inspires us to make the kind of music we do.”
Micah smiled at the others, nudging Momo with his shoulder as their eyes locked briefly before turning to look at Rei.
“If we didn’t have that connection, then there’d be no music. Or it wouldn’t be as good, just a hollow shell of what it should be.”
He chuckled, leaning back.
“I don’t mean to speak for everyone, but that’s just what I think.”

Momo could not help but lean into Micah's response, and he, like the viewers would be, was touched by the sincerity of it. After Micah finished answering, expectant eyes went to Momo. He especially felt the sharp stare of Henrik. He gulped. In most group settings, he was the one to speak after Micah, as if his bandmate breathed courage into him. It was almost a running joke on social media, and nothing had changed since they were children. He cleared his throat.

"For me, it was the English language. I learned it when we moved from Russia to America, and it-- it fascinated me and challenged me. Micah and Ash can attest that I, er, was a terrible student, but I did really well in English once I had the hang of it. I lost myself in poems, in books, and... and I found them as an escape during hard times. Luckily, I- I had a family who nurtured my, ah, uniqueness. All of ours actually. We had a safe space to play our songs, to practice, to dress and act any way we pleased,"
he smiled thoughtfully, almost sadly as he recalled it, and looked down at his lap. He wanted the reassuring nudge of Micah again, but he feared Henrik more than he craved it.

"And my sister. Of course. I was nervous to show anyone my poems, but she really pushed me to. Every word I write, I write for her. And every song is for her. Nina started it all, and she is personally my biggest inspiration. She lives on in our music, and she-- she would have loved Kai. She would have been very proud that we kept going. And we will... keep going,
" he said sweetly.

As the baton passed to Asher and Kai, along with the attention, Micah leaned over and pressed a slightly dramatic kiss to Momo’s cheek. The gesture a careful balance between affection, and over the top reassurance to keep Henrik from yelling at the both of them.

Asher nodded to Momo and Micah's words, with a soft smile. In such moments, Ash could still see themselves as the bright-eyed middle schoolers, hopeful that their dreams would come true.
"Growing up, my nights were spent in front of the T.V. watching music videos on MTV. It became a place of comfort for me, and similar to Micah, I want to be able to create, to give someone else that comfort they may not have."

"Besides, seeing the boys, in their element is an inspiration on its own,"
he said throwing an arm around his closest bandmate.
"This is our dream and every performance is an homage to Nina."

There was only one left, now. He couldn't avoid any longer, reassuring gazes turning to the newer member of the group. He let out a nervous chuckle as Ash brought an arm around him in a casual half-hug. Their answers really touched him, and he knew he couldn't be baseless in his own... not now.

"A big inspiration for me is my dad. In my eyes, he might as well have been the biggest rockstar to grace the Earth. Except, well, he was a bassist, and his band didn't get much farther than playing at clubs."
He laughed, remembering how satisfied his dad was with what little he had.

Would Kai ever be satisfied?

"Anyway, his creativity on the bass and willingness to juggle being a father at the same time made me realize that if he can do it, surely I can too."
He looked over at the rest of Ouroboros with a somber smile,
"That drive to bring a new meaning to playing the bass makes practicing with these guys so much more fun."

He chuckled, looking back over to Rei with a more lighthearted air to him,
"Plus, someone's got to pull crazy stunts on stage."


♡coded by uxie♡


bury all your secrets in my skin...

"Oh and feel free to chime in if you've got anything to say, newbie. We won't bite, probably."

Wren looked surprised. He hadn't expected Alec or Taro, really anybody, to ask him for his opinion on super important band matters. He was new, and younger, and less experienced... Wren kinda just expected to be going with the flow. Honestly, he would have been perfectly content with that.

"Oh, uh..."
It did make him feel a little giddy to know they cared.
"I'm super open to do whatever you guys want! Like, I love boxes. Or uh, I mean... A box is better than nothing, right? I never really expected to be able to join a real band, so I'm kinda just on cloud nine about basically anything that lets me play with you guys."

He chewed at his bottom lip, popping the fidget toy as he thought of what else he could say. Wren wanted to contribute, and sound smart and super knowledgeable. Basically, he didn't want to make himself look like a worthless idiot anymore than he did naturally.

"You guys know those bands who rerecord or remaster their old albums years later? Maybe you guys could do that with your songs? And like, if anything just changes because I play a little different or you think you guys wanna do something new... Then it's kinda like you're not ignoring your old music? You're just growing with it, I guess?"

Wren grinned sheepishly and shrugged.
"Whatever you guys wanna do, I'm totally in!"


♡coded by uxie♡


Well there ain't nobody

Excellent, thank you guys. I'm looking forward to seeing where this inspiration will take you next.
" Rei scribbled a few more notes down before looking back up, offering a smile. "
Moving on... If someone who has never listened to rock or metal music before asked you to describe the music Ouroboros creates, what would you say? Do you feel like there's something your music can offer to the heartfelt country or soulful jazz fans?

Momo looked thoughtfully around the room at his other bandmates and decided to answer first. They could not always rely on Micah. He cleared his throat.

I've known all of us long enough to find that rock and metal are not the only genres we can appreciate it. Not me, but some of us actually have a classical background with some music theory sprinkled in there. The more musical of us in the group curate sounds, I think, that all can enjoy. That, and the lyrics are meant to reach anyone and everyone. I always want someone in the audience to relate or be touched by what we say and how we sound,
" Momo said softly.

It's kind of cheesy coming from a rock/metal group, but we want to encourage fans to express their emotions through a healthy outlet,
" he said, looking to the other bandmates for approval.

Asher nods, "
Our music has elements from multiple genres. It just might not be super apparent unless you really break it down. Because of that, I think people who aren't fans of mental or rock would find themselves digging our sound.

He smiled, pleased and proud that Momo took the initiative to answer. As he and Asher finished their answers, Micah nodded his head in agreement.

I do agree we appeal to a broader audience, with some of our classical musical training and Momo’s deep and personal lyrics that can grab a lot of people’s attention and emotions. But we also aren’t afraid to experiment either, adding rap or alternative twists to songs that call for them,
” Micah chimed in, leaning back and resting his arms on the back of the couch he was sitting on. “
We’re adaptable and creative, but I think what helps us appeal to a bigger audience is the fact that we don’t pander to anyone by forcing elements into our music that don’t fit.

Clearing his throat, Micah continued. “
We’re a rock-metal band who isn’t afraid to admit that the broader scope of music influences and affects us, and we’ll use the best of everything to make our music better. Imitation is the highest form of flattery after all.

Micah pretty much said it...
" Kai bounced off the guitarist, "
We are a rock band that isn't afraid of change. If I were describing our music to someone new to the genre, I'd say our music is like a diary. I mean, hell, Momo writes from the heart, and people grow over time.
" Kai paused for a moment, hoping he wasn't going too far by putting Momo in the spotlight. "
That, combined with Ash's killer training on numerous instruments, just makes innovation inevitable with us. If someone doesn't like our music now, I'd simply tell them to check in in a year or so. 'Cause without a doubt, we will have brought something fresh to our sound.

Crossing his leg over the other Henrik adjusted himself in his chair, eyes focused on the band members every movement as he watched intensely. Fingers digging into the arm of the chair as he waited patiently for each answer, only to find his tensed posture slightly relaxing as the answers poured in. His gaze shifted from Momo, to Ash, Micah and then landed on Kai respectfully in the order they answered. And he couldn’t help but feel, proud? No that wasn’t the right word. Settling the emotion he forced another plastic smile on his lips as he turned his attention back towards the interviewer.

I couldn’t have said it better myself, well done boys.
” Nodding in approval his smile widened. “
But, I would like to add on a bit, I'm actually a fan of Jazz and Country music myself. In fact, Ouroboros was my first introduction to the Metal genre all together. In a sense music is all connected, for example Bluegrass fans can find that that deep guttural feeling you get is quite similar to the tones that Metal has to offer. These boys are beyond talented. So I truly believe if anyone, no matter the person takes a moment to truly listen to their music, and listen to their songs. They’d be a fan of metal in a heartbeat, that’s how strongly I believe in the-
” His voice cracks a bit as he coughs a bit to clear his throat. “
Excuse me. Like I was saying. They’re very talented.

Walk on boy

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i dream of broken promises

Despite Eli's attempt to downplay the meme's humor, Lucas mentally flagged a few of Eli's videos to share with Wren later. He'd taken pride in Eli's rise to internet stardom, following his journey closely over the years and even dropping by LA when he could. But what kind of friend would he be if he didn't seize the chance to tease him about it?

"He's practically our manager now," Lucas chimed in during Eli's introduction, a playful glint in his eye. "Paid only in friendship," he added with a grin. He was definitely glad for Eli's presence as he came forward to offer his connections and help. It took a good chunk of the stress off of Lucas's shoulders.

As the topic transitioned to band matters, Lucas paid rapt attention to the responses to his questions, his gaze sliding from one member to the next. They all made very good points. Lucas listened, nodding along, holding Taro's gaze steadily when he looked his way. Perhaps the drummer picked up on just how skeptical he felt of the bond that was mentioned. In Lucas's opinion, it had already been broken once, who was to say it would stay strong this time around? But, in the end, he knew that they were right. Deathlore wasn't formed with just one person's influence. It was still their band.

"Cool. No rebranding necessary then," Lucas stated casually, as if ticking off an agenda on a list instead of the tense question it had truly been. While the discussion had been necessary, he sensed he had stirred up something with his questioning. One day Alec, Taro and he would need to have a proper sit down and and hash out everything that had transpired over the past year. But today wasn't that day.

"Yeah, sounds like a plan," he agreed with Wren's suggestion. "I'd be glad to rerecord some of our old songs. I know my playing's changed a lot over the years." In an attempt to ease some of Wren's nerves, he reached over to tousle his hair gently. After all, he'd been the one to introduce Wren to the band, and he felt a sense of responsibility for him. "Just bring that audition flair to practice, and we'll be golden."

With the heavy questions out of the way, Lucas was ready to jam. He picked up his guitar, his eyes catching Alec's in an unspoken question. Ready?

i hope i'm not sick

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Always an angel, never a god.

"As your popularity grows, where do you hope to perform? Any dream cities or venues? Whisky a Go Go here in Hollywood, perhaps?" Rei asks.

"Okay, so I am going to say a choice that I dont' think anyone will agree with city wise,"
Micah started, letting out a chuckle as he waited for the confused looks from his bandmates. "I'm going to go Philadelphia, the bands that come out of that area are so super diverse in types of tastes and it draws people from New York and D.C. and places like that." He paused, waiting for the snorts of laughter and commentary. "Venue wise, not picking like - center stage at a huge music festival, I'm going to say The Fillmore here in Los Angeles. It isn't really for our genre of music but the history and culture that exists that is just something I want us to leave our mark in too. I want us to be a part of a big tradition like that."

Henrik held onto his forced smile as Micah went on, slightly surprised by the answer the other gave. Adjusting himself in his seat he waited for the man to finish before adding on. “That’s, surprisingly quite touching Micah. I’m actually happy you shared that with us.” Pausing for a moment he leaned forward in his seat “While Whisky a Go Go seems like a good gig, I believe they have the potential to go international. I’ve always dreamed of managing to snag the 02 Arena in the United Kingdom. I’ve only been there once, and it was enough to set my sights on it. Getting a band there under me-” He cleared his throat before continuing. “Being able to have Ouroboros perform there would feel like a fever dream.” Relaxing into his seat with an open palm he motioned towards the remaining members to speak up.

Asher listens to Micah with a curious expression. He hadn't thought about it, but Philadelphia made sense. If they harrassed Henrik enough, he may be able to make it happen.
"In all honesty—as cheesy as it sounds, every venue is a dream venue. I'm just grateful to be able to share our music with people."
Ash smiled almost bashfully. While he wasn't exactly jumping at the idea of playing at some seedy underground bar, the opportunity to play for a crowd was worth it. The performances from their earliest days as a band had a special place in his heart, and he wasn't sure if anything could beat it.
"If I had to choose,"
he said, pausing as he ran through possible locations in his head,
"I would have to say Red Rocks in Colorado! It's one of the most unique venues I've seen. Something about being surrounded by nature amplifies the feel of the music, you know? Being able to play there would be a dream come true. Plus, it has hosted some amazing musicians in the past."

Momo listened to all their answers, intently Micah's the most. Surprisingly, they had never discussed where they wanted to perform. They always took situations presently, and the only one in the 'planning ahead' department was Henrik. Micah, too, in his own private way. He hummed in thought, praying that he did not sound stupid. "Colorado is a really good one," he said to Ash, almost as if he were embarrassed he did not come up with that. Then, he scratched the side of his head. Henrik told them before the interview not to fiddle or touch their face, but he, well, forgot. "I think Amsterdam would be a great place to perform, if we ever reach a large international audience. They have a great music scene up there. Music festivals, and the people seem, um, liberal enough to give our band a chance. Maybe we could put that on our tour list? I've seen many great artists have big hits in Amsterdam. For some reason," he joked softly.

not strong enough

♡coded by uxie♡


it's a riot, it's the parasite days

Eli’s brows lifted as he feigned surprise.
"You think you can scam me out of commission when you make it big just ‘cause we’re friends, huh? C’mon, Lu, don’t be stingy.”
But as soon as the words left his mouth, Eli laughed, for Lucas was right. He didn’t want a single cent—didn’t need it when a single sponsored post on his social media made him thousands—and truth be told, something he realized after spending the past few years in LA was that friendship was far more important to him anyway, as corny as it sounded.

He definitely missed this—being able to see everyone whenever he wanted for the foreseeable future again instead of having to make do with quick trips back home during the summer, trips that always felt too short, too quick. Lucas’ occasional visits to him in LA definitely helped tide him over, but it was just better now that Eli could see him and the others whenever he wanted.

Eli sent a nod Alec’s way, returning his thanks with a relaxed grin.
"For sure. If anything, you can let me handle all the meeting arrangements you need. You guys got the harder job, after all. Being the performers and everything.”
Sure, Eli blew up in fame partly because of his DJ’d remixes, but recording something and putting it up on the internet was entirely different from performing songs in front of crowds of people, live. Especially when it required teamwork, which even if Eli did get to the point where he could perform sets in front of his own audience someday, it’d still be a one-man job for him onstage.

Quietly fiddling with his phone, Eli listened intently to the band’s inputs about the direction Deathlore should take. Although he didn’t have any say in the matter, he agreed with their sentiments: Deathlore just wouldn’t feel like Deathlore if they changed their name. It had so much history and meaning attached to it, and besides, he always thought it was a sick name to begin with. If it already felt nostalgic to him, Eli could only imagine how much more weight the name held for the band members themselves.

Despite himself, he couldn’t help but chuckle at Wren’s evident excitement. For some reason, the boy reminded him of the surprised hamster meme when the band called for his input, yet also a golden retriever when he met it with just as much eagerness. In the gaping hole Kai left with his departure, Eli had a hunch that Wren would be able to fill it seamlessly.

Eli glanced over as Lucas picked up his guitar, then followed suit and unzipped his bag to pull out his vlogging camera.
"While you guys practice, I’m gonna try to get some test shots in. Just to see what kind of content would work best with you guys, try some things out, ya know. Is that cool?”

Although TikTok was the platform he first grew his fame on, Eli didn’t want to limit the band’s options by only getting phone-quality footage that could solely be used there, on TikTok and maybe Instagram. In his opinion, the band had lots of potential to grow on YouTube too, and if he could document their journey from the very beginning alongside their other social medias, that could make for great content in the future.

So, he attached the camera to his handheld tripod and flashed the boys a grin.
"Alright, let's do this. If anyone’s got any angles or sides they prefer, now’s the time to voice it.”

digital junkie

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you're gonna go far, kid !

"Thank you boys for answering," Rei hummed, "How do you feel the Internet and social media has impacted your journey through the music business? Compared to how you listened to music and followed your favorite bands as kids, do you think the change has been positive or negative? I imagine easily connecting with your fans might be nice as first, but could become overwhelming as you grow."

"I'll be the first to say that social media is such a fun way to interact with fans."
A knowing grin brightened Kai's face almost immediately,
"Me and the guys do some pretty stupid shit, and thankfully Henrik hasn't killed us for it."

At the mentioning of their stiff manager, Kai's eyes decided to avoid what had to be a look meant to kill.
"I think it's about balance, though. Sure, doing stupid pranks and Tiktok trends is fun for a little bit, but I sometimes wonder if those same actions will have other bands not take us seriously."
The bassist shrugged, before continuing,
"Without social media, though, I never would have been introduced to Ouroboros, so maybe it's worth being seen as childish. Especially since it is the main avenue that most bands can even get their name out there."

Micah followed suit and refused to make eye contact with Henrik, certain that their manager wouldn’t like any of his answers either. “It is true. I saw Kai playing in some clips online, he was great and I couldn’t resist going to see him in person. So clearly, social media has really shaped our band to what it is today.” It was the nicest way he could manage to say that he found Kai online and poached him from a lesser band. He reached out and ruffled Kai’s hair affectionately as he spoke.

“Anything could become overwhelming as we grow, but having overwhelming fan support and interaction is probably one of the better things to have too much of,” Micah shrugged. “I like talking with my fans on instagram and Tiktok and everywhere else - in the end it helps to humanize us too. I don’t want to look like we’re just machines that put out music and go to concerts to perform.”

He let out a sigh at the idea of whether it was all positive or negative. “If you’re weak to criticism or can’t take when people are assholes then social media can be a negative. Or if you become addicted to it. But over all, I think that social media is a great thing - you just need to learn not to care what random people are saying about you that much. Only deeply unhappy people are going around the internet shit talking strangers anyways. The fact that I can connect with fans all over the world, and show our music to people who’ve never listened to our genre makes social media worth all of the negatives.”

Momo was intimidated by Micah's answer in particular, as he perfectly outlined the complicated relationship one might have with social media. Without it, yes, they would not have Kai. He smiled slightly when his boyfriend’s hand ruffled their newest member’s hair, and he cleared his throat.

“Admittedly, I was one of those people who could not handle criticism very well,” he said with a small sigh. “It definitely takes practice and a tough skin. Ash really showed me the positive environments of social media though. He’s pretty great at it, and he creates this space of openness and support. A few times we have been on livestreams together, and I rarely saw negative comments. And even if I did, I took Micah’s advice and didn’t let it affect me,” he said, but he then gulped.

“But uh… It is hard to not fear the reception from people when we release new songs. Social media has made me nervous in the writing room. So, um, guys, be nice. I’m a big guy, but I’m sensitive too,” Momo said jokingly to the cameras. Of course he meant it.

Henrik hangs his head down for a moment, unable to hold his mask any longer, using his hand to somewhat shield the swirling emotions rising to his face. His mind races with frustration and disappointment as he recalls the countless hours spent trying to build a professional image for the band, only to have it torn down in mere seconds by the band members in a single day. The amount of damage control he needed to do to clean up their main band page was enough to drive him to day drinking.

Henrik takes a deep breath, trying to regain control of his emotions. The mental image of what some of them posted on not only the band’s social media accounts and as well as their own personal accounts flashes before his eyes in mere seconds. He lets out an elongated sigh before sitting up right, that plastic smile painfully stretched across his lips as he struggles to maintain his composure. The veins in his arms now more visible as he clenches his fist in an attempt to keep his mind off the many. Many. Meetings he had with the band about what is appropriate to post and what should remain private. As well as what should never see the light of day. His gaze shifts to each member respectfully. Resting on Momo for a moment before he turns his gaze towards the interviewer. “Social media is extremely necessary, without it we wouldn’t be able to reach the far corners of this world. And how else would the boys share their wonderful message?” He pauses crossing his legs as he adjusts himself in his seat. “I've not killed them YET- but they’ve gotten pretty close.” He lets out a genuine laugh, only to catch himself. Clearing his throat as he settles himself down. Shooting a look towards the rest of them as if to say: We will be having a meeting after this.

Ash loved social media. There was no way around it with how much time he spent on it. Of course, he tried to present it as a form of networking or building fan engagement, but he couldn't hide what the interaction meant to him. Sure, his friends supported him and constantly built him up, but how could he be sure they weren't just saying that out of obligation? He knew when he interacted with fans or whoever managed to stumble upon his videos or livestream, that they were there for him, and that fact drove him to post more and more. Which has resulted in a scolding from Henrik on more than one occasion.

"I love it!" He finally said, "Like Micah said, it humanizes us. I've had a few fans mention that they got into our music after seeing our personalities on TikTok. It also helps motivate us, I'm known to spam the group chat with screenshots of positive or funny comments about us."

Asher glances toward their manager, weighing if what he was going to say would warrant being reprimanded later. "You know Henrik refuses to be in any of our TikToks," Quickly deciding that whatever consequence would be worth it, Ash looked back at Rei. "But I'm sure that if the fans kept tagging him in our videos he wouldn't be able to refuse!"

hold me like a grudge

♡coded by uxie♡


I can't erase what you've done...

Alec was glad for the discussion to end as quickly as it had started without any arguments. Catching Taro’s comforting smile eased his nerves more than he could admit, and he gave him a small, appreciative nod. He knew there would be a lot more for them to talk about on the topics in the coming days, but he felt better knowing that they were all on the general same page with the basics and that Wren wasn’t offended by any of their decisions. He didn’t want to think about having to comb through L.A’s music scene for bassists again or the possibility that the very foundation of the band was at risk of crumbling. For now, he would take the win for what it was and do his best to enjoy their first actual practice as a full band.

Moving to the performance area with the group, he messed with the height of the mic stand, unraveling the cord to make sure that it wasn’t going to snag on anything or anyone if he decided to pick it up. “Every side is my good side,” he said, looking over at Eli with a cheesy grin, taking note of where he was setting up to get some shots of them. While it made him feel jittery with how oddly professional it was to be marketing themselves like this, he still felt comfortable that it was Eli taking the shots, knowing that he wouldn’t put anything out there that would tarnish them in a negative light (though he did know if he did anything embarrassing, he would likely be seeing a video of it later).

Satisfied with his set up, he turned to look at the group again, excitement hitting anew when he saw them all in various states of readiness. “If we’re going the remaster route,” he said, acknowledging Wren’s earlier words as he pulled out his phone, “We should focus on our more popular songs.” He pulled up their old YouTube page, looking through some of their posted songs and looking at the numbers on them. While in general, the interactions on each video were low, it still gave them an idea of which songs performed better than others.

“Your audition song is one of the top five, Wren,” Alec commented as he scrolled, taking note, “You seemed pretty confident with that. We could add that to the practice list.” He offered as he continued on through the list, looking for anything that stood out to him as well. While he generally used music as an outlet for his emotions, the idea of any kind of breakup song didn’t sit right with him. They’d done a couple of them for the sake of making them in the past, but nothing had done well for reasons he liked to think were because he could never put his heart into them before. But he was trying to move past what had happened, not dig further into what had caused him to pull away in the first place. Not to mention he felt weird dragging his friends into a project that was one step away from revolving around his issues.

He thought of the notes he had in his phone of some half finished songs he’d started. He hadn’t written much during their break so it felt refreshing to get back into it, but he could definitely tell he was rusty. There was a large part of him that was thankful for the revamp idea since he wasn’t sure how helpful he would be in the creativity department at the moment. He hadn’t had the time to even start sitting with Taro at home to pitch him any of the new lyrics yet, which he considered a vital part of the creative process. Mentally, he made a note to make time for that, knowing he would need to get some things together before they ran out of content.

He hit a song with a large majority of their likes on their page and paused for a moment, thinking over the lyrics mentally. “‘Is It Me’ was pretty popular. I’d like to add that to the list if y'all don’t mind,” he said, leaving it open from there for the others to hop in with their ideas. He knew they all had their favorites to perform and he knew it would be important to play to each of their strengths at this moment while they figured things out.


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spoken words and songs unsung...

“Okay, perfect. Last question before we move onto your photo shoot."

Momo took a deep breath. Momo smiled weakly, his hands still folded in his wide lap. Last question. They could do it. The last question.

“We hope this article will help Ouroboros appeal to new listeners, but as we all know you guys already have a dedicated fanbase. What is one message you would give to them? The fans that have been with you before your move to Los Angeles.”

Micah did look to Henrik this time, fairly certain that their manager might actually pop a blood vessel if they messed up this question. "Obviously thank you, we appreciate you. But more than anything, Ouroboros is just getting start." Micah said, grinning widely as he leaned forward. He was genuinely excited. "We are just going to do bigger and better things, so keep watching us and don't get too comfortable because we sure as hell haven't."
The platinum-haired Russian's hands coiled around one another, and he gulped. He could sometimes feel the dagger of a stare of their manager. There was this palpable tension that came in waves between Henrik and Micah at times, but he was too dense to pinpoint the origin of this. Kai answered shortly after.

Before Los Angeles. Also known as: Before Kai. The fans referenced were the exact group Kai had hoped to win over this past year, and the future ones to come. A twinge of nervousness made the bassist fidget with some of his bracelets, but the more Micah spoke, the more his excitement rubbed off on him. "I, for one, would like to say thanks for welcoming me with open arms. Performing for you is something I thought I'd only dream of doing. So to be so welcomed to a band and fanbase so tight-knit is, well, pretty damn exciting!" The more he spoke, the less anxious he sounded, and he ended his message with a laugh, his grin seemingly matching Micah's. "I won't let you guys down, that's for sure."
Momo relaxed and smiled, nodding along. Ash then answered.

Asher sat up straighter, thinking over his words for a moment, "The fans probably already know, since I spend so much time on live with them anyways," he said, partly joking. "But we wouldn't be here without them. From the ones I've had the pleasure of interacting with—I can say they are some of the most passionate and amazing people this world has to offer, and I'm so grateful to have them as our fans."

Then, their manager chimed in, tactful as always.

Henrik can’t help but chuckle a bit, using his hand to cover his mouth as he fixes his composure. He turns towards the rest of the band and gives them a reassuring nod, satisfied with the answers they’d given. “I want to thank them all sincerely for supporting our boys through every step they have made. We hope you support and love them even more in the future.” He pauses for a moment, stretching out his hand toward Rei, "Oh and one more thing, I’d like to add that yes. I do read each and every comment, and some of the things I've seen of these fan accounts.” He clicks his teeth while shaking his head in disapproval. “Behave.”

"But seriously,"
he continues, his tone becoming more serious, "We appreciate all the love and support we've received from the fans. It means the world to us, and we wouldn't be where we are without you. So thank you, from the bottom of our hearts."

The tension in Momo's shoulders dissipated. He released a long sigh. I can't tell if he is faking it or not. Knowing Henrik, they were bound to have a long lecture after the photoshoot. His signature serene smile softened his face a bit as he stared at the camera.

"Everyone could not have said it better. To those who have been following from the beginning, we sincerely thank you. We won't let you down. I hope you all feel the music, and that it continues to nourish the most starved parts of you," Momo said earnestly, wishing he could hold Micah's hand. His chest ached for some reason. The interview room started to feel uncomfortably empty. Nina was not there, only the ghost of her. His eyes drifted to an empty chair behind the camera, and he saw her sitting there. Heard her whisper something to him.

".... And please, should our songs inspire you enough to do so, hug a loved one. I know we come off as hardcore and intimidating but true fans know we're all love here," Momo added with a weak smile.

save today

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no such thing as love in l.a.

With Lucas picking up his guitar, Alec positioned at the mic and Eli poised with his camera, Taro felt a rush of excitement stir him into action as he settled behind his drum set. The routine of setting up for a practice session never failed to motivate him, it was a familiar thrill, yet each time, it felt as invigorating as the first.

He flashed a lazy peace sign in Eli’s direction, before refocusing on his bandmates. Dark eyes darted lazily, half-lidded but sharp. Taro knew that secret songs were lurking in their minds; He had a sneaking suspicion that some or at least Alec had new music planned for the future. Briefly, he wondered what future beats he could use as well to elevate their sound.

Pushing aside those musings for the moment, Taro chimed in,
"I'm cool with whatever you guys decide."
Yeah, he liked all their songs, so sue him. Still, he recognized the importance of catering to the audience, and going for the crowd-pleasers were their best bet. Trying to contribute some helpful input, the drummer shrugged as he added
“Popular is better.”

There wasn’t much else on his mind except for the itch to play again.
"Which song first?"
He asked after a beat, leaning back on his stool.

As he waited for their response, Taro’s gaze swept over his bandmates. He was grateful for their continued cooperation, even after past setbacks they were reluctant to name.

no love in la

♡coded by uxie♡

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  • intro

    losing my life

    falling in reverse


    week has passed since ouroboros’ first magazine interview with Millenium Magazine and deathlore's decision for their direction as a band. Now well into October, both bands are making moves to progress and earn themselves recognition. deathlore is scouring the city to make connections within the metal scene and potentially find their first gig. Meanwhile, ouroboros' interview has been printed and put out on the stands for sale.

    Two different harmonies threaten to collide. With dissonance looming, both bands will struggle to find their pitch.

    After their fateful meeting on a charter bus to Los Angeles one year ago, THE BABY and THE DESERTER reunite on Sunset Blvd. Unknown to either of them, there is so much more than just chance encounters waiting for them in the near future.

    THE SNAKE and THE MANAGER arrive at The Sayers Club, a venue that has recently signed ouroboros on for their Halloween show. They scope out the space and work on finalizing the last few details. Meanwhile, THE FIRECRACKER and THE RELIABLE enter the club to meet with the event coordinator with hopes of networking and increasing their chances of securing a gig before the end of the year.

    THE HEIR and THE INFLUENCER arrive at Troubadour, a famous club in West Hollywood. They talk to the bartender about potential shows, open to any advice that could help them navigate Hollywood‘s metal scene. Meanwhile, THE STORYTELLER and THE OLD SOUL walk through the door. ouroboros has played at the venue several times before and they have plans to discuss hosting THE MANAGER’s secret birthday bash at the club in two weeks.



i need your love,

i'm a
broken rose




sunday, october 15th







♡coded by uxie♡

bury all your secrets in my skin...

In hindsight, maybe sending a picture of his ass in the middle of the day wasn't the greatest idea. Some of his bandmates didn't seem to appreciate it, but hey at least none of them could deny his dedication! That's all that really mattered to Wren in the end, so he considered tattooing the band's name on his ass to be quite a success. Next on the agenda was helping deathlore network across town.

Wren was eager to find something. Some of the initial nerves he had been experiencing were gone now, replaced with restlessness and a desire to prove just how great they could be. He wanted to play a show, wanted to feel what it was like to be a real musician. The bassist did have a few friends who went to local rock clubs on the weekends, so he gathered what names he could and sent them in the group text while on his way to the bus stop.

On the way to the first club, Wren hopped off the bus and made way for Sam Ash on Sunset Blvd. It was a pretty well known music store, with all the practice he was doing recently Wren was in need of a new pick and some strings. It wouldn't hurt to name drop and maybe offer up the band's Insta page.

He made his way towards the back of the store, but stopped just short when he noticed a head of shaggy black hair to his right. Wren blinked several times, a foggy memory of meeting someone with a similar look slowly coming back to him. There were so many people in the city, though, there was no way it could be the same person. Hope bubbled up inside of him. Wren had met the stranger on the bus heading to the city from Portland. They talked about music, and a little bit about each other's lives, for hours.

What was his name though? Wren had a weird feeling it was really short. Like, shorter than even his name. Tom? Bob? Kai!

He finally called out, stepping out of the way of those passing by.
"Your name wouldn't happen to be Kai, would it? Wait, it has to be! You look just like him and you have a guitar case! My name's Wren, we met on a bus a year ago! Do you remember me? I'm usually kinda hard to forget being so tall and all, so I hope you do but it's okay if you don't because I remember you at least!"
He bulldozed, eyes wide and twinkling with excitement. Wren gripped the straps of his case and leaned in a little closer to the other.
"Whatcha doin' here? Shopping for bass stuff or somethin'?"
He added, curiosity getting the better of him.


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I Hear Trouble Coming

Fresh off from work and tired, Alec was starting to regret scheduling this meeting for after work rather than on one of his days off. He thought juggling school, practice with the band, and their odd one off shows at small venues back in Arizona was hard, but now trying to juggle a 40 hour work week while working on getting any venue to pick them up was borderline impossible. But since Wren had joined them, every practice they had fueled him to push for their goals. With all of them working towards getting someone to pick them up, they were bound to force a crack in the impenetrable wall that was L.A at some point and he was sure once they did, the gigs would start coming. They just had to hold out and hold tight.

It was still early enough in the day that the Sayers Club where he and Taro were meeting with the venue’s event coordinator was just starting to get truly busy. He was thankful to Eli for his connections or else he wasn’t sure they would have been able to get an in just to talk to someone about performing at the place. He was truly grateful that Eli had been so serious about helping them get their name out into the L.A scene. Mentally, he made a note to make sure he and the others did something for him in return for all of the work he’d been putting in.

The large rectangular room housed a stage on one wall with a classy looking modern bar on the opposite side, some hanging lights from the ceiling providing just enough light so that the area wasn’t pitch black, but not overpowering the lights from the stage. A DJ was on stage in full swing for a decent enough size crowd, who all seemed engaged with the music that was playing. Eli had mentioned that his venues would be more geared towards a different style of music than they would be performing, but any step in was a step in the right direction to getting their name out there.

“Hold up for a sec,” Alec asked as he paused to watch the performance, eyeing the proximity of the stage to the crowd itself. The platform was more of a step up than a traditional stage, which made for some intimate moments between the DJ and the front half of the audience. The back half seemed to be struggling to see much, more interested in listening and conversing with each other than what was going on past the crowd in front of them. The acoustics of the room were good enough though that private conversations could be had without disturbing others, and the music was loud enough to thump through the floor with the large speakers that sat on either side of the stage. While it wasn’t much and the stage could be a little cramped with a full band on it, Alec was satisfied that it would be great for getting their foot into the L.A music scene, and could be a perfect opening for creating some fan interactions.

Satisfied, he looked over at Taro to get his thoughts, cupping his hand in front of his mouth so that he could direct his voice to be heard over the loud music. “It’s small, but I think it’s great!” he said, starting to feel energized by the idea of an actual performance despite his long work day.

Trouble's Coming

♡coded by uxie♡

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spoken words and songs unsung...

A few of his incidents with drinking warded him away from clubs. Drinking brought out this cruel, angry beast within him, a monster he vowed to never satiate again. In the sea of laughing faces of clubs, sweaty, rhythmic bodies, he sought to destroy all of them once the vodka warmed his blood. Micah's face flashed in his mind as they entered the venue. He stuffed his hands in his pockets as the music stomped out his lover like a poorly lit cigarette. Right. They had a mission.

Though their manager had not been with them long, his work and dedication did not go unnoticed. Mostly. While Momo was undoubtedly a contributor to his stress (less than the others though?), he did take note that Henrik worked tirelessly for the band. He had to. The bags under his eyes and the security of more interviews and sponsorships. He had even attained some fame online, and Momo knew he was there to stay. He was a little confused as to what was so appealing about a tired man in a suit with a cigarette hanging from his mouth. Expensive scotch between his fingers. Images of Henrik drove fans mad. All Momo had known and craved did his part at the Sayers Club that day. His fingers itched to pull out his phone and text him. He did not like the idea of Micah being at a club, even if the time of day was not opportune.

But he had Ash there, Ash who calmed him. He took a deep breath and whistled.

"Doesn't look too bad so far," he said to his childhood friend. Sometimes when he looked at Ash, he saw a scrawny middle school boy with a smart mouth staring back at him. Momo walked deeper inside the club, his eyes trained on the DJ booth, the VIP sections, the bar, the top shelf whiskey, the bar, the-- the bar. His eyebrows raised a bit, and he elbowed Ash lightly. A mop of strawberry blonde hair and a twinkling smile looked so familiar. Momo squinted. Elbowed Ash again. If anybody were to confirm his identity, it would be Ash. He was a true social media consumer (he was addicted).

"Is that the guy from Tik Tok? The-- The guy you sent me the other day?" he asked in disbelief. He seemed to be talking to an employee or maybe even the manager. It was not until Momo noticed there was a second guy with him. It was hard to see in the low lights of the club, but Momo assumed him to be a friend. Maybe a boyfriend? His fingers itched again to text Micah, and he cracked his knuckles to stave it off.

save today

♡coded by uxie♡

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