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Fantasy Unlikely Alliance

"Classic. Always using hands for the kill...I would've used a bit of poison along with my hands to make the dragon suffer as much as possible before ending it's pathetic life but that just my opinion on the matter. My first kill of a dragon wasn't special since my twin cleaved her head off with a crystal sword."

Shiyam said while looking at her wine with a slight jealous look on her face.

"After that, I had managed to kill a dragon on my own with my power over wood. Skewered the poor beast with several wooden branches piercing its hide before my twin encased me in crystal as the damn dragon had poisoned me. I lived but not with my twin following me around for a week after that."


Marcus hid his surprise well.
So, they do fight amongst themselves. This is news indeed, and something we can turn to our advantage. He smiled to himself as he sipped his wine. Perhaps that is one of the reasons they wish for this peace. "You speak as if you are not a dragon yourself."

Marius nodded in agreement to her deduction of his powers before stopping himself with a frown and shaking his head. "Actually that is only one part of my powers. I'm a storm dragon. Also, my name is Marius Tempest." He glanced to his other side as some man came up to the younger dragon who sat there. The man was unusual.


Nae put his finger to the side of his face in a tapping motion before shaking his head at the young Claw. "No, I haven't been back to check on the blue fire clan in many years I believe. Do I seem familiar to you?" He raised an eyebrow at her and took the seat next to her. "I'll sit here for a few minute before I go greet our host, shall I?" He smiled at the girl while trying to figure out how long ago he had last been to his clan. He spoke suddenly to the girl again before she could answer him. "How long ago was the Blue Fire Clan born?"


Jumping down from her perch on Indicus's shoulder, Carissa settled into her seat and smiled over at him. "Well, this should be fun at least!" She looked around and realized that the serving people were bring out what smelled like cooked meat. Cringing slightly, she began to worry about that. She couldn't disrespect her host by not eating it, but it was just again her particular choices. Biting her lip, she glanced over at her companion and wondered if he'd notice her putting some of the food on his plate....

@Shadow Dancer

Tirrania quirked her lip to the side in a bemused fashion before sighing with a shrug. "I guess I'll ask her later about it. Oh, she's the woman that helped you to the table, yes? It seems she's been paired with Centurion Marcus." She watched the man beside her and placed a hand on his shoulder gently. "Its okay though, he has a reputation, but he's a good man, loyal to the royal family. I can talk to him if need be. I wonder if he was told about the shared rooms though...." She muttered the last part to herself as she scanned the room. A servant came up to place their plates in front of them.

"A storm dragon?" Alessia repeated, turning it over in her mind. She remembered that the clan she traveled with told her that their skills-now hers- were actually taught to them by a dragon, but she thought that those were just stories or rumors. Storm... so, wind as well. "Nice to meet you, Marius. Hopefully, this will all work out." She said politely. She glanced over at the man and woman in front of them- the soldier and a dragon lady. They were talking about killing dragons- she could almost hear her parents complaining about how it's 'hardly a conversation one should have at dinner'. That amused her for no reason, and she almost laughed.

@Jayden Kisubo


Kadami tilted her head to the side as she looked over this strange dragon. "Well... my clan has been around for about a thousand years?" She frowned slightly. Her clan was small, so it was younger than most, but there was also the fact that she didn't pay attention to her clan's history as much as she probably should. She was more curious about humans than the history of her clan- which was the point of embarrassment for her parents many times. But, if he felt familiar, and he hadn't been around for many years... could he be the dragon she heard about?
Indicus watched Carissa set down, "Yes this should be interesting." he replied not putting much energy behind it. When the servers came out moments later and the smell of meat hung in the air he noticed that Carissa seemed to cringe a little. The action was barely noticeable and he would have missed it if he was not looking at her. He wondered why she would cringe at the smell of meat seeing that most dragons seemed to be carnivorous in nature. Then it hit him, like humans some dragons probably don't like meat for one reason or another. Indicus felt a bit foolish that for a moment he though of dragons in a collective rather then individuals, regardless he kept his polite smile.
<p>Esmae was ready to die, at the moment she was sitting in her chair stabbing the table with her fork -literally and trying to think of something to do.</p>


Of course it didn't help that she had the attention span of a three year old or that she was trying to be alone but bored, is bored.</p>


She didn't want to talk to the man beside her but kept glancing for some odd reason, deciding to kill her boredom she turned and face her betrothed,</p>


"Why did you offer me a dress? I shall say it was kind but your a male, why would <em>you</em> have a dress?" she asked, giving a suspicious look.</p>


That was something she actually wondered, or maybe he was referencing to something else. She rolled her eyes at the thought.</p>


<a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/9688-royalphoenix32/" data-mentionid="9688">@RoyalPhoenix32</a></p>
Carissa bit her lip when the servant put the plate down in front of her. It had some sort of fowl along with a salad and what looked like diced potatoes. She turned her plate so that the meat was furthest from her and even pushed it to the edge of the plate, she really didn't like meat. It tasted funny to her. She glanced shyly at Inducus and spoke softly. "Um, this'll sound weird with me being a dragon and all, but if you want any of the meat they serve me from now on, you can have it. I won't eat it at all..." She smiled slightly at him.

@Shadow Dancer

Marius looked over at Alessia and raised an eyebrow. "Indeed, it would be best if it did. We will, however, have to make sure that we won't kill each other first. It shouldn't be a problem if you have a mind." He said it in an absent way, as if it was a normal comment, which to him, it was. He had heard it a million times between couples.


Nae hummed as he thought. "A thousand years, you say. That means I haven't been there in 300 or so years....." He paused for a moment and then smiled sheepishly. "Oh, I have been rude haven't I? My name is Eiliatnae Norre'eplith, a pleasure to meet you."
"It's okay, I can do that Carissa." Indicus answered noting Carissa's embarrassment on the matter. He noticed how casual their interactions have been and how fast they befriended each other and saw nothing odd about it. Carissa was naturally friendly and trusting towards others, almost to a fault. He could only hope someone would not take advantage of her kindness and that nothing would taint it. It was very rare to find someone like her, someone that the darker shades of the world had not touched.

@Jayden Kisubo
Alessia turned sharply to look at her fiance, almost but not quite glaring. "The same could be said of you." She felt the anger rising, and clenched her hands together under the table. After a moment, she spoke again, although she didn't look in his direction. "Don't talk to me like I'm below you." She told him.


Kadami smiled back at him. "My name is Kadami. It is good to meet you." She said, bowing her head slightly. He was older- much older- than her, and felt like a clan member. That was enough for her.

@Jayden Kisubo
Carissa smiled and hugged him quickly before settling back into her chair. "Oh, thank you! All the dragons think I'm weird if I mention that I don't eat the stuff. I haven't met another vegetarian, yet." She picked some of her greens and nibbled on them as she sat there. She was very happy now that someone knew about her random dislike of meats. She leaned against him slightly. "I guess I got lucky in all this." The words were muttered under her breath.

@Shadow Dancer

Marius looked down at Alessia with a confused frown on his phrase. "What are you going on about woman?" He hoped she would get over whatever it was soon, he didn't feel like blowing the castle apart before his storm had even gotten there.


Nae watched the girl and realized quite suddenly that she might not know who he was with how young she looked. It was odd to him to say the least. Also a bit refreshing. "So, do you know anything about Elves?" He questioned quite suddenly.
Esmae twirled the food around on her plate using magic -it was literally twirling- with her head propped up on one hand and her finger spinning.

Of course she had to bring "Playing with your food" to a whole new level, eh. Why not? she thought to herself watching the broccoli twirl around like a floating forest.

Of course she thought "Why not" until someone serving the food dropped something behind her, causing her to jump and sending the broccoli flying into random peoples faces. With a small gasp she slowly sunk back into her chair, "Uh... Sorry..."

@Anyone who feels like getting hit with broccoli
Alessia looked back over at him, angry. "For one thing, you know my name. I suggest you use it, unless you like being referred to by what you are instead of who you are. Guessing by that scene earlier, you don't." She frowned. "If you have a mind, you'd know that your attitude won't help matters." She looked away, shaking her head and sighing. "Nevermind." She looked to the hostess, Solona. "Please excuse me for a moment." She said, standing. Her headache from earlier was returning- with a vengeance. She needed to go outside and relax for a minute, or it would never go away.


Kadami tilted her head to the side. "The elves are our allies and have been for several thousand years. They have a coming of age rite not unlike our own, live in clans like we do, among other things. We share a lot, actually." She shrugged slightly. She spent more time learning about humans, since she knew so little about them in comparison, except for what the war involved. "I've never actually met one, though."

@Jayden Kisubo
Indicus felt Carissa lean against him but did not catch what she mumbled but in that moment he actually remembered and from what he remembered about the seating arrangements for the dinner and suddenly he realized both to his relief and surprise that he was engaged to Carissa. "Your welcome." Indicus replied with a smile, happy that the one that he was engaged to was as friendly as Carissa was.

@Jayden Kisubo

Shiyam looked at her wine with some sorrow in her face and words.

"My twin and I have read many of your races books and learned your many languages but it was always sad for us to leave humans behind as they live shorter lives than us. Friends that were made a few hundred years ago are dead and reincarnated with no memory of who they were in their past life. Living so long causes one to think more on how to fill a void that was once full than to deal with other things. I often went out of my home to hunt rogue dragons just to release my sorrow when a human friend died. Its never easy for us."

She said before downing her drink in one gulp. Yes, it caused pain to her to think of a recently deceased human friend of theirs. A wise old sage that happened to be their father figure in hers and Zain's life.

@Jayden Kisubo

Zain nodded before hearing about the shared room. That caused his right eye to twitch. A human sharing a room...with his twin...He pinched the bridge of his nose to keep himself from flying into a rage but some of the crystal that was around him reacted, causing them to either grow bigger than normal or break.

"I haven't about that either. Someone forgot to tell me about it but enough about talking about my twin and...can you help me at least make sure I don't try to get anything on my outfit?"

He said before asking.


Gawain smirked.

"I have to occasional want to feel what it's like to be in a woman's clothing and God, are they too tight. I maybe a man but I have more of a woman's appearance than most here. So I had some of my cloth designers make some dresses that are a bit tight but not too tight. At least it allows you to breath in the dress than having to suffocate from having little air in your lungs."

He said before his thoughts went to his secret. Oh how he was able to maintain being a harem girl for a few months before someone actually had the balls to bail him out. Now that was fun...Maybe he could try it again sometime, but with company as well. He did hope his betrothed wasn't a prude about having fun. That was till he was hit by broccoli in the face. He didn't mind getting hit by food but his little Esmae was very unpredictable. He was going to have...His thoughts ground to halt...His Esmae? Oh God this wasn't happening. He was already thinking the human was his mate. Or did he think she was going to be...Ah! That was were his thoughts were going! He was to have fun with her but he didn't think of her as his mate. He didn't want a mate to tie him down while he had a job of being a thief, Gawain Estrild. Hopefully no one knew of his relation to the guild or how his name was faked.
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"That is the most ridiculous reasoning I've ever heard but then again I'm the female hunter so I have no right to point out shenanigans." she said.

But she also jumped off roofs, dived into lakes and annoyed people to no end so she ha no right to talk about someone else being ridiculous. Ever.

She bit her lip to keep from laughing when her run away broccoli hit him -Wait, him? did I even ask his name?- she wondered to herself.

"Uh... I should have asked this earlier but what is your name?"

Gawain smiled. He took it in stride that no one knew his actual name but his alias' name and it payed off rather handsomely as well. Of course, he often told his 'lovers' different names but never Gawain or Adele as they would tie the two names together.

"My name is Adele Adlar Allen Bran Briar. And no need to be sarcastic."

He said while taking a sip of his wine.
Tirrania grabbed a cloth napkin from in between their plates and set it in Zain's lap. It would make it easier in the long run for not making a mess. She then took his hands once again and placed them over his fork and knife. Turning the plate so that the meat on the plate was at 6 o'clock, she began to speak. "Your duck is at six o'clock, you may need to cut it up some before eating it. At 3 o'clock you have a salad, the dressing is at 12 o'clock above the plate. And at 9 o'clock, you have some mashed potatoes with a brown gravy over the top." She took a small bite of her own potatoes before concentrating on his food. She wondered if she could figure out the aura trick, was it just as simple as placing a bit of your magic over the food like a film, or did you have to cook it yourself, placing the magic in as you go?


Carissa looked up at Indicus and asked suddenly. "So, where all have you gone. You must have some interesting stories." She smiled and began to eat some of her potatoes. She lifted her glass and sniffed it. It smelled weird and was red. It was.... wine? She'd never had wine before, was it good? "Is wine good?" She looked over at him again while still holding the glass, her eyes wide.

@Shadow Dancer

'I almost want to leave her out there...' Marius sighed as the thought flitted through his head. He couldn't leave her out there, he knew. He had just earlier that day pushed a lot of power into the storm that was about to hit. He was sure if he could safely turn it back, much less anyone else. He stood from his seat and bowed to the hostess of this gathering before walking out of the dining hall to follow Alessia. "It would be unwise to go outside right now." He felt the storm coming over the top of the castle and without thinking about it fed some more of his power into it, making it a true storm. He really wanted to go out there and fly in it... "You'll get sick." He was speaking softly, he didn't want to be responsible for his betrothed getting sick.


Nae grinned at Kadami and nodded. "Correct! Although, your clan has a deeper tie to the elves than any other dragon clan. Do you know what it is?" He tilted his head to the side and grabbed the glass of wine that was sitting in the spot he had stolen for the moment. He wanted to see what his descendants were being taught about their beginning.
Indicus took a sip of the red wine in-front of him, the taste was something that he was not used to but not unpleasant. "It's not that bad actually." He replied to her question.

After answering Carissa's question he thought of a tale to tell Carissa and a moment later found a short tale that he thought she would like. "Well I can tell you about my first time an exploring old ruin. Anyway, about three years ago I started my journey into the world and ended up in a small town where I planned to restock on supplies and move on. During my stay in a tavern I heard about an old long abandon fort and according to legend was suppose to be haunted by the spirits of the dead defenders from a ancient war. As a punishment for failing to protect it from attackers the defenders were cursed, never to be able to enter the afterlife forever wandering the halls and towers and keeping invaders out even as the fort crumbled. Of course I did not believe the legend thinking it was there just to ward off looters and scare children."

Indicus took another sip of the wine in front of him before continuing. "After I was convinced that the legend was false I gathered my things the next day and after asking for its location I made the hour walk there. Well for the sake of time I will say this, during my exploration I got to discover spirit's did exist, they could not be killed and only left once what ever held them there was destroyed or killed in my case. You see the legend was correct about the spirits but not the reason. I found that they were there because group of Necromancers practiced their craft there and the spirits were forced to defend them. I was able to take by surprise and defeat some of the less experienced ones and the older Necromancers almost killed me several times with their spells. With a little luck I managed to take care of most of the others while some got away." Indicus ate some of his duck before concluding. "Well that is one of my adventures hope you enjoyed it. I'm not too good at story telling never got to tell my stories to many with me moving around so much."
Alessia looked up at Marius, frowning. "There shouldn't even be a storm today." She told him. She could tell that it was magical- that was the first part of her training- which meant that she needed to make sure that it didn't grow too much. "Besides, you don't actually care, do you? You're just here because someone in change told you to come." She told him, then headed outside. She could hear the thunder already.


Kadami smiled. He sounded like a teacher. "Elves are our allies, but the founder of our clan lived among them for a long time. I think he even took the elven rite of passage instead of a draconian one. On that, his ability changed to a blue fire." She responded. For the life of her, she couldn't remember the dragon's name, but she knew that she was taught it...

@Jayden Kisubo
"I wont be sarcastic." She said. "Right now..."

She propped her head up on her hand wondering when they were allowed to leave.

Not that she didn't like fancy food and great whine, but right now she'd prefer to run or do something active. Maybe the castle has a training hall. She wondered, knocking something over or sparring with a guard sounded much more appealing then this did. With a bored sigh she leaned back in her chair and stared up, forgetting that the action revealed a rather wicked looking scar on her upper neck.

Esmae loved the look of the crystal chandelier, the glimmer of white caused by the candles was her favourite thing about it. With a small smile she looked back down, Adele aller add- That'll take a while to remember...
(Shit! Sorry guys, I haven't been getting any notifications for this.)


He frowned as the woman told her story, trying to make sense of what she said. When she finished, Marcus sat there for a moment, glass in hand, trying to process what she had just said. "Hunt," he spoke hesitantly. "Rogue.......Dragons......" He rubbed his left temple with his unoccupied hand. "I'm afraid I don't understand. Why would you have reason to hunt down your own kind?"

Shiyam just looked at her empty wine glass. It wasn't fair to live so long. To her and her twin, more times over the years the thought of wanting to join their human friends became more...appealing. She and her twin did decide to drink a potion that their father figure made them to drink only as a last resort in the past week and planned on drinking it before the letter came and gave both of them hope.

"It hurts to see those you see as family and close friends pass. The reason to hunt rogues was to release the sorrow that builds up but it did little to relieve it from our hearts."

She said with her semi-permanent passive look on her face.


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