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Futuristic Unknown Crisis OOC [Private]

Deck the fuckin' halls, y'all. Eppie loves Christmas; there is not a single Christmas song she doesn't know the lyrics to, from the secular to the faith driven. There is not a song she really dislikes, but her favourites are 'O Holy Night' and 'Silent Night'. In terms of her celebration of the holiday, she spends the lead up to Christmas in the typical, commercialized/modernized way. However, on Christmas Eve, she locks herself away for a couple of hours to contact her family, and additionally to do devotionals. After, she joins the crew for Christmas shenanigans.
oooh cars

June rides motorcycles, usually. She can drive better than Cathal, but to her, riding is more fun. I just added a blurb about her getting her very first bike at ~18 years of age. :3

So in '17, she probably rides either a ridiculous looking Ducati Concept or a '16 Honda. Depends on how frugal she's feelin.
Ok sure umm....
Mako needs something that can go off road and carry large amounts of meat so she buys the biggest but most fuel efficient pickup truck she can find, frankly though its really hard to be an eco-conscious hunter :/

Miranda - immediately obvious are the many mementos and keepsakes from Miranda's adventures ranging from fangs, claws, and skulls to geological samples, fossils or plantforms, all kept reasonably neat and organized along with the rest of her things. Miranda's room is where the sisters' smart-printer is kept, as its components take up most of the cabin space set aside for the worktable. A holoprojector in the ceiling turns on whenever the main lights are turned out, supplying softer lighting to the room as well as displaying a star map of the Lili'uokalani's two tours and the planets Miranda visited. Mounted to the wall is a pull-up bar which Miranda uses for exercise whenever she doesn't feel like hitting the rec room for a full workout, which serves for both upper and lower body exercises thanks to Miranda's prehensile feet. Miranda's bed is a spongy memory foam to accommodate her morphology, and a holoscreen projector is mounted on the far wall from her bed that interfaces directly with her inserts. Much of the extra wallspace is taken up by blankets or art from the Commonwealth, little pieces of Eudaimonia and the Kollontai system to give the space a homey feel.

Altis - walking into Altis' room is like walking into a jungle-in-a-box. Being a bioengineer, Altis has genehacked and grown much of what anyone else would use technology for, keeping her room humid for the sake of the little ecosystem within. Bio-luminescent flowers provide the room with light, cycling between high and low light depending on ship-local time, aromatic plants respond to Altis' mood - as indicated by an interface connected to her cortical inserts - by adding relaxing or stimulating pheromones into the air in her room, and small colonies of bioengineered insects help maintain her rows of hanging gardens that naturally synthesize products like soap or toothpaste along with their own food. Altis' biosynthetic violin - or, as Miranda calls it, her biolin - is kept in a special case where it is able to draw nutrients from between uses. She keeps a small console at her workstation connected to a bioprinter which she uses to create novel lifeforms, either for her own edification or toward some useful purpose, but most of her serious equipment is down in the ship's lab space. There are a few technological appliances such as the holoscreen projector, and like her sister Altis keeps much of her spare wallspace covered in Commonwealth art, but the living ecosystem she has created for her space is a point of pride for her.

Zephyr - alternates between Miranda's and Altis' room when in need of rest, snuggling up with either of the sisters when it's time for bed. If Zephyr knows you're cool with them, they will also find your room and sleep in your bed with you from time to time.


Miranda drives a Jeep, and Altis drives an electric bicycle [on the rare occasions] when she doesn't want to ride with Miranda; Zephyr is content to ride shotgun with Miranda, or in the backseat when Altis rides with Miranda.

First Crushes

Miranda's first puppy crush was on an outdoorsy boy named Mzoxolo, and Altis' was on a young and nerdy enby named Khulan. As love is a lot more free in the Commonwealth than elsewhere, Miranda and Altis both moved through early relationships with ease, given the tools to navigate them by their mother society from a very young age. Both of them have been involved with people of many genders from all over the Commonwealth, and have both gone steady in romantic pairs and been involved in polycules ranging from trios to groups of twenty. Mzoxolo and Khulan were both educational first relationships for Miranda and Altis, who kept in touch with their crushes as they got older and had more stories to swap.

Zephyr crushes on everyone they meet. Miranda and Altis are both pack, but Zephyr's neurology is deliberately designed to allow them to form attachments to others and incorporate them into a loose pack. Anyone receptive to Zephyr will find them to be a huge cuddlebug, as Zephyr will seek them out for stimulation whenever they can.


Miranda - basically a pun goblin.

Altis - even while holding fast to the idea that puns are the lowest form of wit, Altis will still laugh at a good pun.

Zephyr - the concept of puns isn't something Zephyr has much of a grasp of, but if you're laughing, Zephyr's probably happy.

Unlockable Romance Scene

Miranda - have a high paragon score, pick the daring options, help others where you can, and be unfailingly yourself. Miranda is pansexual and has diverse taste in partners, and doesn't really have a 'type' so long as you're a decent to good person and you can keep up with her. Expect her to turn up to your quarters dressed in gorgeous & easily removed garments, wearing aphrodisiac-infused perfume, knowing how to put those extra hands to good use, and looking to have a hell of a time before the final mission.

Altis - have a high paragon score, collect genetic samples for her to study, help others where you can, and accept (or at least respect) her biopunk gifts when she takes enough of a shining to you to start growing some for you. Altis is also pansexual and has no particular type provided their prospective partner shares their love of life and can either complement or counterbalance her cerebral personality. Altis will show up in her best dress, also wearing aphrodisiac-infused perfume of her own formulation but will be a much more easy-going and tender partner.

Zephyr - give them lots of scritches and don't be mean to them, Miranda or Altis, and they will seek you out for cuddles or playfights, probably by dropping from the ventilation shaft in your ceiling and trotting up to you like the weird dog they are.


Being from a system where 'dog' is an umbrella term for what are a taxonomically and biologically diverse group of organisms, Miranda and Altis both have extremely elastic definitions of what qualifies. Below is an example of a 'weird' dog.

Worth remembering in this case is that by the sisters' definition, Zephyr would qualify as a weird dog.

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Kevin doesn’t have a fursona, despite Tina’s best efforts. The closest she ever got to approval was when she made him a pangolin.

Billy is a fucking ape. Or some kind of monkey. She don’t care.

Tina is definitely a secretary bird. Because pretty velociraptors.
Oh lorrrr

I did give her an alpaca hologram thing...but I mean cute cartoony animals are sort of her flare.

Maybe a cheetah or Jaguar? June likes to go fast, and canon has a cat ears helmet.

Edit: Damijan would be a fucking Dragon. He just thinks it'd be cool to fly & breathe fire and abduct sheep.
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Goody is a pitbull with no ears and one eye. And donny is a badger.
Well if you held a gun on her and told her to grab a fursuit yeah but idk furries are such a weird idea when dealing with a shapeshifter culture that the idea is ironically alien.
Mako being an alien or a shapshifter is pointedly absurd and counter to cannon :/ Definitely. not. an Alien.
Uh guys...

Halloween traditions and costumes? Also, "most creative use of a pumpkin?"

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