Other Unpopular Opinions

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Just because you got a girlfriend/boyfriend....doesn't mean you should completely up and abandon your friends.

Weddings are NOT a family reunion. Chances are, if the groom or bride doesn't know their 5th twice removed great uncle's grandkid...they don't need to be invited?

Not everyone needs a plus one at a wedding.

Medical Marijuana is way better and should be accepted more than most prescription drugs.

College Tuition should be free.

I think School Uniforms are a wonderful thing. Just have more options.
Yugoslavia (communist ) was th best most successful government and country that ever existed with a style of autonomy to the states and freedoms of owning your own business while the main economy being run by the government

Independent state of Croatia (Ustasha) was the true evil doers of the holocaust which involve traumatizing things they did to Jews , gypsies and Serbs .

I dislike people who lack maturity and tolerance (emotions flip on a dime ) yet are in relationships with people that have the same characteristics and they show regular human sad emotions or hatred when one thing goes wrong and they think it's the end of the world
To add: rats are also cuter than hampsters
I don't agree, but mostly for the fact that rats and I have some personal beef. They gnawed the foot off of one of my injured chickens. I think mice are definitely cute, but the rats we have down at the farm are disgusting
Trans men can do feminine things (wear makeup/feminine clothes /Like cosplay/, and be soft humans) and still be considered men (I just got out of a debate with someone about this). Liking/using feminine things doesn’t make dis men women so why would it be the same for trans men? Like damn, you reveal that you don’t have a dick and people start telling you that you aren’t allowed to manscape
it's a tragedy xxxtentacion died, and i wish the best for his family and hope they get all the support they require / want. but, an abuser is an abuser and even in death, i cannot and will not support or respect the person he was.
Feudalism was bad, but it wasn't half as bad as people make it out to be, as a common villager you most likely wouldn't own more than one-hundred nowadays money in your life, but it didn't matter because you could just have a farm without anyone getting in your shit. And bartering existed, so you didn't even need money.

There are also many reported cases of people climbing the hierarchy, you could become a semi-wealthy lesser noble just through bartering for cash. The problem was the constant threat of disease, robbery, invasion, etcetera.

But i mean, if you're a peasant you're fucked. I don't support Feudalism, but i understand it's Pro's.

Just my opinion, and i'll be happy to discuss.
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