Other Unpopular Opinions

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Muscles can be extremely unattractive
gymnastics is not a sport (I'm not saying it doesn't require lots of strength)
coffee is overrated
Writing entire posts in full lowercase, 5 point font, and limited punctuation makes your writing unattractive and an eyesore. No, your BBCode does not make up for that substandard post.
"Body positivity" doesn't mean allowing yourself to be completely self destructive or neglect basic self care/hygiene. Yeah, it's fine to be happy with the way you look as long as the way you look isn't a literal symptom of reversible internal damage that you're doing nothing about.
Do you love a feature of yourself that isn't "traditionally attractive"? Embrace it! I love my big nose, scars, and my super long double-jointed fingers.
Are you overweight or underweight, but you can still easily get through a day , be active, and enjoy life fully? More power to you!
Are you willfully ignorant of your health, or do you neglect self care in a way that is unpleasant to those around you and potentially dangerous to yourself? No, stop it. That's horrible.
There's an overgrowing sentiment that dogs are perfect animals, and if you don't like them they're you're a horrible human being. I don't hate dogs by any chance, they just make me incredibly uncomfortable. They smell, and they don't leave me alone. They're also loud, sometimes. I just don't find that attractive in a pet. Now dogs are definitely cute, and I admire them from afar (I don't pet them because I'm partially germaphobic). But in the end? No. I prefer cats anyway~
i actually hate most “new age” musicals.
i do like heathers and mean girls, but the fan base is so agonizing to watch i just stay away at all costs.
i don’t like dear evan hansen and don’t care for be more chill. i respect lmm and his work on hamilton, but it’s not my my first preference.
being a musical theatre junkie and performer, i feel like a lot of people that don’t really know much about broadway stumble across a bootleg of spongebob and pretend they’re fans. this doesn’t apply to EVERYONE, obviously, but i get the vibe of insincerity from a lot of the fandoms, which are almost always lapping over each other.
one minute they’re listening to bubblegum pop and then they hear “waving through a window” and are suddenly calling ben platt their “smol bean” and stuff like that.
People who make false accusations of rape deserve to be punished.

I agree! so many people can lose their jobs and so much from a false accusation (however I think that we should believe everyone accusations even if it doesn't have evidence unless there is evidence against them)
I agree! so many people can lose their jobs and so much from a false accusation (however I think that we should believe everyone accusations even if it doesn't have evidence unless there is evidence against them)
That's a dangerous way to think, my friend. I believe you should take accusations seriously and handle each case properly,but never outright believe someone to be guilty of such a heinous crime without evidence.
That's a dangerous way to think, my friend. I believe you should take accusations seriously and handle each case properly,but never outright believe someone to be guilty of such a heinous crime without evidence.

I definitely agree with you about that. I think the best solution in cases where there is doubt is to offer the same counseling and assistance to the alleged victim, while acknowledging that the lack of evidence means that the alleged abuser should not be ostracized or have action taken against them until further evidence points towards them.

It seems cruel to say " well, we can't prove it, so fuck you" to people who could very well have been traumatically assaulted. But likrwise, it seems cruel to press charhes without evidence
That's a dangerous way to think, my friend. I believe you should take accusations seriously and handle each case properly,but never outright believe someone to be guilty of such a heinous crime without evidence.
I definitely agree with you about that. I think the best solution in cases where there is doubt is to offer the same counseling and assistance to the alleged victim, while acknowledging that the lack of evidence means that the alleged abuser should not be ostracized or have action taken against them until further evidence points towards them.

It seems cruel to say " well, we can't prove it, so fuck you" to people who could very well have been traumatically assaulted. But likrwise, it seems cruel to press charhes without evidence
I third this opinion! If someone gets falsely accused of some very serious crime, the courts could say "Well... There's no evidence you DIDN'T do it.. There's no evidence you did, either. Jail it is!" And then that's an innocent man or woman who has to go through the jail life - which is TOUGH. Criminals aren't the kind type.

Not only that, people would start pulling a LOT more fake accusations because of this. If someone gets angry at their neighbour, it's no problem. They can just blame them for the death of their dog! Bye-bye, neighbours!
I definitely agree with you about that. I think the best solution in cases where there is doubt is to offer the same counseling and assistance to the alleged victim, while acknowledging that the lack of evidence means that the alleged abuser should not be ostracized or have action taken against them until further evidence points towards them.

It seems cruel to say " well, we can't prove it, so fuck you" to people who could very well have been traumatically assaulted. But likrwise, it seems cruel to press charhes without evidence

If you start treating every case where someone 'might' have been assaulted as if they had been, you are:

a: Reinforcing the idea already in their mind, which may lead to more future false accusations amongst other things. This may, in some cases, be very harmful to the person making the false accusations, if these were brought forth, for example, by a mental disorder.

b: Wasting resources.

c: People will abuse this system to get free councelling. Again: more false accusations ( since you don't really need evidence).

d: If you take fakes seriously, you are impacting actual cases since police will be swamped. It is necessary to actually deter false accusations by making them punishable.

And so on and so forth. All in all, your intention is good (help people), but this will create a heap of shit nobody wants to clean up.
Ive come to realize my unpopular opinions have gotten me in trouble more often than not so I will just ghost lolol
If you start treating every case where someone 'might' have been assaulted as if they had been, you are:

a: Reinforcing the idea already in their mind, which may lead to more future false accusations amongst other things. This may, in some cases, be very harmful to the person making the false accusations, if these were brought forth, for example, by a mental disorder.

b: Wasting resources.

c: People will abuse this system to get free councelling. Again: more false accusations ( since you don't really need evidence).

d: If you take fakes seriously, you are impacting actual cases since police will be swamped. It is necessary to actually deter false accusations by making them punishable.

And so on and so forth. All in all, your intention is good (help people), but this will create a heap of shit nobody wants to clean up.

There's a big difference between "there's no concrete evidence to base a case on, but it seems like this could have legitimately happened" and "we have no way of knowing if this happened or not, and there is cause to believe the victim may be faking".

The fact is that A LOT of criminal cases get tossed for lack of evidence, even when it's very clear from circumstantial evidence that the crime did indeed take place. It still means that you can't press charges, but I don't necessarily think that everything has to be 100% proven before a person can seek help, because then you would be denying services to a very large percentage of potential victims. Victims who could still be in a dangerous situation (children, people assaulted by spouses or family members, etc.). Children and disabled people especially may not be in a position to present the case effectively, but may very well still be in need of help. Assuming every case you can't prove is deliberate faking is callous.
That's a dangerous way to think, my friend. I believe you should take accusations seriously and handle each case properly,but never outright believe someone to be guilty of such a heinous crime without evidence.

I know, I'm saying it's terrible that can happen. Unless there is solid evidence that there accusation is false you should believe the victim
Children should have limited technology use. No, my child will not be getting a phone at seven years old, or spending hours on a computer.

YES. So freaking much to that and so much more. It sickens me to no end that instead of trying to find a better alternative (I've witnessed this first hand) people just give a screaming toddler a cell phone or tablet. It shouldn't be that way! And not to mention the screams when you want said phone back? Yeah, shouldn't have given it to them in the first place. Plus why do children need tablets and the like so young anyway?! My freaking nine year old cousin got an IPAD at the age of five. Why? Oh to talk to her dad. I don't know about you but when I had to talk to my separated parent it was through phones, letters and visits. Oh and her dad only lives two towns over.

My Unpopular Opinion which also involves children.

If your child is talking and walking. They DO NOT NEED AN EFFING BOTTLE. I'm not talking sippy cup here. But an actual bottle. This also goes for breastfeeding.

Another UPO.
Obesity from poor eating habits is not a disability. It really isn't.
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