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Realistic or Modern ▀❛& UNSPOKEN ◞ ic

you're gonna go far, kid !

Today was a pretty relaxed one for the bassist. Especially compared to all the running around he knew his bandmates had to do. So, as he walked into the Sam Ash, he quickly pulled out his phone, shooting the group chat a quick text:

'stoppin by sam ash, lemme know if u need somethin'

They often needed new strings, and definitely some guitar picks. Kai alone lost so many on the daily, to a point where Micah finds them strewn about their shared apartment. Speaking of picks, golden eyes drifted to the familiar section of the store, full of gear for guitars, until he heard a familiar voice yell out,

"Hey!" Dark brows furrowed, Kai's mind reeling to remember to voice. Was it a fan? Or maybe he was in someone's way? His face looked rather stern in the moment, until the supposed stranger kept talking, willing him to turn and meet the random person's gaze, "Your name wouldn't happen to be Kai, would it?"

His previously confused demeanor melted into one of familiarity. A laugh of disbelief escaped him as he let Wren continue on, easily remembering their long talks on the bus. God, that felt like forever ago now.

"Yeah, dude, of course I remember you!"
His response was immediate, even though the taller of the two continued to speak. Wren looked the same, but, off. His energy, while bright as ever, betrayed the physical changes he underwent. Maybe adjusting to the city was harder than he deserved. A pang of worry hit him in his gut, and left as soon as it came. "Whatcha doin' here? Shopping for bass stuff or somethin'?"

Kai smiled as Wren leaned closer,
"Pretty much."
He shrugged,
"I lose my picks all the time, and my bandmates have a bunch of errands to run, so, I figured I could pick them up some stuff too."
Remembering their conversation on the bus, Kai arched a brow, nudging Wren with his elbow,
"But enough about that, how's it going with you? Doing some auditions with that bass of yours?"

He figured Wren had to at least be playing regularly, since he was so passionate with him all that time ago. Maybe a band would pick him up soon. Though, Kai realized in the moment, he never actually heard the guy play.

hold me like a grudge

♡coded by uxie♡


I've been on the late shift

Henrik leaned forward, nodding his head in agreement to whatever was being told to him as he held the newest issue of Millenium Magazine in his hands. Turning another page as his eyes analyzed every word, stifling a laugh he dropped the magazine onto his desk with an audible thud. Turning his attention back towards Micah, his stony expression staring through the other. “
Brilliant, isn’t it? This interview alone will do wonders for the band's publicity. And that’s just the start.
” In the passing weeks Henrik had worked day and night securing better deals. And the fruits of his labor had paid off with him managing to secure their most recent venue. Securing the gig at the Sayers club was quite easy, Henrik found himself never even having to pull many strings to gain an audience with the manager of the club. In fact when he first reached out they were more than thrilled to discuss the details to which he soon found himself forming up a contract with them. Between scheduling the bands interviews, monitoring the bands social media accounts, as well as securing a few options for branding deals. Henrik was beyond drained, the light in his eyes had left the second they finished their interview the prior week. “
Tomorrow we’re paying the Sayers club a visit, so dress casual.
” He eyed up Micah for a second a tinge of disgust painting over his features before he turned to other matters. “
I’ll call you when i’m outside, keep your phone on

Taking a drag from his cigarette he rang Micah “
” before the other had a chance to answer he hung up. Tired eyes glanced up at his rear-view mirror, in which he adjusted it slightly to see the tanned man come into view. Hands gripped on the steering wheel he looked over at a stunned Micah who simply stood outside the door of his passenger side. With a confused and annoyed look he leaned over, peering out the window. “
Stop wasting time, get in.
” He adjusted himself, waving off the comments the other made about his choice of clothing for the day. He snickered as he began driving off towards their destination. It didn’t take long to arrive at the Sayer’s club. He took on the final drag of his cigarette before he tossed the bud to the side, crushing it under the heel of his shoe before he motioned for Micah to follow him. Holding the door open as he was greeted by an all too familiar club scene. Sure the club was a bit rustic for his taste, but it matched what they needed. Besides, the gig was for an upcoming Halloween show. As his eyes glazed over the room he simply nodded, taking in the full picture. The manager's eyes narrowed, skepticism etched across his face.“
It’s decent.
” he murmured, pushing past the slight crowd, his tired eyes looking back occasionally to make sure Micah wasn’t wandering off. As they ventured deeper into the club, their steps muffled by the deafening music, he caught snippets of conversations and the occasional burst of laughter. Irritating.

The pounding music was already starting to give him a headache, though he'd admit he never really visited a club sober. Regardless, the venue was decent, offering a modern enough touch. The stage, while appearing a bit cramped, was suitable for the type of shows they held. From the look of it, the boys would thrive in this venue. However, he knew he'd need to take a closer look before finalizing his judgments.

He pushed past sweating bodies and onlookers, making his way to the bar. With an outstretched arm, he managed to split the seas quite literally. The patrons at the bar took one glance at Henrik and turned the other way, making room for the manager as he approached, flagging down the bartender. Two fingers held up in the air, he ordered, "
Hennessy, neat. Make one a double.
" Leaning against the bar, he offered a pleasant smile as he waited. As two glasses clinked against the bar counter, he traded his card with the bartender. "

Grabbing a hold of the glasses, he walked over to Micah and placed a glass in his hand. "
Here, if you want something else, buy it yourself.
" He brought the drink to his lips, his eyes dancing around the room, skimming over nameless faces in the crowd. His attention focused on a pair that didn't seem to belong, mixed in with the rest. Weary eyes noticed the couple for a second- one with a black mop on their head and the other with longer hair and highlights underneath. He scoffed, "
Anyways, the event coordinator is floating around this club. We have some time to examine the area before deciding on adjustments and accommodations.
" He pointed his glass in the direction of the stage and towards the DJ. “
Pay attention, or do you miss Mortimer that much you can’t focus.
” Henrik’s voice was laced with sarcasm, the sound barely audible over the booming bass. Finishing his drink, he set the glass down on the counter and wiped his hand on his jeans. "
We’ll check out the stage first, if anything catches your eye or any ideas float through that thick skull of yours. I’m all ears.

He weaved through the crowd, maneuvering around dancing bodies and dodging spilled drinks. As they approached the stage he offered the DJ a slight wave, Henrik's eyes narrowed as his attention turned back towards the stage as he inspected it. It was small but well-built, decent enough space for the band to perform comfortably. He turned back to Micah, raising an eyebrow as he cupped his hand and leaned closer to the other just enough to be heard. "
Looks like a good setup to me. Opinions?


♡coded by uxie♡

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i dream of broken promises

The neon-lit facade of Troubador stirred a complex cocktail of emotions in Lucas as they approached. He'd graced this establishment only once before, about a year ago, during one of his visits to LA. It had been a desperate attempt to fill the gaping void left by the band's implosion, surrounding himself with new faces and pulsating beats. It hadn't worked of course. Now, here he stood again, the club's familiar silhouette a reminder of past failures and present uncertainties.

As they engaged the bartender in what Lucas hoped would be a fruitful conversation about booking opportunities, his phone chirped insistently. Curiosity piqued by the possibility of band-related news, he stole a quick glance at the screen.

And immediately put his phone back face down on the counter with a bit more force than he needed to, his cheeks coloring abruptly.

"Somethin' up?"

"Nah, just - " How could he explain that a bandmate had just shared a photo of his ass tattoo in the group chat? The absurdity of the situation left him momentarily speechless. "- it's nothing," he dismissed, clearing his throat and shifting his focus back to the conversation. He took a sip of the beer he'd been nursing since he got here in an attempt to be casual as he silently cursed Wren, wondering why and how on earth he got a Deathlore tattoo on his butt cheek. He couldn't really be mad at the kid. Lucas couldn't entirely fault Wren's dedication, even if he himself had never seriously considered tattooing the band's name on his skin. Probably a good thing considering he was still skeptical that they'd stick together for much longer.

Pushing aside his doubts, Lucas turned to the bartender, summoning his winning smile. "Sorry, what were you saying about shows?"

"We're pretty booked for the next month. The owner's selective with bands."

"Trust me, we're pretty good. We were selling out gigs back in Arizona and now we're here to win L.A over," Lucas said with a charming wink. "Troubador could benefit from some fresh talent!"

"Hey, I'm not the one you gotta convince. I'm just telling you, the owner's selective. We've had bands on the levels of, like, The Arsonists, Hellsblade... Ouroboros, y'know?"

Lucas's smile faltered at the name of the last band. "Ouroboros, huh?" he echoed, fighting to keep his voice neutral even as his hand tensed around his glass.

"Yep! They've played here quite a lot. Dunno if they'll be back again though. Did you read their latest interview for Millenium Magazine?"

Yes. Lucas had read the interview. He hadn't wanted to. But he'd seen the magazine in the stands, Kai's face splashed across the glossy cover, and before he knew it, he'd picked it up and shoved it in his pocket; read it in his car in the parking lot and then crumpled the magazine back in his glove compartment. He wasn't sure what to name the feeling he got seeing it. Jealousy? Envy? Maybe, maybe not, but betrayal was definitely among the top three.

"Nope. Didn't get a chance to," Lucas lied through gritted teeth. His eyes darted desperately to Eli's, silently pleading for an assist. Maybe his silver tongue could salvage this increasingly uncomfortable situation, convince the skeptical bartender that Deathlore was destined for greatness. The thought hung heavy in Lucas's mind: We're certainly better than Ouroboros. We have to be.

i hope i'm not sick

♡coded by uxie♡

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it's a riot, it's the parasite days

Eli was no stranger to Troubadour, though to say he was on first-name basis with the staff would be a reach. Each time he’d visited the club in the past was, after all, surrounded by a large group of friends, be it other influencers (which was usually the case) or fellow music producers he’d gotten to meet in his past few years here. It was always a loud circle of laughter, dancing, and drunken physical affection, such that when he stepped into the club today with Lucas—sober and in the company of solely his friend—it felt just a tad foreign.

Things never felt too off with Lucas by his side though, and in the stead of his usual rowdy company, Eli undoubtedly appreciated the presence of his closest friend much more. One Lucas was better than tens—no, hundreds—of socialites whom he wasn’t that close to. He’d take this any day, even if they were strictly on business for the time being.

“Eli Fox,” the bartender identified immediately after they approached, and Eli gave a chuckle and a small nod. The bartender’s tone wasn't surprised even though Eli had never spoken with him before, but the recognition in his voice was backed by certainty. Such was LA, Eli supposed—his home, his digital sanctum, where everyone thought they knew him in his entirety from what little of his life he shared online. They couldn’t be further from the truth.

“Yup, that’s me. Nice to meet you.”
Nonetheless, Eli flashed the bartender an easy grin and nodded to Lucas.
“So uh, if you’re the right person to speak about this, my friend over here is in a really dope metal band, and they’re interested in performing some potential shows here. I can personally vouch for them, and I think they’ll be a hit that’ll draw in a new wave of potential customers. Call it a sixth sense.”
Eli smiled as he leaned an elbow on the bar counter, brimming with as much confidence as he sounded.
“You got a few minutes to spare?”
People always made time for him after he grew his fame, no matter how short their interactions were.

“Certainly.” The bartender set down the glass he was cleaning to offer his full attention, glancing over to Lucas once, then back at Eli. Eli was finished talking for the time being though, and instead, he gestured for Lucas to take it away.

The conversation went smoothly without him for a bit, during which he ordered himself a Cosmopolitan to sip on, but the moment Lucas faltered at the mention of Ouroboros, Eli placed his glass down immediately. A quick glance his friend’s way, met with his desperate eye contact, told him all he needed to know, and Eli set his attention back on the bartender. With practiced ease, he flashed the friendly influencer grin that usually got him what he wanted, and he offered a hum of wonder that almost convinced even himself.

“Oh, they’ve played here a lot? Sounds like a blast.”
Eli swirled his cocktail glass carefully, thoughtfully, though in appearance only.
“I’m sure Troubadour’s regulars appreciate the good music, though like you said, maybe introducing some fresh talent could keep things interesting. Just so the performances don’t get too repetitive for the people who come a lot, y’know?”
In between his words, he sent a small smile Lucas’ way, hoping it’d instill confidence back into his friend after the sudden mention of Ouroboros.

“We did have a few other clubs in mind to ask, but I’m planning on doing some collab content with the band and already have a few ideas about the footage I wanna get. Troubadour fits the vibe of what I’m imagining best, which was why we swung by here first.”
Between the lines of his words, it was clear what he was offering: a collaboration and free promotion on his socials, which promised certain virality and increased business for the club, simply for the small price of allowing Deathlore to perform here. People always loved chasing celeb favorites, after all, whether it was cafes, restaurants, or clubs.
“Maybe you could bring the idea up to the club’s owner if that sounds like something you guys would be interested in?”

digital junkie

♡coded by uxie♡


Always an angel, never a god.

A cold itched at the back of Asher’s throat. Its presence was enough to prove a nuisance, but not demanding enough to break through Asher’s stubborn wall of unwillingness to take medicine. A hill he would gladly die on, a remnant of his childhood. Memories flash in his mind—nights spent home alone, too little and sick to reach the medicine cabinet. Helplessness surged in his veins as if he was still only a child. Bile crept up his throat, whether a result of his sickness or relived memories, he couldn’t tell.

He needed a drink. Even if the thought was counterintuitive to his stance against taking medicine, the alcohol would either kill whatever virus was brewing in his body or make him sicker, but that was an issue for future Asher.

He would have suggested he and Momo go get a drink, but even in his desperation to unwind, he knew his friend would find an issue with it. Between not wanting to drink himself and the words of concern that always seemed to make Asher feel worse about himself, Momo was not a good drinking buddy. Ash couldn’t blame him. They had been through a lot together. Even as children, they looked out for each other the best they could. He couldn’t expect that to stop now, nor did he want it to.

“Doesn’t look too bad so far,” Momo said. Troubadour had become one of Asher’s favorite to play at. The club, while spacious in theory, was still small enough that each performance felt special. Even while his dreams cast him far out into the renowned venues, his heart held a spot for the more intimate shows. “Is that the guy from Tik Tok? The-- The guy you sent me the other day?”, Momo asked, interrupting Ash’s musing.

“Can you be a bit more specific? I send you at least fifty videos a day.”
Asher’s brows furrowed, trying to spot just who Momo was talking about.

he said, his eyes landing on the guy who always managed to pop up in his feed.
“Yeah, I think it is. How cool would it be if he remixed one of our songs?! There are so many great music producers out there, but if you watch his behind-the-scenes videos, you can tell he knows his stuff.”
Asher said quickly—only to clear his throat.
“I mean, like, his stuff is good.”

Ash glanced back towards the bar, quelling his inner music nerd. While running into celebrities wasn’t unheard of in LA, especially with Ouroboros slowly being put into better places to do so, there was still something nerve-racking about running into someone you admire.
“You know, it wouldn’t hurt to invite him to Henrik’s party. After all, Henrik says we should work on building our social circles.”

not strong enough

♡coded by uxie♡


we can burn into the velvet sky

“Wow you really aren’t listening to me at all are you?”
Micah asked as Henrik nodded along, reading the magazine and not even making eye contact with him. He couldn’t help the bemused expression on his face as Henrik continued to read and didn’t give him the time of day.
“We’re definitely not telling you about your party, I think it’ll be be more fun that way.”
He kept his tone light and casual, as if he were talking about anything else, knowing full well that Henrik couldn’t care less about what he was saying.

As the magazine fell, he took in the dark circles under Henrik’s eyes and the dull look in them. For the band doing well, he certainly didn’t look like it.
“Are you going to be dressing casually?”
Micah asked, suspicious.
“Or will I look like your escort while you’re in a full suit?”
He rolled his eyes at the comment about his phone. Who in the right mind would keep it off? Especially since Momo was going to be out looking at places for Henrik’s party, he’d be keeping it on.
He said instead, already noticing Henrik wasn’t paying attention.

The next morning when Henrik text him, he was already dressed and ready. Locking the apartment door behind him, he fired off a text to Momo that he was heading out with Henrik and then went to join the man in his car. Only to actually be stunned into momentary silence at his outfit.
“Wow, you actually look hot,”
Micah commented.
“Kind of slutty too.”
He said, tone clearly complimentary.
“Are we going to seduce the club into letting us do whatever we wanted? Great plan.”
He said with a smirk as he pulled down the neckline of his own shirt jokingly, flicking open another button.

The Sayer club was nice, not somewhere Micah would have picked out but for a Halloween show he already could see the potential.
“We can make it work,”
he agreed, weaving through Henrik in the crowd. There were just enough people there for there to be a nice, low murmur of noise around them on top of the music. Luckily, it was just a DJ, which meant that the stage would be free to look at. He was a bit slower though, which meant that by the time he got to the bar, Henrik was already buying drinks.

“What, you aren’t going to treat me all night? Stingy. You invited me out to the club, after all.”
He joked, taking the drink and giving it a careful sip. Hennessy. Somehow unsurprising for Henrik, but a bit early for it.
He added on, nudging into the space right next to Hernik so they could actually talk as people moved around them.

“Don’t worry, I can function without Momo, you have my full and undivided attention babe.”
Micah replied back, bumping his hip against Henrik’s in a way that he knew he’d hate. His gaze scanned over the crowd, and for a moment he thought he saw a pair of familiar looking faces. But then Henrik was talking again, and he had to turn to look at him.
“I think the couches will need to be moved around a bit, I don’t expect a mosh pit on Halloween but people will need room to move.”
Micah said immediately, for all of his snarky comments proving that he was indeed paying attention.

Henrik’s insults rolled right off of him, even as he followed the man up onto the stage, drink in hand. As they did so, was when Micah caught sight of the familiar-ish looking faces. Yet with Henrik speaking to him, he couldn’t place them right away still. He didn’t think much of it. Instead he winked at the DJ and walked over the stage with Henrik.

“We’ll need to get Kai in here to make sure that he knows just how much space he has to move around,”
Micah said after he walked around the perimeter of the stage. It was decently sized, but their newest member was a mover. He stayed leaned towards Henrik so they could speak easier this close to the DJ booth.
“They’ll let us decorate some, right? I’d like to make it a bit darker, some mood lighting too. It's Halloween so reds and purples, right?”
He asked, looking up at Henrik for confirmation.
“Maybe some matching costumes and more sexy feeling songs for the night? Halloween should be sexy.”
He suggested, looking Henrik and his slutty outfit over pointedly.

“I like it, I think the set up is good and we can adapt to it - we can post a video about our magazine interview on Instagram and Tiktok and then mention we’ll be performing here on Halloween, it's been popular right?”
Micah already knew the answer to that question, he’d been following along with the social media trends on his own.
“Maybe we can give a preview of what we’ll be wearing too? A little incentive?”
He offered, raising his eyebrows as he waited for Henrik’s opinion.

Finally, on the third time he looked out at the crowd and saw two men about his age talking, did it finally click with Micah who he was seeing. Letting out a snort of laughter, he reached up and placed a hand on Henrik’s shoulder to draw him in.
“Kai’s old bandmates are here,”
he explained, keeping his voice low and pointing with his eyes at the pair.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be good but I wouldn’t be surprised if they aren’t happy to see me - and by extension, us.”
Micah hadn’t done anything wrong offering Kai the position in their band. But he knew it’d caused Deathlore some problems.
“Seems a bit early for them to be at the club for fun….and they aren’t dressed for it either.”

Probably here to scope it out, same as them, then.


♡coded by uxie♡


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