Other Unpopular Opinions

I don't care for the fancy css coding mumbo jumbo that seems pretty popular on rpn. Sorry. I just find it difficult to like... Look at? I dunno.

Like, on PC it's... Fine I guess. The "aesthetic" text people use (really tiny text) is often difficult to read. And on mobile, it's an utter nightmare. What happened to just using basic formatting, a couple of fancy fonts, spacing, different colors or whatever??

Double pain up the butt when folks seem to use it to post their replies too. I've been wanting to check out group rps for a while now but it seems like everyone under the sun uses the coding stuff :( it's intimidating and I'll feel lame for not using it if I do get into a group rp and everyone else is doing it.

Sorry, too stupid to figure out coding lol.
I don't care for the fancy css coding mumbo jumbo that seems pretty popular on rpn. Sorry. I just find it difficult to like... Look at? I dunno.

Like, on PC it's... Fine I guess. The "aesthetic" text people use (really tiny text) is often difficult to read. And on mobile, it's an utter nightmare. What happened to just using basic formatting, a couple of fancy fonts, spacing, different colors or whatever??

Double pain up the butt when folks seem to use it to post their replies too. I've been wanting to check out group rps for a while now but it seems like everyone under the sun uses the coding stuff :( it's intimidating and I'll feel lame for not using it if I do get into a group rp and everyone else is doing it.

Sorry, too stupid to figure out coding lol.
I feel this so hard. I'm in a group RP now and it seems everyone is using coding except for me.
I personally think fandoms are better after a series has ended, the longer the better, though I am weak to the hype train lol
Maybe the algorithm has made a lapse in judgment on what I like, but based on how often she seems to be the subject of articles, I guess Shadowheart is really popular among Baldur's Gate 3 players? If so, I don't get it! She's Taylor Swift with Ouchie Hand! :P

In seriousness, the writers did a good job playing into charisma as being her dump stat, but the ouchie hand does still crack me up every time I see it.
The Game of Thrones finale wasn't actually as bad as everyone loves to dunk on. It was very obvious that all the character arcs had to take a sharp (and thus unsettling) trajectory because they essentially had to cut it short by 3 seasons, but I don't think the ending was inherently awful just because it didn't end the way everyone wanted it to; American cinema in general is notorious for always giving "happy" conclusions, and it's tired and cliche. What a shock that a show in which 95% of your favourite characters die...ended with 95% of your favourite characters dying. Imagine.

...Sorry, rant over. 😆
What a shock that a show in which 95% of your favourite characters die...ended with 95% of your favourite characters dying. Imagine.
But was the criticism about the finale about people dying though? I've seen plenty of criticism levied against the finale but "it's bad because they killed off [character]" was not one of them.
But was the criticism about the finale about people dying though? I've seen plenty of criticism levied against the finale but "it's bad because they killed off [character]" was not one of them.
I'm not sure the policy on spoilers, but for the sake of it I'll be vague: in my circle at least, the main gripe was indeed [the character who was to ascend the Throne] dying. Everyone wanted [them] to have this happy life with [other character], and when that didn't happen the internet caught fire lol. In my experience, all the other arguments to that were supplemental.

You're so brave but I agree. Some things like collapsible tabs, rows/columns, etc can be useful I think, but I find a lot of it very difficult to look at and very unreadable. Really tiny text on bright white backgrounds, lots of moving parts, differently-sized sections that have their own scroll bars, it's just a lot for me to parse though I do think it looks very pretty visually.
Saying 'crispy' as a compliment makes me laugh. Yeah language changes but like I meeeean

My friends keep saying 'crispy fit.' What your drip's sooooo good it's deep-fried now? Lol
wish we'd phase out the word "cringe" already. see too many people use it to put down their own hobbies, interests, fandoms, etc. like. there's nothing "cringe" about liking things, as long as you're not hurting anyone or being a creep about it.
I don't really get hyped for new games. My friends are always getting into something new and trying to get me to join in playing it with them, but I am perfectly happy just playing the same game all the time (Warframe). Games aren't fun until you understand them well, and it takes forever, and I already understand some games quite well and I like playing those. Ditto for watching new movies a lot of the time.
I don't really get hyped for new games. My friends are always getting into something new and trying to get me to join in playing it with them, but I am perfectly happy just playing the same game all the time (Warframe). Games aren't fun until you understand them well, and it takes forever, and I already understand some games quite well and I like playing those. Ditto for watching new movies a lot of the time.
I don't play many games anymore, and what I do play is stuff I used to play when I was younger.
Bruh. I'm here to RP not invest in a textbook lol. A few pages is all goods. But I mean pages and pages and pages of Setting LORE for your world is sooooo tedious and soooooo deflating to go through.

Lore? More like bore..... me to death lol
I don't care for the fancy css coding mumbo jumbo that seems pretty popular on rpn. Sorry. I just find it difficult to like... Look at? I dunno.

Like, on PC it's... Fine I guess. The "aesthetic" text people use (really tiny text) is often difficult to read. And on mobile, it's an utter nightmare. What happened to just using basic formatting, a couple of fancy fonts, spacing, different colors or whatever??

Double pain up the butt when folks seem to use it to post their replies too. I've been wanting to check out group rps for a while now but it seems like everyone under the sun uses the coding stuff :( it's intimidating and I'll feel lame for not using it if I do get into a group rp and everyone else is doing it.

Sorry, too stupid to figure out coding lol.

You're so brave but I agree. Some things like collapsible tabs, rows/columns, etc can be useful I think, but I find a lot of it very difficult to look at and very unreadable. Really tiny text on bright white backgrounds, lots of moving parts, differently-sized sections that have their own scroll bars, it's just a lot for me to parse though I do think it looks very pretty visually.

This. It's pretty, it's nice. The biggest part of it is text. For the love of everything, tiny text is difficult to read and I have perfect vision and see just fine. Stop using it, got damn.

On the other hand, fandom rp is meh. Things like Pokemon or Avatar: The Last Air Bender I can get because it has that ability to be open world concept for RP and you can make your own OC's. But the rest, no thanks. Though I also just don't like playing canon characters so that might just have something to do with it.
god me neither. i feel you
I just can't get into sports anime.
Well I mean, do you like watching or playing sports in general? I love me some sports and car anime, but I go to sports matches and games and I go to car shows, so those are already my interests. If someone actually loves sports anime but never watches sports, that would be amazing to me. I am curious if this is the case, that you're an athlete but hate sports anime, that would be interesting.
I don't care for the fancy css coding mumbo jumbo that seems pretty popular on rpn. Sorry. I just find it difficult to like... Look at? I dunno.

Like, on PC it's... Fine I guess. The "aesthetic" text people use (really tiny text) is often difficult to read. And on mobile, it's an utter nightmare. What happened to just using basic formatting, a couple of fancy fonts, spacing, different colors or whatever??

Double pain up the butt when folks seem to use it to post their replies too. I've been wanting to check out group rps for a while now but it seems like everyone under the sun uses the coding stuff :( it's intimidating and I'll feel lame for not using it if I do get into a group rp and everyone else is doing it.

Sorry, too stupid to figure out coding lol.
You're not too stupid to figure it out. Years ago, with the other system, I would do coding for my own writing, as well as layouts and codes for entire group rps a handful of times. I did really enjoy it, but now I no longer want to put in the time for it. Its literally just futzing around and trying it out, but I also understand not wanting to bother. It is intimidating from the outside, but honestly? The few times I have asked if it is a bother to someone if I don't use coding to make pretty posts, they are either up front and say "yeah it would suck" and then I just go on my merry, or more often the result is that they say "I WOULD BE GLAD TO MAKE AN OUTLINE FOR YOU PLEASE WRITE WITH ME" and then they whip up a beautiful code for me to use for the rp because they enjoy doing it. I guess don't take it to heart is what I'm trying to get at, and it doesn't make you stupid for not knowing how to do it.
Exposition in movies is awesome. I will take a good introductory/flashback exposition voiceover scene any day >]
I have an unpopular opinion, and that I think the Sponge out of Water film is in my own words pretty better than the first SpongeBob film. I mean, there are scenes are that are pretty emotional to show how much SpongeBob loves Bikini Bottom, especially that this is the last time we saw Stephen Hillenburg involved with the film creating the story. That’s what I love about this film. And yeah, Sponge on the Run, it may have some good humor, but sad that the plot is just I guess sort of recycled from Have you Seen this Snail, but at least it has good moments, like when Squidward doesn’t want SpongeBob to die.
Shonen anime are too much overhyped for nothing, a popular shonen isn’t comparable to a "masterpiece" or "peak writing".

They are a mess of random events and characters, and you sort of deal with it.

Been a while this genre is lacking of originality to me.
Shonen anime are too much overhyped for nothing, a popular shonen isn’t comparable to a "masterpiece" or "peak writing".

They are a mess of random events and characters, and you sort of deal with it.

Been a while this genre is lacking of originality to me.
I was surprised how much I enjoyed JJK myself, it actually has a lot of funny moments in between all of the serious stuff.
A few:

Railroading done properly is good. If someone thinks everything that is enforced by the DM is taking away agency that just means they never wanted to rp in that DMs game to begin with. DMs go through a shit ton of work and if you can't be bothered to play as if you were in a actual paid for product with setting, lore and rules. Then you should go.

Aesthetics can make a weak rp average and a good one great. Invest in the way of code and bring the world to life rather than reading a book with just text. It's 2024.There's a reason so many have moved on to flashy alternatives. If your rp looks more like a visual novel. I consider that a pro.

Freeform is inferior to heavy mechanics.

I'd best stop here before any torches are lit, heh.
Pineapple on pizza is acceptable….also grapes on pizza!? Yum! 😋

Give me a fruit salad pizza please


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