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Realistic or Modern Unlucky ~ Dog Roleplay ~ Open!

Hazel & Turtle || Mood: Spooked| Interaction(s): Afropuppy Afropuppy InTheSea InTheSea Yahhah Yahhah @Kittensmew Quiddles Quiddles
While the others ran off to get into who-knows what kind of trouble, Hazel and Turtle remained distracted by the pair of new arrivals. At least, for the moment. Once the snarls and yips began echoing through the concrete corridor of buildings it was hard to ignore the danger up ahead. The pup whipped around to the young collie with wide eyes. She gasped.

"Hazel! Those are bad sounds. Cocoa! The others!" Just like a pup - a one track mind. Hazel's ears slicked back to her skull as she regarded the younger female and then the implications of following after them. Not a single scenario that played out in her head was in their favor. She wasn't meant for fighting - she was meant for lounging and bouncing around after a lazily slung ball in a quaint backyard with her people... it wasn't time to be reminiscent.

"They have... Creed with them." She muttered as if it were an excuse. That big dog gave off more submissive vibes than a hungry mutt. She only hoped that it was enough. Of course it wasn't however, for the anxious ball of energy. Turtle put on an expression Hazel hadn't really seen before and yipped, "Well, I'm going!", before turning tail and dashing off after the small group.

"Turtle!" Hazel called after her, taking a few tentative steps in the direction but finding herself stalled both by the pain in her raw mitts and the curious stares of the strangers.

The brindle pup bounded down the street, following the scent and the sound of the others until she suddenly skidded to a halt a few meters back. This was bad. Turtle hadn't known all that many bad dogs in her short time, but she could sense there was something really dark about this one that kind of looked like her. For just a moment she hesitated, worried that someday she would become bad too. "No way." She quickly shook that thought away.

A frantic gaze swept over the scene until they settled on Creed and Cocoa. She didn't want to distract them or scare them, so she stayed back, circling around the group almost silently to get a closer look but stay in cover. She heard Creed's suggestion to the pup and yipped quietly, calling her over. "Cocoa!" She whispered. "Over here!" The young mutt was situated behind an overturned trash can, stub tail wagging in the moment.

Meanwhile, Hazel was trying to cope not only with being separated from her young companion, but also with being left alone with two strangers. Given, neither seemed particularly dangerous. It wasn't as though she knew what to expect. "It... It seems as though our friends.." She paused a moment to think about the context of the word, "...have gotten themselves into a bit of trouble." Hold the cheeky again.


“Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”

This is not fair...

The small puppy thought to herself. The indignity of it all!

"Just go hide! I'm going to be fine, I've dealt with him before!"

The pup whimpered, the whimper turning into a whine-yawn of distress. Her mouth stretched open to relieve the stress in her body, but it didn't do much good. Another indicator of the small dachshunds insecurity and stress was how her tail folded tightly between her legs; yes, yes she was scared. If Kirah had dealt with Mean-dog before, then why was he still here? And what caused him to be so mean in the first place? All the dogs she met were Nice-dogs! And all the dogs she met would never bare their fangs at her.

Until now, of course...

"Go! Before he tries to hurt you!"

Kirah sounded so angry...

"I'm not leaving you to deal with... That, on your own. My conscience wouldn't allow it. I didn't help pull you out of a building just for you to get torn apart by a vicious dog."

She was torn between two pieces of, in her honest to kibble opinion, logic. On the one paw, the Mean-dog was very obviously displaying threatening behavior towards just about everyone in the vicinity, especially the small dog [Saga]. But on the other paw, the heavier one that had even heavier points lodged into it like thorns by Kirah and Creed, was that she ought to hide and let the adults take care of it. Er, him. Mean-dog. And Creed seemed intent on helping Kirah, so at least she would have some help before the cavalry arrived in the form of Hazel. The pup hoped the border collie could offer assistance.

All of this took only a few moments for her to ponder. The decision was already made for her of course, but being able to mull over the options and come to the same conclusion made her feel better about the situation. It seemed like it gave her just a shred of power. She let out a small bark-whine in Kirah's direction, before she turned her wide eyes up at Creed when he spoke to her.

"You should hide though. You're just a pup."

The little one nodded, albeit reluctantly.

But then, a familiar voice whispered from behind her somewhere.

"Cocoa!" Followed by, "Over here!"

It was Turtle!

Whipping her head around, it only took her a moment to find the other pup peering out from behind a capsized garbage can. Oh thank goodness! The cavalry really had arrived! Or not. Where was Hazel? Dark eyes flicked around Turtle for some sign of Hazel, but the border collie apparently hadn't arrived yet. She nodded to her brindle companion, before looking back up to Creed.

"I'm going to Turtle. Just please...help her, Creed." Her voice ended in yet another whine, before she turned to dart in the direction Turtle was located. It didn't take her very long to dash across to her friend, and she disappeared behind the trash can. She nudged the other pup gently with a sigh of relief, before taking position next to her.

"Where's Hazel? We need her help!"

She truly hoped that when Hazel arrived, the Mean-dog would simply move on without anyone getting hurt since he was very much outnumbered.

[Mentions: Afropuppy Afropuppy queanbean queanbean Yahhah Yahhah @Kittensmew ]

template by astraea ∙ beware hidden scrolling

Age: 5
Gender: Male
Breed: Pitbull
Notes: NPC, anyone can post for him
Nero seemed entirely unconcerned by the number of dogs around him. Experience had taught him that numbers meant nothing without intent, and he could sense no aggression from any of the other dogs, only apprehension, fear and puzzlement, even from the female who had the audacity to growl at him. That one he remembered. He should have killed her the last time they met, instead of allowing her to run. He could do that now, he thought. It shouldn't take too long.

He was fast, faster than most would expect from his bulk. Faster than a human would be able to clearly watch. His jaws closed on the little brown-and-white dog with the funny paws, fury bubbling to the surface as she yet again twisted more like a cat than a dog, and the bite which should have crushed her spine closed instead on skin. With a savage scythe of his head, he sent the smaller dog sailing through the air. He did not care where she landed. He doubted she'd be a threat after that, likely too shaken and terrified to do anything but run. All that, action and thought, took no more than a moment. His momentum was already sending him onwards towards Kirah, and this time he had no intention of letting her get away...

Afropuppy Afropuppy InTheSea InTheSea queanbean queanbean Yahhah Yahhah

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「Mentions:Yahhah, InTheSea, Bvmble, Quiddles」

Kirah shifted her focus purely to Nero. She was adimittedly very panicked at that point, but she had to not act like it if she wanted to have a chance at getting away. She went over there plan again, in the short time she had to think before reacting. She was going to jump in the building from the broken window, avoiding any broken glass on her landing, so that way Nero would be lured there too. Then, she was going to try to somehow make him fall on the broken glass, hopefully injuring him and causing him to get away. If he still didn't react, she would need to find a new way to injure him. There were a couple of shelves still standing up, but ready to fall over with a good nudge. If she had enough strength, she could drop one of them on him, hopefully trapping him for a short period of time.

She turned her body to the broken window. 'This is it' she thought. 'If anything goes wrong, I'm dead. I need to execute everything perfectly' She looked at Nero. While getting ready to jump, she tried to make sure that he would stay focused on her, and her only. "Come get me" she said as she jumped through the fairly big window. A perfect landing was all she could ask for at this point, and she got it. Barely. One of her paws was about to land on a big piece of glass, but she reacted quickly enough and it landed right next to it. She turned around quickly, waiting for Nero to follow her in. That wouldn't take long, he was neither stupid nor slow.

template by astraea
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Age: 1 ½
Gender: Female
Breed: Norwegian Lundehund
Notes: Injured back from bite
I'm... upside down... and this bed is really uncomfortable... and my back hurts... and... that was a very, very bad dog! So ran Saga's thoughts as the stars faded from her vision. It wasn't her bed at all, of course. It was a pile of broken bricks and rubble heaped up against a wall, where Nero's attack had thrown her. Painfully, mindful of the throbbing mess that was her back, she squirmed herself onto her belly and blinked the world back into focus. What?

Age: 5
Gender: Male
Breed: Pitbull
Notes: NPC, anyone can post for him
'What' was a blur of dark-furred muscle, teeth and scars hurtling through a broken window, chasing a cry of "Come get me!" Disregarded splinters of glass flew from the jagged edges of the shattered pane as he brushed past, the big dog seemingly oblivious to such minor scratches. In an eye-blink he vanished from the view of those outside, and all they could hear was a sudden, pained yelp...

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This was no good. Cocoa went to hide with a small dog Creed quickly identified as Turtle. Was Hazel coming? They seemed to be close, so Creed wondered why she'd left the pup to come alone. Creed noted Cocoa's plea and felt a little stressed. No backing out now, not that he was planning on it in the first place. He was a bit slower to react to the charging Nero and his ears flew backwards as he heard a yelp which he assumed was Kirah being attacked. Creed took a deep breath, bunched his muscles up, bit down the cowardice welling up in his throat telling him not to do this and leapt through the window.

Creed was sleeker then Nero, being able to avoid the jagged glass that remained in the windowpane. Creed landed and screwed up his eyes a bit as one of his paw pads landed on a shard of broken glass though he made no noise. A feral sounding growl rose up in Creed's throat as he took in the situation and immediately hopped backwards to make enough space for him to jump out of the way of the giant dog's bites in the close quarters.
Afropuppy Afropuppy InTheSea InTheSea queanbean queanbean Quiddles Quiddles
「Mentions:InTheSea, Bvmble, QUiddles, Yahhah」

Kirah watched as Nero followed her in. 'Yes!' she thought as. Her plan had worked perfectly. Nero's landing was less than perfect, as his front paw landed on a fairly big piece of glass, causing him to help loudly. That was the first time she heard Nero yelp, so she was a bit surprised. Not only had she convinced him to jump inside, she had also injured him. Then, she saw Creed jump inside too. Well, felt is a more appropriate word, as he accidentally pushed her (almost knocking her down) when landing. He didn't seem to notice, and of course she didn't say anything about it. Besides, it was no time for complaints.

As Nero was getting back up, Kirah noticed that he was limping a bit from the glass. She knew he wasn't going to simply run away though, he was going to fight them. She looked at Creed for a quick second to see if he has noticed it too and then turned back to Nero. "I told you I was going to be fine" she said to Creed in a more confident, almost proud tone. Of course she was still scared, but she was calming down a bit now and focusing more on Nero.

She took a step back, waiting for Nero to come towards her. She wasn't going to pounce right away, even though she really wanted to. If she did, and Nero fell down, they would both land on the glass. She thought it was better to just let Nero take a step forward before trying anything. Of course, she was ready in case she got attacked, but knocking her down was almost impossible for Nero to do, now that he could barely move one of his front paws. That didn't make him powerless though, far from it. He could still bite, kick and scratch, all of these fatal if he landed his attack.

template by astraea
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Age: 1 ½
Gender: Female
Breed: Norwegian Lundehund
Notes: Injured back from bite
Saga looked around confusedly. She was vaguely aware of three bigger dogs bounding into the shop, the yelp making her wince. Her back hurt. She didn't want to follow them. The Bad Dog was there, and she didn't want to get bitten again. There were other dogs though. Dogs who smelled young, and vulnerable... Puppies! Puppies needed to be looked after!

Her legs were a little unsteady as she stood, but she managed to make her way off the pile of rubble and brick. Her brown-and-white fur had been stained with tomato paste before she reached the shop, but now something else was seeping damply down her side. It hurt more when she tried to reach her head around to lick at it, though, so she stopped trying. Tail low and ears pressed back, every paw placed carefully to avoid jarring her injury, she began to pick her way towards Cocoa and Turtle. She couldn't see them, but she could smell them. Over... that way. Somewhere. "Hullo? I'm not going to hurt you. Are you okay?"

Age: 5
Gender: Male
Breed: Pitbull
Notes: NPC, anyone can post for him
Nero had been bred and trained to ignore pain, and, when the glass first lanced into his pads, ignore it was just what he did. Despite his yelp, it gave him no further pause in his first rush towards Kirah. The stabbing sensation in his paw as it landed again on the ground, however, was nothing he had ever experienced before. He felt it only dimly through the haze of anger and adrenaline but the glass shard was driving deeper, threatening the tendons and blood vessels. His hind legs had no such weakness, and it was with their power behind him that he launched with open jaws and killing intent at Kirah's throat...

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Creed's gaze flicked over to Kirah whom he'd apparently landed beside of. She said something about being able to handle things on her own. "it's not fine so long as he's still here" Creed pointed out noting Nero was far from defeated. The wolfdog took a few steps to the side in an attempt to give Kirah more space, and to get far away from the glass which still stung one of his paw pads. Creed had always been a coward and his mind was throwing a dozen different curses at him for jumping in to try and help Kirah. What did he think he was going to do anyway a big fluffed half dog who'd never truly fought a day in his life. He'd only ran from his troubles in the past, he didn't even think they needed to fight right now but here he was risking his neck for a dog he'd only met this very day.
Then Nero flung himself forward and something snapped inside Creed or well more like something awakened. Something Creed hadn't felt in a long time, not since he'd been with his first human. Defensiveness rose in Creed's throat as some wolfish instinct to defend his pack took over, how dare this hound throw himself at a dog Creed was starting to consider a friend. The dog would pay for this. "GO AWAY MUTT"! Creed snarled throwing himself forward to intercept the other dog, his behavior would probably seem incredibly uncharacteristic to the labrador but Creed sunk his teeth into Nero's shoulder causing the fighting dog to stumble at the wolf dog's weight. Nero was stockier then Creed but the surprise and power behind Creed's leap would make up for that as the fighting dog snarled and bit backwards landing, landing a grab on Creed's leg causing the wolf dog to growl and bit down harder while adding the scratching of his free leg to force the other dog to let go. Creed's advance pushed the pair sideways into an aisle which split the two apart. Creed stepped back the adrenaline allowing him to ignore the pain in his leg while he waited for the big dogs next move.
Mentions: Quiddles Quiddles Afropuppy Afropuppy
(Hope that interaction didn't cross the line with how much I'm allowed to control Nero, if it did I apologize and will change it.)

Kirah, terrified, took a step back to think. That could have killed her. That would have killed her. Why was Creed protecting her? Her ears were down and her tail was so low it was reaching her belly at that point. She watched the scene unfold. When the two dogs separated, she rushed close to Nero. Now she knew better than to let him get up fully. As he was trying to stand without pushing the glass on his paw further, Kirah pounced on him. Her weight, along with the fact he hadn't gotten up just yet, was enough to knock him down again.

Kirah couldn't think straight. She wanted the dog gone, but didn't want to kill him. At the moment though, she wasn't thinking of that. She just wanted to attack. She tried to bite him in the neck, but he got her off by shaking his head. She couldn't hold on because she didn't want to actually cause any damage that bad, if she tried with all her power she would have held on. Nero tried to push her away from him so he could get up. When he realized she was too heavy for that he decided to attack while still being down. He bit her lower leg and held on hard. Kirah yelped so loudly that even the pups outside could probably hear her. Her paw was bleeding a lot, but the adrenaline helped her with ignoring her pain. With a loud growl, she scratched his head with her other paw to make him let go. Her scratch hit his eye, not causing much damage but enough that it hurt a lot. The pain was so much he not only let go of her paw, but couldn't even move for some time.

Kirah took the time to focus on her leg. She licked it a bit, but that only made it worse so she stopped. The bite was deep but the bleeding had already calmed down a bit. Of course, she still needed to find a way to heal it properly before it caused serious damage, but she could wait to do that. Her main focus was Nero, she would worry about her leg

template by astraea
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Hazel & Turtle || Mood: Terrified| Interaction(s): Afropuppy Afropuppy InTheSea InTheSea Yahhah Yahhah Quiddles Quiddles
Hazel took a deep breath as she slipped past the two strangers to follow the sounds of fighting. Her body trembled and her head swirled with the possibilities of what horror she would find. It didn't take long to find the commotion, though most of it had moved inside at this point.

She paused a fair distance away to survey. The smell of blood was stronger now. Her honey-brown eyes flicked frantically among the rubble outside until she found a strange dog approaching a turned over can. "Just a hungry d...." Hazel began, then suddenly shot forward, throwing her body between the can and the unfamiliar canine. The border collie growled and shot a dagger-sharp gaze at her, fur bristling. "B-back off." She silently cursed that her words revealed her true fear.

Behind the trash bin Turtle recognized her guardian's scent and voice and peeked over with an excited smile. "Hazel!" She chirped. "Hazel's here to save the day!" Turtle grinned down at Cocoa and then quietly crept out to perch behind the collie's hind legs. "I don't think this dog is going to hurt us. She got thrown by the mean one."

Still, she was untrusting of the stranger, especially as the scent of blood and anger swirled around in the air, fogging up her intuition. "Where is Kirah? Creed?" She was sort of angry that they had left the pups on their own, but supposed the real danger was in a different location. The snarls echoing out of the small shop proved her theory right.

For the first time in his adult life, Nero had misjudged another dog's intent. He had assumed Creed to be too reluctant to fight and therefore no threat, and it had cost him. All his experience and training had taught him to get a hold with his teeth and keep it at all costs, but now that left him wide open to attack from whichever of his two opponents he chose not to focus on. His vision was blurred on one side and scattered with spinning stars, his ears were buzzing... his legs started to twitch without his control, and then the world slid beyond his awareness, leaving Creed and Kirah to watch him arch-backed and shaking on the floor, legs paddling furiously, foam starting to form at his mouth.

Saga stared wide-eyed as another dog threatened her, tail tucking so far between her hindlegs that it brushed her stomach and her flattened ears giving her the look of a miserable meercat. Crouching submissively made her wince and whimper as the movement jostled her injured back. "I... puppies! Must protect them," she managed to squeak out. "In the human-place... there's a Bad Dog. He chased the brown dog inside. The not-a-wolf dog followed them. Mustn't let the Bad Dog hurt the puppies!"

queanbean queanbean Yahhah Yahhah InTheSea InTheSea Afropuppy Afropuppy
Creed took a step back, he had no clue what was going on here. He was shaking from not only adrenaline but from shock at what he'd just done. Creed had very little clue what had possessed him to fling himself into the fight like that, now that the big dog was writhing on the floor whatever demon had taken hold of him before had left him. Despite himself Creed felt a little bit of pity for the dog in front of him. No creature was born this vicious, at least not a creature that could speak. He wondered what had happened in this dog's past to make him the way he was. Had this dog's humans been cruel to him? Maybe they'd done worse then chain him to a tree. Creed lowered his head, it didn't matter how the dog had gotten this way. He'd made it very clear that he didn't want to speak to them or reason, but now Creed was at a loss for what to do. He sure didn't want to leap at a dog in that condition, he looked curiously over to Kirah. "I'm at a bit of a loss here, I don't know what's wrong with him, but I don't want to go near him while he's like.... That".
Afropuppy Afropuppy Quiddles Quiddles
「Mentions:Quidddles, Yahhah」

Kirah didn't know what to do. She had never seen Nero do something like this before. Was he ok? He probably was, but she didn't want to wait long enough to find out. Not while she was as close to him as she was at least. Her ears and tail lowered again, she felt kind of bad for the dog, even if she had no reason to. She tried to ignore that feeling and turned around to face Creed, who seemed to be as confused as she was. "Um..." she started saying as she rushed to come up with a plan. "I bet he won't be like this for long. We should probably go before he wakes up." Her uncertainty was more than noticable, but it was the best plan she could think of.

Starting to walk a bit further away from Nero, she takes a quick look at the store around her. Almost everything was gone, no toys to be seen, no food bowls, certainly not any treats or wet food. The good humans probably took it all when they were rescuing the dogs, good for the others but very bad for Kirah and the group. The only things she could see was a half-eaten bag of kibble. It had Nero's smell all over it, confirming that he was the one who ate it. The specific kind of kibble was meant for small dogs, about as small as Cocoa. Thankfully, it was a fairly big bag so that wasn't their main worry, but it wouldn't last them over 2 days.

She turned over at Creed again. "Come, there's some food here." she said. She wanted to explore a bit more before leaving so she decided to trust Creed with bringing the food to the others. "Could you take this out to the others while I look around a bit more?" she said but walked away before she got an awnser. Kirah kept a close eye at Nero, if he got up she would run outside but she still had a bit of time to look around.

template by astraea
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“Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”

What now?

The day had started off on a good note. The small group had gone and rescued a trapped Kirah, they succeeded in wrenching her from her rubble prison quite effectively. But then it devolved so quickly. Quicker than Cocoa could ever really understand.

Was this what the world was really like?

She had known for most of her short life the cushy comforts of champion breeding. Plush pillows, constant attention, a warm bed. Most of all, her family. It was so confusing. Why were these issues showing up all of a sudden? And what could they do about it?

At the very least, they solved the trapped Kirah issue, and they were in the process of solving the problem with Mean-Dog. Kirah leaped into a building where Mean-Dog followed. And then Creed followed soon after that. Then there was the problem with the dog who had been bitten. The very same dog who had somehow gotten to her feet and shaken off her injuries, or at the very least her pain. And this very same dog was now coming over to herself and Turtle.

She sounded nice enough, especially since she had been thrown by Mean-Dog to begin with..

But then a flash of black and white, a growl rumbling like thunder overhead.

The Dachshund was not as quick to recognize Hazel's voice as quickly as Turtle, but at the other pups proclamation, Cocoa found herself relaxing. Just a bit. Walking out behind Turtle, Cocoa bobbed her head in agreement to Turtles words.

"She got hurt by Mean-Dog." To emphasize her point, Cocoa pointed her muzzle at Saga. "They went into that window over there. Kirah got chased by Mean-Dog, and Creed went after them! Are you gonna help them, Hazel?" Cocoa asked worriedly. "Oh. Are you okay..?" She looked back to Saga, the inquiry of the other dogs name resting on her tongue.

[Interacting with: queanbean queanbean Quiddles Quiddles | Mentions: Afropuppy Afropuppy Quiddles Quiddles queanbean queanbean Yahhah Yahhah ]

template by astraea ∙ beware hidden scrolling
Hazel || Location: Store | Mood: Wary | Interaction: InTheSea InTheSea Quiddles Quiddles Afropuppy Afropuppy Yahhah Yahhah
Hazel looked between the pups and the stranger, letting her stance settle slightly. While she may not trust the other dog, she trusted the pair behind her, and obviously the other had enough faith to have left them behind.

"Are you gonna help them, Hazel?"

She hesitated. Was she? The inside of the building had seemingly quieted amidst their conversation and her heart felt like it flipped over in her chest. That was either a good sign or a very, very bad sign. Hazel was surprised that the timid Creed had taken part in the conflict and it made her feel a little bit ashamed. There she was before, standing like a leader, but she couldn't even get over her fears to protect someone? Her ears drooped and she let out a long, wavering sigh.

"Stay here. And... k-keep your distance." She directed her gaze to the stranger. "If anything happens, howl." She turned her head and bumped her muzzle against Turtle's head, then took a few tentative steps toward the open store doors. The smell of blood only thickened, clouding her senses. It was dark - cast in shadow. It took a moment or two for her eyes to react. "Kir...ah? Creed?" She hissed, looking around. Turning a corner, she ran right into the large dog or, rather, the bag of food hanging from his mouth.

"Ah-" She took a step back with wide eyes, then felt relief rush through her body. Suddenly, she felt even more ashamed that she hadn't been more proactive. Hazel dropped her head and noticed two things. "Where is Kirah? You're injured?"
Creed nodded as Kirah asked him to take a bag outside to the others. Now that the adrenaline was wearing off he began to feel pain from his leg where he'd been bitten. Creed wasn't about to complain though, it could have been far worse. "I'll get this to the others" he told the labrador. Grabbing the bag in his mouth. From the looks of it it was for small dogs, it'd be good for the puppies... Probably. Creed turned and made his way towards the exit to the shop, trusting Kirah would stay close. He made it near the exit when he suddenly bumped into Hazel who commented on the state of him and the fact that Kirah was missing. He opened his jaws and allowed the bag to drop. "I'm fine, just a leg bite. Kirah wanted to explore around the store a bit more... The aggressive dog is still in here, though he seems to be down. Something strange happened to him, you'll see for yourself if you go farther in, Kirah asked me to get this food outside" Creed told the collie.
Afropuppy Afropuppy queanbean queanbean Quiddles Quiddles

Age: 1 ½
Gender: Female
Breed: Norwegian Lundehund
Notes: Injured back from bite
As Hazel headed into the store, Saga gingerly lowered herself until she was lying on her belly, going no closer the younger dogs. "I'm Saga," she introduced herself, sounding subdued. "I hope your friends are okay. I'll... stay here." She shuffled herself around a bit so she could keep one eye on the pups and one on the shop. She didn't know what she'd be able to do to help if the Bad Dog came out. Distract him so the puppies could run away, maybe, but she wasn't sure she could move very fast right at that moment.

Age: 5
Gender: Male
Breed: Pitbull
Notes: NPC, anyone can post for him
Inside, Nero's strange paddling actions slowed, but he remained unaware of his surroundings.

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The store contained more than the pack had initially thought. Heavy paw-steps pattered across the greasy laminate of the shop's back room with the only light coming from the broken window in which the marbled beast had made her entrance. Ran kept her head low as she scratched around the already ravaged shelves. She knew from scent she was not the only one here. The she-dog grumbled to herself as she kicked a few cans around. Licked clean. Ran had known from the beginning that she was not the first canine to be in here but still, she could not help but be annoyed about it. The large dog grumbled as she continued her search.

Urgh... Such greed." she grumbled, digging further into the rubbish. She hadn't eaten in three days and it was beginning to take its toll on her. "There has to be something in here." she sighed, struggling to not kick a can across the room in frustration. But in the midst of her frustration, something caught her nose. It smelled stale, hollow... but it was food! After some further digging, she found it. A baguette. Goodness knows how long it had been here, but it smelled edible despite it's staleness.

Once she had grabbed the bread, her ears swivelled and she turned to the door that lead to the rest of the store. With a flutter of her nostrils, she figured the amount of dogs in here. And the temperament. She knew one for sure. Nero. She had seen him but had not properly encountered him. If she went through that door, there was a strong chance of running straight into this strange pack and Nero. But there was no way to get back out the way she came through the window. Ran huffed, knowing she was beat. She would have to go through the store. Even at her size there was no way she could get back through that window.

"Totally inexcusable." She grumbled before gingerly pushing the door open. Maybe if she was just careful enough she could avoid any and all conflict.

Mentions : Quiddles Quiddles (Nero)
Interactions: None (open to interactions)
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“Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”


Cocoa stayed silent as Hazel spoke to the other dog, telling her to howl if something were to happen. The dachshund very much hoped that nothing would be happening out here, and everything would be happening inside that store. All thoughts of kibble had now gone, all that remained was worry for her friends; Kirah, Creed, and now Hazel.

The young pup said nothing when Hazel softly knocked her face against Turtles head; how nice. She really missed her mom... Where the others had gone through a broken window, Hazel was taking the apparent safer route. Once Hazel had entered the shadowy building, Cocoa turned her eyes on the other dog, now called Saga, lower herself to her belly. Flopped ears pulled back anxiously at the female dogs restrained voice.

"I'm sure they'll be okay. After all, we all got Kirah out from rubble. And they outnumber the Mean-Dog." Hope. It was all she had or could hope to have right now. Without another word, the young dog looked back towards the store, eyes flicking between the window and the doorway. They had to come out. They just had to.

[Interacting with: queanbean queanbean Quiddles Quiddles | Mentions: Afropuppy Afropuppy Quiddles Quiddles queanbean queanbean Yahhah Yahhah ]

template by astraea ∙ beware hidden scrolling
「Mentions:Yahhah, Quiddles, Bvmble, InTheSea」

Kirah sniffed around the store, unaware of the dog that was coming inside. At first, all she could find was rubble and destroyed items. She got excited at item that presumably used to be a frisbee but as she got closer she realized it was broken almost completely on one side. Not giving up hope, she continued sniffing around a bit longer until she in a half-closed plastic container.

Inside the container was a light pink sweater. It was very small, about the size of Cocoa. It was in a fairly good condition too. Maybe she could give it to the little dachshund as a gift? Just the thought of that made Kirah smile a little and slowly wag her tail. 'I hope she likes it' she thought as she went to pick it up.

When she got the gift in her mouth, she noticed that there was something under it. She dropped the little sweater down gently and looked inside the container again. A muzzle? It gave her bad memories of her owner but it also gave her an idea. If she figured out how to tie it around Nero's snout then she wouldn't have to worry about him being as big a problem when he woke up.

She grabbed the muzzle and silently trotted towards the still uncontious Nero. He had almost stopped moving so she figured she needed to be fast or he would wake up before she had a chance to put the muzzle on him. As she got closer, she started slowing down u til she was standing in front of him. She put the muzzle on his snout and backed away a bit in case that woke him up. After a few seconds, Kirah walked back in front of him again so she could tie it. She hadn't ever tried to apply one to another dog but she knew how it was tied because her owner used to put one on her, even though she never even tried to bite him.

At the back of the muzzle were two straps. She needed to push one onto the other so they would close. (Basically like those children shoes that have straps instead of laces because the kid is too young to be able to tie laces by itself) As carefully as she could, she pushed one of the straps with her paw into the other. She didn't want to apply any force because she might wake the dog up, so the straps didn't close properly. It was good enough though, because even then the dog would struggle a lot to get the muzzle out of his snout.

Kirah, proud of her accomplishment, went back to the plastic container and grabbed the little sweater in her mouth. She walked past the broken window in an attempt to reach the door before Nero woke up. She noticed the sky was getting closer to nighttime so she started walking a bit faster. When she reached the door she saw another dog. It looked more annoyed than angry, but it hasn't noticed her yet. At least, it hadn't seen her yet.

She took a few steps back and faced the window again. She didn't want to have to fight another dog, so she figured if she just exited through the window she could avoid all confrontation. She held the sweater in her mouth and jumped. What she didn't realize until too late was that she needed to jump with way more power because of her size. Her belly touched the bottom of the window, the broken glass scratching her a bit. It wasn't too bad, but it was enough for her to yowl fairly loudly. The other dog surely heard her, so as soon as she landed she ran off to the rest of her new group.

Hazel and Creed were in her way, but she wasn't able to stop fast enough so she accidentally bumped into Hazel a bit. "Sorry!" she said to Hazel and turned her head as she was walking over to the pups. When she reached them, she turned around to face Cocoa. She had noticed Saga there but since she was laying on her back Kirah ignored her. "I found this at the pet shop, and it's your size so I figured I would bring it back with me" she said to the dachshund in a cheerful and excited tone as she dropped the sweater in front of her. Kirah hoped that the pup would like her gift, but didn't say anything else and just waited there with her tail wagging to see how the little pup would react. She looked over at Creed and Hazel, who were both still there and then back at the pups.

template by astraea
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“Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”


"What was that?" Cocoa stood up straight when she heard a yelp and glanced at Turtle nervously. But when she looked out from behind the garbage can and over the resting Saga, she saw Kirah meeting up with Creed and Hazel. There was also something in the labs mouth. Hmm. Her little, yet long, tail began to wag rapidly, as there didn't seem to be any sign of Mean-Dog following her. Maybe Kirah got the better of him after all!

"You're back! You're back!" The small dachshund bounded out excitedly and stood beside Saga when Kirah dropped what she was holding. Sniffing it, she nosed the object as Kirah explained where she got it. "Oh! I know what this is!" Of course she did, her entire family all had their own sets of doggy clothing before everything went haywire. Luckily, the pup knew exactly how to put on the outfit herself as she knew how to wiggle her way out of it too. She nosed the backside open and used her fore-paws to hold the material as she slide it over herself, moving her paws in a crawling motion to get the outfit on her. And soon enough, she was dressed up. Though she couldn't really tell what color it was, the fact of the matter was that Kirah gave it to her.

"Thank you! I love it!" Again with the tail wagging, or booty wagging because of the speed.

[Interacting with: queanbean queanbean Afropuppy Afropuppy | Mentions: Afropuppy Afropuppy Quiddles Quiddles queanbean queanbean Yahhah Yahhah ]

template by astraea ∙ beware hidden scrolling
Hazel & Turtle || Mood: Regretful | Interaction(s): Afropuppy Afropuppy InTheSea InTheSea Yahhah Yahhah Quiddles Quiddles
"Mm..." Hazel hummed as she bowed her head to inspect the wound a bit more. "Better hope whoever bit you didn't have rabies." She said with a subtle grin - a joke, or at least an attempted one. "In any case, the fact that food was found is a good sign. Let's go? I... left the pups with a strange dog, though she seems harmless. I'd rather them not be alone much longer." Her ears flicked back. The strange, mean dog wouldn't be the only villain in this landscape, though she hoped he would be for now.

Turtle grinned and bounced on her paws when Hazel and Creep reappeared from within the shop, stub tail a-wagging. "What's that? Smells good! What'cha find?" She bounded over to the two, sniffing and padding along as they approached the apparent meeting place of their modest group. "Is that food? Cocoa look, they found food!" She looked back at the other pup excitedly.

It was then Kirah came flying through the window again. Though Hazel tried to avoid the collision it was apparently inevitable, causing the border collie to scoot aside with a squeak of surprise. She could smell the blood of both her and Creed's wounds and felt her ears droop slightly. They had both done so much to protect the pups while she had just cowardly lingered and avoided conflict. What right did she have to act all high and mighty when she couldn't even face danger? The young female lingered back a few steps and looked at the ground while Kirah delivered the gift to Cocoa.

Turtle inspected the sweater and pup with awe. "Isn't that kind of silly?" She giggled, having no clue that clothing for animals even existed. "It looks kinda cozy. But cute on you!" She bows down playfully, then pranced a bit. "Cute! Cute!" Though she didn't really understand the gesture, Cocoa's joy was contagious.


Age: 1 ½
Gender: Female
Breed: Norwegian Lundehund
Notes: Injured back from bite
Saga thought about standing up, but her back hurt, so she stayed where she was, lying on her belly, as the bigger dogs returned from the shop and the younger dogs greeted them and investigated the new items. She watched Cocoa wriggling into the coat, and sniffed towards the scent of food. Some of the other dogs smelled of blood. She lifted her head carefully so she could sniff the air a little better. "Is everyone okay? Did someone get hurt? What happened to the Bad Dog?" she asked, not really directing the question at anyone in particular.

Age: 5
Gender: Male
Breed: Pitbull
Notes: NPC, anyone can post for him
Amid the debris that littered the flood inside, Nero stirred. Dizzily he pulled his legs in until he could roll upright, but he felt weak and nothing seemed to be working properly. His head felt strange, oddly... constricted? He could smell other dogs, but he couldn't see them, and it made the room spin when he turned his head to look for them. Panting, he started to try to get back onto his feet.

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Creed nodded, "I sure hope they didn't" a bit of humor in his voice. Creed wasn't good with jokes. He cocked his head when Hazel mentioned the new dog. "Oh, that little one, the big dog was going after it before" he confirmed though he definitely saw where the collie was coming from. He noted Kirah coming by and bumping into Hazel with something in her mouth. He slightly wondered what it could be before he moved his snout back to the ground and grabbed the food in his jaws.

He hoped the mean dog wouldn't come rushing right back out of the store as they left the store and saw the puppies and new dog. Creed noticed Kirah offer the odd thing in her mouth to Cocoa. He dropped the food onto the ground, careful not to let any spill out. He didn't really have anything to say at the current time so he just sort of sat down and began to lick the bite on his leg in an attempt to dull the growing pain.

Afropuppy Afropuppy InTheSea InTheSea queanbean queanbean Quiddles Quiddles

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